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Cultural Identity of All Indians Is Hindutva: RSS Chief

yes, but thats a belief system you find likeable. Not everybody subscribes to that belief. And it cannot be generalized to say every Indian believes it, we are a diverse lot.
If all Indians believe, all living creatures are equal then how is it that killing chickens is not crime but killing humans is (in India).
It will not be liked by all and it is natural. But in my view, it is the nearest form of belief system, that for its obvious departure from age old superstitions, unnecessary rituals of numerous other belief systems within Hindu religion possibly can create an appeal among the believers of other religions to have an interest in it if not following it strictly.
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if somebody voluntarily wants to perform hindu rituals in hindu temple, and if the temples allow them in, I dont have any issues.
about Indian culture, give me some examples that will make an Indian muslim ... eligible to be called hindu.

We are discussing and criticizing his opinion, just like opinion of everybody else we do here.
Nothing special about him, but because he is a public figure more people will react to his opinion than say... mine.

Indians from any religions can be called as Hindus.
For your example Check Dr APJ Abdul Kalam and his way of life.

File Photo - Prashant D.

If inhabitants of England are English, Germany are Germans and USA are Americans then why all inhabitants of Hindustan are not known as Hindus, came a poser from RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat today.

"The cultural identity of all Indians is Hindutva and the present inhabitants of the country are descendants of this great culture," Bhagwat said while speaking at the 'Golden Jubilee' function of an Odia weekly here.

The RSS chief further went on to say that Hindutva is a way of life and Hindus could be of any religion worshipping any God or not worshipping at all.

Referring to Vivekananda, Bhagwat said not worshipping any God is not necessarily an atheist rather the one who doesn't have faith in self is sure an atheist.

He said the world has now realised that Hindutva has been the only basis to keep India united since ancient days despite having plenty of diversities.

He, however, expressed concern saying that some in India are not realising it and whenever a discussion on it takes place, the protagonist are wrongly branded as communal.

Speaking on the current world scenario, the RSS leader said there is darkness everywhere and the world at large is looking at India for solace because India still marches on the path of righteousness.

"As long as dharma exists in India, the world will continue to respect this country. But once dharma is gone, no force on earth can stop the country from crumbling," the RSS leader warned.

Cultural Identity of All Indians Is Hindutva: RSS Chief

Exactly fits in with my book The India Doctrine -


Cultural Identity is different from religion. Obviously Indian cultural Identity is Hindu. I recall a discussion on Pakistani TV where one lady guest was discussing her intersection with Arabs. She said that in one discussion one of her Arab friend said that why you people keep your name like us. Do not you have your own names? This small story tells a lot about culture identity.
It will not be liked by all and it is natural. But in my view, it is the nearest form of belief system, that for its obvious departure from age old superstitions, unnecessary rituals of numerous other belief systems within Hindu religion possibly can create an appeal among the believers of other religions to have an interest in it if not following it strictly.
Cultural Identity is different from religion. Obviously Indian cultural Identity is Hindu. I recall a discussion on Pakistani TV where one lady guest was discussing her intersection with Arabs. She said that in one discussion one of her Arab friend said that why you people keep your name like us. Do not you have your own names? This small story tells a lot about culture identity.
well that will make massive number of pakistani and bangladeshis , hindus. right?
most of us agree that we south asians have shared culture but different belief system. Issue is hinduism is also a belief system and its mischevious to call all of us hindus.
Can I as a muslim/christian eat beef and be called hindu?
For most of the day PDF is blocked in Bangladesh and I can only access it intermittently. Sadly I could not reply to some of the comments and questions regarding my book. For that I apologize. :-):p::p::azn:

I was able to access PDF from anyplace in the world.
What makes you special case is
1)you have problems with your network connection, switching to a better Internet service provider.
2) paying your internet connection bills on time will help you access internet.
Don't blame flying pigs for your problems.
well that will make massive number of pakistani and bangladeshis , hindus. right?
most of us agree that we south asians have shared culture but different belief system. Issue is hinduism is also a belief system and its mischevious to call all of us hindus.
Can I as a muslim/christian eat beef and be called hindu?
Vedanta is strictly a philosophical belief system to attain highest layer of realization. That given it does not anyway enforce any restriction on way of living. As per Vedanta, a butcher who does not perform any religious ceremonies but takes care of his ailing parents every evening has gained the highest level of spiritual consciousness and have known the path of moksha. So, it does not really matter what you wear, what you eat,where you go to worship your God or whom you worship as your God. This is why I said it might have best chance to be accepted/ liked as a common belief system. But this is entirely my personal opinion and I am against all efforts to force feed these views through other's throat in a fascist way.
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As per Vedanta, a butcher who does not perform any religious ceremonies but takes care of his ailing parents every evening has gained the highest level of spiritual consciousness and have known the path of moksha.

Yes, There is a story of such type is there but it is not a part of Vedanta. Vedanta is the last cheaters of Veda in which Philosophies such as creation of universe, What is moral and immoral behavior, Concept of souls, way to attain the Moksha etc are discussed. They are also called Upanishads. The most authentic commentary on Upnishad or Vedanta is by adi shankara in his famous Shankar Bhashya which is a part of Prasthan Trayi which includes his commentary on Srimad Bhagvat Gita, Brahm Sutra and Upanishad (Also Called Vedanta). Vedanta is a part of Shad Darshana. They are Nyay Darshana, Vaisheshik Darshan, Yog Darshan, sankhy Darshan, Uttar Mimansa and Purva Mimansa.
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Yes, There is a story of such type is there but it is not a part of Vedanta. Vedanta is the last cheaters of Veda in which Philosophies such as creation of universe, What is moral and immoral behavior, Concept of souls, way to attain the Moksha etc are discussed. They are also called Upanishads. The most authentic commentary on Upnishad or Vedanta is by adi shankara in his famous Shankar Bhashya which is a part of Prasthan Trayi which includes his commentary on Srimad Bhagvat Gita, Brahm Sutra and Upanishad (Also Called Vedanta).

I think you meant to say the last chapter of Veda.
Yes, There is a story of such type is there but it is not a part of Vedanta. Vedanta is the last cheaters of Veda in which Philosophies such as creation of universe, What is moral and immoral behavior, Concept of souls, way to attain the Moksha etc are discussed. They are also called Upanishads. The most authentic commentary on Upnishad or Vedanta is by adi shankara in his famous Shankar Bhashya which is a part of Prasthan Trayi which includes his commentary on Srimad Bhagvat Gita, Brahm Sutra and Upanishad (Also Called Vedanta). Vedanta is a part of Shad Darshana. They are Nyay Darshana, Vaisheshik Darshan, Yog Darshan, sankhy Darshan, Uttar Mimansa and Purva Mimansa.
It was just an example how simple it can be. If I quote from Sankara Bhashya or Upanishada one might feel it difficult to understand it.

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