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Curfew imposed after Hindu-Muslim clashes in Indian city

The Muslims of India will start to riot more. The kafirs on this forum have already displayed their hate for Muslims.

There will either be another partition in India, or a religious cleansing.

And most certainly I believe the Indians will enthusiastically support the latter.
The Muslims of India will start to riot more. The kafirs on this forum have already displayed their hate for Muslims.

There will either be another partition in India, or a religious cleansing.

And most certainly I believe the Indians will enthusiastically support the latter.

no there wont and we wont support it either malechas if they want are free to move to the land of pure where many of their fellow members decided to migrate in 1947 are now being called as illegal indian immigrants by many members :lol:
The Muslims of India will start to riot more. The kafirs on this forum have already displayed their hate for Muslims.

There will either be another partition in India, or a religious cleansing.

And most certainly I believe the Indians will enthusiastically support the latter.

Mungerilaal ke Haseen Sapne :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
The Muslims of India will start to riot more. The kafirs on this forum have already displayed their hate for Muslims.

There will either be another partition in India, or a religious cleansing.

And most certainly I believe the Indians will enthusiastically support the latter.

partition - wont happen this time

religious cleansing- hindus hearts are too big for that but yaa some ppl will have to learn to behave
Woh sapne tumaray dada ji ney bhi dekay teh '47 main. :rofl:

You Missed my point completely.

Watch Mungerilaal ke haseen sapne on Youtube, you will know what you look like when tell your views about future of India.

And in 1947, my Dadaji never dreamt about breaking pureland into two, amalgation of sikkim, gdp of 1.8 trillion, 65 years of secular democracy, etc. We did lot better than they dreamt of.
The Muslims of India have always been oppressed. They will remain so. The stronger Indians Muslims will try to resist while the weaker ones will convert to Hinduism to save their lives. Propping up a Muslim puppet politician here or there does not change Muslims sentiments of the Hindu state.

I say all this after having spoken to many Indian Muslims here in the US, that have very sad stories to tell.

Perhaps If i were living in Pakistan, I would believe the nonsense you guys are trying to portray as reality.
The Muslims of India have always been oppressed. They will remain so. The stronger Indians muslims will try to resist while the weaker ones will convert to Hinduism to save their lives. Propping up a muslim puppet politician here or there does not change Muslims sentiments of the Hindu state.

I say all this after having spoken to many Indian Muslims here in the US, that have very sad stories to tell.

either those indian muslims are lying or you are lying........ btw can i know what were there grievances atleast we shud know what wrongs the hindus are doing
very biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig dude.....

Yes Very Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig indeed.

They send terrorist to kill our childrens, We operate their children's hearts & bless life to them.

We gifted them the most generous water treaty between two nations.

We mostly hindus & sikhs fought for independence which gave these muslims a free country to claim for.

Despite hostility we recieve & backstabbing we got, We helped them in floods when their all-weather friend China was providing lip-service of aid which is still pending.

and list is much longer.

It needs a Big Heart to be grateful to others.

A frustrated looser & defeated Captain of Green Team, spitted BS to ease pain of defeat in WC semis to win his fans back & look how seriously idiots take him.
His analyses is based on the ethnic cleanising of millions of minority by Pakistan army during 1971. He thinks all countries are the same. No point discussing such matters with a hateful broken record.

India's ideal, our goal is far different and far far more difficult, given the diversity, the historical baggage, the poverty, unemployment and the shitty neighborhood. Yet we have done better than these so called ideologcal states - BTW states that were created on the graves of 1000000 dead!!! And since our ideals are fair and humane and natural, we will continue to strive to achieve those while these hateful trained zombies - or ideology bots - will keep dreaming of ''more partition, more bloodshed, more ethnic cleansing, more blh blh blah' while safe and away from the sh!tstorm back home.
either those indian muslims are lying or you are lying........ btw can i know what were there grievances atleast we shud know what wrongs the hindus are doing

Well I knew this one guy that worked at a gas station while trying to earn his engineering degree from a good university. He told me a story that one time he went to a Pakistan vs India cricket match. He cheered for an Indian batsmen getting bowled, and was later attacked by 4 Hindus. He then got his brother and some friends from his neighborhood to get revenge. He told me that even his Hindu friends in college would constantly question his loyalty to the point where he had enough.

He said he felt like he belonged no where. I felt for the guy. I told him he is my brother. He told me that not all Hindus are bad, but are very insecure people.

Take my account for whatever it is worth to you.
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