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Crimea and Tatarstan signed a cooperation agreement

Tatars in Russia - one of the most industrialized, culturally and spiritually developed nations. In Tatarstan there are many high-tech, advanced factories and research scientific institutes. Russian Tatars - probably the most highly developed Muslim nation in the world.
And what have the Tatars in Ukraine? Illegal huts? The ban on the Tatar language?

Russia will have to give assurance to Crimean Tatars that they will not face deportations again like they did after Second world War.
I have heard a lot about Tatarstan and its high economic development. I would like to see Chechnya and Dagestan do the same. Instead of staying backwards and doing terrorist activities why not advance yourself in education and economy.
Russia will have to give assurance to Crimean Tatars that they will not face deportations again like they did after Second world War.
I have heard a lot about Tatarstan and its high economic development. I would like to see Chechnya and Dagestan do the same. Instead of staying backwards and doing terrorist activities why not advance yourself in education and economy.
Crimean Prime Minister has promised Tatars most extensive rights which they never had in the Ukraine.
"Crimean Tatar leader calls on UN forces to intervene

Chubarov has also accused the new Crimean parliament of not consulting the Crimean Tatar community, which prefers to stay with Ukraine, and therefore stated that he did not recognize its authority.

Despite the planned referendum in 10 days time, the Crimean parliament earlier today voted in favor of joining Russia. As Crimea has been predominently Russian since Soviet dictator exiled the Crimean Tatars in 1944, the referendum is expected to produce a similar result.

Describing the parliament decision and referendum as an 'illogical' and 'illegal' provocation, Chubarov called on United Nations forces to come to the region."

Crimean Tatar leader calls on UN forces to intervene- UPDATED | Europe | Worldbulletin News

Also,romanian tatars organised a rally today condemning the "russian agression" and asking the International Community to intervene.

Looks like russian bribes didn't go so far.
Because he gets the votes...... o_O

Do you know how democracies works ?
In Ukraine democracy works just this way - some gang comes, seizes power and throws the legally elected president out from the country. And West welcomes it and salute it and recognize it!
In Ukraine democracy works just this way - some gang comes, seizes power and throws the legally elected president out from the country. And West welcomes it and salute it and recognize it!

Well, i don't know well about Ukraine's condition so i won't comment on this issue.

But sometimes people just says no, to president for obvious reasons (see Egyptian coup), democracy is not perfect.
Well, i don't know well about Ukraine's condition so i won't comment on this issue.

But sometimes people just says no, to president for obvious reasons (see Egyptian coup), democracy is not perfect.
Countries of the Eastern bloc once were called democratic countries. So democracy - very relative concept. Especially if 40,000 people (and someone pay them money, feeding them and teaching) can displace President elected by millions.
Where were those millions through the entire period of protests ? why and how 40k people managed to displace him ? I think he lost people's support after his political moves, majority was opposing him otherwise he would not be displaced, especially when he has Russia in his back, from the looks of it, majority of his remaining supporters in recent situation were ethnic Russians, first place he fleed to was a region of ethnic Russians. And he have their support just because he's pro Russian.
Countries of the Eastern bloc once were called democratic countries.

:smitten: Yeah, nominally, but if you expressed your democratic will, Stasi would come.

Especially if 40,000 people (and someone pay them money, feeding them and teaching) can displace President elected by millions.

1.) Donbass elite gets their puppet Yanukovitch elected.They did it twice, first time it failed because of the Orange revolution.
2.) Sometime in the past year, it is revealed to them Janukovitch and his family got more then 50% of government contracts, to which the Donbass elite-oligarchs felt they are entitled to.
3.) They paid the mob to demonstrate. Right sector is used because it is the most cohesive and "combat" ready.

Ofcourse the oligarchs have got some sort of support from US and EU, but they started all on their own in removing Yanukovitch.
:smitten: Yeah, nominally, but if you expressed your democratic will, Stasi would come.

1.) Donbass elite gets their puppet Yanukovitch elected.They did it twice, first time it failed because of the Orange revolution.
2.) Sometime in the past year, it is revealed to them Janukovitch and his family got more then 50% of government contracts, to which the Donbass elite-oligarchs felt they are entitled to.
3.) They paid the mob to demonstrate. Right sector is used because it is the most cohesive and "combat" ready.

Ofcourse the oligarchs have got some sort of support from US and EU, but they started all on their own in removing Yanukovitch.
Now oligarchs become governors in Ukraine. Those who paid the coup will now directly rob the people - not as how it was before, but directly.
At the same time gangs of "right sector" and other fascist organizations are incorporated into cadre of law enforcement ministers. Yesterday three generals were fired for having refused recognize fascist organizations as legitimate.
This is democracy? Likewise, Hitler did, making legitimate SS and SD.
Now oligarchs become governors in Ukraine. Those who paid the coup will now directly rob the people - not as how it was before, but directly.
At the same time gangs of "right sector" and other fascist organizations are incorporated into cadre of law enforcement ministers. Yesterday three generals were fired for having refused recognize fascist organizations as legitimate.
This is democracy? Likewise, Hitler did, making legitimate SS and SD.

So far, there hasn't been nothing out of the ordinary happening in eastern Ukraine. Pro Russians are even allowed to hold protests, they were let unopposed into Donetsk gov. building etc etc...

So much for all the Russian propaganda stories about nazi maidanists that would swarm over eastern Ukraine with bats and pitchforks....
So far, there hasn't been nothing out of the ordinary happening in eastern Ukraine. Pro Russians are even allowed to hold protests, they were let unopposed into Donetsk gov. building etc etc...

So much for all the Russian propaganda stories about nazi maidanists that would swarm over eastern Ukraine with bats and pitchforks....
You can believe what you want, even in the tales about "peaceful fascists." But now they killing and robbing people in Kiev. And In Crimea - all is quiet. If Nazis start killing in Odessa, Donetsk or Kharkov - there will be no more Ukraine. This sad story will end.
You can believe what you want, even in the tales about "peaceful fascists." But now they killing and robbing people in Kiev. And In Crimea - all is quiet. If Nazis start killing in Odessa, Donetsk or Kharkov - there will be no more Ukraine. This sad story will end.

Bullshit. Stop lying ------- Nothing is happening in Kiev. Apart from ceremonies to comemorate the dead.


In Crimea Russian troops are trying to shut up everyone who voices their opinion that Crimea should stay Ukrainian.
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Without exception, every Russian I came across to in different sites keep calling them Nazis, I'm trying but I can't understand how they're Nazis ? just because a fraction of parties partipicating in parliament are nationalist doesn't means government is going to put swastikas everywhere, most of countries has some far right parties in their parliaments, they do nothing.

Russian propaganda machine is seems to working more smoothly then west.
Russian propaganda machine is seems to working more smoothly then west.

Not really. It's just that this forum is full of jealous third worlders anxious to see the first world's standards fall towards theirs. And can't wait to stick it up somehow to the developed world if only by participating on forums claiming "Putin has come on top".
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