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Creation of Bangladesh

^^Care to name just one instance of anything I've said in this thread that is venomous? Didn't think so. If anyone were attempting to be a "jackal in sheep's clothing" it would be you and a couple of others I would say.

Do I have to prove that the Earth is Flat?

Open up your eyes now, tell me what you see - runs a Beatle song. Would do you good to know this line.

You are so heated in your venom that you fail to realise what you do.

He who knows not and knows not that he knows not is a fool; avoid him.
He who knows not and knows that he knows not is a student; teach him.
He who knows and knows not that he knows is asleep; wake him.
He who knows and knows that he knows is a wise man; follow him.
Your posts bely the contention that you wish Bangladesh well.

Your venom indicates your inner psyche.

It also indicates your deep anger that Bangladesh had the audacity to shake off the Punjabi shackle, that is so evident with the rumblings in all other provinces that one sees.

You are attempting to be a jackal in sheep's clothing with you new found pious platitudes!

The Bangladeshis here are no nuts posting article after article to counter your venom as also attempting to put some brains and logic in your reply! But they are failing!
Reading a lot more than what was written?
Do I have to prove that the Earth is Flat?

Open up your eyes now, tell me what you see - runs a Beatle song. Would do you good to know this line.

You are so heated in your venom that you fail to realise what you do.

He who knows not and knows not that he knows not is a fool; avoid him.
He who knows not and knows that he knows not is a student; teach him.
He who knows and knows not that he knows is asleep; wake him.
He who knows and knows that he knows is a wise man; follow him.

So I guess you can't name anything. Incidentally, though off topic, your current maps of Bharatvarshado include Bangladesh..there's no point in acting that no Bharati has dreams of a reclamation of these lands they believe to be theirs. Pakistan is out, Eastern Afghanistan again not really any chance. When the politics suits the situation, this sort nationalism based on a fallacy will lead an occupation of whatever they can get their hands on.

So I guess you can't name anything. Incidentally, though off topic, your current maps of Bharatvarshado include Bangladesh..there's no point in acting that no Bharati has dreams of a reclamation of these lands they believe to be theirs. Pakistan is out, Eastern Afghanistan again not really any chance. When the politics suits the situation, this sort nationalism based on a fallacy will lead an occupation of whatever they can get their hands on.

A simple denial of your intentions is good enough Road Runner.

I would suggest, you both get to know each other a little better before you become sworn enemies and pass sweeping assumptions that I can see are not true about either.
That is not MY map.


One has to be equipped in all ways to be my enemy.

I am here for friends and to extend the friendship that was started by ABV and M.
Pakistan:Round 1 to the West

THERE is Do doubt," said a foreign diplomat in East Pakistan last week," 'that the word massacre applies to the situation." Said another Western official: "It's a veritable bloodbath. The troops have been utterly merciless."

As Round 1 of Pakistan's bitter civil war ended last week, the winner-predictably-was the tough West Pakistan army, which has a powerful force of 80,000 Punjabi and Pathan soldiers on duty in rebellious East Pakistan. Reports coming out of the East (via diplomats, frightened refugees and clandestine broadcasts) varied wildly. Estimates of the total dead ran as high as 300,000. A figure of 10,000 to 15,000 is accepted by several Western governments, but no one can be sure of anything except that untold thousands perished.

Mass Graves. Opposed only by bands of Bengali peasants armed with stones and bamboo sticks, tanks rolled through Dacca, the East's capital, blowing houses to bits. At the university, soldiers slaughtered students inside the British Council building. ..It was like Genghis Khan,' said a shocked Western official who witnessed the scene. Near Dacca's marketplace, Urdu-speaking government soldiers ordered Bengali-speaking towns-people to surrender, then gunned them down when they failed to comply. Bodies lay in mass graves at the university, in the Old City, and near the municipal dump.

During rebel attacks on Chittagong, Pakistani naval vessels shelled the port, setting fire to harbor installations. At Jessore, in the southwest, angry Bengalis were said to have hacked alleged government spies to death with staves and spears. Journalists at the Petrapole checkpoint on the Indian border found five bodies and a human head near the frontier post-the remains, apparently, of a group of West Pakistanis who had tried to escape. At week's end there were reports that East Bengali rebels were maintaining a precarious hold on Jessore and perhaps Chittagong. But in Dacca and most other cities, the rebels had been routed.

The army's quick victory, however, did not mean that the 58 million West Pakistanis could go on dominating the 78 million Bengalis of East Pakistan indefinitely. The second round may well be a different story. It could be fought out In paddies and jungles and along river banks for months or even years.

Completing the Rupture. The civil war erupted as a result of a victory that was too sweeping, a mandate that was too strong. Four months ago, Pakistan's President, Agha Mohammed Yahya Khan, held elections for a constituent assembly to end twelve years of martial law. Though he is a Pathan from the West. Yahya was determined to be fair to the Bengalis. He assigned a majority of the assembly seats to Pakistan's more populous eastern wing, which has been separated from the West by 1,000 miles of India since the partitioning of the subcontinent in 1947.

To everyone's astonishment, Sheik Mujibur Rahmari and his Awami League won 167 of the 169 seats assigned to the Bengalis, a clear majority in the 313 seat assembly. "I do not want to break Pakistan," Mujib told TIME shortly before the final rupture two weeks ago. "But we Bengalis must have autonomy so that we are not treated like a colony of the western wing." Yahya resisted Mujib's demands for regional autonomy and a withdrawal of troops. Mujib responded by insisting on an immediate end to martial law. Soon the break was complete. Reportedly seized in his Dacca residence at the outset of fighting and flown to West Pakistan, Mujib will probably be tried for treason.

All Normal. West Pakistanis have been told little about the fighting. ALL NORMAL IN EAST was a typical newspaper headline in Karachi last week. Still, they seemed solidly behind Yahya's tough stand. "We can't have our flag defiled, our soldiers spat at, our nationality brought into disrepute," said Pakistan Government Information Chief Khalid Ali. "Mujib in the end had no love of Pakistan."

Aware that many foreigners were sympathetic to the Bengalis, Yahya permitted the official news agency to indulge in an orgy of paranoia. "Western press reports prove that a deep conspiracy has been hatched by the Indo-Israeli axis against the integrity of Pakistan and the Islamic basis of her ideology," said the agency.

The Indian government did in fact contribute to the Pakistanis' anxiety. Although New Delhi denied that India was supplying arms to the Bengali rebels, the Indian Parliament passed a unanimous resolution denouncing the "carnage" in East Pakistan. India's enthusiasm is hardly surprising, in view of its longstanding feud with the West Pakistanis and the brief but bloody war of 1965 over Kashmir. But Western governments urged New Delhi to restrain itself so as not to provoke West pakistan into making an impulsive response.

Hit and Run. For the time being, West Pakistan's army can probably maintain its hold on Dacca and the other cities of the East. But it can hardly hope to control 55,000 sq. mi. of countryside and a hostile population indefinitely. The kind of Bengali terrorism that forced the British raj to move the capital from Calcutta to Delhi in 1911 may well manifest itself again in a growing war of hit-and-run sabotage and arson. In modern times, the East Bengalis have been best known to foreigners as mild-mannered peasants, clerks and shopkeepers, perhaps the least martial people on the subcontinent. But in their support of Bangla Desh (Bengal State), they have displayed a fighting spirit that could spell lasting turmoil for those who want Pakistan to remain united. As Mujib often asked his followers rhetorically: "Can bullets suppress 78 million people?"

TIME April 12, 1971; pp. 23-24
So I guess you can't name anything. Incidentally, though off topic, your current maps of Bharatvarshado include Bangladesh..there's no point in acting that no Bharati has dreams of a reclamation of these lands they believe to be theirs. Pakistan is out, Eastern Afghanistan again not really any chance. When the politics suits the situation, this sort nationalism based on a fallacy will lead an occupation of whatever they can get their hands on.


Damn. Looks like the Bharatvarsha people forgot aksai chin and arunachal pradesh. How absent minded of them. Sorry guys. Looks like we'll have to vacate these areas, since they are not part of bharatvarsha.

Roadrunner, it seems that you know more about this Bharatvarsha thingy than the Indians themselves.
Please live in modern times. There is no need to use a map of epic india in order to justify your wild theories.
No Indian, not even the most hardcore hindu fundamentalist, is planning to conquer afghanistan to satisfy his alleged religious wet dreams.
(by Ababeel)Why we are fighting here for a cruel episode directed by Secularists on both sides who destroyed our unity and divided us in two parts. It's time we must return towards the Islamic values and start thinking what Islam wants from us which can give us success in both the worlds, here and in life after death


(By Roadrunner)Not true at all. Bangladesh is irrelevant to Pakistan's foreign policy. They do not have an Army or Air force or a Navy, trade is minimal between the two countries, all that happens is they dump a lot of illegals onto Pakistan that soak up the stronger rupee. Tell me how or why Pakistan needs Bangladesh. I can tell you many ways that Bangladesh needs Pakistan more than the other way round. I'm not interested in trying to please Bangladeshis or whoever, only facts interest me, so you tell me how Pakistan needs Bangladesh more than Bangladesh needs Pakistan.

Its not the Question that Bangladesh needs us or we needs Bangladesh.National Unity is important. we were one Country and we should remain United.

well i want to say "Happy Independance Day" to Pakistani and Bangladeshi brothers as well b/c you also got Independance on 14th August 1947.I think we should celebrate "Independance Day" jointly.we can celebrate "Bangladeshi Independance Day" as a "Day of Friendship/Reunion"so that we can forget the bitterness of past.
Damn. Looks like the Bharatvarsha people forgot aksai chin and arunachal pradesh. How absent minded of them. Sorry guys. Looks like we'll have to vacate these areas, since they are not part of bharatvarsha.

The authenticity is thus suspect and instead it appears a huge snafu in the propaganda and disinformation where it is claimed to be a Bhararatwhatever!
Well I, too, want to say "Happy Independence Day" to Pakistani and Bangladeshi brothers as well because you also got Independence on 14th August 1947. And we claimed Independence at the stroke of midnight. I think we should celebrate "Independence Day" jointly. We can celebrate so that we can forget the bitterness of past.
A simple denial of your intentions is good enough Road Runner.

I would suggest, you both get to know each other a little better before you become sworn enemies and pass sweeping assumptions that I can see are not true about either.

It's just debate on my part.

Salim said:
The authenticity is thus suspect and instead it appears a huge snafu in the propaganda and disinformation where it is claimed to be a Bhararatwhatever!

It's not exact, but it is authentic that Bangladesh is believed to be part of Bharatvarsha in the Mahbharata..Fundamentalists don't give up dreams that easily.

"This emperor apparently won most of the known world in that time and the region covering then current India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan and more - called Bharatvarsha."

It's not exact, but it is authentic that Bangladesh is believed to be part of Bharatvarsha in the Mahbharata..Fundamentalists don't give up dreams that easily.

"This emperor apparently won most of the known world in that time and the region covering then current India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan and more - called Bharatvarsha."


Hehe. You are quoting from Mahabharat for your grand plans for India?

Come on man. You can do better than that.

Next thing you know, you'll be fantasizing about Italian expansionist plans based on the maps of the Roman empire.
It's just debate on my part.

It's not exact, but it is authentic that Bangladesh is believed to be part of Bharatvarsha in the Mahbharata..Fundamentalists don't give up dreams that easily.

"This emperor apparently won most of the known world in that time and the region covering then current India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan and more - called Bharatvarsha."


OK big deal what can you or Pakistan do about it lets face it there is no such thing as right or wrong in world politics its might is right weakness is wrong in this case India is strong = RIGHT Pakistan is weak = tough luck! keep on doing that bharti bharatvarsha whatever as for Bangladesh well it would definitely benefit bd if it is integrated in to the Indian union thats for sure Joyti basu one of the most prominent politician of India is from Bangladesh east Bengal there are so many east Bengali brothers & sisters in India who are very happy there & why should the Bangladeshi people go to Pakistan when such a rich & Strong nation is just across the border why should they go to Pakistan what dose Pakistan have in the first place that it can offer terrorist training camps, lawlessness a fragile political system & a few Penny's known as economic aid man even India was willing to give you guys $25 million donation:azn: during the earthquakes & then you talk jeez :tsk:
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