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CV-18 Fujian - Type 003 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

I didn't mean Beidou. Beidou is for navigation. Was the pic taken by a Chinese or foreign satellite?
You clearly mentioned "Beidou", whatever did you mean by Beidou here… or did you think every Chinese sat is named Beidou?? :p:

Obviously the sat source ain't the US one, though it's irrelevant here, the remote pic was intentionally given as blurred. Unless you can obtain a better one, just live with that.

Are these satellite pics taken from Beidou?
Will it have catapults ? Steam or electromagnetic ?
100% electromagnetic ... this was confirmed by multiple Big Shrimps and even official sources 3 years ago. It was initially steam catapults but then the navy switched to EM catapults, delaying the construction.
Even in 2014, the 003 was confirmed to have catapults ... no one expected China to make more than one 002 class STOBAR carrier.

Exactly! Actually the Chinese shipbuilding companies preferred building a more advanced ship with steam catapults as the first indigenous carrier after Liaoning was completed, but PLAN, concerned about potential wars in the near future, wanted a ship that could be delivered sooner and enter full operation status sooner. Thus they chose to build a 2nd Liaoning with small revisions first.

The steam catapult tech was already available years ago when the 002 project (the later Shandong) was started, not to mention the 003. The designers just had to made changes to accommodate EMALS to 003 after it won the competition with steam catapults. And that delayed the 003 project for about a year.
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Even in 2014, the 003 was confirmed to have catapults ... no one expected China to make more than one 002 class STOBAR carrier.

Type 001 = Varyag/Liaoning

Type 002 = 70,000 tonnes CV with steam catapults

Type 003 = 100,000 tonnes CVN with steam catapults or electromagnetic catapults

That was China's original plan, but later they have decided to supplant the original Type 002 with the Type 001A, so everything has been changed.
But 10 by 2035 was still very surprising to me. I know it includes the two STOBAR carriers but even they are still pretty capable. It looks like the PLAN is indeed trying to match the USN ship for ship, not just on the quality but also the quantity side. I am sure they are also doing it on the submarine side, although it is much more secretive ... but sooner or later we will get those pics of 093B and 095s. The ambition of PLAN naval planners, if Pop3 is indeed correct, is considerably more than even what I expected.

I’m confident with 6 carriers in service, 8 in service+completed totally. Maybe hopefully 9 altogether.

Via @军戈飞扬 from Weibo

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