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Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions [Thread 2]

Buzz is in corridor of powers suggest LM is showcasing less than twice the price of LCA Mk1A for their flagship project in mid 202Xs.
Irrelevent I'd say bro. This Goi and this DM particuarly have taken personal ownership of the LCA project and the MK1A is said to be the DM's brainchild with 100 already on order. Furthermore he has sanction the doubling of LCA production to 16/year none of these moves are congruent with the dropping of the LCA in favour for a foreign single engined fighter and the ancient F-16 no less. No GoI will be able to justify the scrapping of the LCA project now and this GoI seems particuarly behind it- they are aggresively marketing it abroad and have even taken it abroad (Bahrain). If the MK1A is churned out in enough numbers its unit price will plummet, I'm sure LM can offer a better price point toay but in a decade's time the LCA will be more than able to compete on price with their offer with the kind of infrastructure that will be in place by then.

+ all this "make in India" hype where defence is concerned is hot air as of now, still not a single MII deal has been signed since this GoI entered office that they had kicked off. Talks about making the F-18/16/Gripen in India are all rather meaningless and even the Rafale MII has been unable to see the light of day despite being the most viable. Until Parrikar starts translating his rhetoric into actual actions I will remain cynical of his intent. Many other ministers are performaing FAR better than him.
Irrelevent I'd say bro. This Goi and this DM particuarly have taken personal ownership of the LCA project and the MK1A is said to be the DM's brainchild with 100 already on order. Furthermore he has sanction the doubling of LCA production to 16/year none of these moves are congruent with the dropping of the LCA in favour for a foreign single engined fighter and the ancient F-16 no less. No GoI will be able to justify the scrapping of the LCA project now and this GoI seems particuarly behind it- they are aggresively marketing it abroad and have even taken it abroad (Bahrain). If the MK1A is churned out in enough numbers its unit price will plummet, I'm sure LM can offer a better price point toay but in a decade's time the LCA will be more than able to compete on price with their offer with the kind of infrastructure that will be in place by then.

will Rafale deal ever be signed bro ?
10th June next DAC. Strategic partnership model will be further streamlined with DPP 2016 loose ends being tied up.

Committed set up like these below will also start functioning

View attachment 308570

The true benefits of the DPP will take time but this is what is being explained to le Drian whom MP is meeting soon.

All this paving way for the MII part of the deal.

F21 HWT is again a front runner. G2G expected with MII part as requested by India.. Need for Arihant class is top priority. varunastra is getting some help from this deal. Deal discussion underway.

Oh btw there is a unofficially fact finding on a newsprint article which mentioned on guarantee thing and which was picked up by Sputnik. Also Russian side is offering a new latest variant of R73 which is now no more favoured by IAF as they like Python Derby combo. It seems the newspaper article sponsorship is known to DM who has noted and swiftly asked the progress of FGFA program to understand whats the real status of the program. Russian side is apprehensive that Rafale MII will overshadow FGFA program if the Russian side is not able to deliver the fighter on time and as per Indian sides expectation. It is expected that with MP asking for progress report of FGFA new articles and goodies will be on offer soon. Especially under S400 where its 5 systems at present with 2 battalions per system expected to be further upgraded and with Pantsirs/Tor combo plus S500 certain HTK sections.

Also recently the Gripen E articles by sponsored journalist to Saab factory visit based articles are blanked out from any opinion making or influencing decision making episodes.

Next in line is the exclusive club access. In case US is able to get us the access to 4 clubs especially the two important ones, India will reciprocate with MII plan for a FXX fighter and agree to buy a considerable quantity.

Buzz is in corridor of powers suggest LM is showcasing less than twice the price of LCA Mk1A for their flagship project in mid 202Xs.

Lots of action expected in coming days..

Lot of info:tup: .. So much condensed.:wacko:
will Rafale deal ever be signed bro ?
Gotta ask the DM, he seems to be enjoying the attention he is getting from the media and foreign OEMs on this matter and thus is juggling all the various offers with no real foreward movement other than some remarks about intent every now and then. The fact of the matter is he inhereited an IAF that is facing a fighter crisis and he has still not done anything to address it but is still content claim he is doing the best for the nation.

The Rafale deal will be signed but when is the big question, Parrikar doesn't seem to know it himself. Maybe a few high profile fighter losses will force his hand as he only seems to really act when poltical compulsions dictate it.

@PARIKRAMA do you get the sense that Parrikar is out of his depth or that he is simply a very shrewd politcan that is trying to play all sides? From the outside there seems to be very little consistency with him and there is a distinct disconnect between what he says and what he later decides to do. A few examples:

- Emphasising the need to allow the private sector into defence but selects the Ka-226 to be made by HAL (a decsion made all the more bizzare by the fact that HAL is in the advanced stages of developing their own LUH). Incidentally, as I had predicted, the Ka-226 deal is STILL not signed.
- Emphasising the need to meet the needs of the Forces but then greenlighting the development of the HTT-40 and scrapping the 125 follow-on unit deal of PC-7s to be made in India. This decsion will ensure the IAF doesn't receive any new BTTs for another 5 years (at least) AND will be burdened by having two types for the SAME ROLE. Again, contradictory with his emphasis on making cost savings by creating efficencies.
- Linked to above but with fighters, after the PM personally ensured the Rafale G-G deal was pursued he has failed to see its completion at the earliest despite the PM's remarks that these fighters were for the urgent need of the IAF.
- Emphasising the need for self-reliance and yet seemingly opening the door to LCA-killers Gripen and F-16 to be made in India? Further contradicted by the credit he seems to want for the MK1A's development.
- Saying (in late 2014 IIRC) that blanket blacklisting was counter-productive and only hurt India's defence prepardness but now blacklisting the Finmeccanica and all of its (extensive) subsidaries that India's military has multiple critical deals with (127mm guns for the P-17As and P-15Bs, QR-SAM, Black Shark torpedos- effectively leaving the $500m/boat Scorpenes of the IN toothless, RAN-40L VSR for the IAC-1 ensuring it's induction will be delayed by years etc etc). This whilst there is still not a SINGLE person who has been arrested and no actual wrongdoing proven. A further contradiction is the fact that he is delaying the Rafale deal on the pretext of securing the "best deal for India" (ie saving a few rupees) but this decsion will end up costing India hundreds of millions of USD as the Scorpenes are already hardwired for the Black Sharks, the IAC-1 has been built around the RAN-40L and the delays this blacklisting will cause to numerous CRITICAL defence projects will be horrific.
- Emphasising the needs for more "jointness" amongst the forces and still sat on the CDS and the three new tri-service commands (Space,Cyber and Special Ops).

There's no consistency at all with his decsion making. He is easily one of the worst performers in the Modi cabinet.

Parrikar seems to be a mix of Swamy and AK Anthony- indecisive, a loudmouth and overly concious of political considerations.

@JanjaWeed @ranjeet @Levina @Parul @Star Wars @noksss @Taygibay
No need to convince me, Abingdon mate! I'm sure you remember the attacks
when I said the same thing a few months back.

Parrikar spends so much time talking to journos that it's a wonder and two that
A- he slips and seems to contradict himself regularly;
B- he has anytime left to actually do his job.

Although comparison is not reason, the quiet and almost demure Le Drian hasn't
sparked a controversy in over 2 years but signed 2 Rafale contracts and now leads
2-0 at half time in his mano a manohar with your DM.

Modi I still like ... for the exact opposite reasons. I'm no fan of showy politics.

Great day to you, Tay.
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Gotta ask the DM, he seems to be enjoying the attention he is getting from the media and foreign OEMs on this matter and thus is juggling all the various offers with no real foreward movement other than some remarks about intent every now and then. The fact of the matter is he inhereited an IAF that is facing a fighter crisis and he has still not done anything to address it but is still content claim he is doing the best for the nation.

The Rafale deal will be signed but when is the big question, Parrikar doesn't seem to know it himself. Maybe a few high profile fighter losses will force his hand as he only seems to really act when poltical compulsions dictate it.

@PARIKRAMA do you get the sense that Parrikar is out of his depth or that he is simply a very shrewd politcan that is trying to play all sides? From the outside there seems to be very little consistency with him and there is a distinct disconnect between what he says and what he later decides to do. A few examples:

- Emphasising the need to allow the private sector into defence but selects the Ka-226 to be made by HAL (a decsion made all the more bizzare by the fact that HAL is in the advanced stages of developing their own LUH). Incidentally, as I had predicted, the Ka-226 deal is STILL not signed.
- Emphasising the need to meet the needs of the Forces but then greenlighting the development of the HTT-40 and scrapping the 125 follow-on unit deal of PC-7s to be made in India. This decsion will ensure the IAF doesn't receive any new BTTs for another 5 years (at least) AND will be burdened by having two types for the SAME ROLE. Again, contradictory with his emphasis on making cost savings by creating efficencies.
- Linked to above but with fighters, after the PM personally ensured the Rafale G-G deal was pursued he has failed to see its completion at the earliest despite the PM's remarks that these fighters were for the urgent need of the IAF.
- Emphasising the need for self-reliance and yet seemingly opening the door to LCA-killers Gripen and F-16 to be made in India? Further contradicted by the credit he seems to want for the MK1A's development.
- Saying (in late 2014 IIRC) that blanket blacklisting was counter-productive and only hurt India's defence prepardness but now blacklisting the Finmeccanica and all of its (extensive) subsidaries that India's military has multiple critical deals with (127mm guns for the P-17As and P-15Bs, QR-SAM, Black Shark torpedos- effectively leaving the $500m/boat Scorpenes of the IN toothless, RAN-40L VSR for the IAC-1 ensuring it's induction will be delayed by years etc etc). This whilst there is still not a SINGLE person who has been arrested and no actual wrongdoing proven. A further contradiction is the fact that he is delaying the Rafale deal on the pretext of securing the "best deal for India" (ie saving a few rupees) but this decsion will end up costing India hundreds of millions of USD as the Scorpenes are already hardwired for the Black Sharks, the IAC-1 has been built around the RAN-40L and the delays this blacklisting will cause to numerous CRITICAL defence projects will be horrific.
- Emphasising the needs for more "jointness" amongst the forces and still sat on the CDS and the three new tri-service commands (Space,Cyber and Special Ops).

There's no consistency at all with his decsion making. He is easily one of the worst performers in the Modi cabinet.

Parrikar seems to be a mix of Swamy and AK Anthony- indecisive, a loudmouth and overly concious of political considerations.

@JanjaWeed @ranjeet @Levina @Parul @Star Wars @noksss @Taygibay

Well MP tried playing bad cop role a bit too much.. As I said earlier his inexperience in financial matters as well as in diplomacy is a very important point for future grooming KRAs. Of course i do consider that being a ex CM he has some kind of experience but international diplomacy is all together a different ball game.

About decisions there are two thought process. A top down approach tells me that anybody sitting in DM post is driving the whole process of procurement. In AKA case his unwilling attitude to take any kind of risk with no trust in his deputies and Babu's or government functionaries meant a full freeze. A bottoms up approach where all processes are duly followed and a proper decision making is presented to DM for approval consideration is a different scenario all together. In present case the bottoms up approach with DM MP is somewhat creating issues bcz MP is a risk taker surely but a calculated risk taker. Now unfortunately to arrive at such a calculated comfort his modus operandi of making so called all vendor under price war for best possible deal or cancelling all prior ones or to harp on Indian weapon systems or delaying every decision making etc is not showing any result. The reality is in each of the cases MP is forgetting few things like
1. HAL grandfathering is done by rostec and they i mean russiana are always comfortable with HAL then a pvt sector.

2. HTT40 is a sheer stupidity where we shud have targeted a supersonic LIFT for training we are re inventing the wheel for what purpose only God knows.

3 Rafale circus for so called best possible deal and MII part is already seen.

4. Blackshark deal torpedoed and aunk bcz of corruption charges is fine but the truth that Indian HWT varunastra is not ready despite what DRDO will claim is baffling. Also another G2G deal like F21 with France will be a long process and nownwith Rafale experience France knows MP will take own sweet time.

There are numerous examples .

The fact remains what MP is a sophisticated version of AKA. He should look at ppl in other portfolios doing commendable job then him.

Internationally look at folks like le drian. That man has reshaped French defence industry with awesome number of deals. Check his media quotes and what he talks.

The idea of showing less defense spending and postponing modernisation and portraying security is adequate is utter foolishness. His pet LCA program inspite of his so called focus is running behind schedules. fOC in Dec 2016 is what reports said but then will we be surprised if it's March 2017?.
His emphasis on MII with limited or no progress in localisation or decreasing import parts of higher economic value to critical programs is baffling.

After so much pains some progress happened in bullet proof vests. He does nt even understand why we require Vshorad or QRSAM or a active seeker SRSAM or MRSAM. He backs DRDO which is good but still is unable to push DRDO to quicken the pace of its projects.

Check out Astra Mk1. Last we heard abt MKI tests with new ECCM. But no one knows when it will be available for active service deployment.

The list is long. This guy needs to start deliverring things in a big way. The modernisation needs is close to $189 Bn as per what I saw just a week back spanning over 25 years across 3 forces. But no where the other 3 new forces and it's need of equipments and infra is in that plan. Nor the so called CDS thing is actually being scouted other than customary words in media. Of course now being commented here and ppl discussing, we may see some changes. But that again may be eyewash.

So I don think at present form and performance MP can be a credible successor to NaMo. He needs to walk the talk. He can do it surely. just needs to keep quiet and do his work like other good performers
Parrikar spends so much time talking to journos that it's a wonder and two that
What I find particuarlly strange about this fact is that he is the one minister who has the least need to be going in front of the media! His remit is to ensure the nation's defence and meet the needs of the defence forces and thus there is almost no requirement to talk to the media and thereby interact with the public. His is perhaps the most in-ward looking ministry and yet he can't seem to stay away from the cameras for more than a few days at a time. It's utterly unfathomable and I think it speaks to him as a person and his ambitions. He is not the technocrat that was promised, he is a true blue politcian with his own career interests.

Contrast this with Modi who, afaik, has still not done a single 1-1 interview since he became PM more than 2 years ago.

Let your actions speak for themselves Modi says, why can't Parrikar follow this?

The idea of showing less defense spending and postponing modernisation and portraying security is adequate is utter foolishness.
Indeed and this really pi$$es me off about him. In pretty much interview I have seen of him he seems totally clueless about the scale of the crisis at hand and is trying to portray an "all is well" situation when it couldn't be further from the truth. In a recent interview on RSTV when asked about the fighter situation he was totally uninterested in addressing the fact that the IAF was nowhere near its sanctioned strength and seemed to be trying to dupe the interviewer about what a sanctioned strength actually meant. Instead it seemed that he was trying to spin 32/33 SQNs as "acceptable" going foreward.

May he has read art of war:
“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”

Well MP tried playing bad cop role a bit too much..
Exactly, his "tough guy" routine has utterly failed and has only ensured further delays.

After so much pains some progress happened in bullet proof vests.
Sorry bro but this shows how pathetically he has performed if we are expected to celebrate this!
What I find particuarlly strange about this fact is that he is the one minister who has the least need to be going in front of the media! His remit is to ensure the nation's defence and meet the needs of the defence forces and thus there is almost no requirement to talk to the media and thereby interact with the public. His is perhaps the most in-ward looking ministry and yet he can't seem to stay away from the cameras for more than a few days at a time. It's utterly unfathomable and I think it speaks to him as a person and his ambitions. He is not the technocrat that was promised, he is a true blue politcian with his own career interests.

Contrast this with Modi who, afaik, has still not done a single 1-1 interview since he became PM more than 2 years ago.

Let your actions speak for themselves Modi says, why can't Parrikar follow this?

Indeed and this really pi$$es me off about him. In pretty much interview I have seen of him he seems totally clueless about the scale of the crisis at hand and is trying to portray an "all is well" situation when it couldn't be further from the truth. In a recent interview on RSTV when asked about the fighter situation he was totally uninterested in addressing the fact that the IAF was nowhere near its sanctioned strength and seemed to be trying to dupe the interviewer about what a sanctioned strength actually meant. Instead it seemed that he was trying to spin 32/33 SQNs as "acceptable" going foreward.

May he has read art of war:
“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”

Exactly, his "tough guy" routine has utterly failed and has only ensured further delays.

Sorry bro but this shows how pathetically he has performed if we are expected to celebrate this!

Parrikar is doing his Best ; we cant fault him for NOT trying

The problem is the Accumulated mess of the last 10 years

And since we are also bringing in NEW policies of make in India -- New DPP policy

They have also slowed down some procurements

But that was also necessary

You have to do it some day -- how long can we only keep importing

The original MMRCA was so badly messed that it had to be scrapped

Now the New deal has taken only one year
Parrikar is doing his Best ; we cant fault him for NOT trying

The problem is the Accumulated mess of the last 10 years
I don't believe he is doing his best at all. No doubt he inherited a mess BUT so did the Railways minister, so did the Roads minister, Power etc etc etc and all are performing FAR better than Parrikar who has little but a mass accumulation of nonsensical comments to show for his 18 months in his office. Look at what Goyal, Gadkari or Prabhu are doing and then look at what Parrikar is saying, the comparisons are just sad.

I do think Parrikar is feeling the pressure with his underperofrmance from the PM and this could be why the rumours about wanting to return to CM of Goa have been circulating.

And since we are also bringing in NEW policies of make in India -- New DPP policy
The new DPP is BY FAR the best thing he has done in the past 18 months- not really the best record.
They have also slowed down some procurements
This is a terrible move and has left glaring gaps in India's defence prepardness.

You have to do it some day -- how long can we only keep importing
For as long as it takes to create a credible defence industry in India, there is no point in halting imports and waiting for the local products to come up to speed- the inevitable consequence will be a depletion in capabilities. And I don't think this is what the DM has actually done- slowed procurements to reduce imports, no he has slowed procurements because he is suffering from the same "protect my image at all costs" bug as Anthony. He is serving himself here and not the nation.

Now the New deal has taken only one year

True but the deal has been in a postion to be signed for a number of months now and still Parrikar is playing strange games proclaiming he is trying to "get the best deal for India". Just sign the damn contract already!
Don't know why, i trust much in this DM parrikar.

You walk in any foreign governments deal, it takes time.. u won't be able to control time lines unless we are ready for compromises.

In India it takes time even more if you want anything done in government institute..

Think about foreign countries, government offices, Drdo,..
Other ministries don't have so many uncontrolled factors..
In India it takes time even more if you want anything done in government institute..

It takes time for government institutes to do anything in every country.

The problem with that is only for things like armed forces whose timeline must include instantaneous reactions.
The divide between BoG and even more so TiC times and government time can only work
at armament program level and even then it can drastically reduce overall capacity in fine.

And then there's the non-govt aspect where privates corps get work too
which India is about to look into. Time after time, private sector and of it
especially the Small & Medium Enterprises if well funded, outperform all
and any government offices in reactivity. If you remember well past convos,
the Rafale maintenance in France was reduced precisely on that account.

Have a great day buddy, Tay.
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Gotta ask the DM, he seems to be enjoying the attention he is getting from the media and foreign OEMs on this matter and thus is juggling all the various offers with no real foreward movement other than some remarks about intent every now and then. The fact of the matter is he inhereited an IAF that is facing a fighter crisis and he has still not done anything to address it but is still content claim he is doing the best for the nation.

The Rafale deal will be signed but when is the big question, Parrikar doesn't seem to know it himself. Maybe a few high profile fighter losses will force his hand as he only seems to really act when poltical compulsions dictate it.

@PARIKRAMA do you get the sense that Parrikar is out of his depth or that he is simply a very shrewd politcan that is trying to play all sides? From the outside there seems to be very little consistency with him and there is a distinct disconnect between what he says and what he later decides to do. A few examples:

- Emphasising the need to allow the private sector into defence but selects the Ka-226 to be made by HAL (a decsion made all the more bizzare by the fact that HAL is in the advanced stages of developing their own LUH). Incidentally, as I had predicted, the Ka-226 deal is STILL not signed.
- Emphasising the need to meet the needs of the Forces but then greenlighting the development of the HTT-40 and scrapping the 125 follow-on unit deal of PC-7s to be made in India. This decsion will ensure the IAF doesn't receive any new BTTs for another 5 years (at least) AND will be burdened by having two types for the SAME ROLE. Again, contradictory with his emphasis on making cost savings by creating efficencies.
- Linked to above but with fighters, after the PM personally ensured the Rafale G-G deal was pursued he has failed to see its completion at the earliest despite the PM's remarks that these fighters were for the urgent need of the IAF.
- Emphasising the need for self-reliance and yet seemingly opening the door to LCA-killers Gripen and F-16 to be made in India? Further contradicted by the credit he seems to want for the MK1A's development.
- Saying (in late 2014 IIRC) that blanket blacklisting was counter-productive and only hurt India's defence prepardness but now blacklisting the Finmeccanica and all of its (extensive) subsidaries that India's military has multiple critical deals with (127mm guns for the P-17As and P-15Bs, QR-SAM, Black Shark torpedos- effectively leaving the $500m/boat Scorpenes of the IN toothless, RAN-40L VSR for the IAC-1 ensuring it's induction will be delayed by years etc etc). This whilst there is still not a SINGLE person who has been arrested and no actual wrongdoing proven. A further contradiction is the fact that he is delaying the Rafale deal on the pretext of securing the "best deal for India" (ie saving a few rupees) but this decsion will end up costing India hundreds of millions of USD as the Scorpenes are already hardwired for the Black Sharks, the IAC-1 has been built around the RAN-40L and the delays this blacklisting will cause to numerous CRITICAL defence projects will be horrific.
- Emphasising the needs for more "jointness" amongst the forces and still sat on the CDS and the three new tri-service commands (Space,Cyber and Special Ops).

There's no consistency at all with his decsion making. He is easily one of the worst performers in the Modi cabinet.

Parrikar seems to be a mix of Swamy and AK Anthony- indecisive, a loudmouth and overly concious of political considerations.

@JanjaWeed @ranjeet @Levina @Parul @Star Wars @noksss @Taygibay

You seem to be quite frustrated bro, but there is no reason to be. The MoD has some high priority projects that are being given more importance, and some of that's not open for public discussion, that's why the media is still taking about less important stuff. First is the new line for SSNs. Second is ballistic missiles, major expansion there, even including the private sector in a big way. These two projects are Parrikar's highest priority. Then comes the navy's new frigate projects with Russia and Indian shipyards, not to mention the new SSK tender.

Now it appears FGFA, S-400 and Indian BMD have more importance than Rafale and other MII projects.

Then there's the expansion of the Aerospace Command. They are working out a plan to launch lots and lots of military satellites. There's also the Army's soldier modernization program, tactical communication systems and FICV project.

Indigenous ammunition is a major drive.

Basically, all of these are getting higher priority. The current plan is to decrease the 70% import bill to 35% over the next 5 years.

From what Parrikar says, FGFA will most likely be signed before Rafale. Could happen this month or the next. But it's happening soon.

What Parrikar has done in two years, the UPA has not done in 10. And what Parrikar has planned to do by the time the term ends, the Congress has never done in the last 60 years and will never do in a million years.

As for the Rafale itself, MMRCA has been canceled. The new Rafale deal is for a new configuration and new price, basically a new contract, and that began only in May 2015. It's barely June 2016 and the deal is almost done. That's a first.

FGFA, negotiations began for a slightly different aircraft with a new price structure only recently, I think in Jan or Feb this year, and now they are already talking about contract signature.

Let's not forget the most important point. A large number of these deals are being signed under the new DPP-2016 which came into force only in April. It's only been 2 months, and all the MII projects will be under the NDA's new DPP-2016, not the old UPA made one.

You are frustrated because all the stuff that you are seeing now on the ground is due to UPA's policies, not the NDA's, that's why everything appears to be so slow. Stuff you will see from this year onwards will be because of NDA's policies, and you will soon start seeing it on the ground. Over the next two to three years, you will see major deals being signed every few months and most of them will be for MII.
Gotta ask the DM, he seems to be enjoying the attention he is getting from the media and foreign OEMs on this matter and thus is juggling all the various offers with no real foreward movement other than some remarks about intent every now and then. The fact of the matter is he inhereited an IAF that is facing a fighter crisis and he has still not done anything to address it but is still content claim he is doing the best for the nation.

The Rafale deal will be signed but when is the big question, Parrikar doesn't seem to know it himself. Maybe a few high profile fighter losses will force his hand as he only seems to really act when poltical compulsions dictate it.

@PARIKRAMA do you get the sense that Parrikar is out of his depth or that he is simply a very shrewd politcan that is trying to play all sides? From the outside there seems to be very little consistency with him and there is a distinct disconnect between what he says and what he later decides to do. A few examples:

- Emphasising the need to allow the private sector into defence but selects the Ka-226 to be made by HAL (a decsion made all the more bizzare by the fact that HAL is in the advanced stages of developing their own LUH). Incidentally, as I had predicted, the Ka-226 deal is STILL not signed.
- Emphasising the need to meet the needs of the Forces but then greenlighting the development of the HTT-40 and scrapping the 125 follow-on unit deal of PC-7s to be made in India. This decsion will ensure the IAF doesn't receive any new BTTs for another 5 years (at least) AND will be burdened by having two types for the SAME ROLE. Again, contradictory with his emphasis on making cost savings by creating efficencies.
- Linked to above but with fighters, after the PM personally ensured the Rafale G-G deal was pursued he has failed to see its completion at the earliest despite the PM's remarks that these fighters were for the urgent need of the IAF.
- Emphasising the need for self-reliance and yet seemingly opening the door to LCA-killers Gripen and F-16 to be made in India? Further contradicted by the credit he seems to want for the MK1A's development.
- Saying (in late 2014 IIRC) that blanket blacklisting was counter-productive and only hurt India's defence prepardness but now blacklisting the Finmeccanica and all of its (extensive) subsidaries that India's military has multiple critical deals with (127mm guns for the P-17As and P-15Bs, QR-SAM, Black Shark torpedos- effectively leaving the $500m/boat Scorpenes of the IN toothless, RAN-40L VSR for the IAC-1 ensuring it's induction will be delayed by years etc etc). This whilst there is still not a SINGLE person who has been arrested and no actual wrongdoing proven. A further contradiction is the fact that he is delaying the Rafale deal on the pretext of securing the "best deal for India" (ie saving a few rupees) but this decsion will end up costing India hundreds of millions of USD as the Scorpenes are already hardwired for the Black Sharks, the IAC-1 has been built around the RAN-40L and the delays this blacklisting will cause to numerous CRITICAL defence projects will be horrific.
- Emphasising the needs for more "jointness" amongst the forces and still sat on the CDS and the three new tri-service commands (Space,Cyber and Special Ops).

There's no consistency at all with his decsion making. He is easily one of the worst performers in the Modi cabinet.

Parrikar seems to be a mix of Swamy and AK Anthony- indecisive, a loudmouth and overly concious of political considerations.

@JanjaWeed @ranjeet @Levina @Parul @Star Wars @noksss @Taygibay
What is RAN-40L ?
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