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Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions [Thread 2]

New Delhi (July 19): The Indian Air Force is reportedly planning to deploy the first batch of Rafale fighter jets in the Ladakh sector soon after they arrive in India on July 27 to bolster India’s military position in the region amid ongoing border tension with China.

The possible deployment of the fighter jets in the Ladakh sector is also on the agenda of the IAF commanders’ three-day conference which will begin on Wednesday, PTI reported, citing military sources.

During the key meet, senior commanders of the Indian Air Force will discuss in detail the country's air defence system and also carry out an in-depth review of it. The conference will commence from July 22 and will be headed by Air Chief Marshal RKS Bhadauria and attended by all seven of his commanders-in-chief.

Indian and Chinese forces have been locked in a bitter border standoff in eastern Ladakh since early May this year. The two sides started the disengagement process earlier this month in the first step towards de-escalation of border tensions.

Air and ground crews have undergone full training on the aircraft including advanced weapons systems over the last one year in France,” said one of the officials cited above, speaking on the condition of anonymity.

Rafale does not even need weapons to severely damage PLA. During a NATO exercise few years back, a Rafale using solely it's SPECTRA pretty much shut down an entire battalion of S-300PMU2 missiles of Slovakia.
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Rafale does not even need weapons to severely damage PLA. During a NATO exercise few years back, a Rafale using solely it's SPECTRA pretty much shut down an entire battalion of S-300PMU2 missiles of Bulgaria.

Hi, can you give link to read about this.
I know Indians are show-offs but this is even too much by Indian standards. Border skirmish and tension with china have brought out the real insecurities and internal fears of the Indian establishment. Just consider this list of deployments on LAC

SU30MKI & MIG29 deployed
10K+ troop deployment
Chinook and Apache helicopters deployed
Indian navy deployed boats in the Himalayan lake (for crying out loud :hitwall:)
Indian special Para commandos deployed
MARCOS from Indian navy deployed
now Rafale is going to join this list

Man, I could only imagine the number of Bollywood movies next year celebrating victory over china. Each item on this list will produce at least 2 films.
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So that mean if China shot down Rafale or India shot down its own aircraft then they won't have any excuse like the made one if we had Rafale the situation would have been different :nana:

Now Rafale's reputation is going to be destroyed by the Indians. I feel for the French.

Ok bro source doesn't seem good, u can delete it.. I'll try searching.

So you are saying Indian Rafales will be able to dodge the Indian S-300 system? Okay. I think that would be an improvement over the IAF performance on 27th February, 2019.

Even if Rafales escape being shot by the Indian S-300s they will be shot by the Chinese S-400s.

Let's see how long they can fly Rafale without accidents. :-)

Rafales are being deployed without any operational training. So you know what the result would be.

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