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Creation of Bangladesh: Shining Moment or Strategic Blunder

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Creation of Bangladesh: Shining Moment or Strategic Blunder

“DURGA ASTRIDE A TIGER”. This is how Atal Behari Vajpayee described Indira Gandhi immediately after India’s lightening victory in the 1971 war, which resulted in creation of Bangladesh.

Ironically and now in retrospect, correctly, he led a protest march against Shimla Agreement in 1972. In the best tradition of the Indian State, whatever was won militarily has been thrown away at the negotiating table time after time.

Although creation of Bangladesh was hailed as a defining moment in the history of the sub continent at that time, it is turning out to be a strategic nightmare now.

Bangladesh would have been created, perhaps of its own steam, sooner or later. But by our intervention we have created a problem for us with serious strategic disadvantages.

With Bangladesh as its Eastern Wing, Pakistan was always unbalanced. With its severance, Pakistan is now a viable and cohesive entity with its Armed Forces much more capable of not only defending her territory but carrying the war into India as per its doctrine of ‘Offensive Defence’.

By creating Bangladesh, we have made an implacable enemy of Pakistan for whom Balkanisation of India by whatever means has become an article of faith. Even if Kashmir problem is resolved to Pakistan’s satisfaction, its hostility towards India is not going to come to an end.

It will find some other means to continue its strategic aim – break up of India. This fact is not understood by many peaceniks and those who believe that people to people contact and mouthing of platitudes will resolve all problems between India and Pakistan.

Bangladesh in the meantime has reached the other extreme. Not only its history has been falsified to eliminate Indian Army’s role in the creation of Bangladesh, it is firmly in the Pakistani camp – lock, stock and barrel.

It is indeed tragic. West Pakistan always treated East Pakistan with contempt. It was a strange case of creation of a nation with its two wings thousands of miles apart held together only by a tenuous link of religion.

Bangladesh has conveniently forgotten how inhumanly its citizens were treated by West Pakistanis when it was a part of Pakistan. To put things in correct perspective.

It may be relevant to quote a passage from C-in-C Bangladesh, General MAG Osmany’s letter to Lt Gen Gul Hassan Khan, C-in-C Pakistan Army in 1972 after the creation of Bangladesh.

“The seventy five million people of Bangladesh were subjected to the most inhuman form of genocide, rape, repression and arson by Pakistani Armed Forces who exhibited not the slightest hesitation in killing their Bengali brother officers and men, unarmed and in cold blood – all aimed at denial of human rights guaranteed by United Nations Charter.

Indeed history does not have a single instance of inhuman acts which can equal the bestial treatment meted out to our people between night 25/26 March 1971 to the day before surrender.

History’s most ignominous defeat in which some 93,000 professional and very well equipped soldiers led by their officers including a substantial number of General Officers bowed to lay down their arms and were stripped of their badges of ranks is therefore the justice meted by God such as he has always done and promised to do”. Forgetting all the above, Bangladesh is now cozying up to Pakistan compromising even its self respect in the process.

Every election time, Bangladesh goes through convulsions. Same is the case now. The two Beghums have reduced the whole election process to a farce. In no democratic country, executive powers are handed over to someone else to conduct elections.

Hopefully better sense will prevail and election process, however farcial, will be gone through. We also need to seriously reexamine our policy of investing in individuals rather than institutions.

We have learnt nothing from the past. In 1972, Indira Gandhi thought that by making concessions to Bhutto, she will earn his goodwill. What we got instead is a nuclear Pakistan. Similarly in Bangladesh, we put all our eggs earlier in Sheikh Mujib’s basket.

With his assassination, we lost all our bargaining power. Thereafter it was Sheikh Hasina’s turn. The result is that whenever Beghum Khalida Zia comes to power, anti Indian forces gain upper hand.

Creation of Bangladesh: Shining Moment or Strategic Blunder | Indian Defence Review
NOTE: To readers this artice is from known RAW sponsored indian organization and site. Since Bangladesh independence india wanted a vassel state like of Bhutan and to that end Awami League was that indian stooge. Any and all opposition to indian hegemony, political or otherwise was labeled communal, islamists rajakar etc. Please read the article according to this premise and you will see idea india tries to propagate.
Same nonsense gibberish... Strategic blunder.. My a$$. :hitwall:

Did you see that guy express his concern over this fact....

"Bangladesh has created formidable armed forces, far in excess to its needs, which could well collude with Chinese, should a war with that nation come about in the future."


Breakup of India has always been a strategic goal of asian muslims. Because a mighty hindu dominated south asia imbalances traditional islamic strong holds of central asia and middle east. Hence the history of India is riddled with repetitive offensive campaign and 1000 year rule by Muslims. Also India is rising as a massive resource hog of asia which has systematically trippled its population over 50 years largely consisting of hunger stricken poor. It has a facist agenda of racial domination in Asia and eyes Central asia as its future client states. In an "energy for food" style pact. Much of the Indian policts are relics of soviet and ottomans expansionist legacy into resource rich CA and ME. It hopes by persuing the same footprint, it could one day establish itself as the mythical "golden bird". Often Indian media is riddled with articles headlined around this myth.

Much to the dismay the Indian political analyst fail to realize that "golden bird" era was not without hogging others resources which invited every power to invade india for a share.

To sell their war to the world, Indian media runs a campaign of balatant lies against every south asian country portray them as poor, destitute, violent and fragile. While India is expressed as most harmonius thriving nations of saints.

The seperation of Bangladesh as comes as a blessing in diguise for any strategies who can see beyond horizon. It freed up west-Pakistan from its massive economic obligation in the east. Bengladesh was inhabited largely by uni-racial society and its policites never sit well with the agenda of west-pakistan. It is better off by persuing its own geo-strategic and economic intrests. Pakistanis have come to peace with the reality of unsustainable east and west Pakistan with large chunk of India in between.
A simple advice:
if some BD member think that indian done wrong with BD people by dividing Pakistan in 1971. so i am requesting that please send to proposal to BD govt. to merge Bangladesh with Pakistan. but please u will find nothing by blaming Indian...
A simple advice:
if some BD member think that indian done wrong with BD people by dividing Pakistan in 1971. so i am requesting that please send to proposal to BD govt. to merge Bangladesh with Pakistan. but please u will find nothing by blaming Indian...

Look at the article again dude....its indian point of view we are talking here....no need to involve the BD members....

A simple advice:
if some BD member think that indian done wrong with BD people by dividing Pakistan in 1971. so i am requesting that please send to proposal to BD govt. to merge Bangladesh with Pakistan. but please u will find nothing by blaming Indian...

in your 187 posts what have you done aside trolling???


the big question is why did indians interfere with our affairs in the first place, this event undoubtedly created a mistrust among pakistan for indians which will never wash away till the day of judgement..

it is rightly said that an indian in the guise of a friendship will stab you in the back, so dont ever make friends with them..
Bangladesh in the meantime has reached the other extreme. Not only its history has been falsified to eliminate Indian Army’s role in the creation of Bangladesh, it is firmly in the Pakistani camp – lock, stock and barrel.

What have the Bharati learned so far... You can divide us by deception but you can not take out Islam from Muslims. :smokin:

Bharati are disliked by us many reasons and we will never treat you like brother no matter what you do while Pakistanis will be given brotherly treatment even if they do nothing for us. It's Islamic thing. Faster you understand, better it would be for you. :cool:
Well, its a fact that when two brothers fight, they get seperated but still they are brothers...same is the case of Pakistan and Bangladesh, we are not together but still we are brothers, and at a time of need we will rise again and join together as a brother.....we must not forget Bangladesh, bcz movement of Pakistan started from Bangladesh....
What are your thoughts on the Genocide of 1971 Al-Zakir where over a million Bangladeshi's died mostly due to Pakistani's.

Awami killed more Bangladeshis after separation than Pak army did in 71.

There was a initiative to count all the dead after the separation by then Awami government. They could have only count up about 70 thousands so it was abandon. Millions figure is laughable and it has been used to point political score by Awami league.

It was a civil war so people died. Every party participated on the killing. Pak army mostly target Hindus, mukti and Bharat loving intellectual and rest died due to civil war between Islamist and Bengali minded pro Bharatis.

I personally do not think much about 71 because stuck in past is not my hobby. I have said many time that if Bangladesh consider Pakistanis as evil and blood thirsty then why is necessary to angelic nation like Bangladesh to establish diplomatic relation with Pakistan first place. If west Pakistani was evil then, it can not be angel now. :coffee:

By the way, Bangladesh and Pakistan building permanent embassy on respected country. Why???
I like some of the sentences in the original article which is truncated here...
■Bangladesh has created formidable armed forces, far in excess to its needs, which could well collude with Chinese, should a war with that nation come about in the future.

■Instead of we treating Bangladesh Rifles as the rag tag force they are, they are treating our Border Security Force with contempt. Every day there is firing on the borders and abduction of personnel who are then killed in the most inhuman fashion. Even when we wish to erect fence within our territory to check illegal infiltration, Bangladesh takes an offence to it and the worst part is we pause to ponder over their protests. And now they have the temerity to try to stop construction of border fence by firing. And the mighty Indian state with visions of becoming a world power only watches as a disinterested bystander.
Why is it that despite our size, population, economic strength and armed might, our smaller neighbours do not fear us as they do the Chinese

This guy really in nightmare.... :rofl::rofl::rofl:
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