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CV-18 Fujian - Type 003 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

HHP25, the marine nuclear power platform, is being built by Bohai Heavy Industry. The main part will be completed during this year. 20K-tons icebreaker is under tender, all details are unknown. Dalian will upgrade its technology after CV17 to have nuclear power production capacity, and then produce nuclear-power aircraft carrier which is under design now.

The blogger believes that the Jiangnan Shipyard has started the construction of the type 003 conventional power carrier and has 2 orders. All will be completed in 2025. Dalian will begin construction of type 005 and 006 nuclear-powered aircraft carrier around 2022.
They must go nuclear as soon as possible. I reckon 005,006 to be nuclear. Having 6 CBGs is enough to deter the Americans in Taiwan. China can easily afford 6 CBGs, almost the whole fleet is domestic, coupled with the multiplying effect of paying salaries in RMB, this is sustainable.

The ADIZ is the precursor of an encirclement of Taiwan.
Please ... Global Times with its high quality reports. IMO often as reliable as Minnie Chan.

Yes, there will be ... but the question is - and I actually don't think so - that 003 will already be nuclear. As such this reporg brings no news nor surprises.

I posted it because they were giving a time frame of 2025. I understand global times but they are quoting someone else.
Please ... Global Times with its high quality reports. IMO often as reliable as Minnie Chan.

Yes, there will be ... but the question is - and I actually don't think so - that 003 will already be nuclear. As such this reporg brings no news nor surprises.

I'm thinking since there were rumors that two new AC are under construction right now, maybe one will be nuclear powered and the other will be conventional
I'm thinking since there were rumors that two new AC are under construction right now, maybe one will be nuclear powered and the other will be conventional

I thought you said China was ahead? They don't have a nuke carrier yet?

They must go nuclear as soon as possible. I reckon 005,006 to be nuclear. Having 6 CBGs is enough to deter the Americans in Taiwan. China can easily afford 6 CBGs, almost the whole fleet is domestic, coupled with the multiplying effect of paying salaries in RMB, this is sustainable.

The ADIZ is the precursor of an encirclement of Taiwan.

How many decades do you figure that will take?
Please ... Global Times with its high quality reports. IMO often as reliable as Minnie Chan.

Yes, there will be ... but the question is - and I actually don't think so - that 003 will already be nuclear. As such this reporg brings no news nor surprises.
I posted it because they were giving a time frame of 2025. I understand global times but they are quoting someone else.

Various sources suggest that they want to run 6 aircraft carriers, including the current 2, in near future. I think they have been crazy working on that now. I don't believe they need more than that as they mainly use them to hold some key strategic locations, particularly in Pacific and Indian Ocean. They don't care too much about Atlantic Ocean as it is not in their main trade routes.

They are not looking forward to using aircraft carrier fleets to beat aircraft carrier fleets. That will be hypersonic missiles' job.

One of the lesson they've learned from Soviet's anti-carrier capability buildup is that, you can't simply use missiles as deterrence to keep enemy away, even when the deterrence is highly credible, because it is so easy to trigger a quick escalation to total nuclear war if a missile is fired. So while they are leading in hypersonic missile technologies and resilient space sensor network buildup, they are still building the carriers and Type 055 DDGs to make sure they can hold key strategic locations and not to let America play effective brinkmanship.

I think the current kidnap of Huawei CFO will further accelerate all such development. To make sure they can finish the current capability buildup smoothly, as said before, I suggest them spread stealth sensor UAVs and anti-ship ballistic missiles to some developing countries. Airshow Zhuhai 2018 indicates such possibility quite clearly.
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China's Type 002 Aircraft Carrier

China plans to operate six aircraft carriers, of which two will be nuclear-powered ones that would be launched around 2025, according to Chinese military experts.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy will have five aircraft carriers in the near future, Global Times reported quoting Song Zhongping, a military expert and TV commentator as saying Thursday.

Wang Yunfei, another naval expert and retired PLA Navy officer, said that China needs six aircraft carriers to ensure enough carriers are on active duty while the others are undergoing maintenance.

China will develop two nuclear-powered carriers, Wang said.

With the first carrier, the CNS Liaoning being used for testing, the second carrier designated as ‘Type 001A’ is undergoing sea-trails, the third has entered the construction phase in Shanghai, according to the Chinese Navy’s plan to fast-track aircraft carrier development.

Teaser images of the third carrier were released by the China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC) in the past without giving any description. In one image at the CSIC board meeting earlier this year, the background screen showed three carriers of what appears to be an artists’ illustration.

The proposed third aircraft carrier is said to carry the ‘Type 002’ designation and is expected to have a catapult take-off and arrester-cable landing assist system unlike the ski-jump take off system of the 001A.

The teaser image posted on Xinhua News’ WeChat account in November this year has a carrier in the fore-ground with a flat deck indicating the presence of a catapult launch system.

Such a system is power hungry and will most probably need nuclear-powered propulsion to supply the required power.

China is in a hurry to acquire the aircraft carriers as it rapidly expanded the navy coupled with the acquisition of naval bases aboard to back up its growing influence abroad, especially in the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea (SCS).

I thought you said China was ahead? They don't have a nuke carrier yet?

How many decades do you figure that will take?

They're not ahead in every way, but their development is going faster than the US, including in areas where they have already surpassed the US. That's in part because of the terribly corrupt and inefficient US procurement methods, your contractors have corrupted all branches of government and are now using the state as an ATM for taxpayers money while delivering flawed overpriced products. That's why I said your governance system is a complete joke. It's corrupt to the core and seeks short term profits for those who control it even if that means long term strategic suicide.
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Guys ... back to the topic and esp. leave out sstupid politics.
I only noticed it right now:

What's that round bow-like part?

If this is the bow section it looks very much like a ramp... but that would mean no. 003 is not a CATOBAR.

Propeller bearing support, one of 4 spotted onsite.

The sketch depicts only part of the "whole story"
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