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Dancing girl murdered by Taliban

I am aware of what tactics the Taliban are using, but did anyone stand up for this lady before she was killed? Did you come to her rescue?

I clearly said I'm not denying the need for Taliban to be wiped out, but what did not fearing for her life get her? It got her killed. To hell with life? Man what has gotten into you, if she had involved authorities or taken measured steps, she'd still be alive. Taking orders or not taking orders, fact is the lady is dead, while the Taliban control the radio waves and are in a position to give death threats without repercussions from the law. I'm just helping people not get killed over petty sh!t mate. How is praying for their destruction on forums going to do anything?

Stop thinking with your emotions and use some logic dimension117.

There should be no doubt they have caused huge amounts of damage to Pakistan. She should have taken steps to ensure her security but the taliban must be crushed in anyway possible. Enough people have died and the worst thing is waking up in the morning every single day and hearing of Pakistanis dying because of a bunch of ridiculous fools. I think someone will have to risk his life i guess. I will most likely go and fight them.

Taliban are actually devil worshipers. They are a cult. As far as getting over emotions are concerned that will take a huge amount of time for me. I am not capable of it on such ocassions.

38 billions $ of loss, Over 25000 girls cannot study because of Taliban’s terrorist activities. Over 4000 Civilians have been killed in the war on terror. Over 50000 have either been wounded or have had their loved ones killed by the Taliban. Over 1500 soldiers of Pakistan have given their lives to secure and save Pakistan. Over 4200 soldiers have been wounded or maimed in other ways just for Pakistan and its future.
Dancing to the beat of threats

January 16, 2009

By Fawad Ali Shah

KARACHI: Swat, the hub of foreign tourists throughout history, has remained a host to dancers and musicians of all parts of NWFP, as here they could easily earn their livelihood.

Usually before visiting the lush green valleys of Swat, foreign visitors would love to stay at Mingora and enjoy dance programmes at night. However, now the bazaars of Mingora are deserted. To the people of Mingora the drumbeats, the sound of payals and the sweet melody of sitars, remain no more than a sweet dream.

After some of their colleagues suffered the brutality of the local version of the Taliban, the dancers and actors of Swat started shifting to Karachi in order to secure their lives and profession.

The artists claim that the terrorists forcefully made them abandon their businesses and those who refused to succumb to their pressure were killed. Beside these threats, the worsening law and order situation in the area made it very difficult for the artists to earn a living.

Saba Naz, 19, a dancer from Swat is one of those artists, who along with her colleagues, shifted from Swat to Karachi. The dancer, sitting in a flat at Sohrab Goth, surrounded by her madam (or ‘mother’ as she calls her) and friends, reveals that their business was badly affected by the recent crisis. The Taliban fired at our house, the teenager told Daily Times, adding that the terrorists kidnapped one of colleagues, and then killed her, brutally.

Saba used to entertain visitors at a local hotel in Mingora. Her services were also hired for weddings. She claims to be a ‘dance master’. “After our houses were struck by terrorists, we quit our jobs for some time and started attending weddings,” the dancer narrates her sorrow tale with her eyes fixed on empty walls and her fingers unconsciously tightening around the arm of the chair that she was sitting on.

She said that the number of dancers in Mingora was around 550. According to her, half of them have shifted to Karachi as they think that here, their businesses will thrive.

“Taliban are enemies of art and culture,” she adds with anger. She adds that now the sound of drums, remind her of the beheaded body of her colleague and her house on fire.

Gul Sanga, 23, another internally displaced artist, has taken shelter in the Banaras area. The house, which is on rent, has four rooms, out of which three will be occupied by her ‘family’ while the fourth one will be used to put on dance shows. “Five years earlier our business was doing fine but soon after the Taliban appeared, our business collapsed,” Rehana shared her experience of Swat, while sitting with her ‘mother’. Her eyes were not shining like they would have once and her mother attributes it to the fact that the terrorists killed Rehana’s sisters.

“Dance is my life,” she said and added that she could not live without dancing while she thoughtfully ran her fingers through her hair. It may be remembered that not only in Swat, which is a part of the Provincially Administered Tribal Areas, these girls used to attend wedding ceremonies in the settled areas of NWFP.

Gulzaara’s mother, 43, who was once a renowned dancer herself, said that the extremists have destroyed the beauty, culture and tourism of Swat.

Zulfiqar, who is the dancer’s administrator and gives himself the title of a choreographer, said that he wished that the entire dancing industry should have shifted to Karachi some four to five years ago. “Karachi has a huge market,” he said while fidgeting with his cap. He added with a hint of pride that the people of the city would have never come across such good dances and dancers. “We will give them variety,” he affirms.

Shabana was one the traditional dancers, who used to perform at Mingora city’s Banar Bazaar. Unlike her other colleagues, she refused to be dictated by the Taliban.

On January 2, she was kidnapped by the members of the terrorist group and was killed at the city’s green square. Besides her dead body, the murderers left a letter, threatening people that whoever will not abide by the laws of the Taliban would meet the same fate. The CDs containing her dances and some money were also thrown along with her dead body.
After this incident, no one dared to be in the business and most professionals left the area for their own good. Shabana remains an example of the level Taliban will stoop to in order to make sure that the people obey their rules.
mf**k*rs ,I wish i was born in 70's when Pakistan was a liberal and tolerant society
mf**k*rs ,I wish i was born in 70's when Pakistan was a liberal and tolerant society
It still is bro, otherwise the taliban would have overrun you. Its because the Majority are progressive, that the taliban has a tough time spreading.
A little correction there please. (Not that I am contesting its any good to kill her tho, so no wet dreams off the bat, I am just putting some facts here which haven't been mentioned by the media to justify the war of west on so called terror).

Shabana wasn't "just" a dancer. She was running a brothel in her house - which is illegal in Pakistan if you'd know.

Her brothel was attracting several different sorts of people to the community, causing some severe trauma for the locals, who obviously, did not want to see their little ones attracting to such crap, and hence complained several times, but her authorities, as we know, did not respond at all to the complaints of the civilian society, for which they are created to resolve the issues to keep order.

It is said (and we know) that a lot of high profilers were her clients, hence no action was taken, and the neighbourhood was falling to all kinds of things strictly prohibited in Muslim and then Pakistani society - such as Acahol, drugs, dunk gangsters, etc. etc.

Then some local girls (1/13/14) started to disappear (abducted) from the area (swat), and ended up in Peshawar and the link was traced back to Shabana's loyalsts (tho its not proven if she was involved or not).

Then authorities were informed about it to remove her brothel or people will take care of it - and of course, as usual, the authorities did not react to complaints and the lights of brothel never went out.

Now there are two versions regarding the cause of her death:

1- It is said (and I somewhat believe) that locals went to TNSM (the so called talebans) as they usually go to them for justice anyway, and reported this to them - and in turn, they asked Shabana to close the brothel in 3 days and leave the area (just as they asked other so called 'artists', and all others left) but she defied and stayed back. Not only stayed back, but she never closed the brothel.

Then the time came, few of the foot soldiers of TNSM came dragging her to the main chowk, shot her, threw a few cds of her on her and left.

The second story is exactly the same with just a little twist, that locals never asked the TNSM, they did this (asking her to leave and on refusal killed her) on their own.
they call themselves muslims but go around killing people
who are they to judge weather a person should live or die?
whatever they are they are defiantly not muslims :tsk:
Taliban are a bunch of barbarians, always killing killing killing or chopping ears. They are not even humans, they target simple minded poor people of Swat, why dont they come down to Lahore and see what Lahoris will do to these Taliban.
Although I had condemned (and still do) the TSNM, Pashtuns' post has got me thinking.A personal experience of Mingora in the summer of 2002 when our local driver and guide told us that the city ran the biggest 'bazaar' selling girls (sold or abducted)from different parts of(esp) NWFP and Punjab.It was run as he put it by a powerful mafia openly,untouchable by the authorities.And no the guide wasn't taliban (they were virtually unheard of then),he was just like the other locals...welcoming and full of life.

Most of the ppl in this thread have posted about the way Hazrat Omer (AS ) and Hazrat Ali (AS) handed out justice and were never above it themselves,however the tragedy of the swati ppl (Ive been there 4 more times) and most other rural parts of Pakistan is this...there is a weak and almost nonexistent adminstartion and judicial system hawked by the mighty.These ppl r expected to settle all issues and grieviences amongst themselves in whtever manner they choose.It should be no surprise that these gaps in society attract the ideologies of the taliban.They do promise quick (brutal) 'justice',which is the basic reason that popularises them initially.

If Pashtun is correct than mayb there is a lesson in this...if we can implement a strong adminstartion and judicial system the taliban will die a death of its own.
Why cant we just crush them. There are ways. First adopt the tactics the taliban use. Infiltrate them. This conventional war approach is definately not working.

Why why why???????? Why in Pakistan this has to happen?

Kill all taliban. I will keep them in torture chambers and eliminate their entire families. Bastards.
Why cant we just crush them. There are ways. First adopt the tactics the taliban use. Infiltrate them. This conventional war approach is definately not working.

Why why why???????? Why in Pakistan this has to happen?

Kill all taliban. I will keep them in torture chambers and eliminate their entire families. Bastards.

Come on brother Dimension, what are you talking about? how do you crush something that is scattered through out the region, that is supported by our very own security agencies for a decade like a snake of the sleeve, that is divided among several different parties (thugs to foreign agents to drug lords to those whom families have been killed by bombardment).

You cannot shoot a man who has a cancer. You have to cure it, and certainly the type of cure we are using, is absolutely spreading the cancer, not containing or curing it. We have already made a mess by killing women and children in Lal Masjid on the name of "crushing". Please, this is not the solution, it only increase the hate and resistance, which will be thoroughly cashed by our enemies.

What We need is our policies re-thought. We need to quit this honeymoon with war on Terror at once, before it's too late to begin with. We have to stop conquering our own country and give some sense of responsiblity to the parties involve in this mess by negotiating with them. Such emotional talk of crushing anything that raises a concern/complaint, is going to cost us dearly!
Taliban are a bunch of barbarians, always killing killing killing or chopping ears. They are not even humans, they target simple minded poor people of Swat, why dont they come down to Lahore and see what Lahoris will do to these Taliban.

Depends on which Talebans are you talking about. The original movement or this confusing one with dozen different parties using the name of Talebans to carry their heinous acts.

And trust me, Talebans were not barbarians. They ruled Afghanistan for about 7 years, and have you heard a single shot fired towards Pakistan? And if they were barbarians, why would Pakistan have had recognized and legitimized their government in the first place?

Think rationally my dear, Talebans are basically victims of the Media. If you critically examine their rule and technics, you will be amazed to see how excellently they brought peace in Afghanistan and cleansed the threat of India for Pakistan, in a country (Afghanistan) where peace is the most precious commodity.

Anyway its really off the topic, but what I really wanted to say was, if Pashtuns (the toughest and roughest of entire Pakistan) cannot contain them as of yet, then Lahore or Karachi is much more domesticated and less resistful in comparison to the north west.

I still remember a simple phone call in CD market in Lahore shut the entire market for a day, yet they being actually present there. So careful what you wish for. :)
Even if she was running a brothel, they didn't need to kill her.

They could have just burnt her brothel down, warned her, she'd have run off.

The brothel part could easily have been cooked. You get some radicals who call women prostitutes for simply stepping out the house. I personally wouldn't believe these idiots.
...if we can implement a strong adminstartion and judicial system the taliban will die a death of its own.

Bulls eye. We need our judiciary overhauled for providing justice to our people, which is an another precious commodity in our country. Do you know if there's a land dispute in NWFP, the time to get a date is anywhere between a month to a year in court, and 99% of the time the judge doesn't show up and the date is pushed to few more months and the average case settles between 5 to 10 years.

Forget about all other cases, where judge can be bought with money and the justice is drowned in the Indian ocean.

TNSM/TTP/Lashkar-e-Islam, they offer real justice. I swear to God, you would be amazed how perfect their system is. You go to them, if you are right and all the witnesses are provided - you get the justice within days (if not hours). Let me give you an example with Mangal Bagh, the one happened in front of me.

A car theft ring leader (with some powerful connections) stole a car of this guy we knew, right in front of his eyes, like right on front of him, they jacked it. He went after them to their house, like check the badmashi out, they did not fear at all for carjacking, posing as powerful mafia.

The guy asked to have his car returned, they beat him and asked for 200,000 Rs. for the car to be returned to him (imagine). The guy went to Police, they refused to file an FIR (as usual). We helped him to get to IGP NWFP, who promised something but nothing happened, while the 1200,000 rs. brand new corolla was gone.

They guy, tired of authorities, went to Mangal Bagh, and asked told him about the car jacking. Mangal Bagh, within few hours, rattled the earth under that mafia, and brought the gang leader to open area, and asked the locals if they have any complaints about him. An elderly woman came out and said this guy killed his two sons. Another old man came out and said he raped his daughter or daughter in law (I don't exactly remember) and a lot of others said how they lost their properties and other stuff to him.

Mangal Bagh had the guy return everything to the original owners for whatever claims were there and at the end of the final judgement, shot him dead (along with his cronies) for murdering people and raping women.

After that, till today, there's no crime committed in that area!

In another instance, in Khyber Agency, there's this family lives called Zahir Shah's family (zahir shah being the proginator). They are in real words, gangsters. Thugs. They do robberies, sell Alcahol, drugs, kidnappings, extortions, and you name it. And 101% supported by authorities. SHO and DSP always lived on their payroll and their provided houses in Hayatabad.

People complained several times about this family, but ofcourse, nothing happens. Then enters Mangal Bagh and gained popularity for his accurate justice. He was contacted by people against this family, so he warned the family by writing a letter to them asking them to stop all their criminal actions and gave them three points:

1) Be My Brother
2) Be My Enemy
3) Leave the Khyber

Zahir Shah's family refused to budge in (probably they didn't know the power of Mangal Bagh), and Mangal Bagh struck like a lightening on the doors of Zahir Shah's village!

You know what Zahir Shah's family did? they told government, stop Mangal Bagh, or he will attack settle area (Hayatabad, Peshawar). Since they came to find out they will be destroyed -

While it was night time, and no Minister, police, security agency wanted to take notice, the fight ensued, and Zahir Shah's family, as promised, fired a few missiles at Hayatabad - one hitting our street.

The government finally woke up, and instead of stopping the criminal, who is a real pain in the neck for the rest of the province, they attacked Mangal Bagh, and pushed him back.

Then Zahir Shah killed all many locals who complained about his weapons/drugs smuggling, alcahol selling, kidnappings etc.

Tho at the moment, Mangal Bagh have put a ban on Zahir Shahs' businesses, since Govt. have struck deal with him for the safe passage of NATO trucks by agreeing with his terms that no drugs, no weapons, no acahol, no brothels will be allowed in the area.

So imagine, the things that the government is suppose to do, someone else is doing, while govt. is making deals with him for the things that govt. is suppose to do.

So obviously, we need a stronger justice system, that can provide justice to people, who are alienating to other sources in search of justice.
Jirga system must die if it is considered a roadblock to effective governance. More must be done on the government's part to provide humane solutions to problems.
Even if she was running a brothel, they didn't need to kill her.

They could have just burnt her brothel down, warned her, she'd have run off.

The brothel part could easily have been cooked. You get some radicals who call women prostitutes for simply stepping out the house. I personally wouldn't believe these idiots.

You didn't read what I have written have you? They warned us and gave her some time to close it down (not even leave). But she, knowing the authorities on her side, didn't stop.

And no, the case is not a mistaken identity (tho I agree with you that unfortunately our country have some people that would say such a thing about woman). She was involved in private packages, big time. It happened in my city, we know the people living in our cities and things happening there, because they are not metropolises, they are small hamlets, almost everyone knows everyone in their areas.
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