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Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions [Thread 2]

so seen pakistani soldier on top of indian mig last year...
and will see rafale under chinese soldiers foot this/ next year

It will make for an interesting wallpaper for sure. The J10C is basically the same as the Rafale, and lets not talk about how much of a leap forward the J20 is over anything India currently has.
Good show of strength by India. I like the intent and going by the posts here its causing serious discomfort among some here.
The only people who should be scared by this "good show of strength" is the people of India. They should view this as an act of desperation and purchase of overpriced European weaponry. India's enemies meanwhile will only be laughing at India's lack of an arms industry and the need to hurriedly purchase from foreign vendors at exorbitant prices.

with j20 they don't even have to engage in WVR... oh man bad things will happen to india
General doctrine for 5th generation fighters is they should not go into WVR. But then again, the J-20 is getting equipped with TVC and more powerful engines so I don't see why they could not go into WVR, even if this remains the job of J-10s and J-16s.
The only people who should be scared by this "good show of strength" is the people of India. They should view this as an act of desperation and purchase of overpriced European weaponry. India's enemies meanwhile will only be laughing at India's lack of an arms industry and the need to hurriedly purchase from foreign vendors at exorbitant prices.
Please spare us your lectures. India will do what it feels is right. We pay with our own money. It's a fighter aircraft and not a show piece that sits in the hangars. If we don't use it in a situation like this, I don't see why anyone would buy it. Lastly, India will buy what we want, when we want and use it how we want. A random Pakistani trying to question that is seriously Super lame!
Will the Chinese now deploy JF-17 Block 3 to counter the Rafale? It will be the ultimate statement from both Chinese and Pakistanis. Wait! let me make this a tweet and post it here as news!

Pak will deploy Jf17 block 3 but China could deploy J20, J10, J16 plus S400's.
Good luck.
I do not assume that the Rafales will be based out of Ladakh. Do you know what base will they be stationed at?

1st squadron ambala,2nd hasimara.Detatchments may be deployed anywhere but these 2 and gwalior are permanent bases.
Visited Leh last year IAF must have expanded the tunnels, hangers and other infra a lot to base so many toys thr...

Now Rafale that means the goodies already landed thr... pretty sure more expansions are in progress.. before winters come with -30 avg temp lots of work needs to be done

Rafale does not even need weapons to severely damage PLA. During a NATO exercise few years back, a Rafale using solely it's SPECTRA pretty much shut down an entire battalion of S-300PMU2 missiles of Slovakia.
oh wow! another delusional bakht spotted.
S-300PMU3 from 2012 is when this SPECTRA test occurred. This is about eight years ago now and another thing is S-300PMU series use very different electronics and software. Even the first series of HQ-9 adopt Patriot style digital system architecture and phased radar arrays. But if 2012 cold war missile system is defeated by Rafale during exercise that must mean Rafale can defeat 2020 SAM systems too in real war. 6 Rafale can beat all PLAAF and PLA ground force, 36 Rafale can let New Delhi capture Beijing.
Please spare us your lectures. India will do what it feels is right. We pay with our own money. It's a fighter aircraft and not a show piece that sits in the hangars. If we don't use it in a situation like this, I don't see why anyone would buy it. Lastly, India will buy what we want, when we want and use it how we want. A random Pakistani trying to question that is seriously Super lame!

I agree. Like I said, you just send the spring lambs to the slaughter house. Why should we care.
Just a piece of advice, you saw that PC where a piece of AMRAAM was shown by IAF!!

Did you find where was it's front end!!
Did you find if it wasn't stuck in the "toi" of a Su 30MKi!!

Just a suggestion.
I am sure you know after that piece of shrapnel , SU 30s were never seen near the LOC, were sent to the safety of Ambala AFB.

We are keen to see how many days Rafale would fly in Ladakh that's all.
The only electronic warfare superpower is USA and China is really much more worried about American EW expertise. Both of us have been developing new generations of EMP weapons for repeated use and ability to specific targets. DRFM jamming style used by SPECTRA and its signal sampling ability is really low stuff for USA and even China now. F-35 has suite of electronics that make SPECTRA really seem from 1990s in electronic design. Gripen has superior suite similar in concept to Rafale. J-10C and later fighters also then adopted better DRFM and sensor fusion components related to ECM ECCM and more important, resistance to EW.

Sweden and Holland also more electronic powers than France. Holland not in weapons but technology and commercial design and fabrication. Sweden is able to build some very serious electronic weapons.

Indians beginning to learn about EW and beginning to realize which products to buy.

What will be interesting and competition is see whether PAF or PLAAF will get first Rafale kill. Of course only after this Rafale shoot down 10 J-20s and disable whole PLAAF with super duper hyper sPecTeeerRRRRRRAaaaaa.
The only electronic warfare superpower is USA and China is really much more worried about American EW expertise. Both of us have been developing new generations of EMP weapons for repeated use and ability to specific targets. DRFM jamming style used by SPECTRA and its signal sampling ability is really low stuff for USA and even China now. F-35 has suite of electronics that make SPECTRA really seem from 1990s in electronic design. Gripen has superior suite similar in concept to Rafale. J-10C and later fighters also then adopted better DRFM and sensor fusion components related to ECM ECCM and more important, resistance to EW.

Sweden and Holland also more electronic powers than France. Holland not in weapons but technology and commercial design and fabrication. Sweden is able to build some very serious electronic weapons.

Indians beginning to learn about EW and beginning to realize which products to buy.

What will be interesting and competition is see whether PAF or PLAAF will get first Rafale kill. Of course only after this Rafale shoot down 10 J-20s and disable whole PLAAF with super duper hyper sPecTeeerRRRRRRAaaaaa.

ok so as per ur expert opinion chinese already passed french in EW and now competes with UsA, and India has watsoever expertise then u have no idea where the French stands and where India stands ...

So enlightened urself I can assure you homegrown EW solutions in India are more than sufficient for watever cheap Ruski copies u throw ...
F-16AM and those Migs are all from before 21st century. S-300PMU defeat those in one exercise but was fooled by Rafale. Later F-16 versions maybe able to achieve similar results. Israeli airforce has good EW jamming equipment on their F-16. In fact French just put a name to this EW suite even though most good fighters after 2010 has similar things if not already much better and higher scope of instruments like EODAS integrated with EW. So marketing is important to keep saying a brand name and here it is SPECTRA but this isn't meaning other fighters don't have similar systems just without fancy name.

ok so as per ur expert opinion chinese already passed french in EW and now competes with UsA, and India has watsoever expertise then u have no idea where the French stands and where India stands ...

So enlightened urself I can assure you homegrown EW solutions in India are more than sufficient for watever cheap Ruski copies u throw ...

It's okay whatever. We won't fight you mighty Indians anyway. Already we have retreated in fear of Specterrrraaaaa! You have all of Ladakh now and there is 0% chance for war since we have given you everything. Cheap Ruski copies cannot achieve anything next to almighty IAF that is certainly convinced to both sides which is why PLA left and India has been given all of Ladakh up to finger 8 and all Galwan Valley. Jia Hindi!

so he works for dassault lol . sounds like a made up story by an employee of dassault .

This engineer is proud their 2012 fighter with AESA upgrade and maybe even some upgrades to electronics, has defeated 1999 missile system and some 1980s and 1990s fighters did not achieve what their 2012 fighter achieved. India is very impressed. They will be happy about having this and not use it until maybe years later like Su-30MKI and then in real battle, the new French made "mighty Raptor of Asia" will not deliver like they imagined in the time between being happy and talking about new raptor of asian skies, and the time where these raptors achieve 0 kills and fail to prevent PAF molestation using non bragging equipment with no advertised name like SPEKKKTERRRAAAAA.
This engineer is proud their 2012 fighter with AESA upgrade and maybe even some upgrades to electronics, has defeated 1999 missile system and some 1980s and 1990s fighters did not achieve what their 2012 fighter achieved. India is very impressed.
so india will avenge the killing of 20 men after the arrival of rafael?:azn:
if not then ye chutiya banana band ker .

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