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Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions [Thread 2]

The Indian Air Force is reportedly planning to deploy the first batch of Rafale fighter jets in the Ladakh sector soon after they arrive in India on July 27 to bolster India’s military position in the region amid ongoing border tension with China.
There are great chances of CRASHING them in Ladakh, instead of being more useful in air combat.
This decision smacks of desperation and fear. I smell, I smell,.. dhotis getting soiled up and down the length of India now.

This must be a directive from Modi himself. His must be running out of white dhotis by now!

The Indians and Modi must be feeling what Hitler felt like all those decades ago when the Reds(this time the Ruskies) bearing down on him while he was holed up in his bunker..

There is no other logic to explain this decision...
Good show of strength by India. I like the intent and going by the posts here its causing serious discomfort among some here.
New Delhi (July 19): The Indian Air Force is reportedly planning to deploy the first batch of Rafale fighter jets in the Ladakh sector soon after they arrive in India on July 27 to bolster India’s military position in the region amid ongoing border tension with China.

The possible deployment of the fighter jets in the Ladakh sector is also on the agenda of the IAF commanders’ three-day conference which will begin on Wednesday, PTI reported, citing military sources.

During the key meet, senior commanders of the Indian Air Force will discuss in detail the country's air defence system and also carry out an in-depth review of it. The conference will commence from July 22 and will be headed by Air Chief Marshal RKS Bhadauria and attended by all seven of his commanders-in-chief.

Indian and Chinese forces have been locked in a bitter border standoff in eastern Ladakh since early May this year. The two sides started the disengagement process earlier this month in the first step towards de-escalation of border tensions.

Good machine is one thing, and experience with that is another thing.
Mary jaogy yeh mat kerna.
It is written in simple plain english. If that is too hard for you to understand, I suggest you leave the forum and go back to tending your cows or something equally challenging and within your limited capabilities.
Yawwn! ok. So you have nothing to counter a simple question to explain your post. Should have known! You deserve to be in my ignore list.

Rafale does not even need weapons to severely damage PLA. During a NATO exercise few years back, a Rafale using solely it's SPECTRA pretty much shut down an entire battalion of S-300PMU2 missiles of Slovakia.
I heard Rafale doesn't even need to take off. You just press ignition button & the enemy country gets nuked to stone age.. Jai hindi
There are great chances of CRASHING them in Ladakh, instead of being more useful in air combat.

That will be an expensive crash at 250 million usd a pop for a 4th gen fighter. Feel for the Indian tax

I heard Rafale doesn't even need to take off. You just press ignition button & the enemy country gets nuked to stone age.. Jai hindi

Even their Mig 21 shoots down jets without firing missiles. They should deploy
mig 21's against China with Abhinandhan as the lead pilot.
Will the Chinese now deploy JF-17 Block 3 to counter the Rafale? It will be the ultimate statement from both Chinese and Pakistanis. Wait! let me make this a tweet and post it here as news!
New Delhi (July 19): The Indian Air Force is reportedly planning to deploy the first batch of Rafale fighter jets in the Ladakh sector soon after they arrive in India on July 27 to bolster India’s military position in the region amid ongoing border tension with China.

The possible deployment of the fighter jets in the Ladakh sector is also on the agenda of the IAF commanders’ three-day conference which will begin on Wednesday, PTI reported, citing military sources.

During the key meet, senior commanders of the Indian Air Force will discuss in detail the country's air defence system and also carry out an in-depth review of it. The conference will commence from July 22 and will be headed by Air Chief Marshal RKS Bhadauria and attended by all seven of his commanders-in-chief.

Indian and Chinese forces have been locked in a bitter border standoff in eastern Ladakh since early May this year. The two sides started the disengagement process earlier this month in the first step towards de-escalation of border tensions.


I do not assume that the Rafales will be based out of Ladakh. Do you know what base will they be stationed at?
Inshallah first Rafale kill will go to our air defence boys. Hopefully from an Anza3.
If they some how manage to escape their own air defence and venture in to our airspace, that it.
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