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CV-17 Shandong - Type 002 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

Could you please translate?
There should be a requirement to have all non-English postings translated. I don't mind posting in the original language as long as there's an English translation with it. That way, people who are bilingual can verify the translation.

Anyhow, does anyone know why those hatches on the flight deck have a raised edge around them? I understand having painted markings is for safety concerns, but having a raised edge would hinder movement of aircraft by the flight deck crew.
nobody is obliged to do sh!t :lol: , want translation? Ask politely every time you want to know something like that guy above :rofl:
People get tired of reading countless useless postings of requests for translation. If I recall correctly, isn't posting in English a requirement on this forum? EDIT: never mind about the English requirement, it's another forum I'm thinking about.
People get tired of reading countless useless postings of requests for translation. If I recall correctly, isn't posting in English a requirement on this forum? EDIT: never mind about the English requirement, it's another forum I'm thinking about.
Are you referring to SDF :rofl:?
People get tired of reading countless useless postings of requests for translation. If I recall correctly, isn't posting in English a requirement on this forum? EDIT: never mind about the English requirement, it's another forum I'm thinking about.
Yes, it's SDF. The landlord there is an American guy. Here's a Pakistani site [thus I be here and not there :p:] . I hope you are able to make the good conclusion simply from this ownership info. Please don't overstay at the wrong place... just make up your minds.

I have BIG SMILE every time I read the non-contributors make huge demands to those diligent contributors.... What are the hellish thoughts in their minds? Do they think they are the paymasters and those posters are performing their paid duties? :o:o_O Simply Amazing internet realm!!
TV footage of new aircraft carrier sailing in open sea trial yesterday.

Construction timeline of China's first domestic built aircraft carrier.

Cutting of steel to appearance in dry dock took 1 year and 5 months. Fabrication in dry dock to launch took 2 years, out-fitting took 1 year.
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