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Dark secrets of Vatican -

Quran has confirmed existence of Jinns. Look for holy Surat el Mubarakah of Al-Jinn in Quran.

Please read my post# 14.

One point about Quran, this holy book is untouched. There is one Quran in the hands of Shias, Sunnis and every branch of Islamic sects. It just goes to show you that no one was able to put his/her hands into this holy existence.

There may be one Quran but there are multiple interpretations based on how progressive or regressive a person is, how rational or irrational a person is. :)
Well, I don't. :) You may know that Zia ul Haq set up a department composed of "scientists and engineers" to research harnessing the power of jinns towards production of electricity so that Pakistan's electricity problems can be solved. The world knows of not the slightest success by this team.
Did he really? That's the most stupid thing that i have ever heard of.
@RealNapster Jinns exist. But in the west hardly anyone believes in these things. Why? Why if Jinns exist and no one simply believes in these things? But in the East, almost everyone believes in Jinns!

Because we don't have the Vatican to hide information. So basically, I think the Vatican is the part of the group that is pushing the west toward atheism. Because the time of arrival of Jesus AS is very near, and in that time, after he arrives, a Christian Europe will be extremely dangerous. So Satan is after West more than he is after East.

And as for Bafomath, I think she is some female partner of Satan. Hence her breasts. And she is behind all feminist movements. But this is just my guesswork. Maybe I am wrong.

Aliens can tell us about a lot of good technologies.
You won't find one good thing in communicating with Jinns. All the scientific pregress that we have made, we owe to prophets. Jinns also have good and bad but we will not find anything good in communicating with them. My advice, don't even think about it.

For example we owe the concept of writing contract among people to prophet Adam. There are plenty of examples out there but not important under this specific headline.
What about my request to add the unholy Bajwa demon to the archives of the Vatican? Don't deny my request.
Did he really? That's the most stupid thing that i have ever heard of.

A wonderful Pakistani article from 2018 on it and other things :

Return of the jinns​

By Kamila Hyat
September 27, 2018

For a society that hopes to move towards progress and development – something the PTI government clearly aspires to achieve – we work in strange ways.

The Air University, a public research university established by the Pakistan Air Force, held a seminar at its Islamabad campus in April this year to discuss jinns and the role of the occult in society. This widely-advertised event was presided over by ‘spiritual cardiologist’ Raja Ziaul Haq, who describes himself on his social media page as a “FUNdamentalist”.

Quite obviously, our society is becoming a place of increased confusion and intellectual chaos. This, of course, is not the first seminar about jinns. Others have been held over the years. Some were held as far back as in the era of General Ziaul Haq, who bizarrely attempted to introduce ‘Islamic science’ and promote theories under which energy harnessed from jinns could be used to fulfil our fuel shortage and resolve other issues.

Over 30 years later, it doesn’t appear that these men of wisdom have succeeded in achieving what they had hoped for. If they had, many of our national problems would have been solved by now. Perhaps the third Mrs Imran Khan – who, according to reports, is able to summon jinns – could come to their assistance in this urgent matter.

Jokes also appear everywhere about using jinns to build the Diamer-Basha Dam or other projects at a far faster pace than what would be possible from the donations collected from people across the country. In fact, the concept of black magic, jinns and other forces has come back to campuses across Pakistan with something of a bang – like a genie released from a bottle.

There has always been a problem in attempting to combine religion with science. The issue is that it holds back both religion and science. What we urgently need to develop in our society is rationality, and the ability to think logically and with a definite purpose. Sadly, we have floundered in this.

Scientific research, even at our leading universities, is generally of an extremely poor quality, and one reason for this is that we tend to shy away from the hard facts of science. The wonderful world of magic is, after all, far more potent. The belief of so many influential persons in its powers can only enhance the importance that ordinary people attach to it.

Since the Zia era, scientists engaged in more serious research have attempted to encourage the ability to separate physics and related sciences from matters of personal belief. Despite the harsh and daring critiques put forward by some of them, they have floundered in their efforts.

Even at the school level, pupils hesitate to embrace basic science. In a growing number of cases, both teachers and students put forward the idea that religious and scientific beliefs can be intermingled to form a whole. There are many loopholes in these theories. Yet, we seem to find these theories to be the only acceptable way to embrace science and its theories. No doubt, there are more and more confused high-school and college students wandering through the classrooms of even our leading institutions.

We need to accept that a Pakistan of the future – the Naya Pakistan promised to us by the PTI – must be built on reality. As has happened in India, the refusal to create a break between beliefs and scientific facts creates a tremendous amount of uncertainty. It also prevents us from moving forward and leads respectable TV hosts to go along with absurd theories, such as the one presented some years ago by a group of young people who insisted that they had discovered a way to make a car run on water. Mainstream television channels reported this news with a great deal of enthusiasm.

There is no understanding that something which seems too good to be true is probably untrue. The science behind that mythical car was always flawed. Few among us even understood the basics of science and instead clamoured for the mystical or magical. Even in major cities like Lahore, many centres offer classes in the art of the occult for people who are willing to pay for them. These classes include tarot-reading, palm-reading, tea-leaf reading and all kinds of other theories that are essentially based on myth.

We have failed to develop mindsets that can promote independent research in the sciences or even the arts. Many of our top leaders, some educated at leading institutions around the world, turn to their spiritual leaders when it comes to making important decisions. Imran Khan has taken things one step forward by marrying his spiritual leader. This must make the transfer of information that much easier, avoiding the need for last-minute meetings or trips out of the home.

What is dangerous is that there appears to be no reduction in beliefs involving the occult. At seminars where these matters are discussed, hundreds of students and many academics gather to hear the views of speakers. There is little or no attempt to question what they say.

At street corners, even in our largest cities, we have signs from so-called doctors who say they can treat all living creatures – human, animal or jinns. It would, of course, be truly wonderful if we could simply wave a magic wand in the air or utter a few words to put into action an army from a world we cannot see to undertake various tasks for us. There are indeed many tasks that need to be completed.

Apart from the building of dams, we need roads, schools, trees, hospitals, cleaner air, potable water and a great deal more. It is quite true that it sometimes seems like this can only happen if magic is deployed. The task appears to fall beyond the capacity of man, unaided by other means.

It is, however, important to remember that we live in the real world, not one that belongs to a fantasy novel. To succeed in it, we need painstaking research and a careful review of facts.

We have failed to achieve this not only in the sciences, but also in history and the other humanities. The facts contained in textbooks are often inaccurate. Even a cursory study reveals the flaws.

Plagiarism is common, even at the highest levels of academic study. As a nation, we need to learn how to develop an ability to think scientifically. This capacity alone can help us address at least some of our difficulties.

Holding conferences where the less certain ‘arts’ of this world are discussed doesn’t seem to be a useful activity. Yet, it is one that we are, more often than not, turning towards. We have in past years produced great scientists like Dr Abdus Salam – even if we don’t accept his genius today.

There are also other Pakistanis who have excelled in the world of science globally, such as Dr Nergis Mavalvala, who is the associate head of Physics at MIT and was part of a team that discovered gravitational waves in an award-winning research effort.

It is people like her and others who excel in their fields across the world who we need to invite to our campuses to conduct seminars and inspire young people to pursue research and conduct discoveries of their own. Only then can we move from darkness to light.

The writer is a freelance columnist and former newspaper editor.
Email: kamilahyat@hotmail.com
Zia ul Haq was just like the Hindutvadis in India now who propagate "Vedic Science" and declare vigorously that satellite-augmented internet existed in Hindu India hundreds of thousands of years ago, that 15,000 years ago Hindus flew across the Solar System, that they had motor cars and stem-cell-based in vitro fertilization for human birth, advanced plastic surgery etc etc.
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They can but first they will be astonished at how humans kill each other for petty and irrational reasons, whether for land or for dictatorship in the family or for nationalism or religion or others. :)

You never know what kind of aliens you meet. May be they are bigger culprits than us.
No bhai, I don't think we will. The position of the pope was established only in the 1st century AD. I don't think the papacy has any records of alien encounters from Greek sources, from Egyptian sources, from West Asian sources or indeed from the Catholics who sailed into Central and South America and found advanced civilizations there. :)

@Bilal9 @Mentee @fitpOsitive, what do you think ?

What do you mean ?

I have read about one such civilization which was discovered by Catholic missionaries. But it's location was kept secret by Vatican. I wonder what other secrets those accounts contain.

images (2).jpeg
Catholic is anti-christ & as such is not christianity.
it martyred millions of christians who do not submit to his holiness.

btw, devil & satan are not real supernatural bad angels flying in the air.
Catholic is anti-christ & as such is not christianity.
it martyred millions of christians who do not submit to his holiness.
True, Catholists know the truth but they hide it. They have turned Christianity into idolatry. Christianity was a true religion but its teachings was changed by greedy people led by enemies of Jesus (A. S.) (read Hakhams) .

For instance before introducing 3 versions of Bible from amongst almost 200+ editions as the closest ones to the original bible, Catholists refused the one which was the closest one to our holy Quran as per Islamic Hadiths.

Perhaps that version exists in the underground shelves of Vatican but for sure inaccessible for commoners.
Catholic is anti-christ & as such is not christianity.
it martyred millions of christians who do not submit to his holiness.

btw, devil & satan are not real supernatural bad angels flying in the air.
Didn't get this part, care to elaborare?
True, Catholists know the truth but they hide it. They have turned Christianity into idolatry. Christianity was a true religion but its teachings was changed by greedy people led by enemies of Jesus (A. S.) (read Hakhams) .

For instance before introducing 3 versions of Bible from amongst almost 200+ editions as the closest ones to the original bible, Catholists refused the one which was the closest one to our holy Quran as per Islamic Hadiths.

Perhaps that version exists in the underground shelves of Vatican but for sure inaccessible for commoners.

Didn't get this part, care to elaborare?
the devil & satan are urban tales believe by all religions,including Islam, to be a bad,evil supernatural personal being that are opposing God.
But the bible defines those entities to be simply either human beings or evil human rulers or minds & their advocates. Bible never teaches a supernatural personal devil.
The biggest supporter of pedophile monks and priests died at the age of 95. Death date of this devil is 31 december 2022


He had secrets of pedophile priests and did all he could do to save them from justice.

EXPLAINED: The ugly face of Child sexual abuse in Catholic church​

Lisbon, PortugalEdited By: Heena SharmaUpdated: Feb 16, 2023, 05:57 PM IST

An investigation by an independent commission recently has unearthed the dirty face of child abuse at the hands of Catholic clergy in Portugal. The horrifying testimonies of the survivors become the ground of the commission's inquiry. The commission with the help of a large network of victims was able to make a deeper cut into finding out the ongoing paedophilia in the staunchly Catholic country.
cruel time limit on justice."

What is the new law?

Under the previous law, minor sexual assault survivors only had until their 40th birthday to seek justice in civil court however with the new bill the time limit is now dropped. It has opened floodgates as most of the alleged abuses were reportedly cited in the suits that took place 50 to 75 years ago. These child abuse victims just do not come forward by that age sometimes.
The data suggests that in New York, nearly 11,000 cases were filed in state courts seeking to hold Catholic dioceses responsible for sexual abuse by clergy. And it is interesting to note that like in California mass sexual abuse litigations are being filed all across US.
A total of 23 states, along with two territories and Washington, D.C., have passed laws that suspend statutes of limitations for sexual-abuse victims. However, there is one more loophole, the way the bankruptcy claims-filing procedures are.

The loopholes in the Bankruptcy filings

Judges who look at these filings in the Bankruptcy courts sometimes set up their own deadlines. This becomes an issue because when the victim misses the deadline they get nothing or they get only some of the claim from the accumulated amounts for unknown claimants.
In December 2019, Pope Francis in a bid to crack down on sexual abuse cases abolished the rule of pontifical secrecy. The changes let go of a practice of keeping silent on those who report sexual abuse or allege they have been a victim. At the time, Pope Francis vowed zero tolerance saying he will come down heavily on stopping the abuse. Even so, there are growing voices which continues to call for more to put an end to it all.

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