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Cultural Identity of All Indians Is Hindutva: RSS Chief

You may be right but than you should not have quoted that as the part of Vadanta.

That was just the Marxist trickery in work. Say see Vedanta says no need for temples, so break down all the temples in India.
That was just the Marxist trickery in work. Say see Vedanta says no need for temples, so break down all the temples in India.

Vedanta does not say whether to have the temples or Not. It is purely a discussion of creation of universe (Shrushti Mimansa) , What is knowledge, What is driving principles of ethical behavior what is soul and what is salvation etc.

Please read Complete works of Swami Vivekananda then.

It is not pure vedanta. He has given suitable examples to make common people understand. It is not there in original Text.
Vedanta does not say whether to have the temples or Not. It is purely a discussion of creation of universe (Shrushti Mimansa) , What is knowledge, What is driving principles of ethical behavior what is soul and what is salvation etc..

Yeah I know. What I said was you can trust the marxist to give it such a twist. He will even go on to claim that Babur and other invaders were a practicing Vedantist and that is why they destroyed the temples.

....cheat codes to win Vedanta 2.0 ? :D


File Photo - Prashant D.

If inhabitants of England are English, Germany are Germans and USA are Americans then why all inhabitants of Hindustan are not known as Hindus, came a poser from RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat today.

Someone should tell Mr. Bhagwat that the name " Hindustan " was a slur given by Muslims to the land.
The Indian word is Bharat. Also the Mountain range " Hindukush " Mountains had negative connotation as it meant Mountains that suppressed or killed Hindus.

People of India are called " Indians " just like people from Germany are called Germans.
It is not pure vedanta. He has given suitable examples to make common people understand. It is not there in original Text.

My post to hinduguy was not meant to show him the complexity of this philosophy(pure vedanta in your words), rather the simplicity of it (Worshiping parents as the supreme absolute is also a teaching of Upanishada) ;To make him understand that it is just not a collection of mantras but it's teachings is so easy to understand that it might appeal others who are not familiar with it at all.
Someone should tell Mr. Bhagwat that the name " Hindustan " was a slur given by Muslims to the land.
The Indian word is Bharat. Also the Mountain range " Hindukush " Mountains had negative connotation as it meant Mountains that suppressed or killed Hindus.

People of India are called " Indians " just like people from Germany are called Germans.

The Muslim Emperors called themselves Badshah of Hindustan. If it had been slur, then they would not have been proud to do so. Now that apart, whether the origin of the name was from outside India or from inside, it does not matter, because those people who were called Hindus have adopted this name as their identity and are proud of this name.
Someone should tell Mr. Bhagwat that the name " Hindustan " was a slur given by Muslims to the land.
The Indian word is Bharat. Also the Mountain range " Hindukush " Mountains had negative connotation as it meant Mountains that suppressed or killed Hindus.

People of India are called " Indians " just like people from Germany are called Germans.

Its a english word. Hindi word is Bharat or Hindustan so we are Hindustani or Bharati.
Its a english word. Hindi word is Bharat or Hindustan so we are Hindustani or Bharati.

How can istan be English. It is Persian origin.

It is the same istan as in Pak_istan.

istan mans " land of " in Persian/Farsi

Hence Hindu_stan meaning land of Hindus.
Someone should tell Mr. Bhagwat that the name " Hindustan " was a slur given by Muslims to the land.
The Indian word is Bharat. Also the Mountain range " Hindukush " Mountains had negative connotation as it meant Mountains that suppressed or killed Hindus.

People of India are called " Indians " just like people from Germany are called Germans.

When You give so much advise to Mr. Bhagawat, You should also know that like the name hindustan is given by Muslims, Name India was given by Britishers. If you have any reservation with word Hindustan, You should have same reservation for word India. However you seem to have no objection for word India (Since you say that India for Indians)
When You give so much advise to Mr. Bhagawat, You should also know that like the name hindustan is given by Muslims, Name India was given by Britishers. If you have any reservation with word Hindustan, You should have same reservation for word India. However you seem to have no objection for word India (Since you say that India for Indians)

Sir, I am only making an observation and giving my opinion.

At the end of the day it is actually the right of Indians to decide what they would preferred to be called ( Hindustanis, Indians or Bharatis )
is Persian origin.

It is the same istan as in Pak_istan.

istan mans " land of " in Persian/Farsi

Hence Hindu_stan meaning land of Hindus.

-stan while being credited to Persian is cognate to the Sanskrit word "sthana" and is "stan" in Devanagiri. Also found used in Dravidian languages like Kannada (sthana). The word Hindustan would be correct usage in many Indian languages, not necessarily as just a Persian borrowing.
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