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Current Tensions in Xinjiang-China

Rubiya Kadeer And The Chinese Riot Connection
July 6th, 2009 - 6:48 pm ICT by GD ::

Rubiya Kadeer has allegedly appealed to the rioters “to be braver” and “to do something big.”

Last week she has been quoted saying,”Uighurs have suffered for years under racial profiling and unjust government policies that have painted the entire Uighur population as criminals and terrorists.”

Rubiya Kadeer And The Chinese Riot Connection

Folks, the Uighurs are not just attacking Han. They also attacking muslim Hui. Is this so called "doing big"?

This is a complex issue and it appears that Chinese government hasn't been effective in resolving this for decades.

I think you've made a mistake here. XinJiang is NOT their land, but more Han Chinese' land form historical point of view.

The ethnics in XinJiang started off by some nomad tribes such as Qiang, Xiongnu (hun), Kozaks, etc. Han Chinese was alongst the first ethncis to settle there in history, with constant migration happened proir to 220 BC. But mass migration of Han Chinese didn't occur until West Han Dynasty about 190 AD, when Han emporers defeated the nomads and started to promote this kind of Han settlements in the region. However, due to XinJiang's hash climate, it has never been a part of Han Chinese heartlands.

Uigurs originated in today's Tukey, thousands of miles away from XinJiang. How comes XinJing is their homeland, but not Han Chinese'??? Turkic Uigurs didn't mass-migrate into today's XinJing until around Tang Dynasty - about 600-800 AD according to history!!!

Therefore it is a misnomer to say that XinJiang is Uigurs' native land. Han Chinese , alongside with Kosaks, Qiang, Hun and even Moguls are much more entitled to the land objectively speaking.

The problem today is that some shallow minded people just want to wallow in a rare glee by screwing true history...
Just remind you my friend that the so called independence of ET was under support of Soviet Russia. After intense negotiation later, Soviet allowed CPC to take over XinJiang.

This happened around the same time that Japanese invaded and weakened China.

This story is nothing but a small scenario on a Grand Chessboard of international relationship.

Remind you again, Xinjiang's history is far rich and longer than mere 1933! :lol:

It doesn't matter what happen yesterday, today and tomorrow, China will never let go Xinjiang with any cost.

First of all American, don't you dare lecture me on history. If anyone needs a good lecture on history it's your people.

"Just remind you my friend that the so called independence of ET was under support of Soviet Russia. After intense negotiation later, Soviet allowed CPC to take over XinJiang

Yeah just like the British ratifying the the Balfour Declaration in 1917, which gave away Palestine to the Zionist. Now what right does Britain have to give the Jews/Zionist someone else s homeland? None whatsoever. It doesn't make it morally right nor is it justified in fact it is criminal.

Now let me teach you something here American, the province you and the Chinese refer to as "Xinjiang" (in Chinese
新界) means in English "New Territory"*. It is New territory or new frontier! Face it it was Chinese imperialism in historic Turkic lands that resulted in the occupation of East Turkistan. A source is available below.

Xinjiang: China's Muslim borderland - Google Books

And none of what you have said discounts my previous points.

"Uyghurs are not Chinese or share Chinese heritage, they are a Turkic people who belong to the Turan not to the Chinese motherland. Their language is not Chinese they do not speak Mandarin or Cantonese they speak Turkic. Their culture is also different from yours. Let me reiterate, they are not your people and East Turkistan is not nor has ever been your land!"-A1Kaid

You cannot disapprove not one point I made, because I stand on the facts.

It's funny how you Americans call for the freedom of Taiwan and Tibet and support Dalai Lama's freedom movement, you even allowed him in the White House (Bush tenure) with a decked out event. Yet, when it comes to East Turkistan you become hypocrites.

Quite frankly, I'm not interested in US opinion nor do I care for US foreign desires.

"Remind you again, Xinjiang's history is far rich and longer than mere 1933! :lol:"

I already pointed that out, the Uyghur Turks have been living in East Turkistan for thousands of years, they cultivated the land, the raised the cities, gardens, they named the towns, and their ancestry is in Central Asia, the Turkic homeland. What you fail to understand is, 1933 is a significant date in the modern time line of this "Grand Chessboard" you talk about, but your an American what do I expect. Always wanting to mingle and have your say in Asian/Eastern affairs.

"It doesn't matter what happen yesterday, today and tomorrow, China will never let go Xinjiang with any cost."

See here, "It doesn't matter", this is a very typical attitude you types have, what doesn't matter is your opinion. Actually the history does matter. I understand some feel China will never let go of "Xinjiang" or it's occupied "New Territory" but their are things that can be done that will not be discussed.

You have a US flag by your name, aren't you also an American? Weigur are Turkic, so ? You are American, you are not anglo saxon or hispanic, or African Amerrican

What's you beef with the brother ally?

You have a US flag by your name, aren't you also an American? Weigur are Turkic, so ? You are American, you are not anglo saxon or hispanic, or African Amerrican

What's you beef with the brother ally?

What is your point? Also just because I live here I should not criticize Americans and their attitudes and ignorance?

You have a problem with what I say?

I find it very pathetic when others post simple minded suggestions and just look at a flag below my avatar (indicating current location) and think this flag is suppose to tell you about my identity.

Your question deserves no direct answer, because the merit and suggestion of your question is absolutely meaningless.

Also please don't derail the thread it would be nice if you could stay on topic, thanks.
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Easy, Don't get your panties in a twist - So, you live safely in the US and want to vent at gpit??

What's your beef?
Dear Muse,

The flags can be misleading or rather meaningless. GPIT is an ethnic Chinese and has criticized USA in favour of China in the past IIRC.
Easy, Don't get your panties in a twist - So, you live safely in the US and want to vent at gpit??

What's your beef?

Your a Senior Member, please don't derail this thread. It's nothing personal between me and gpit. My advice, don't take it personal. It was not my intention to come off that way, but it was my intention to let the individual know he is in no position to lecture me on this particular history, I find it arrogant and insulting of the individual.

Now I hope I only have to say this one more time, please don't derail the thread.

End of this side talk.:tup:
So does the state media post images of its crackdown on the uighur muslims and all the folks they killed earlier? Does such things make the chinese angry or only when the hans are killed?

Give an honest answer if you can instead of going off in flames.

Please,how brainwashed you are! If you have not been china,please stop looking at china through rose-colored spectacles.
I have been India, I know most Indian are nice and friendly people.please stop it, if you are really interested in china, go to china,all chinese will open their arms and welcome you, and you can find the truth there.
I donot say china is a democratic country, I admit china is a developing country and still have a lot of problems,but I do know chinese government didnot discriminate muslim,there is no crackdown on uighur muslim.

This ends when we can resolve your problem and the sooner you get that the sooner we can get on a more civil plane.

So, what's your beef? Are you one of those people who want to have "stirred up *******" ? Do you support East Turkestan terrorists? Do you know that expressing support for terrorism can have consequences ?

Am I getting through to you?
i studied china muslims... hui people are biggest muslims in china... then uighurs, kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Salar, Tajiks of Xinjiang, Uzbeks, Bonan, Chinese Tatars, and Tibetan Muslims... :0

hui muslims 9.8 million, uighur 8.4 million....

here the source:

Islam in China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Muslims in China - History of Islam in China

Origin of Silaturrahim Tour

china oppress muslims... very bad... am angry... china bad... china give uighurs east trukistan, china give hui seperate country... china give kazakh separate country... china give salar separate country... china give kyrgyz separate country... china giv tajiks seperate country... china give uzbeks separete country... china give bonan separate country... china give tatars separate country...

every muslim ethnic group take separate country... it good... very good.... i am happy...

china oppresses uighurs... becoz they muslims... very bad... china give east turkestan.... free east turkestan... Pakistan will be friend to free east turkestan... bush will happy... :)


World Uyghur Congress | Bush meets China's exiled Uighur leader (2007.06.07)

Bush gets oil from east turkestan.... nato will comes... kill all east turkestan muslims... get oil... america will profit... we happy... all happy.... :)

but tomorow pakhtun muslim people, baloch muslim people.... All they of Pakistan will demand seperate free country... :)
The one thing no one seems to have raised is who the dead actually are.

156 dead 800 injured by most sources but the goverment isnt saying who they were.

The Han posting here are crying for blood but has any one stopped to think that most of those casualties are probably Uighurs?

There seem to be lots of reports of Han chinese beeing beaten and reobbed, stores looted or cars burnt and yes these things are wrong but no reports i have seen of Uighurs killing any one.

1000 protesters with sticks rocks and knives, 20,000 police with automatic weapons and APC's. If the killing of 2 Uighurs caused a riot i guess the goverment would want to keep the killing of over 100 rather quiet.

the western media never change their bias to china, like "The leopard cannot change his spots" or "A fox may turn gray,but never kind"

The flags can be misleading or rather meaningless. GPIT is an ethnic Chinese and has criticized USA in favour of China in the past IIRC

He can criticism anybody or anything, so can anyone else, all I am doing is asking for a reason why A1 is pursuing the line thagt he is.
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