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CPEC another kala bagh dam ?

We (The Punjabi Establishment) haven't learnt anything from Fall of Dhaka. Instead of meeting Pashtuns' right or even wrong demands just to heel the burns of 3+ deacdes long war imposed by none other than us, we are once again up to blame them traitors and blah blah. Why don't we seperate them for once and all if they are all this much disloyal to State.
I thought Bhutto was Sindhi... :sarcastic:
Great words......
Just imagine how these words will bring final end of IK as national leader....
Like these words brought final end of Sheikh Mujeeb......
I thought Bhutto was Sindhi... :sarcastic:
By mentioning one character of whole episode belonging to different ethnicity won't change the fact. On the whole, it was civil and military beauracrcy majorly belonging from Punjab who kept doing blunders and eventually led to a stand off.
Like these words brought final end of Sheikh Mujeeb......

By mentioning one character of whole episode belonging to different ethnicity won't change the fact. On the whole, it was civil and military beauracrcy majorly belonging from Punjab who kept doing blunders and eventually led to a stand off.

Happened once does not mean can happen again....
Let me tell you how this is looking at the moment...

IK treated taliban in SKH.....

IK was against ZEA
IK wanted to negotiate with taliban only evem if it meant total sureender....

IK started dharna completely ignoring how critical time was for country...

IK now trying to sabotage cpec....
پاکستانی قوم کا کچھ نہیں ہو سکتا تم لوگ یہان آپس میں ایک دوسرے کی شلواریں اتارو ادھر سے چائنا انویسٹمنٹ ہی کینسل کر دے گا تب کسی اور ایشو پر ایک دوسرے کی مشت زنی کرنا
Like these words brought final end of Sheikh Mujeeb......

By mentioning one character of whole episode belonging to different ethnicity won't change the fact. On the whole, it was civil and military beauracrcy majorly belonging from Punjab who kept doing blunders and eventually led to a stand off.

Well, he was the main character, his anti-bangali hate filled speeches did more damaged than any weapon. Rest Mujib was cooking his plan long before 71 with Indians and Soviets. I don't see where punjabi come in all this mess.
Let me tell you how this is looking at the moment...

IK treated taliban in SKH.....

IK was against ZEA
IK wanted to negotiate with taliban only evem if it meant total sureender....

IK started dharna completely ignoring how critical time was for country...

IK now trying to sabotage cpec....
1)there is 3 all parties conference on this issue and all parties wanted the same . they wanted to negociate. PMLN also did that
dharna was done after PMLN failed the promise they made in parliament for halqas audit
no he is not sabotaging CPEC. He is just demanding justice for the people who voted for them. there should be equal distribution of funds for all province. there was no western route in beginning later it was added. most development funds are used in Punjab just bcoz Nawaz sharif belongs from punjab
Happened once does not mean can happen again....

Just watched this on YouTube and I think Pervez Khatak got genuine concerns. Both routes passes through my area since I am the capital :woot: but things needs to be transparent. Noora league needs to come clean and be transparent about the funding and proposed project. Everything needs to be on papers for record and accountability. Intentionally diverting route out of KPK despite KPK route being shorter clearly shows ill-internet on the part of Noora gang.
پاکستانی قوم کا کچھ نہیں ہو سکتا تم لوگ یہان آپس میں ایک دوسرے کی شلواریں اتارو ادھر سے چائنا انویسٹمنٹ ہی کینسل کر دے گا تب کسی اور ایشو پر ایک دوسرے کی مشت زنی کرنا

I usually dont agree with your point of view specially about PTI .. but looks like this time, both parties are playing dirty politics and only country is going to suffer ..

Its all about next election, PTI can't see anything which PMLN going to use in coming election and same goes for PMLN ..
Well, he was the main character, his anti-bangali hate filled speeches did more damaged than any weapon. Rest Mujib was cooking his plan long before 71 with Indians and Soviets. I don't see where punjabi come in all this mess.
utilizing most funds , only CM that NS take to foreign visits was from punjab. NAB is only active in sindh and kpk ., no nab action in punjab. No military action ins outh punjab nbut in karachi and fata, Baluchistan , CPEC was suppose to go from KPK, western route is long, so when nawaz came in power it was added ( i may be wrong but this is my understanding ) most industrial areas developed from Chinese investment is in Punjab
utilizing most funds , only CM that NS take to foreign visits was from punjab. NAB is only active in sindh and kpk ., no nab action in punjab. No military action ins outh punjab nbut in karachi and fata, Baluchistan , CPEC was suppose to go from KPK, western route is long, so when nawaz came in power it was added ( i may be wrong but this is my understanding ) most industrial areas developed from Chinese investment is in Punjab
Yap, I support developing new motorways from the farms of Punjab to the ports in the south but not on the expense of other areas. We can't have half of the country crippled on rayra gari (horse cart) while other running motorways on top of regular highways. Noora is thinking about next election not about the country as a whole. :pakistan:
Yap, I support developing new motorways from the farms of Punjab to the ports in the south but not on the expense of other areas. We can't have half of the country crippled on rayra gari (horse cart) while other running motorways on top of regular highways. Noora is thinking about next election not about the country as a whole. :pakistan:
the problem is punjab alone has almost same NA seats then rest of proviance combined . Mostly Pms are punjab centric or focus more on punjab to get more seats. Small provinces has less say at national level. CPEC is a great p[project nawaz sharif making it controversial by hiding planned development plans and spending breakdown
Stirring the CPEC pot
Editorial — Updated about 15 hours ago

ONCE again KP Chief Minister Pervez Khattak and his high command are up in arms against the manner in which the government is seen to be implementing the CPEC projects.

Less than two months ago, he was already threatening “massive agitations” against these as well as a halt to all land acquisition under way in his province for CPEC projects.

The reasons given were that the centre had not allocated the promised funds for those projects that lie in the province, and that changes were being made in the allocations and routes without consulting his government.

On Dec 5, shortly after Mr Khattak’s outburst, the KP Assembly unanimously passed a resolution endorsing his views that the maps of the project being issued by the Planning Commission “indicate the consensus achieved on May 28 has not been implemented in letter and spirit”.

This was the second such resolution on CPEC passed by the provincial assembly — the first one came in October.

Today, the chief minister is upping the ante all over again. Once again, he is threatening agitations and the withdrawal of support for the land acquisition process, and his complaints are being echoed by parties besides his own in the provincial government.

It is not clear what precisely is the issue at stake, with all the emotional rhetoric in play, but what is evident is that the concerns raised in November, and echoed in the resolution of the provincial assembly, do not appear to have been resolved.

We can be excused for feeling a little confused as we witness this spectacle. Is this all politically driven, or is the government living up to its reputation of showing a stubborn preference for Punjab when it comes to the allocation of the state’s material resources?

The minister for planning has tried to assuage these concerns by saying his government “cannot even think about discriminating against any province”, but the words sound somewhat vacuous.

What is clear is that the whole controversy ultimately grows out of the lack of transparency shrouding CPEC projects, to the point where even the State Bank governor has made public comments that he is not aware of the foreign exchange requirements of the financing arrangements under which the projects are being executed.

Between fiscal year 2014 and 2015, the disbursement of bilateral loans and grants for CPEC energy projects doubled to reach $1.2bn, a large sum which doubtless carries repayment obligations that need to be known in advance.

The resolution of the KP Assembly further demands that the “[m]onographic study on highways of CPEC should be made a public document. Similarly, the agreements between Pakistan and China should also be made public”. It is high time to bring transparency to CPEC, or perhaps call another multiparty conference to hammer out a new consensus behind it all over again.

Published in Dawn, January 7th, 2016

Stirring the CPEC pot - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

So that is why IK meet Modi. Good going IK:cheers:
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