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Cultural Revolution Introspection: Song Binbin apologizes

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Jun 22, 2013
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This event is very significant to Chinese. Chairman Xi Jinping has preferred to take the mantle of Mao rather than ditch it. At the same time, he seems to be fiddling on national reconciliation and introspection, although that is still far away from admitting the crimes of CCP.

Song Binbin apology is an extremely significant event to heal the wound of Cultural Revolution. On the other hand, there is a big cover up of the truth of Cultural Revolution. CCP try very hard to make people believe that Cultural Revolution is work of Mao ONLY. Nevertheless, during the very initial phase, Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping were involved in Cultural Revolution until both of them got screwed by the political movement itself. There are also cover up of Deng Xiaoping and Zhou Enlai's crime in Cultural Revolution.

We know Song Binbin herself never admit murder of her principal. She may have did it and speculations are rife that she did murdered. Nevertheless, she got high profile because she was the Red Guard Leader in her school.

There are other Red Guard Leaders in her schools as well but that was largely covered up. She is -- Deng Xiaoping's daughter Deng Rong.

Song Binbin and Mao


Deng Xiaoping's daughter Deng Rong involved in Murder? She was same school with Song Binbin at that time and she was also Red Guard leader.


The Chinese Cultural Revolution: Remembering Mao's Victims - SPIEGEL ONLINE

The Chinese Cultural Revolution: Remembering Mao's Victims

"What is your name?" the Great Helmsman asked a young student as she pinned a Red Guard armband on him in front of the Gate of Heavenly Peace. "Song Binbin," she responded enthusiastically. The name her parents chose meant "properly raised" and "polite," qualities that Mao Zedong found unappealing. "Be violent!" he ordered the girl. A short time later she changed her first name to Yaowu, or "Be Violent."

It was Aug. 18, 1966 and the 72-year-old Chinese leader had called male and female students to assemble on Beijing's Square of Heavenly Peace to launch his Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. Hundreds of thousands waved Mao's little red book and cheered the old man.

Mao's call to violence fell on willing ears among many young people. Thirteen days earlier Song, 19 at the time, was presumably present when the female students at her school, which was part of the Beijing Teachers University, killed their teacher, Bian Zhongyun. The girls brutally beat the 50-year-old woman to death using wooden sticks spiked with nails. On the day before the killing, members of the Red Guard had already maltreated the teacher, who was the party leader at the school -- they suddenly viewed her as a "counter-revolutionary revisionist" who they believed had gambled away her life.

Bian went down in history as the first victim of the Cultural Revolution -- the bloody mass movement Mao used to eliminate his enemies within the party. The teacher's murder was followed by the killings of millions of Chinese people. The ten-year campaign destroyed entire families, irreplaceable cultural treasures and centuries-old traditions. In August 1966 alone, about 100 teachers were murdered by their own students in the western section of Beijing.
'She Believed that She Was Innocent'

Independent filmmaker Hu Jie has now traced the grim events at Bian's school in great detail in a new documentary entitled: "Though I Am Gone."

One of the main characters in Hu's film is the murdered woman's husband, 85-year-old Wang Qingyao. "She sacrificed herself as if she were refusing to lose her dignity," the old man explains. Shortly before his wife died, says Wang, he tried to convince her to flee, but she refused. "She believed that she was innocent," says Wang.

Most Chinese people will never get to see Hu's historical work. The Chinese Communist Party has continued to keep silent about this chapter of its history. In 2006, the 40th anniversary of the beginning of the Cultural Revolution, it instructed academics, artists and journalists to simply ignore the topic.

This was probably the reason the authorities recently cancelled the Multiculture Visual Festival in the southern province of Yunnan, an event where director Hu had planned to screen his documentary. Despite the cancellation, the film is available on YouTube, where it is cut into 10 segments -- although late last week the film was banned in China. Hu, a military painter by trade, is used to these kinds of difficulties. When he filmed an earlier documentary about another Mao victim ("In Search of the Soul of Lin Zhao"), he lost his job with Xinhua, the official Chinese news agency.

But what is a people without memory? Hu asks. "If politicians deny their own history, we simple Chinese should remember. We must continue to make many films about the Cultural Revolution and its massacres."

One of the reasons the Communist Party reacted with such sensitivity to his most recent work is that many of the former members of the Red Guard who attended Bian's middle school were members of the families of high-ranking officials who are still revered today. "Some were daughters, nieces or granddaughters of members of the Politburo," says Wang, the widower featured in the film. "It was essentially a royal school." Yaowu, for example, was the daughter of a senior Communist Party official. The students also included Deng Rong, daughter of the later Communist Party patriarch and economic reformer Deng Xiaoping, as well as Liu Tingting, a daughter of former President Liu Shaoqi.

The families of most members of the Red Guard later became victims of the Cultural Revolution themselves. Radical comrades drove Deng out of office, and his song Pufang was forced to jump from a window and has been paraplegic ever since. Liu died a miserable death in prison in 1969.

Their daughters, former Red Guard members Deng and Liu, are businesswomen today, while Song Binbin, a.k.a. Yaowu, now works as an environmental researcher in Boston. In a US documentary about the Cultural Revolution, she denied any involvement in the murder of her teacher. "I was always opposed to violence," she said, adding that thePeople's Daily, the Communist Party paper, had forced the name Yaowu upon her.
The Cultural Revolution has never been dealt with officially, nor has there been any debate over culpability and collaboration. With the exception of the "Gang of Four," which included Mao's widow, Jiang Qing, no high-ranking politicians were ever put on trial.

Bian's husband has never quite got over his wife's murder. He has even saved her bloody clothing and shows them in the film, but he is likely to be left alone with his memories. The authorities have turned down his request to have a memorial plaque installed in the schoolyard.
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Now these delinquent teenagers want to blame Mao for their sins that committed to their parents and teachers.

Mao didn't ask you to do that, it was your rebellious mind that led into this tragedy.

Zhou Enlai is my most respected person, and i say a big F to you and your fcking Singawhore for insulting our greatest Premier.

Zhou Enlai is childless, a man who has devoted his entire life for his country.

His greatness is not a banana scumbag like you who can understand.

Reported your post
@Hu Songshan
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Song Bin Bin or Song Yao Wu...

The discussion of Khmer Rouge hasnt finished, now begin the Cultral Revolution...... argue very hot again but any relation with our Life at present?
I told you that every politicians and statesmen, both in KMT and CCP are all dirty and idiot!

Unworthy to be respected!

CCP denied Cultural Revolution.

KMT denied Boxer Rebellion and the rampage of Christians.
I told you that every politicians and statesmen, both in KMT and CCP are all dirty and idiot!

Unworthy to be respected!

CCP denied Cultural Revolution.

KMT denied Boxer Rebellion and the rampage of Christians.

The tyrants can commit murder because there are many people who support it. Look at how I got scolded from PRC commenters and how PRC commenters even willing to defend murderers.

Right now, I am constantly targeted by 3-4 PRC guys and I expect the number to further increase. There are simply using vulgarities and refuse to discuss anything meaningful. I suspected some of them could be sponsored by the state.
Zhou Enlai are really scumbag and we need expose these mother fcukers.
I wouldn't insult one of the greatest communist politicians of all time. I'm not insulting you, but insulting Zhou Enlai and not knowing much about him is a massive offense. You might not understand since you are from Singapore.
I wouldn't insult one of the greatest communist politicians of all time. I'm not insulting you, but insulting Zhou Enlai and not knowing much about him is a massive offense. You might not understand since you are from Singapore.

I am insulting a murderer. I am familiar with Chinese history and that is why a lot of PRC are not able win an argument and they have tried eariler. You may verify it with earlier postings. Now PRC resort to ad homenim.

Zhou was a big deputy of Cultural Revolution. Zhou even sign off the death of Liu Shaoqi and his wife Wang Guangmei.
I am insulting a murderer. I am familiar with Chinese history and that is why a lot of PRC are not able win an argument and they have tried eariler. You may verify it with earlier postings. Now PRC resort to ad homenim.

Zhou was a big deputy of Cultural Revolution. Zhou even sign off the death of Liu Shaoqi and his wife Wang Guangmei.
But Zhou Enlai was a good politician. If it wasn't for him, China would of been left alone. Also, Nixon wouldn't of visited China.
But Zhou Enlai was a good politician. If it wasn't for him, China would of been left alone. Also, Nixon wouldn't of visited China.

You are right, but that does not negate the fact the he was a mass murderer. In fact there are so much cover up by PRC and responsibility all push to Mao to make sure that everyone else are good.

I studied history carefully.

I give you an example for one piece of information that I have given to Vietnamese that make PRC fumed. I summarize for you below.

Then China sent a lot of advisor to teach Vietnamese how to kill people in land reform. Ho Chi Minh later repented because it was far too violent and too many innocent killed. In short

China advisor help killed a lot of people in Vietnam and even got unhappy with too little people killed. Mao and Zhou Enlai fcuk Ho Chi Minh for being a pussy.

We are Chinese, me and PRC. I know all their dirty secret and very often, I expose them is because I feel that we should not enshrine murderer.

I have much more to expose on Zhou. But then, there will be people who are not informed will think that I am disrespectful.




Later, according to the Vietnamese guys in PDF, Ho Chi Minh apologized for his mistake in land reform and they supply the pic below. The PRC are not able to talk nonsense after I exposed them,in many occasions. They are angry with me. I made PRC look bad.


I have still many things to expose. I am a patriotic Chinese but first of all, I believe we must not respect criminals.
You are right, but that does not negate the fact the he was a mass murderer. In fact there are so much cover up by PRC and responsibility all push to Mao to make sure that everyone else are good.

I studied history carefully.

I give you an example for one piece of information that I have given to Vietnamese that make PRC fumed. I summarize for you below.

Then China sent a lot of advisor to teach Vietnamese how to kill people in land reform. Ho Chi Minh later repented because it was far too violent and too many innocent killed. In short

China advisor help killed a lot of people in Vietnam and even got unhappy with too little people killed. Mao and Zhou Enlai fcuk Ho Chi Minh for being a pussy.

We are Chinese, me and PRC. I know all their dirty secret and very often, I expose them is because I feel that we should not enshrine murderer.

I have much more to expose on Zhou. But then, there will be people who are not informed will think that I am disrespectful.




Later, according to the Vietnamese guys in PDF, Ho Chi Minh apologized for his mistake in land reform and they supply the pic below. The PRC are not able to talk nonsense after I exposed them,in many occasions. They are angry with me. I made PRC look bad.


I have still many things to expose. I am a patriotic Chinese but first of all, I believe we must not respect criminals.

You are a troll or a person incapable of seeing the broad picture with your short term narrow minded views.

I guess you singaporeans, HKers and taiwanese have the same submissive colonial mentality. Beta males at best.
I am insulting a murderer. I am familiar with Chinese history and that is why a lot of PRC are not able win an argument and they have tried eariler. You may verify it with earlier postings. Now PRC resort to ad homenim.

Zhou was a big deputy of Cultural Revolution. Zhou even sign off the death of Liu Shaoqi and his wife Wang Guangmei.
There was no difference between Zhou signed the death or not. Because even he didnt do that, the two people still cannot escape. You said you know the Chinese history quite well, so you should know how hard to be a prime minister宰相 under a cruel emperor. Zhou did do his best, or China would lose much more. You are a young guy in Singapore, It isnt your fault to speak that, because the environment are too different.
You are right, but that does not negate the fact the he was a mass murderer. In fact there are so much cover up by PRC and responsibility all push to Mao to make sure that everyone else are good.

I studied history carefully.

I give you an example for one piece of information that I have given to Vietnamese that make PRC fumed. I summarize for you below.

Then China sent a lot of advisor to teach Vietnamese how to kill people in land reform. Ho Chi Minh later repented because it was far too violent and too many innocent killed. In short

China advisor help killed a lot of people in Vietnam and even got unhappy with too little people killed. Mao and Zhou Enlai fcuk Ho Chi Minh for being a pussy.

We are Chinese, me and PRC. I know all their dirty secret and very often, I expose them is because I feel that we should not enshrine murderer.

I have much more to expose on Zhou. But then, there will be people who are not informed will think that I am disrespectful.




Later, according to the Vietnamese guys in PDF, Ho Chi Minh apologized for his mistake in land reform and they supply the pic below. The PRC are not able to talk nonsense after I exposed them,in many occasions. They are angry with me. I made PRC look bad.


I have still many things to expose. I am a patriotic Chinese but first of all, I believe we must not respect criminals.
I hope that you can think more in the furture, those politicans, they cannot decide what they want to do sometimes. Talking about Cultural Revolution or insulting Zhou are really meanless now. Even as you said, the CCP hasnt recognize the mistake, but for sure, they did know they made a mistake at that time or China will never be today's situation. About Zhou, If you were him, what could you do with Liu or other people? For me, if I were him and served a cruel emperor like Mao, I would keep myself alive first, under that premise, avoided to do those meanless or useless things but did my best to help the whole country even it was difficult. For sure, you shouldnt talk such topic like that. Ok. even as you wish, Zhou was total a bad guy, what can you do now? Every government has a stupid period in her pioneering stage, not only China. Robespierre in French Revolution, German's Willian 2 and Hitler, Japan's Meiji Emperor...Nearly all those countries did do some stupid things and killed countless people. So how about we insult them here one by one? Meanless.
Zhou Enlai is my most respected person, and i say a big F to you and your fcking Singawhore for insulting our greatest Premier.

Zhou Enlai is childless, a man who has devoted his entire life for his country.

His greatness is not a banana scumbag like you who can understand.
You guys people Always have such problem. When talking a people, if thinking he is good, so begin to praise him, "Nice, Greatest, Long live, long long live"... Zhou had his defect on character, or Mao couldnt make those big mistakes, and not everything on Zhou was right. Even Adolf Hitler, should we not learn from him on our private life?
You guys people Always have such problem. When talking a people, if thinking he is good, so begin to praise him, "Nice, Greatest, Long live, long long live"... Zhou had his defect on character, or Mao couldnt make those big mistakes, and not everything on Zhou was right. Even Adolf Hitler, should we not learn from him on our private life?
There are things you can learn from Hitler.
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