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Cutting Internet in Iran

If you think that the west is free than you are a total idiot!

one would have thought the covid experience might have finally killed off the illusion of "free western democracy" bullshit...

there is a famous american revolutionary anti-british chant that some people are using to emphasize it.

"give me liberty, or give me death....., unless there is a disease with a 99.9% survival rate. Then put me under indefinite house arrest, strip me of my rights to move, make a living, or do anything i want, and shut up and listen to every government beuracrats orders, regardless of how absurd they sound."

Seems like a lot of the mullah supporters are leaving in the totalitarian and decadent west. The regular Iranians won’t be having the same luxuries of free societies afforded to the ones outside Iran. Sad day when you want to oppress your own people while they have the hated western freedoms all for themselves.

in the times of Nader Shah. he was DESPISED by a large portion of the Iranian population. far worse then anything you can imagine for Irans government today.

yet history sees him as one of the greatest kings in Iranian history.

You know how history sees your bunch? absolute pathetic, simpleminded, treasonous, self serving whores.

Iran has finally become a relevant country again on the geopolitical front. Iran went from a defenseless country to one nobody would dare look at the wrong way. it went from having conventional armies on its doorsteps, to replacing them with friendly militias willing to fight on Irans behalf.

people like you are a fart in the air. for you freedom is watching kardashians a** on TV, and night clubs. while freedom to me is not having an arrogant, bully foreigner dictate my countries policies to me, while looting my countries resources, and installing puppet de facto governers that serve them instead of their own people ....

you stay in your "freedomland".......... please stay away from Iran. Iran doesnt want you, your family, or anything to do with you or your kind.
one would have thought the covid experience might have finally killed off the illusion of "free western democracy" bullshit...

there is a famous american revolutionary anti-british chant that some people are using to emphasize it.

"give me liberty, or give me death....., unless there is a disease with a 99.9% survival rate. Then put me under indefinite house arrest, strip me of my rights to move, make a living, or do anything i want, and shut up and listen to every government beuracrats orders, regardless of how absurd they sound."

in the times of Nader Shah. he was DESPISED by a large portion of the Iranian population. far worse then anything you can imagine for Irans government today.

yet history sees him as one of the greatest kings in Iranian history.

You know how history sees your bunch? absolute pathetic, simpleminded, treasonous, self serving whores.

Iran has finally become a relevant country again on the geopolitical front. Iran went from a defenseless country to one nobody would dare look at the wrong way. it went from having conventional armies on its doorsteps, to replacing them with friendly militias willing to fight on Irans behalf.

people like you are a fart in the air. for you freedom is watching kardashians a** on TV, and night clubs. while freedom to me is not having an arrogant, bully foreigner dictate my countries policies to me, while looting my countries resources, and installing puppet de facto governers that serve them instead of their own people ....

you stay in your "freedomland".......... please stay away from Iran. Iran doesnt want you, your family, or anything to do with you or your kind.

Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one! Regarding the treasonous part, I never betrayed my country or oath. Chest thumping and lack of actual knowledge is what causes massive defeats. I really pray we never have war but rest assured you will not like the end result. I know our firepower and capabilities. At least what we had in 2014, that’s when I ETS’d. Talking tough online lmao.
Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one! Regarding the treasonous part, I never betrayed my country or oath. Chest thumping and lack of actual knowledge is what causes massive defeats. I really pray we never have war but rest assured you will not like the end result. I know our firepower and capabilities. At least what we had in 2014, that’s when I ETS’d. Talking tough online lmao.

by "our" you mean the US right?

because you know nothing of Iranian capabilities

and notice you didnt address any of my points... besides kardashians a** and nightclubs.... enlighten me into what freedoms you think "freezom west" has compared to Iran?

half the united states believes the elections were rigged in that country. and Biden stole it. yet media has an almost universal blackout on it. if you think the american system is "free" and "democratic", then you are beyond help.

the western liberal system "has lost all flavour " as putin put it. everywhere apparently, except the confused farangi more catholic then the pope crowd.
by "our" you mean the US right?

because you know nothing of Iranian capabilities

and notice you didnt address any of my points... besides kardashians a** and nightclubs.... enlighten me into what freedoms you think "freezom west" has compared to Iran?

half the united states believes the elections were rigged in that country. and Biden stole it. yet media has an almost universal blackout on it. if you think the american system is "free" and "democratic", then you are beyond help.

the western liberal system "has lost all flavour " as putin put it. everywhere apparently, except the confused farangi more catholic then the pope crowd.
Of course I mean the US. And I don’t watch Kardashians or any other bullshit like it. And yes no matter how much you want to twist things, you know we are free and you’re afraid your people will want what we have and that’s why you need thugs to go beat up your own people. As far as knowing nothing about Iranian capabilities, contrary to you, I was a soldier since 1994 until 2014 and know perhaps more than you regarding “your” capabilities compared to our military.
the number of channels matter not , its their quality that matter and sadly you put all IRIB channel together you may be able to put one or two quality channel together the rest are shit and waste of money .

Quantity really matters as well, I don't think Goebbels was mistaken on this (and he understood propaganda quite well).

they simply must eat the frog and instead of wasting our national resources on them allow private sectors to enter this area .

A private sector which is itself susceptible to favor globalist interests, and is largely dominated by 'gharb-gerā' business people... That'd be a little bit like shooting oneself in the foot, I'm afraid.

Also, generally speaking capitalists care about profit maximization first, not about conveying religious or national values to citizens (unless they share an ideological motivation to do so, which in case of Iran's largely pro-liberal private business sector is not really the case). Privatization isn't automatically synonymous with enhanced quality either.

about intenet we boast about the most powerful ideology but fail to deliver it to our young and reach the conclusion because foreigner can talk better well let not allow our young hear them . i only result in s become weaker , it result in us not being able to defend what we preach.it result in our next generation throw's the gauntlet away and surrender.

I never said Iran doesn't need to improve the quality of its messaging. Yes, it certainly does and its performance in this area leaves to be desired. However is this a reason for exposing Iranian citizens to dangerous and destructive propaganda, psy-ops and social engineering?

We also don't say, "let's allow terrorist groups to freely recruit new members, since we failed at convincing those recruits otherwise", do we...? I believe when a nation's basic security is at stake, competition in the realm of information can and should be checked.

about the bold part participate in their discussion and break their logic not try to silence them . or in this matter deafen your people .
at the end sword will never conquer pen, learn to wield pen

Yes, that's also a requirement. But when they have a billion times the resources you have, in any so-called "free space of debates" they will manage to drown your voice at the end of the day. For example, do so-called "social media" have a policy of allocating equal amounts of user accounts to pro-Iran and anti-Iran / opposition voices? Of course not, anyone can create their account. And Iran's opponents are just much more numerous. Are the search functions on these websites doctored in an anti-Iranian sense? They sure are. Do their moderating teams practice censorship against pro-IR users as a matter of policy, while largely sparing opponents of the IR? Absolutely.

So even if pro-IR users come out on top in more than 50% of debates in which they participate, it will have no impact on most readers, because pro-IR users would not be capable of addressing all the anti-Iran propaganda these sites are being flooded with. Successfully conducted debates by supporters of the Revolution will not even be noticed by the majority of the Iranian online audience.

Also, even if public and private publishers in Iran involved themselves as much as humanly possible in improving the visual quality and content of their media, they could still not compete with their foes, whose financial resources are incomparably greater. Likewise, a professionally trained element is always more likely to "win" an online debate. Here again, Iran is at a structural disadvantage vis a vis her existential enemies, since Iran just doesn't have the resources to train as many PR operatives, and to train them as well as they do.
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Quantity really matters as well, I don't think Goebbels was mistaken on this (and he understood propaganda quite well).

A private sector which is itself susceptible to favor globalist interests, and is largely dominated by 'gharb-gerā' business people... That'd be a little bit like shooting oneself in the foot, I'm afraid.

Also, generally speaking capitalists care about profit maximization first, not about conveying religious or national values to citizens (unless they share an ideological motivation to do so, which in case of Iran's largely pro-liberal private business sector is not really the case). Privatization isn't automatically synonymous with enhanced quality either.

I never said Iran doesn't need to improve the quality of its messaging. Yes, it certainly does and its performance in this area leaves to be desired. However is this a reason for exposing Iranian citizens to dangerous and destructive propaganda, psy-ops and social engineering?

We also don't say, "let's allow terrorist groups to freely recruit new members, since we failed at convincing those recruits otherwise", do we...? I believe when a nation's basic security is at stake, competition in the realm of information can and should be checked.

Yes, that's also a requirement. But when they have a billion times the resources you have, in any so-called "free space of debates" they will manage to drown your voice at the end of the day. For example, do so-called "social media" have a policy of allocating equal amounts of user accounts to pro-Iran and anti-Iran / opposition voices? Of course not, anyone can create their account. And Iran's opponents are just much more numerous. Are the search functions on these websites doctored in an anti-Iranian sense? They sure are. Do their moderating teams practice censorship against pro-IR users as a matter of policy, while largely sparing opponents of the IR? Absolutely.

So even if pro-IR users come out on top in more than 50% of debates in which they participate, in will have no impact on most readers, because pro-IR users would not be capable of addressing all the anti-Iran propaganda these sites are being flooded with. Successfully conducted debates by supporters of the Revolution will not even be noticed by the majority of the Iranian online audience.

Also, even if public and private publishers in Iran involved themselves as much as humanly possible in improving the visual quality and content of their media, they could still not compete with their foes, whose financial resources are incomparably greater. Likewise, a professionally trained element is always more likely to "win" an online debate. Here again, Iran is at a structural disadvantage vis a vis her existential enemies, since Iran just doesn't have the resources to train as many PR operatives, and to train them as well as they do.
Well it seems your solution only leads Iranian be like a child who now nothing about what's behind the curtain.
The first time they go out of the house they get overwhelmed.
And if you think so about people let's forgo the republic . As I see your ideal government is north Korea.and you are wrong about quantity and quality in cultural matters.
Well it seems your solution only leads Iranian be like a child who now nothing about what's behind the curtain.

Most people in countries that supposedly allow "freedom of press" know nothing much of what's going on in other parts of the world either.

The first time they go out of the house they get overwhelmed.

I am all for showing Iranians what the west is really like. Not the propaganda beamed into their homes by Manoto and BBC.

And if you think so about people let's forgo the republic . As I see your ideal government is north Korea.and you are wrong about quantity and quality in cultural matters.

The average person does not discern intellectual quality in media. They are more sensitive to form and shape than to content. And quantity, flooding the mind in order to condition and shape it is really a cornerstone of propaganda, experts will surely confirm like Goebbels did.

We can't assume that people are immune to manipulation owing to their sole rationality, nor that powerful enemies are not going to resort to propagandistic means in order to manipulate the people.

As for the North Korea analogy, in fact I'm simply prescribing what so-called liberal democracies do. And that is: whenever you can't sufficiently drown your adversary's voice, then censor him - like they censor pro-Iran users on "social media", like they banned Press TV, like they seize the domains of Iranian websites and so on.
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