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Covid-19 - Devastating Second Wave in India - Updates and Discussion

Whole world heard what covid can do. And India has practically showed them what covid could do...

Absolutely horrendous....
And in Agartala, a small town in Assam, India, NE state.

One reason it is called Agartala sazish, read sajis.
Indeed, my state and we contributed a lot towards Bangladesh's freedom struggle.
If bangladeshis now want to label that as terrorism then I have nothing to add.
I remember when pakistan was getting covid aid from china and indians were laughing. I guess karama got then quite bad..
Prayers for India.

Indians are a immature people... kind of serves them right what is happening to them
Indeed, my state and we contributed a lot towards Bangladesh's freedom struggle.
If bangladeshis now want to label that as terrorism then I have nothing to add.


you only did it to avenge Pakistan. You have no sympathy for muslim freedom movements
Indeed, my state and we contributed a lot towards Bangladesh's freedom struggle.
If bangladeshis now want to label that as terrorism then I have nothing to add.
Yes we are calling the Awami league a terrorist organization, we have made our feelings know when your terrorist PM visited the country.

Whatever you have to add is completely irrelevant.
I went through the replies of Modi's twitte, Modi was praised.
Incredible Indians.
Account can be faked with those praise and fake comments can bought too. I am sure Modi has plan well.

The problem Indian national congress never exploit any of modi mistakes to full use. It seems their top leader are very weak.

Just like KMT of Taiwan. Greenspan party make plenty of mistakes too and KMT do not have a great leader to lead KMT. Taiwan is just like India. The media bribed by BJP or greenpan party are heavily biased towards them.

you only did it to avenge Pakistan. You have no sympathy for muslim freedom movements
We saw it as a Bengali freedom movement not as a Muslim one though, both sides were muslim, anyways we are going off topic here
pakistanis on this forum don't fail to post hindu related videos and they're all over this forum. Not many people even know how other religions are also a root cause for this and corona doesn't differentiate whether the event is for a day or week...it's all the same. You'd naturally portray me as a RSS hindutva member and I dont give a damn about it but I'm clearly specifying that every religion is at fault, doesn't matter if a religious leader died or if there is a major festival coming up. Kumbh has definitely been a disaster but even now, people are flocking to smaller masjids due to ramzan...

Who cares about your clarification or specifications. We dont give a dam about your opinions.

Your just another useless Indian troll on PDF.
Australia is expected to ban all flights from India amid a surge of cases in the country.

Australia's National Security Committee will meet tomorrow and decide whether to suspend flights coming in from India.

Australia is looking into sending oxygen to try and help ease the crisis.


Health workers distribute evening tea to patients in a ward at the Covid-19 Care Center set up at the Commonwealth Games (CWG) Village Sports Complex in New Delhi, India, on Sunday, April 25, 2021. Noting that at least six high courts are hearing disputes about Covid-19 management including oxygen shortages, the Supreme Court on Thursday asked India's federal government to come up with a national plan for the distribution of essential supplies and services. Photographer: T. Narayan/Bloomberg (Bloomberg)

Barry O'Farrell, Australia's high commissioner to India, said there are currently about 8000 Aussies stuck in India who want to return home - including cricketers there for the IPL.

One in 30 Australians are of Indian heritage.


Health workers turn away a vehicle at the main entrance of the Lok Nayayak Jaiprakash Hospital in New Delhi, India, on Sunday, April 25, 2021. Noting that at least six high courts are hearing disputes about Covid-19 management including oxygen shortages, the Supreme Court on Thursday asked India's federal government to come up with a national plan for the distribution of essential supplies and services. Photographer: T. Narayan/Bloomberg (Bloomberg)

Health Minister, Greg Hunt, said if all flights are cancelled, "we will do it with a heavy heart – but without hesitation".

"India is literally gasping for oxygen," he said.

Last week, Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced a cut of flights by 30 per cent plus a new rule meaning passengers must be tested on route if they change planes.


A Covid-19 patient is attended to in ambulance while waiting at the main entrance of the Lok Nayayak Jaiprakash Hospital in New Delhi, India (Bloomberg)

The nation is the world's second-most populated.

The capital Delhi, home to nearly 30 million people, is reporting positive tests of about one in every three people.

The nation has been hit by another record jump in COVID-19 cases, with almost 350,000 new infections in the past 24 hours.

It is the fourth day in a row cases India's daily cases numbers have hit world-record levels.


A notice on a gate indicates that there is no oxygen at the Covid-19 Care Center set up at the Commonwealth Games (CWG) Village Sports Complex in New Delhi, India, (Bloomberg)


As COVID-19 cases surge and India continues to face severe oxygen shortages, private companies are stepping in to offer their support. (Getty)

The country has so far confirmed more than 186,000 deaths and 16 million cases, with three million added in the last two weeks alone.

Hospitals are running out of oxygen and supplies, and crematoriums are overflowing, sparking fears a major humanitarian disaster is underway.

Wonder where these disgusting Indians posting on this forum how great India is, better than Australia, etc. Yet these Indians are all trying to leave the shithole of a country and come to Australia.

Let them stay in India, isn't India the greatest country on earth? Wonder why they want to come to Australia which is a poor, stupid country according to Indians.
Extremely Sad News.

Indians were laughing at China and Pakistan back in 2020. Blaming Tabiligis and calling it Corona Jihad.

Now karma has hit them while they were busy celebrating, Holi, Kumbh Mela and Shahi Asnans.

Im glad we are not like Indians laughing at someone's misery.
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