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CV-18 Fujian - Type 003 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

Where is floating Casino hotel Varyag was supposed to be.
This is a caste system. Varyag was born warrior, she was never able to change her destiny.
Type 002, conventional steam catapult

Type 003, nuclear EMALS(of which the preliminary development has begun)

China likes taking things in steps。:cheers:
whats the quantity for 002?
So its a one thing where India and China stands equal... Because right now both operates 1 aircraft carrier?? Right?
We should give our Indian friends the due respect. Their AC is operational. Chinese AC is not. It is just a training platform.

Second? more precisely third.
Yes, the second. The one whose photos have been spreading around for months. Chinese rarely confirm officially on anything that is under development. More often on those that cannot be hidden anymore.





Under construction carrier

China eventually needs 6 future CBG, 3 focused on the first/second island chains, scs, sea of japan and the pacific. 3 more for the Indian ocean, arabian sea and near the horn of africa.

I think Type 001, 001A and 002 will be for regional patrols of the SCS and Sea of Japan.

Type 003 will be for global patrols. I'm sure only the Type 003 (100,000, nuclear powered, EMALS) will be built in multiple numbers. I think China needs 5 of these.

1 x Type 001
1 x Type 001A
1 x Type 002
5 x Type 003

Total aircraft carriers: 8
- Type 002 will start the construction by early 2016.

- Type 055 will build by three shipyards.

- Type 095 gonna be China's own Seawolf class, except the US cannot afford to build in large number, but it will not be a problem for China.
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