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Mao Zedong's 120th birthday anniversary

Most of the people here are from Interest Group or 2nd Red Generation, they dont want to change the status of China, so lick the big coock of CCP and Mao every day to satisfy themselves
Interest group and 2nd red generation? Are you really that stupid and desperate? You are certainly not earning your KMT any supporters here. I am a liberal and no fan of CPC, yet I despise retards like you even more.

I am tired of talking with you.

Next time PLA will shoot both KMT and DPP once they land on Taiwan.

Exterminating your fcking blue party will create much less problems for us in the future.
You know I have a balanced view on China.

My intention is not to bash Chinese in general, but to get things straight. Liars and dishonest people provoke me to comment. Regardless of where you come from, it should be allowed to point out what went wrong in the past in order to avoid similar mistakes in the future. I like China and her people, but sometimes I´m surprised by their hubris, arrogance and barbarism. That is dangerous as history tends to repeat. I think You as overseas Chinese understand more than mainlanders, not to mention more than a foreigner like me.

So what I want to say is, throughout history, China has been as the most important immediate neighbor to Vietnam. I like to see Vietnam to have a good relationship with China. If history is a guide, everything China does has affects on Vietnam, in good as well as in bad times. Believe me, at the end of the day everyone in Vietnam wants a good relationship with China. Nobody of us wants Chinese as enemy.

Yes, Vietnam will come back to the arms of China soon. We'll grow and prosper together! Let another Bac Thuoc begins!
My interest in modern history of China started when I read Taiwanese book who say that Chiang Kai Shek is good, and Mao is bad. Then I read main land book which say the reverse. Took me a lot of time to figure out what is going on.
With all due respect . If we want to research one person like Mao, such a controversial man, we need to listen to the voice from different sides , not only from the book, especially the book form China and TW.

At least we need to read the books written by west writers ,because they are objective relatively

And the best way to study about him is come to china to do a opinion survey , interview people from different province,different ages,different background.

A person , in that position , we can not simply use word like "right" /"wrong"or "good"/"bad" to judge
his conduct like culture revolution, we need to see the period background

Then you will understand why the most people in china love Mao.

My grandfather was persecuted during CR because he was a president of a school ,and my family was Rich Peasant.

But my grandfather and my family still love Mao and support him for CR

When I was a boy , I think CR was wrong ,but my mind change now.

Until now when my family do ancestor worship during lunar new year, we still build a little shrine for Mao
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I've already started handing out infractions since no one payed attention to my prior post, stick to English forum rules.
Yes, Vietnam will come back to the arms of China soon. We'll grow and prosper together! Let another Bac Thuoc begins!
this time should be different. how´s about shared leadership as well as ownership, a union of equals? another Bắc thuộc is a bad idea. :no:
bac thuoc is china ruled by Mongolian and Manchus.:p:

Conquering China is a bad idea for all east asian countries. They will become Chinese and lost their identity. They manchus become "Chinese" and during world war 2, most manchus did not follow the last emperor Pu Yi. The Manchus fought against Japan.

Even the Turks and Tibetan became Chinese after going into China. The Tang dynasty could be Turkic in the upper class. The Northern Wei is either ancient Turkic, ancient Mongols or ancient Manchu.
Conquering China is a bad idea for all east asian countries. They will become Chinese and lost their identity. They manchus become "Chinese" and during world war 2, most manchus did not follow the last emperor Pu Yi. The Manchus fought against Japan.

Even the Turks and Tibetan became Chinese after going into China. The Tang dynasty could be Turkic in the upper class. The Northern Wei is either ancient Turkic, ancient Mongols or ancient Manchu.

I made my 對聯 (câu đối ) to answer on comment of chinese friend Fattyacids.

However, conquering and ruling of Northerners is truth of Chinese History. Chinese have an altitude to do modification the truth as they like. Part of Mongols and Manchus became Chinese citizen is another story.
India never considered CIA offer, India had chances to occupy Tibet when China is unstable but never did that.

Tibet at the time was the main target of CIA operation in China, and their base was in India. As we can see the evidence where Dalai Lama escape to India.

CIA was also encouraging India to annex Tibet, because it's a geopolitics strategic location for the Western bloc and major blow to the communist China.

Mao is the first leader, the founder of PRC.
There is no contradiction between Confucianism and commemorating Mao. It doesn't have to be one or the others.

If you can commemorating Mao Zedong, so does you can also do it with Chiang Kai Shek as well.

Sun Yat Sen, Chiang Kai Shek and Mao Zedong are equally idiots and foreign worshipers.
If you can commemorating Mao Zedong, so does you can also do it with Chiang Kai Shek as well.
China do commemorate Sun Yat Sen. And officially the contribution of ROC/KMT to the 2nd sino-japanese/anti-japanese war were increasing recognized.

Currently commemorating Chiang is asking a bit too much, after all the PRoC/RoC fought a civil war. That is as politically difficult as asking RoC/Taiwan to commemorate Mao.

But it is not totally impossible, maybe if RoC ask for it as a condition for reunification, it could happened. But do you think Taiwanese would even ask for it?
Sun Yat Sen, Chiang Kai Shek and Mao Zedong are equally idiots and foreign worshipers.
Look, all these three leaders of China are human, they are not perfect. But they are part of China history, you cannot just ignore their history.

Sometimes at the turn of the 20th Century, China were so utterly devastated by foreign powers, that we developed a loss of confidence in ourselves. The consequence of which, we look for foreign solution to our problem. Chinese culture is not perfect, the injection of foreign idea is good for us. China has been doing that sort of things for millennium, but we have always remained distinctly Chinese.

Maybe you feel they go a bit too far, but do consider the academic atmosphere in the first half of the 20th century, when intellectuals bashing Chinese culture is the norm, no matter whether from the right or left, PRC or ROC. But you cannot say that Chinese do not need this kick in the butt, although sometimes they may have throw the baby out with the bath water, they did succeeded in dragging the Chinese people into the modern era.

When Mao stood in Tienanmen in october 1st 1949, he proclaimed that China has finally stood up. The CPC did delivered on that promise, he gave Chinese back the confidence/dignity that they had lost.

In a few post above, "Lux de veritas" quoted "黄金千两酬漂母,藤鞭三百报平王" suggesting doing something to Mao's corpse. But there are two part to that idioms, he seem to see only the last part, the ying and not the yang. Isn't 感恩(gladfullness) a very essential part of Chinese culture?

If you think that the Cultural Revolution had killed off Chinese culture in mainland China, then you must have severely underestimated our culture. A culture that has withstood the test of time for millennium is a lot more resilience than you could imagine.

This is an article just a month back,

Talking about Culture at Qufu City: Xi Jinping Talking about Confucius When Inspecting Shandong Province
On November 26th, 2013, Secretary-general Xi Jinping came to Confucius Research Institute for inspection, and carried on a discussion with the research fellow Yang Chaoming, president of Confucius Research Institute, and other representative experts and scholars. The journalist of First Financial Daily interviewed Mr. Yang Chaoming about the detail of the general secretary’s inspection and its social reflection and the report was forwarded here.

“I will read these two books carefully”, the words of Xi Jinping, CPC general secretary made The General Interpretation of Family Saying of Confucius and The Interpretation of the Analects chiefly written by the research fellow Yang Chaoming “popular overnight”.
China do commemorate Sun Yat Sen. And officially the contribution of ROC/KMT to the 2nd sino-japanese/anti-japanese war were increasing recognized.

Currently commemorating Chiang is asking a bit too much, after all the PRoC/RoC fought a civil war. That is as politically difficult as asking RoC/Taiwan to commemorate Mao.

But it is not totally impossible, maybe if RoC ask for it as a condition for reunification, it could happened. But do you think Taiwanese would even ask for it?

If mainlander can't commemorate Chiang Kai Shek, what is the point asking Taiwan for reunification in the first place?

Mainland must revision the history and build a bridge between ROC and PRC. Or write a new modern history of China. The current history of China was written by Westerners and the rest extremely ideology biased.

The future generation of Chinese people should know the true about what is really happened.

Look, all these three leaders of China are human, they are not perfect. But they are part of China history, you cannot just ignore their history.

Sometimes at the turn of the 20th Century, China were so utterly devastated by foreign powers, that we developed a loss of confidence in ourselves. The consequence of which, we look for foreign solution to our problem. Chinese culture is not perfect, the injection of foreign idea is good for us. China has been doing that sort of things for millennium, but we have always remained distinctly Chinese.

Maybe you feel they go a bit too far, but do consider the academic atmosphere in the first half of the 20th century, when intellectuals bashing Chinese culture is the norm, no matter whether from the right or left, PRC or ROC. But you cannot say that Chinese do not need this kick in the butt, although sometimes they may have throw the baby out with the bath water, they did succeeded in dragging the Chinese people into the modern era.


Republic of China politics and academic at the time were monopolized by Christians. Just look at South Korea today, the struggle between Buddhists and Christians, where Christians try to monopolize the government seats and remove any trace about Buddhism in South Korea.

The same thing happened in China at the time.

Who said that Confucianism is outdated and not compatible in the modern world. It's the Confucianism that makes East Asian great today. All the accusation about Confucianism is groundless and child ranting without proves, to promote and force foreign religion to Chinese people.

This is what actually happened at the time. I don't have any respect to KMT as well as to CCP, Republic of China nor People's Republic of China.

The new China should just China, without foreign elements.

Just look at China today, we are fighting over foreign ideology. And we are denying our culture and history as well for the sake of foreigners.
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