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CV-17 Shandong - Type 002 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions


Radar on top is installed.
PLN CV-001A - 20170920.jpg
Arrest of Japanese man latest in recent spate of espionage cases (21 SEP)

China's Type 001A at Dalian Port.jpg

China's first domestically built aircraft carrier, the Type 001A at Dalian Port

A Japanese man arrested in Northeast China's Liaoning Province has become the latest to be caught in China for engaging in spying activities.

At least 12 Japanese men have been detained in China on suspicion of engaging in espionage since 2015, four of whom were released and returned to Japan in July. Five were prosecuted and the remaining eight remain in custody, Japanese media Kyodo News reported.

Chinese experts said Japan is a nation of spies that has long engaged in economic espionage across the world, but their main mission in China is collecting military-related data.

Surveying and mapping

The Japanese man was recently investigated by the Dalian national security agency, and procuratorate organs have approved his detention for espionage, Dalian Daily reported on Monday.

The Japanese government also confirmed that the man, in his 60s, was first detained in May, Kyodo News reported.

The report is known to the Chinese foreign ministry. "The relevant Chinese authority has conducted an investigation and review on the Japanese national suspected of being involved in behavior that endangers national security," Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Lu Kang told the press on Monday.

China has notified the relevant Japanese consulate in China in a timely manner and in accordance with the Agreement on Consular Relations between China and Japan, Lu said.

The man is suspected of being involved in collecting military information and could be regarded as a spy, Japanese news site Nippon.com reported Monday. Dalian is a military harbor, the location where China's first domestically made aircraft carrier was launched, the report said.

"Collecting military information is Japanese spies' current primary task in China. The Asia-Pacific region was shaken up after the US initiated its Asia-Pacific Rebalancing Strategy," Li Wei, an expert on anti-terrorism at the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, told the on Global Times Wednesday.

Surveying and mapping is an essential method of collecting military information, as maps commonly available to the public are not precise enough. An accurate map containing data of terrain and landforms on it can help capture accurate positions in times of war, he explained to the Global Times.

Six Japanese men arrested in March reportedly violated China's Surveying and Mapping Law and Mineral Resources Law when they illicitly engaged in a surveying mission in Penglai city, Shandong and Sanya, Hainan, according to previous reports by the Chinese version of the Global Times.

Data shows that their companies, the Japanese Underground Survey company and Dalian Heyuan Spring company, were found to be involved in illegal reconnaissance activities on over 30 occasions in the past decade.

They were arrested in Shandong Province and Hainan Province. Four of them were repatriated in July and the other two are still under investigation.

Large amounts of secret documents were found in their possession, including classified maps and data, the Chinese Global Times reported in July.

China implemented the Counter-Espionage Law on November 1, 2014, which states that foreign organizations and individuals who engage in espionage activities or instigate and sponsor similar activities will be punished.

Easy integration

Traditionally, Japan has collected industrial information in various fields. Every Japanese man could be a spy, whose position would be similar to that of a government contract worker, said Chu Yin, an associate professor at the University of International Relations.

Japanese and Chinese share similar appearances and languages. It's easy for them to integrate into Chinese society and to build a circle of Chinese acquaintances, Chu said.

There are TWO circumstances when Japanese are suspected as spies in China - when they take photos of banned facilities and when they enter restricted zones, Cankaoxiaoxi reported.

The Japanese defense department is fully aware that
many Japanese citizens have been detained for taking pictures of classified facility and the Chinese national security bureau will detain anyone involved in unauthorized surveying.


See also:
Updates:AESA radar installation next 正在舾装的国产航母外形又有最新进展,桅杆顶部的顶板雷达已经安装完毕后,其他雷达阵列的安装也在快速进行中。(感谢 超大军事 辽宁号总指挥长)
Faster-than-imagined aircraft carrier construction sparks speculation of an earlier sea test

(People's Daily Online) 17:45, September 26, 2017


(Photo taken on Sept. 20 shows the new look of the Type 001A. Photo/cjdby.net)

It will not be long before China’s first homegrown aircraft carrier, the Type 001A, starts its sea test, at least according to online speculation, judging from the latest advancements in its construction, but experts argue that according to the rules, an official sea trial will not come soon.

Recently, photos of a radar mast being constructed on the carrier were posted online. Li Jie, an aircraft carrier expert, said the ship will be ready for a sea trial at or around the beginning of 2018, because usually it will be one year between the launch of a medium-and large-sized carrier and a sea trial. The Type 001A was launched in April.

Radar devices are important for a carrier’s ability to find its target, Li told the Global Times on Sept. 24. Therefore, the installation of radar systems is a key part in the building of an aircraft carrier.

“It is very efficient that the construction has moved forward to radar installation five months after the ship was launch. Once the radar systems are installed, which takes the longest period of time, the rest will be finished quickly,” Li noted.

The accelerated speed will enable the trial to take place ahead of schedule, Li said, adding that other systems are possibly being installed simultaneously, including navigation, communication, and power systems.

Li said the possibility of starting an earlier sea trial should not be counted out if the outfitting work and system debugging are completed ahead of schedule, but he also pointed out that an unofficial sea test could be carried out before an official one.
Type 002 CV: HQ-10 & Type 1130 short-range Close-In Weapon System (CIWS) Air Defense System; Blast deflector; Type 382 air search radar.

Photos by 特警4587的马甲 dafeng cao‏ @xinfengcao 2017-09-30




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