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Dark secrets of Vatican -


Oct 2, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Many believe that the Vatican administration behind the scenes is in the hands of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), which is/became a disguised organization of the Knights Templar sect, after the murder of Jacques de Molay. Pope Francis himself is the first officially Jesuit Pope.


On March 11, 2010, Father Gabriel Amorth, the Vatican's chief exorcist, said that "Satan is at work in the Vatican."

He was 85 years old at the time and had been the head exorcist of the Catholic Church headquarters for 25 years, claiming to have dealt with more than 70,000 cases of demonic possession during that time. Father Amorth claimed that the result of the actual presence of Satan in the Vatican was a power struggle between senior priests, the presence of unchristian cardinals and cardinals associated with Satan at the heart of the world's largest Christian religion.

Father Amorth said that when Pope Paul VI spoke of "Satan's smoke" in the Vatican, he meant exactly the presence and domination of Satan himself (Lucifer).


Gabriel Amorth

In a very rare interview with the Italian newspaper La Repubblica, he emphasized:

"Lucifer is not everywhere, but when he is, his presence will be painful."

In describing Satan, he claimed:

"He is pure spirit and invincible. He reveals himself in the painful blasphemies that come upon the tongue of the possessed. He can hide. He can speak in tongues. He can shapeshift."

When he was asked in this interview about the presence of Satan in the Vatican, he said with a gloomy face and a sad voice:

"He has tried before. He did it by inciting those who armed Mehmet Ali Ağca to assassinate Pope John Paul II in 1981. Now by attacking Benedict XVI through a mad woman who Christmas Eve stormed the Pope."


He then clearly claimed:

"Satan now resides in the Vatican."

Acknowledging that it is difficult to prove this issue, Father Amorth found the evidence of Satan's presence to be clear and obvious:

"Cardinals who don't believe in Christ. Bishops who are connected to the devil... D. The same pedophilia (child sexual abuse) scandal that the Church is facing. Or the horrible murder of the head of the Swiss Guard of the Vatican and his wife by one of the Guard soldiers. It is the presence of Satan." [1]


On the other hand, the name of the Vatican, at least since the establishment of the Vatican Bank, which was ostensibly established to organize the financial affairs and endowments and financial assistance of believers, has been linked to corruption, document forgery, money laundering, bribery and embezzlement. The connection of the Vatican Bank with the Nazi regime of Germany during World War II and with the mafia of this country is a documented and proven connection. Apart from the fact that in the story of the case of one of the influential Masonic leaders of Italy known as Licio Gelli, the role of the Vatican Bank in connection with the Masonic organizations and the terrorist operations of the NATO secret network (known as Gladio) was also revealed. The Vatican Bank's privilege of not disclosing its customers' information to the authorities has made various gangster organizations invest in it and use its passage for heavy money laundering.

Building of Vatican Bank

The relationship between the Catholic Church and the Knights Templar sect has always been one of the ambiguous and challenging issues of the Vatican. The sect of the Knights Templar, who considered themselves the sworn soldiers of the Pope, was formed by French Catholic priests in the 12th century AD, and its stated purpose was to defend the Christian pilgrims of Jerusalem. They considered Muslims and the Ismaili Hashashin sect as their main enemies. This military-ritual sect, with the huge financial aid it received from Christian merchants and European kings and other Christian strata, became a secret financial-military-ritual organization that considered itself answerable only to the Pope. After the seditions and intrigues of this sect rose, finally, under the pressure of the king of France, Philip IV and the decree of Pope Clement V, the last obvious grand master of this sect, Jacques de Molay, and his circle of relatives were executed in 1314 AD, and apparently the work of the sect with Its liquidation ended.

A painting of the punishment of Jacques de Molay and his companions in 1314 AD


The symbol of the Society of Jesus or the Jesuits


From the time of Jacques de Molay, there were many news and rumors about the deviant thoughts and secret religion (other than Christianity) of the Knights Templar. Including the fact that in their secret circles they do satanic rituals and immoral things like Homosexuality and their worshiped god, not the god of Christianity, is "Baphomet".



Interestingly, the Vatican has the most complete and comprehensive archive of documents related to the Knights Templar sect, which even includes the text of the interrogation of the leaders of this sect in 1314 and documents related to the activities after its official dissolution, but until now they are far from the reach of researchers, Historical secrets about the existence of Jesus (pbuh), the apostles, the texts attributed to them, the secrets of the village of Fátima and the prophecies of Our Lady of the Rosary in Portugal, miracles, evidence related to non-human beings (known as aliens) and... in general, The Vatican reportedly has the largest archive of historical documents in the world, much of which is still out of reach for everyone, even researchers! The vast crypts, tombs under the Vatican contain many secrets, which conspiracy theorists believe include very dark secrets about the nature of the Catholic Church itself. The length of the shelves of the Vatican archive, which includes documents of more than 12 centuries, reaches 85 km, and most of it is underground.


But certainly the darkest secret of all ages of the Catholic Church is nothing but "pedophilia" or sexual abuse of children.

Many Catholic priests who have open cases of sexual crimes against children are still working in the church and in exactly the same departments that deal with children!


In fact, one of the tactics of the Vatican to protect its corrupt and criminal priests is to change their mission from one country to another. The World Wide Web of the Catholic Church leaves the Vatican free to let errant priests flee. Of course, according to internal reports disclosed by the Vatican itself, most of these priests with cases are sent to Africa and Latin America.

For the first time, in 2010, two reporters of the Associated Press named Bradley Brooks and Alessandra Ritsu revealed in a detailed report that in at least 30 open cases of sexual crimes by Catholic priests in 21 countries, the church authorities changed their mission location and sent them from one point to another. In another point, they tried so that After things calm down, from and the cases are subject to the passage of time. [2] For example, a priest named "Father Nicola", who committed sexual abuse of deaf children in Italy in the 1980s, was sent to Argentina instead of being tried by the church, and worked as a priest for years until finally several One of his victims found him in 2019 and managed to win him over by filing a complaint in Argentina. Today, after 12 years since the publication of that report, this process has not only not been adjusted, but continues even with a greater volume and scope by the Vatican.

The Argentinian nationality of Pope Francis has caused him to use his influence on the government and judicial system of this country and this country has become a paradise for sex offenders of the church against children.

In the United States, there are 16,000 open lawsuits against the Catholic Church for child sexual abuse.


Even church sex victims, their families and relatives have created a non-governmental organization called "SNAP" (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests), which is pursuing justice against hundreds of accused priests. This organization welcomes all victims of sexual abuse by representatives of the Catholic Church from all over the world, and the number of its members increases every year. But the most important action taken by this organization is the preparation of a list of all the priests affiliated with the Vatican around the world who have a history and file of sexual abuse of children.
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Anne Barrett Doyle, one of the activists of this organization, says that by preparing this list, we have taken the first step in confronting the Vatican protecting of corrupt and deviant priests. According to Mrs. Doyle (until the middle of 2019), about 4400 names have been compiled in this list! For a religious institution that considers itself responsible for guiding people and the moral leader of mankind, this is very shameful and disastrous.

For example, one priest on the list was Father Joannes Rivoire, who, according to Canadian police, abused at least three teenage boys and a 14-year-old girl in the second half of the 1990s. After being wanted by the police, he fled to France and continued his life without worry for years (about 20 years) and even continued to work as a priest in the Catholic community of Strasbourg in France, while the verdict of His arrest was issued by the Canadian police. One of his victim's teenage boys was named Marius, who killed himself due to the psychological damage caused by those abuses.

Father Patrick Wall, a former American monk and priest in the Catholic Church, who is now one of the activists in the fight against sexual abuse of children in the church, says that at the age of 20, he took the mantle of priest in the hope of becoming a better person and devoting himself to helping humanity. but at the age of 32, due to the high number of cases of sexual abuse and child abuse in the church, he decided to leave the position of priest.

Patrick Wall

He has appeared in numerous trials as a witness against the Catholic Church, and believes that protection of guilty priests is ingrained in the Vatican's genetics. He calls the church's tactic to protect its sex offenders (by sending them from one continent to another) a "geographic solution."

The "Family of St. John" in France is one of the most controversial Catholic congregations in the West. In recent years, the highest number of complaints about sexual abuse of children and teenagers has been related to this community. According to the documents published from within this Catholic community, it seems that its officials have achieved a masterful skill in replacing priests who are persecuted and have cases in the field of sexual crimes against children!

Among these documents, for example, there is a letter from Archbishop Cameron addressed to the officials of the "Family of Saint John" in France, in which the archbishop, Thomas Joachim, says that several "brothers" belonging to the family of Saint John, to be tried in court, and because it tarnishes the image of the church, he wants to stop it! One of these "brothers" was a priest named Father Emmanuel at the Saint-John Family Monastery in Bertoua, eastern Cameroon, who had raped at least three teenage boys.

In response to the revelation of this scandal, the officials of the Catholic Church in Cameroon fled all the brothers from the city of Bertoua! According to one of these victims, this deviant and criminal priest had raped him 4 times in a month and told him every time that because he is a priest, there is nothing wrong with his work in the eyes of God! He told this 12-year-old boy that sex with children and teenagers is the "hidden secret" of the Vatican! When the boy's father went to the Bertoua prosecutor's office to file a complaint, the prosecutor and his deputy told him that "priests cannot be prosecuted!"

Anyway, Father Emmanuel was also allowed to escape by the church authorities. He went from Cameroon to Bologna, Italy and continued his priestly work in the "Saint John Family" of the Italian branch! According to the French reporters of France 24 channel, Emmanuel's father was in charge of organizing a theater class for children and teenagers aged 6 to 18 in the community of San Giovanni in Italy!

The volume and scope of the secrecy of the Vatican authorities in covering up one of the darkest human crimes (sexual abuse of children), has caused a serious claim that in the Vatican, according to a rule called the "law of silence", in order to avoid spoiling the public image of the church, Systematic and organized, about the cases of sexual crimes by the priests to be troweled and hidden. [3] So far, several documentaries have been made and released around this sinister and hideous concealment, which has deepened the scandal of the Vatican.

According to Father Julian, a Catholic priest and therapist who has spoken to many victims of sexual assault in the church and even the perpetrators of these acts, he believes that the Catholic Church basically "blames" the victims of sexual abuse and rape by priests who do not remain silent. He knows, because they cause "disgrace" to the church!

According to him, the love and affection that the church officials have towards the abusive priests does not include the victims at all. Father Julian, for this reason, considers the Vatican system a perverse and corrupt system. Interestingly, 4 of the 10 cardinals of the Vatican who make upAttach files the so-called "Doctrine of the Christian Religion" council have been officially accused of covering up the sexual abuse of Catholic priests. One of the influential Vatican cardinals, who died recently at the age of 94, was Angelo Sodano, the right-hand man and confidant of Pope John Paul II, who was one of the main accused of covering up the pedophile cases among Catholic priests. [4]

It is interesting to note that Pope Francis in his autobiography, which was published in book form in 2014, claimed on page 64 that during his presidency of the Christian community of Argentina as archbishop, there were no cases of pedophilia by priests!

Meanwhile, in Argentina, similar to the United States, a people's institution has been formed by the Argentine victims of the Catholic Church, many of whose members were sexually abused by priests during the same period when Francis (known as Jorge Bergoglio) was the Catholic leader of Argentina. They say that the Pope, when he was the archbishop of Buenos Aires, did not even agree to see them once and listen to their pleas.

A number of victims of sexual abuse by Catholic priests in Argentina during childhood and adolescence

But the big scandal for Francis in Argentina came in the case of Father Julio Cesar Grassi, which is the most famous case of pedophilia in the Catholic Church in Argentina to this day. Father Grassi was a celebrity priest with a strong media presence and high public popularity. He ran an orphanage in the capital of Argentina.

Julio Cesar Grassi

He was arrested, tried and finally sentenced to 15 years in prison in 2009 due to the complaint of the family of a teenage boy who was the victim. During the controversial trial of Grassi, the Catholic Church of Argentina (which was headed by Cardinal Bregoglio or the next Francis) used all its power and influence to acquit the guilty priest! [5] These actions included threatening witnesses, trying to get the opinion of judges and even buying them. However, Father Grassi's crimes were so obvious that his conviction was upheld by both the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of Argentina. [6]


On May 24, 2021, France news agency announced in a report that since 1950, at least 3,000 cases of sexual abuse have been registered in the French Catholic Church. [7] On February 7, 2012, Cardinal Joseph William Levada, the senior American cardinal who at that time was the head of the Council for the Doctrine of the Christian Religion, announced that in the decade leading to 2012, at least 4,000 cases of pedophilia had been registered in the Vatican itself. [8] This statistic is from more than ten years ago, and in the last few years, the wave of cases of sexual crimes by priests has become the media all over the world.

The 2021 film Exorcism of God, about a Catholic priest who becomes possessed by a demon during his exorcism, ends with a shocking sequence. According to Michael's father (in the film he plays the role of the greatest exorcist of the church, but he himself is a slave to demons), "Balban", the evil spirit of the film, is from an aristocratic lineage of demons who is under the direct command of the devil and whose goal is to conquer Peter's father is that he needs him to advance his plans.

Considering Peter's dedication at the end of the film, one can ask what percentage of the Catholic Church's saints are "possessed"? Pay attention to the final sentence of the film on the picture of Father Peter in the background of St. Peter's Church in the Vatican (which is precisely the synonym of the priest's name with the name of the famous church and the meaning of the sentences):

"Now, demons will not inherit the kingdom of God. They will inherit the earth."

[1] https://abcnews.go.com/Travel/chief-exorcist-rev-gabriele-amorth-devil-vatican/story?id=10073040

[2] http://archive.boston.com/news/worl...round_globe_investigation_finds/?comments=all

[3] https://www.theglobeandmail.com/new...-documents-leaked-to-the-press/article547321/

[4] https://www.lemonde.fr/en/obituarie...-secretary-of-state-and-controversial-vatican -figure-dies_5985121_15.html

[5] https://www.independent.ie/world-ne...who-worked-with-street-children-37330339.html

[6] https://www.thetablet.co.uk/news/3164/abusive-priest-defended-by-bergoglio-gets-15-years

[7] https://www.france24.com/en/live-ne...es-in-french-catholic-church-since-1950-probe

[8] https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...-sex-abuse-10-years-U-S-cardinal-reveals.html

[۱] https://abcnews.go.com/Travel/chief-exorcist-rev-gabriele-amorth-devil-vatican/story?id=۱۰۰۷۳۰۴۰

[۲] http://archive.boston.com/news/world/latinamerica/articles/۲۰۱۰/۰۴/۱۵/predator_priests_were_shuffled_around_globe_investigation_finds/?comments=all

[۳] https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/vaticans-code-of-silence-broken-by-series-of-documents-leaked-to-the-press/article۵۴۷۳۲۱/

[۴] https://www.lemonde.fr/en/obituaries/article/۲۰۲۲/۰۵/۳۰/cardinal-angelo-sodano-john-paul-ii-s-secretary-of-state-and-controversial-vatican-figure-dies_۵۹۸۵۱۲۱_۱۵.html

[۵] https://www.independent.ie/world-news/pope-drawn-into-study-on-abusive-priest-who-worked-with-street-children-۳۷۳۳۰۳۳۹.html

[۶] https://www.thetablet.co.uk/news/۳۱۶۴/abusive-priest-defended-by-bergoglio-gets-۱۵-years

[۷] https://www.france۲۴.com/en/live-news/۲۰۲۱۱۰۰۳-some-۳-۰۰۰-paedophiles-in-french-catholic-church-since-۱۹۵۰-probe

[۸] https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-۲۰۹۷۶۴۳/Vatican-investigated-۴-۰۰۰-cases-child-sex-abuse-۱۰-years-U-S-cardinal-reveals.html
Few points about this article that i have translated from the original website accessible in the second version of sources mentioned in the final part pf the second post of this thread,

The first thing that destroyed Catholism as a religion and threw it into the endless cycle of corruption making it a bridge to Satanism, and as a branch of christianity, and also caused its leadership become the outstanding degenerated community among other corrupts, was banning marriage which consequently opened the way for aberration of priests, monks, bishops etc. Question is, why would a sane mind ban something like marriage that satisfies the sexual needs of humans inside the holy concept of family? People love Jesus (A. S.), there is no problem in that, problem is the leadership of this religious branch follows Satanic teachings as a consequnce of abandoning moral principals/concepts such as family/marriage.

The second case was connection between templar knights and Jewish Hakhams who were and still are the greatest enemy of our prophet Jesus, the remnants of traitors to Moses (pbuh) . This connection makes a front of followers of Satanic beliefs against faithful people.
Not to mention that most of corrupt communities such as LGBT, pedophiles, MAFIAs, racists supported Neo NAZIs of Ukraine in their ethnic cleansing of Russians of this country.

Now put it beside this :


Pope is on the same side of pedophiles, corrupts, fascists/ NAZIs of Europe and degenerates again. The Jesuit pope shows the true colors.

The archives’ treasures are the stuff of legend—but their existence is absolutely real.
Fifty-three miles of shelving. Thirty-five thousand volumes of catalogue. Twelve centuries worth of documents. Housed in one of the most iconic bastions of religion and culture ever, the Vatican’s Secret Archives are the stuff of historical legend—but their existence is absolutely real.

Just the name invokes the mystery and pageantry of the Catholic Church, and prompts the more imaginative to come up with sinister theories about what might lie within. The archives’ indexes are not public—and are only accessible to scholars once they are 75 years old—and they are housed in a fortress-like part of the Vatican.
The secretive nature of the Catholic Church and the potential trove within have fueled years of wild speculation about what was inside. Even today, conspiracy theories abound over its contents—like wacky speculation that the Vatican is hiding extraterrestrial beings inside.

In reality, however, the Vatican’s Secret Archives are not actually secret. The word “secret” comes from a misunderstanding of the Latin word “secretum,” or private. The archives were—and still are—designed to house the Holy See’s official paperwork along with correspondence and other information related to the Pope.
They also contain some of the Catholic Church’s most impressive treasures—documents that date back from the eighth century. But, until 1881, not even scholars of Christianity were permitted access to the archive. That’s when Pope Leo XIII, known as an intellectual who confronted the modernization of the late 19th century, opened the trove to researchers. These fascinating documents tell not just the story of the Church, but the rest of the world.

One standout item is a letter from Mary Queen of Scots, who was executed after being forced to abdicate her throne and serving nearly 20 years in custody. She was finally sentenced to death for conspiring to murder Queen Elizabeth I, her Protestant cousin. Facing beheading, she wrote a desperate letter to Pope Sixtus V, begging for her life and slamming the “heretics” who would eventually kill her. The Pope did not intervene, and she was beheaded on February 8, 1587.

Last letter from Mary Queen of Scots to Pope Sixtus V in an exhibition of documents from the Vatican Secret Archives, 2012.

Rex Features/AP Photo

Another priceless document literally changed the history of religion. It documents the Catholic Church’s excommunication of Martin Luther, the German who inflamed Europe by turning his back on Catholicism and writing his 95 Theses, now seen as the document that sparked Protestantism. In response, Pope Leo X wrote“Decet Romanum Pontificem,” a Papal bull that kicked Luther out of the Catholic Church. This freed Luther to start a church of his own, and the schism has defined much of world history since.

The document of excommunication of Martin Luther in an exhibition of the Vatican Secret Archives.

Elio Lombardo/Alamy

The Secret Archives also hold an extremely secretive document: the minutes of the trials against the Knights Templar. Known as the Chinon Parchment, it’s the size of a dining room table, and it documents the trials of the Roman Catholic military order for things like blasphemous behavior and heresy during the Crusades. Thanks to an archival mistake, the parchment was lost for centuries and was only found in a box containing other documents in 2001. Now it’s been correctly categorized and is available for researchers.

When the Chinon Parchment was made public in 2007, it effectively rehabilitated the legacy of the Knights Templar by proving that, unbeknownst to history, Pope Clement V actually absolved the group of heresy in 1308.

231 depositions on 60 mets of parchment, a part of the exhibition of documents from the Vatican Secret Archives.

Alessandra Benedetti/Corbis/Getty Images

These and other historical documents are stored near the Vatican Library in Rome. Like any archive, there are stacks and reading rooms. There’s also a bunker—a fireproof underground structure designed to protect fragile documents from the elements and fire. There’s even a school for clergy who study history. And because it’s the Vatican, there’s plenty of sacred art to peruse, too.
Not anyone can access the archive—it’s only open to scholars who undergo a thorough vetting process. However, in recent years the Vatican has become a bit more open with its secrets. In 2010, in response to increased public interest in the Secret Archives and myths perpetuated by Dan Brown’s bestselling book Angels and Demons, the Vatican allowed journalists to tour it for the first time. In 2012, the Vatican Secret Archives put on a public exhibition of some of its most important documents in celebration of its 400th birthday. And in 2019, Pope Francis announced that the Vatican will open its archives on Pius XII. During an event commemorating the 80th anniversary of Pius XII’s election to the papacy, Francis said he had given orders for the archive to be opened in March 2020. “The Church is not afraid of history,” he told the group. The archives were opened on March 2, 2020, but then closed shortly after because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Interior of the Vatican Secret Archives.

Rex Features/AP Images
In 2005, Sergio Pagano, the prefect of the Secret Archives, revealed why there has been reluctance to open all the archives. Pagano told L’Espresso that it’s not a matter of courage—it’s a matter of resources. Since the archive is so vast, Pagano said, it’s a challenge to quickly process documents and make them available to historians. But often, he said, people “clamor for the opening of the Vatican archives almost as though to enter into a secret fortress by overcoming imaginary resistance….but when the door is open and the documents are available, those who seemed to be at the gates don’t show up, or make almost a touristic visit.”
The prefect dismissed pressure to release documents about Pius XII, calling it a “strange phenomenon” and implying that researchers were driven by a desire to take down the Catholic Church.

Which brings us to what could be the most controversial documents in the Secret Archives—ones that relate to the ongoing sexual abuse scandal within the Church. As it turns out, every diocese has secret archives, too, and many have helped corroborate the Church’s participation in the abuse. But documents at the Vatican’s Secret Archives are only released once they’re at least 75 years old—and the archive’s true owner is not the Church, but the Pope.

Though people can sue individual dioceses for their information, the Church itself is equivalent to a sovereign nation and can do what it pleases. The Pope is the only one who could release the documents early—and as it looks now, it could be decades before journalists, historians and victims learn more about the Catholic Church’s role in the abuse.


Vatican City drinks more wine per person than anywhere else in the world​

Holy See residents consume double the number of bottles per year – on average – drunk in France or Italy as a whole​


The Vatican City consumes more wine per capita over the course of a year than any other country, new figures have shown

(Getty Images)


Well , I am not concerned with things that Vatican do but I always think about the knowledge and texts of history Vatican hold to itself in its archives hidden and inaccessible to commoners. Just imagine what knowledge and secrets those documents will be holding. Btw what can be the possible reasons behind making these texts inaccessible to commoners?
Btw what can be the possible reasons behind making these texts inaccessible to commoners?
A question of mine also.

But as a matter of fact, only one person hides historical facts/writings thr ones who are afraid of truth.

Well , I am not concerned with things that Vatican do but I always think about the knowledge and texts of history Vatican hold to itself in its archives hidden and inaccessible to commoners. Just imagine what knowledge and secrets those documents will be holding. Btw what can be the possible reasons behind making these texts inaccessible to commoners?
An other point sir, knights templar are symbols of Zionist alliance among special elements of Jews and Christians. That must be the very relling part about the fact why they hide those writings.

Jerusalem and knights templar are the primary symbols of Zionism.
A question of mine also.

But as a matter of fact, only one person hides historical facts/writings thr ones who are afraid of truth.

An other point sir, knights templar are symbols of Zionist alliance among special elements of Jews and Christians. That must be the very relling part about the fact why they hide those writings.

Jerusalem and knights templar are the primary symbols of Zionism.

Will we find accounts of Alien encounters, UFOs, secret knowledges, even alternate-true-human history in those texts ???

I have one demon I would like to add to the archives of the Vatican. He is very vicious and deceiving. His name is Bajwa demon.
Will we find accounts of Alien encounters, UFOs, secret knowledges, even alternate-true-human history in those texts ???

I think those matters are for making confusion. Not every one of conspiracy theorists are honest people. Sometimes people from amongst themselves (the true culprits) raise confusing issues to hide the real issue behind ridiculous and mind boggling matters such as UFOs.

But if they meant Jinns by claiming UFO then i must confess that they have made huge advance in their approach of Satanism.
Will we find accounts of Alien encounters, UFOs, secret knowledges, even alternate-true-human history in those texts ???


No bhai, I don't think we will. The position of the pope was established only in the 1st century AD. I don't think the papacy has any records of alien encounters from Greek sources, from Egyptian sources, from West Asian sources or indeed from the Catholics who sailed into Central and South America and found advanced civilizations there. :)

@Bilal9 @Mentee @fitpOsitive, what do you think ?

But if they meant Jinns by claiming UFO then i must confess that they have made huge advance in their approach of Satanism.

What do you mean ?
A question of mine also.
@RealNapster Jinns exist. But in the west hardly anyone believes in these things. Why? Why if Jinns exist and no one simply believes in these things? But in the East, almost everyone believes in Jinns!

Because we don't have the Vatican to hide information. So basically, I think the Vatican is the part of the group that is pushing the west toward atheism. Because the time of arrival of Jesus AS is very near, and in that time, after he arrives, a Christian Europe will be extremely dangerous. So Satan is after West more than he is after East.

And as for Bafomath, I think she is some female partner of Satan. Hence her breasts. And she is behind all feminist movements. But this is just my guesswork. Maybe I am wrong.

what do you think ?
Aliens can tell us about a lot of good technologies.
@RealNapster Jinns exist. But in the west hardly anyone believes in these things. Why? Why if Jinns exist and no one simply believes in these things? But in the East, almost everyone believes in Jinns!

Well, I don't. :) You may know that Zia ul Haq set up a department composed of "scientists and engineers" to research harnessing the power of jinns towards production of electricity so that Pakistan's electricity problems can be solved. The world knows of not the slightest success by this team.

Aliens can tell us about a lot of good technologies.

They can but first they will be astonished at how humans kill each other for petty and irrational reasons, whether for land or for dictatorship in the family or for nationalism or religion or others. :) Aliens will ask why haven't humans advanced into space as a single bloc, why is there such disunity ?
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What do you mean ?
Quran has confirmed existence of Jinns. Look for holy Surat el Mubarakah of Al-Jinn in Quran.

One point about Quran, this holy book is untouched. There is one Quran in the hands of Shias, Sunnis and every branch of Islamic sects. It just goes to show you that no one was able to put his/her hands onto this holy existence.

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