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CV-17 Shandong - Type 002 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions


Via @梓诺mio from Weibo
So who can hook me up with a ship tour? I promise to bring no more than three recording devices.

Ship tour on real carrier needs connection & invitation from defense department. I only got to board USS Theodore Roosevelt out of invitation and connection during its port of call where military personnel from several countries including PLA major general and Pakistan navy admiral were there touring its hanger deck and flight deck. US navy hired many foreign sailors especially Philippines that received US citizenship. China carrier no idea as I am not from there.

For Shandong carrier, I don't see fighters onboard yet, wonder if PLAN will build more J-15A to assign to this new carrier. Might include couple of Z-20 Blackhawk for ASW & crew carrier.
is it true that CV-16 has also deployed

could this be the time we have been waiting for, that is dual carrier deployments? if so we need a photo opp right away

USN has 7 carriers at sea right now out of the 11
“miracle happened”

What a choice of word, Deino. Dunno what did you actually mean by such depiction

Sorry if my words are not exactly up to what I wanted to express, but I'm most happy and relieved to see it finally in action.

Well, she was commissioned on 17. December last year, arrived at Dalian on 1. January 2020 and since then nothing externally visible happened. As such the question is quite legit, what have they done within the last 5 months?
Sorry if my words are not exactly up to what I wanted to express, but I'm most happy and relieved to see it finally in action.

Well, she was commissioned on 17. December last year, arrived at Dalian on 1. January 2020 and since then nothing externally visible happened. As such the question is quite legit, what have they done within the last 5 months?

Do you have any info on the status of pilots and J-15s? Could be waiting for that. No reason to send her out solo, if the airwing will be ready now. Especially considering it will need to have maintenance once back, further delaying the program.
Though that's just my speculation.
Sorry if my words are not exactly up to what I wanted to express, but I'm most happy and relieved to see it finally in action.

Well, she was commissioned on 17. December last year, arrived at Dalian on 1. January 2020 and since then nothing externally visible happened. As such the question is quite legit, what have they done within the last 5 months?

Probably, training her airwing on the land in the last 5 months
Chinese-built aircraft carrier undergoes sea trial
Updated 21:19, 29-May-2020

China's first domestically built aircraft carrier, the Shandong, is undergoing a sea trial in line with the annual testing plan of the Chinese Navy, China's Defense Ministry spokesman Ren Guoqiang confirmed on Friday.

It is the Shandong's first training voyage in five months since being commissioned in December, Chinese media reported earlier this week, saying the aircraft carrier left its shipyard in Dalian in northeast China's Liaoning Province on Monday.

The sea trial is aimed at testing the carrier's weapon and equipment capabilities, improving the vessel's training level and further raising the sailors' capabilities to fulfill missions and tasks, Ren said at a regular press briefing.

The aircraft carrier, named after east China's Shandong Province, was delivered to the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy on December 17, at a naval port in Sanya, south China's Hainan Province. It then sailed through the Taiwan Straits and returned to the shipyard for maintenance.
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