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CV-17 Shandong - Type 002 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

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What type of awacs like E 2 Will be used on chinese air craft why china presisted with ski jump which reduces the capability too most of nations use foat deck
What type of awacs like E 2 Will be used on chinese air craft why china presisted with ski jump which reduces the capability too most of nations use foat deck

China didn't persisted with ski jump, Type 002 it's only the first home built carrier for China. 001 was refurbished. We needs to learn how to walk first before run. China's next carrier Type 003 will be float deck catapult-equipped aircraft carrier. China can't make things out of thin air or hack into U.S system and copy like some western media claim you know. We have to learn and develop the skills and technology to build it first.

As for Chinese airborne early warning and control plane, some pictures from 5-6 years ago shown maybe China is developing AEW platform like the E-2 for their future carrier with JZY-01 testbed based on the Y-7(An-26). But we don't get much information for it. And a mock-up of KJ-600 AEW&C was also seen before. But China will get it's own AEW&C one way or the other.

We want chinese dragon to be powerfull but china should do justice to causes like palestine kashmiris where ever terrorism is no matter who is doing it and dont do same as usa malaigned islam as terrorist

Yes china is catching faster and it will take US supremecy on its feet and we hope china end the hypocracy of US and do justice to world peace

And without pakistan china is 20 percent weaker dont forget yes china covered al sides but regional path pak is always important for any power due to location

China didn't persisted with ski jump, Type 002 it's only the first home built carrier for China. 001 was refurbished. We needs to learn how to walk first before run. China's next carrier Type 003 will be float deck catapult-equipped aircraft carrier. China can't make things out of thin air or hack into U.S system and copy like some western media claim you know. We have to learn and develop the skills and technology to build it first.

As for Chinese airborne early warning and control plane, some pictures from 5-6 years ago shown maybe China is developing AEW platform like the E-2 for their future carrier with JZY-01 testbed based on the Y-7(An-26). But we don't get much information for it. And a mock-up of KJ-600 AEW&C was also seen before. But China will get it's own AEW&C one way or the other.

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What about other ships surrounding aircraft carrier as we say battle group DDG 002 is there im sure but what more
We want chinese dragon to be powerfull but china should do justice to causes like palestine kashmiris where ever terrorism is no matter who is doing it and dont do same as usa malaigned islam as terrorist

Yes china is catching faster and it will take US supremecy on its feet and we hope china end the hypocracy of US and do justice to world peace

And without pakistan china is 20 percent weaker dont forget yes china covered al sides but regional path pak is always important for any power due to location

What about other ships surrounding aircraft carrier as we say battle group DDG 002 is there im sure but what more
There's really no need to mention "20% weaker" ... It will only ensure a flame bait war. Pakistan is an extremely vital geopolitical ally with China.
Strong china will challenge u s hegemony and could bring peace

Strong china will challenge u s hegemony and could bring peace

Strong china will challenge u s hegemony and could bring peace
Seriously, I do not think China can challenge US in any important field in 15 years.
Seriously, I do not think China can challenge US in any important field in 15 years.
Aren't they already a huge challenge for the US in artificial intelligence???? Lol. If AI is not an important field, I don't k what is ...
Aren't they already a huge challenge for the US in artificial intelligence???? Lol. If AI is not an important field, I don't k what is ...

Indeed, it is the big data analysis and the deep learning. It is an emerging field, and it has not developed important enough yet.
Carrier steel for Type 002
Video summary:
18th national congress stated China's goal of building an industrially strong nation. Steel is a fundamental industry and the life blood of the economy. The development of the steel industry has an intimate relation with the nation's economy, society, and development of national defence.

Anshan, Liaoning, a city born out of the steel industry, is a major steel production base of China. Angang steel is an "elder" and birth place of the nation's steel industry. It symbolises China's transition from a large steel producer to a strong steel producer.

Carrier steel is produced in Bayuquan 鲅鱼圈, a city 100km south of Anshan. The facility includes China's most advanced steel manufacturing and processing equipment, including machine that produces 5.5m wide (world's widest), up to more than 40m long steel plates (4 times the previous steel plate size), with more than 100,000 tones of compression force. The advantage of large steel plates is that it lowers welding length, reduces production time, and improve overall quality. Currently this is the only production facility in China for producing this type of large piece carrier steel.

Steel testing and analysis @6:55
Thousands of samples were taken on areas of concern and performed impact testing. All samples met the criterias.

@7:53 a 30 year old technician joined the carrier steel development and manufacturing team in 2012. During the one month production period, he was in the facility 24 hours a day to ensure quality, only sleeping 3-4 hours a day.

@8:38 engineers monitoring steel production. Zhoudan, one of Angang Steel's military steel researcher with 24 years of naval steel research experience. In 2008 she received a task to develop steel to repair Liaoning carrier. @9:52 After 2 months of trials they achieved their first batch. In May of 2009 Angang sent out 200 tones of steel used to repair Liaoning.
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Latest update from Dalian shipyard ... the life raft installation begun and also it seems as if the clean-up of the deck.
By the way, installation of the life rafts occurred about one month prior to the Liaoning's first test cruise.

PLN Type 002 carrier - 20180325 life raft - 1.jpg
PLN Type 002 carrier - 20180325 life raft - 2.jpg
PLN Type 002 carrier - 20180325 life raft - 3.jpg
PLN Type 002 carrier - 20180325 life raft - 4.jpg
China prepares aircraft carrier for sea trial
By Yang Sheng Source:Global Times Published: 2018/3/27 18:58:39

The pictured is China's first home-built aircraft carrier at a shipyard in Dalian, Northeast China's Liaoning Province on Monday. Photo: IC

China's first domestically built carrier, known as the Type 001A, is undergoing preparations for its first sea trial, while discussions about its name show that Chinese people hold high expectations of the carrier's ability to resolve the Taiwan question.

According to the latest online photos from the Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Company (DSIC) construction site in Liaoning Province, where the carrier was launched and outfitted, the scaffolds on the carrier have been completely removed, and a phased array radar has been installed.

"All the equipment and devices on the carrier are in the joint debugging stage, and the main engine has been powered. In 2018, we will present a surprise to the Chinese people," DSIC Chairman Liu Zheng said, according to a report on cctv.com, the official website of China Central Television, on March 13.

Liu, who is also the general director of construction of the Type 001A and a member of the National People's Congress (NPC), made the comments to cctv.com when he was attending the Two Sessions.

"This all proves that the Type 001A is getting ready for its first sea trial, and the exact timing will depend on factors like the weather and sea conditions. April 23 is Navy Day, the founding day of the PLA Navy [April 23 1949], so this might also be taken into consideration," Li Jie, a Beijing-based naval expert, told the Global Times on Tuesday.

"After the sea trial, which normally takes about 6-12 months, it will be ready for delivery to the PLA Navy, so it's very likely we will see the carrier enlisted by the end of 2018," said Song Zhongping, a military expert and TV commentator.

Full speed

The Type 001A was launched in Dalian on April 26 2017, three days after Navy Day, and the outfitting work only took about one year.

The speed with which the Type 001A was built was the fastest in the history of aircraft carrier construction, as it only took two years from the laying of the foundation in the shipyard to its launch, and more importantly, everything from the ship's body to its devices is domestically built, Liu said.

"The quality of our construction is also world-class. For example, the world-class standard for the flatness of the flight deck is not more than 4 percent, and we made it lower than 3 percent," Liu noted.

All in the name

During the Two Sessions, Yuan Maorong, an NPC deputy from Taizhou city, East China's Zhejiang Province, suggested naming the carrier "Wei Wen", after a military general from the Three Kingdoms period (AD 184/220-280) who was the first man in history to arrive at Taiwan, according to cctv.com on March 13.

Yuan said naming the carrier Wei Wen would show the historical fact of Taiwan being an integral part of China, and push the development of Cross-Straits relations.

The discussion of how the ship should be named has also been spreading in social media. Many Chinese netizens suggested simply naming the carrier "Taiwan," while others suggested naming it "Shi Lang", an admiral who recaptured Taiwan for the Qing Dynasty.

"This displays the high expectations among the Chinese people over solving the Taiwan question, because they want the country to use the first domestically built aircraft carrier as a symbol to announce its determination and ability to achieve this aim, and also send a tough warning signal to the secessionists in Taiwan," Li noted.

However, the carrier is not targeting Taiwan, according to a military expert from a Beijing-based military academy who requested anonymity. He explained that if Beijing decided to use military measures to solve the Taiwan question, the PLA is fully capable of doing so without an aircraft carrier, and Type 001A was made for a greater purpose.

"The PLA Navy has regulations for naming large vessels like aircraft carriers, which generally use the names of provinces and municipalities," Song said.

"Liaoning is primarily a platform for training personnel and collecting data through testing, while Type 001A is China's first carrier made for combat missions, so its name could be more special. It's impossible to name it with a person's name, for only vessels used for scientific research can use a person's name in China," said the anonymous military expert.

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