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Creation of Bangladesh

You obviously don't understand my views. My views are these.
  • The 3 million figure of war of independence is a figment of Bengali nationalist propaganda.
  • The Muktihi Bahini committed war crimes, just like the Razakhars, just like the PA, just like the Bharatis..noone was innocent so holding a "holohoax" war museum in Dhakka is pure hypocrisy
  • The Muktihi Bahini and Bengali Nationalists are guilty of propagating myths and lies such as the Jessore Massacre which was committed by Bengalis and blamed on PA. If they can lie so much over one incident, how many more incidents have they lied about?
  • The discrimination of Bengalis in particular did not exist - this is agree is controversial, but I have not seen a full proof case to demonstrate there was discrimination between the West and East wings by the government. On the contrary I know Ayub Khan tried to stimulate the enrollment of Bengalis in PA, but it failed because the Bengalis did not want to join.
  • The war of independence was a result not of real discrimination between the East and West, it was as a result of the incitement to revolt in the speeched of Mujib that the people from the East wing fell for hook, line & etc.
  • My final "point" is more a question. Given all this, why do Bengalis like yourself want to keep the myth alive about there being a one way genocide when this has been proven not to be the case?

If you want to discuss these views instead of resorting to poor quality jokes and insults, then prove to me how my views are wrong..it's better than cursing which only makes you look foolish yourself.

look first of all i am a Canadian of Indian origin my family did moved to east west Pakistan after partition from India i speak Hindi/Urdu for your kind information so please next time don't rush to conclusion regarding anyone's ethnicity on the basis of ones viewpoint when you don't know the person . next time you shall be reported am i clear ? & can you please show me were did i cursed proof please you can believe whatever you wont it want make a drop of a difference to my viewpoints.
look first of all i am a Canadian of Indian origin my family did moved to east west Pakistan after partition from India i speak Hindi/Urdu for your kind information so please next time don't rush to conclusion regarding anyone's ethnicity on the basis of ones viewpoint when you don't know the person . next time you shall be reported am i clear ? & can you please show me were did i cursed proof please you can believe whatever you wont it want make a drop of a difference to my viewpoints.

Here's the list of my points, just in case you missed them earlier. What exactly are you disagreeing with me about and why?
  • The 3 million figure of war of independence is a figment of Bengali nationalist propaganda.
  • The Muktihi Bahini committed war crimes, just like the Razakhars, just like the PA, just like the Bharatis..noone was innocent so holding a "holohoax" war museum in Dhakka is pure hypocrisy
  • The Muktihi Bahini and Bengali Nationalists are guilty of propagating myths and lies such as the Jessore Massacre which was committed by Bengalis and blamed on PA. If they can lie so much over one incident, how many more incidents have they lied about?
  • The discrimination of Bengalis in particular did not exist - this is agree is controversial, but I have not seen a full proof case to demonstrate there was discrimination between the West and East wings by the government. On the contrary I know Ayub Khan tried to stimulate the enrollment of Bengalis in PA, but it failed because the Bengalis did not want to join.
  • The war of independence was a result not of real discrimination between the East and West, it was as a result of the incitement to revolt in the speeched of Mujib that the people from the East wing fell for hook, line & etc.
  • My final "point" is more a question. Given all this, why do (people like you - Edited) want to keep the myth alive about there being a one way genocide when this has been proven not to be the case? I suspect this final question has already been answered in your most recent admission that you're from Bharat originally though.
Here's the list of my points, just in case you missed them earlier. What exactly are you disagreeing with me about and why?
  • The 3 million figure of war of independence is a figment of Bengali nationalist propaganda.
  • The Muktihi Bahini committed war crimes, just like the Razakhars, just like the PA, just like the Bharatis..noone was innocent so holding a "holohoax" war museum in Dhakka is pure hypocrisy
  • The Muktihi Bahini and Bengali Nationalists are guilty of propagating myths and lies such as the Jessore Massacre which was committed by Bengalis and blamed on PA. If they can lie so much over one incident, how many more incidents have they lied about?
  • The discrimination of Bengalis in particular did not exist - this is agree is controversial, but I have not seen a full proof case to demonstrate there was discrimination between the West and East wings by the government. On the contrary I know Ayub Khan tried to stimulate the enrollment of Bengalis in PA, but it failed because the Bengalis did not want to join.
  • The war of independence was a result not of real discrimination between the East and West, it was as a result of the incitement to revolt in the speeched of Mujib that the people from the East wing fell for hook, line & etc.
  • My final "point" is more a question. Given all this, why do (people like you - Edited) want to keep the myth alive about there being a one way genocide when this has been proven not to be the case? I suspect this final question has already been answered in your most recent admission that you're from Bharat originally though.

stop picking on my damn origin do you get me its none of your damn business
:cheesy: Whatever, you obviously can't answer any of the points with any solid references that haven't been discredited by now. So we don't really disagree at all, no need to get so emotional and curse Pakistan when you don't even know what it is you are arguing about.
:cheesy: Whatever, you obviously can't answer any of the points with any solid references that haven't been discredited by now. So we don't really disagree at all, no need to get so emotional and curse Pakistan when you don't even know what it is you are arguing about.

let me say one thing very clearly that i am not cursing Pakistan you obviously have a wrong impression about my views or making things up.
The Bengali Holocaust

London, 6/13/71). The Sunday Times....."The Government's policy for East Bengal was spelled out to me in the Eastern Command headquarters at Dacca. It has three elements:

The Bengalis have proved themselves unreliable and must be ruled by West Pakistanis;
The Bengalis will have to be re-educated along proper Islamic lines. The - Islamization of the masses - this is the official jargon - is intended to eliminate secessionist tendencies and provide a strong religious bond with West Pakistan;

When the Hindus have been eliminated by death and fight, their property will be used as a golden carrot to win over the under privileged Muslim middle-class. This will provide the base for erecting administrative and political structures in the fu ture."

According to New York Times (3/28/71) 10,000 people were killed; New York Times (3/29/71) 5,000-7,000 people were killed in Dhaka; The Sydney Morning Herald (3/29/71) 10,000 - 100,000 were killed; New York Times (4/1/71) 35,000 were killed in Dhaka. There is only one word for this: genocide.

These figures tell you the seriousness of the situation created by the Pakistani army. Although the actual figure may be never known. Number of Bengalis slaughtered by the Pakistani army during different periods of 1971. The list is as follows:

Who reported When reported Number in millions
The Baltimore Sun 5/14/71 0.5
The Momento,Caracas 6/13/71 0.5 - 1.0
Washington Daily News 6/30/71 0.2
World Bank Report June, 71 0.2
Die Zeit, Bonn 7/9/71 0.5
New York Times 7/14/71 0.20 - 0.25
Wall Street Journal 7/23/71 0.2 - 1.0
The Christian Sci. Mon. 7/31/71 0.25 - 1.00
Newsweek 8/2/71 0.25
Time 9/2/71 0.2 - 1.0
Newsweek 3/27/72 1.5
National Geographic Sept. 1972 3.0

Roadrunner, im sorry to burst your bubble, but actions speak louder than words. All your cosmetic denials aside, the Bengalis have already answered your questions. Bangladesh exists !! Thats proof enough that you are wrong, at least in the mind of Bangladeshis, and thats what matters. It does not matter what you or West Pakistanis think, because the subject is BD and they have the final say about their history.
Akzaman said:
The Baltimore Sun 5/14/71 0.5
The Momento,Caracas 6/13/71 0.5 - 1.0
Washington Daily News 6/30/71 0.2
World Bank Report June, 71 0.2
Die Zeit, Bonn 7/9/71 0.5
New York Times 7/14/71 0.20 - 0.25
Wall Street Journal 7/23/71 0.2 - 1.0
The Christian Sci. Mon. 7/31/71 0.25 - 1.00
Newsweek 8/2/71 0.25
Time 9/2/71 0.2 - 1.0
Newsweek 3/27/72 1.5
National Geographic Sept. 1972 3.0

^^ The person who wrote this on "virtual Bangladesh", which I think is typical of some of the other Bangladeshi websites out there, is obviously a math buffoon. A quick look at those numbers would have any 15 year old Math high school student in hysterics at the point he's trying to prove. Here are his summary statistics.

Mean numbers of people killed = 866,666 illusionary Bengalis
Pooled standard deviation = 794,393 illusionary Bengalis.

Mean±sd = 900,000±800,000 illusionary Bengalis.

In other words, the maximum number of Bengalis killed on the basis of his summary is 1,700,000, the minimum number is 100,000. Both are equally as likely. If you take into account that these are highly inflated since it was the Bharatis who wrote what happened to every foreign news outlet after the war, these figures would in reality be much much less. Still, at least "virtual bangladesh" has managed to prove its other stories of 3 million killed to be statistically impossible :coffee:
^^ The person who wrote this on "virtual Bangladesh", which I think is typical of some of the other Bangladeshi websites out there, is obviously a math buffoon. A quick look at those numbers would have any 15 year old Math high school student in hysterics at the point he's trying to prove. Here are his summary statistics.

Mean numbers of people killed = 866,666 illusionary Bengalis
Pooled standard deviation = 794,393 illusionary Bengalis.

Mean±sd = 900,000±800,000 illusionary Bengalis.

In other words, the maximum number of Bengalis killed on the basis of his summary is 1,700,000, the minimum number is 100,000. Both are equally as likely. If you take into account that these are highly inflated since it was the Bharatis who wrote what happened to every foreign news outlet after the war, these figures would in reality be much much less. Still, at least "virtual bangladesh" has managed to prove its other stories of 3 million killed to be statistically impossible :coffee:

the report is from the sundaytimes read carefully

London, 6/13/71). The Sunday Times:
in order to understand that its from a well reputed news paper one needs to have the reading power:coffee:
the report is from the sundaytimes read carefully

in order to understand that its from a well reputed news paper one needs to have the reading power

Oh really!! Your "powers of reading" must have also made you notice this I suppose

The virtualbangladesh report said:
London, 6/13/71). The Sunday Times....."

The Sunday Times article written in 1971. Then at the end the table quotes at least 2 articles written well after 1971..It would be so unlike virtualbangladesh to invent things though, wouldnt it?

Thevirtualbangladeshreport said:
Newsweek .....................3/27/72 ...........1.5
National Geographic.........Sept. 1972.........3.0

In fact if you look at the " ", you'll see they've used only a small section of a Sunday Times report, but I really wouldn't even trust that all that is accurate. It quotes no figures within the Sunday Times article. Your powers of reading will no doubts prove powerful once again.
Salim Bhai,
You have to think from heart when u are thinking or speaking about your motherland this is not the emotional blackmailing.

i cant understand why people dont realize that those who commited war crimes in 1971 were Indian agents and could be the Indian army Personnel there was no way to identify them.They were mixed with "Mukti Bahini" that was the actual problem i would say.
Oh really!! Your "powers of reading" must have also made you notice this I suppose

The Sunday Times article written in 1971. Then at the end the table quotes at least 2 articles written well after 1971..It would be so unlike virtualbangladesh to invent things though, wouldnt it?

In fact if you look at the " ", you'll see they've used only a small section of a Sunday Times report, but I really wouldn't even trust that all that is accurate. It quotes no figures within the Sunday Times article. Your powers of reading will no doubts prove powerful once again.

so true its good for you that retreated a practical face saving move i am iimpressed :lol:
Salim Bhai,
You have to think from heart when u are thinking or speaking about your motherland this is not the emotional blackmailing.

i cant understand why people dont realize that those who commited war crimes in 1971 were Indian agents and could be the Indian army Personnel there was no way to identify them.They were mixed with "Mukti Bahini" that was the actual problem i would say.

sir if thats the case then the world history writers will have to be the craziest of people around unfortunately they are not.
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