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Covid-19 - Devastating Second Wave in India - Updates and Discussion

Extremely Sad News.

Indians were laughing at China and Pakistan back in 2020. Blaming Tabiligis and calling it Corona Jihad.

Now karma has hit them while they were busy celebrating, Holi, Kumbh Mela and Shahi Asnans.

Im glad we are not like Indians laughing at someone's misery.
Its not asnan..snaan..meaning bath
Albeit this video is from last year but none the less still under the circumstances very relevant.

Delhi is Burning: 12 People Are Dying Every Hour in The National Capital
Family member wearing PPE performs last rites of a COVID-19 victim at Nigambodh Ghat crematorium, in New Delhi. (PTI)

Family member wearing PPE performs last rites of a COVID-19 victim at Nigambodh Ghat crematorium, in New Delhi. (PTI)
Between Monday and Saturday (April 19 and 24), Delhi reported 1,777 deaths – over 12 deaths per hour on average, the government data suggests.
  • LAST UPDATED:APRIL 25, 2021, 17:48 IST
Amid a massive shortage of medical oxygen in the national capital, hourly deaths in Delhi this week since Monday increased to over 12 from about five registered last week, official data revealed.
Between Monday and Saturday (April 19 and 24), Delhi reported 1,777 deaths – over 12 deaths per hour on an average, the government data showed.

During the same period last week (between April 12 and 17), Delhi reported 677 deaths – about five deaths per hour. This week, the number of deaths on an hourly basis was more than 10 on an average.
On Monday, the city reported 240 deaths – 10 deaths per hour on an average. This increased to 12 deaths per hour on an average on Tuesday as the city reported 277 deaths in 24 hours.

On Wednesday, the city saw 249 deaths, fewer than the previous day, making it over 10 deaths per hour on an average again. Since Thursday, Delhi has been reporting more than 300 deaths per day. On Friday and Saturday, the toll was more than 345.

With 306 deaths reported in 24 hours on Thursday, Delhi was reporting about 13 deaths per hour on an average. This increased to 348 deaths on Friday – about 15 deaths per hour on an average.
Saturday was the worst day since the beginning of the pandemic in terms of daily deaths reported as the national capital reported 357 deaths in a day – also about 15 deaths per hour on an average.
In terms of daily cases reported, Delhi has recorded more than 23,500 cases each day since Monday.
A total of 1.51 lakh cases have been reported in Delhi since Monday – making it 1,051 cases per hour on an average. On Tuesday, Delhi reported record number of cases in a day – 28,395. On that day, Delhi reported 1,183 cases per hour on an average.
On Thursday, the city reported the second highest cases — 26,169. On that day, the per hour average was 1,090 cases. On Wednesday, Friday and Saturday the city reported over 24,000 cases each day – more than 1,000 cases per hour on an average.

Between Monday and Saturday, the per day testing has came down by 24.5 percent – from 98,957 samples tested on Monday to 74,702 samples tested on Saturday.
As of Saturday night, the active cases in Delhi were 93,080 – an increase of 21.06 percent from Monday when the active cases were 76,887.
Over the week, Delhi’s positivity rate increased from 26.12 per cent to 32.27 per cent. This meant every third person being tested was infected, while every fourth sample was positive in the beginning of the week.
Also, containment zones increased drastically in the city – reporting an increase of 64.91 percent. There were 15,039 containment zones in the city on Monday. By Saturday, Delhi had 24,802 containment zones
In speaking with a researcher at Nasik - he is saying real numbers of deaths are 2-3x higher than office. It is horrific site and his curses are on Modi - he has given up on doing anything.

What did you expect from a tea seller and Gujurati - For Profit mentality.

If Pak is not careful, same will happen there.
Pakistan response has been dispointing with respect to immunization. We still have time. we need to mandate vaccination and vacconate everyone fast really fast
Look at isreal
Pakistan response has been dispointing with respect to immunization. We still have time. we need to mandate vaccination and vacconate everyone fast really fast
Look at isreal
full scale vaccinations are the only way. This will take toll as it takes hold and pass thru immune compromised systems and mutates. We were not surprised here when the SA variant came out in Nov; here we have HIV/TB cocktail mix plus ARVs patients - a cycle thru of this wretched bug would have mutated to a more dangerous form. Results are in front. Same also from Brazil.

I also believe we need a cocktail combo of vaccine - a pfizer/moderna + JJ cross.
Death to Indian state.

I still remember how they enjoyed when terrorist attacks used to happen frequently , 1971 , APS, bla/ttp , Kashmir and etc.
do you want to stoop their level?

we are all in the boat together.
Let's cut the bullshit

It takes about 10 days for a person to get past covid and to establish if a individual is going to face big problems or not

India is currently posting RECORD numbers for the entire planet

That will continue

Realistic expectations suggest that it will be a good solid month of chaos in India before any considerable change happens

Even if you vaccinate someone now they won't get protection for about 3 weeks

Even oxygen is a relief not a cure

Indians instead of trying to deflect or cover the disaster need to think about getting through it with some dignity rather than humiliate themselves further
My assessment is that within the next two weeks, cases will start going down in entire India.

It's a natural thing.. when risks materialize in front of our own eyes, we start taking the warnings seriously.
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