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DAJJAL = ANTIChrist ??


Oct 2, 2007
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if Muslims and christens are agree on one topic that the ANTICHRIST(DAJJAL) will jewsh and HAZRAT ESA (A.S) will kill him , so why they r fighting each other and why Christens are standing the side of jewsh and they are agree that he'll enemy of muslims and christens ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, so WHY ??????????????????

<(_|_)| AKBAR
i say dajjal and antiChrist are the same. dajjal will come to fight Propeht Jesus (SAW) and will be defeated. same is what christians believe. bec christianity and islam are the religions of the same God, therefore these two prophecies are actually the same.
bec christianity and islam are the religions of the same God, therefore these two prophecies are actually the same.

That is a false statement, Christianity, Islam and Jewdism believes in the same god. Remember Abraham, where god commends him to cut the throat of his son, later recanted and a goats was cut. This story is in Tora, Koran, and the Bible.
That is a false statement, Christianity, Islam and Jewdism believes in the same god. Remember Abraham, where god commends him to cut the throat of his son, later recanted and a goats was cut. This story is in Tora, Koran, and the Bible.

agreed. i never said only two religions from one God. antiChrist is to do with christianity that is y i only talked about islam and christianity.
i appologise for not being clear enough
B/c the Reason is that Christian believe that Hazrat ESA will not come until Greator Israel is not Formed ....
so thats why they are Fully Supporting Israel ..
B/c the Reason is that Christian believe that Hazrat ESA will not come until Greator Israel is not Formed ....
so thats why they are Fully Supporting Israel ..

God Bless the Liberals of the U.S. they have more sense :usflag:
B/c the Reason is that Christian believe that Hazrat ESA will not come until Greator Israel is not Formed ....
so thats why they are Fully Supporting Israel ..

yes !!!!!!!!!!!!! THXXXXX:enjoy:

<(_|_)| AKBAR

if Muslims and christens are agree on one topic that the ANTICHRIST(DAJJAL) will jewsh and HAZRAT ESA (A.S) will kill him , so why they r fighting each other and why Christens are standing the side of jewsh and they are agree that he'll enemy of muslims and christens ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, so WHY ??????????????????

<(_|_)| AKBAR

al' Salaam alekum, your question is most ignored point today and something surely needs to be done in this regard.

Starting from the fact that Islam and Christianity both gave the signs of Dajjal-antichirst, signs of both great religions point to one and same thing, al_dollar, it not only consist the one eye sign of Islam but also the $$$ as mark of the beast(usury) according to Bible.

Islam abd Christianity where agree that seal of A1GOD is Gold, but the seal of anti-christ has not only appeared in form of paper but it has also replaced seal of A1lah/A1God which is gold, as world reserves already!

Currently most of Humanity has fallen prey to Dajjal's claim of divinity since it has already replaced seal of A1lah/A1God with its own. NO man can buy or sell without the mark $$$ today and that was prophecy of Bible, and the beast shall rise from sea is beast of Usury being USA! Staue of liberty is not only dressed as a Messiah holding a book but is on the contrary with a woman's face, indeed an anti-christ / al maseeh al-dajjal!

we are already in the trial of all times and now is time to quit the deciever and its deceptions!

Long as any nation has reserves in dollar, it is wrong in claiming to be Muslim ChrisTian or even a Jew! For all the three major religions teach that The Great Seal is GOLD! not dollar!

It will be easier than it sounds when i say that returning to Bullion system as reserves from the deceptive billion system will be a final and major blow to Dajjal and its deceptive system, and believe me when i say that Euro is the only next jump we can take especially when their currency not only have no graven images, as forbiden by all 3 great religions but it will unite us Muslims and Christians against a common enemy and buy us time to figure out what hapened to the gold and who is hoarding it up from the people of A1GOD/A1lah, that too only if we take the one who blaspheme in the name of A1lah/A1GOD as our enemy that we will unite!

Christian world seem more aware of our times than Muslims as they have already prepared against clutches of usuristic beast's mark $$$ by having Euro as their currency, especially when i find it only currency free of graven images, where as oil is the major investor in printing of dollar and sadly at hands of Muslim oil producer's lack of awareness on the issue under discussion here.

INdeed Faith is the only weapon we have, so dont trust the 1 eyed God of dollar, as it is a blasphemy, Put your trust in A1GOD/A1lah who is not one eyed, and His seal is GOLD not a mere Paper we call dollar!

Evidently Dajjal is a liar and cannot make Gold, so it resorted to loot humanity of its resources using a deceptive currency as world reserves and never before our times were mankind so weak of faith that they could not tell difference between economic seal of A1GOD from those that are fake!

take care!
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