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Covid 19 and Ivermectin

Now it's the harsh way to show people how Darwin award work

AP? All legacy media in the US are Fake News. Only the left and idiots believe CNN, NPR, NBC, FOX, MSNBC, POLITICO,,AXIOS ect...
Lets start with Israel. Are the people in Israel some how different ? 84% of the population have been vaccinated and 84% of the hospitalizations are fully vaccinated. 84% of the deaths are
people who have been vaccinated. The situation is so bad that several Euro countries have banned travel to Israel and are not allowing Israeli citizens in.

dated 6 July that showed around 85% of new COVID Delta infections in Israel are fully vaccinated.

A person who has been infected with covid , has 13 times the immunity v. person who has been vaccinated according to the Israeli Health Ministry.

Here is the todays release from VAERS which the number of dead from the vaccines in the US is almost at 15,000. Dr. Zelenko referenced
a research done by Harvard which concluded that the VAERS system significantly unreported and at best the number of dead can be as high as
10 times of what has been reported.

Since July 24th, the number of death from the vaccines are at 70 PER DAY! The real number can easily be 700 or more per day.
Screen Shot 2021-09-13 at 10.50.01 PM.png

Here is the CDC's own data on the actual number of death from covid only. Just 6% of the deaths from covid. You do not hear that on
CNN and legacy media AKA Fake News.

More manipulations by the CDC.

Here is more from Dr. Malone the inventor of MRNA vaccines.

Covid Pneumonia is real . People infected have 99.98% chance of recovery. Pneumonia and influenza kills thousands each year with weak immune
systems. Mrna vaccines have consequences and side effects that are unknown according to doctors, scientists , and epidemiologists.
We live in a world that Doctors are called conspiracy theorists by news anchors and the so called fact checkers on twitter.
This is the world where idiots and sociopaths pontificate at the altar of fake science and dishonesty. They will double and triple down on their
dishonesty when you debunk them. Powerful pharmaceutical companies are mandating people get vaccinated whether they like it or not with no liability.
Darwin was an idiot.
This Covid pandemic was brought into the world to put into effect the NWO "Global Reset" agenda. It is now shown that the number of deaths have escalated in countries whom are the most vaccinated. Ivermectin has showed great efficacy in independent research and from the testimony of thousands of doctors who put it on use on patients.

The reason BD hasnt been uprooted by covid 19 including the delta varient its because Ivermectin is used in every hospital and most doctors recommend them.

It has been found recently that Dr. Anthony Fauci (Illuminati Agent) was involved in gain of function research in the wuhan lab of virology. It has been proven that they were working on the coronavirus and using them on ferrets and doing gain of function research.

They are using the Global pandemic as an excuse to crack down on Individual Freedom. The system of the globalist elite are on the verge of collapse and they are going all in against humanity.

The vaccines are creating the variants. Vaccines are causing the variants including the delta variant. This is in line with the globalists depopulation agenda.

You can see how the globalists are using the pandemic as an excuse to unleash their crackdown on humanity in australia. This system of slavery and submission will gradually be established everywhere else and humanity will be attempted to made redundant.

Exactly my thoughts, its called SCAMDEMIC for reasons...

and people need more proof, its a globalist play fools!
Exactly my thoughts, its called SCAMDEMIC for reasons...

and people need more proof, its a globalist play fools!

and specially this article show you how fake media distort the truth about official data and poison general masses
I posted this earlier, to some derision. The benefits of Ivermectin in India. Apparently, it was the reason why India defeated the Delta variant.

I hope authorities and doctors in Iran have this information instead of wasting time with gene therapy in these so called vaccines that are killing people.
That drug is an anti-parasite (interferes with chloride channels in multicellular worms). No way does it nor will it ever work against a virus!!
Anyone saying it is a wonder drug against COVID-19 is an idiot! Period.
What the hell do you think the FDA is ? Sum kind of standard of fair measures and honest statistical judgements? Only an Idiot takes "motive" out of individuals or organizations' account of actions. The motive of FDA and CDC and WHO is pretty obvious. To take advantage of a crisis to implement its long established multi faceted agenda. Or are you one of those idiots that are backing the WHO and CDC recommendations of Vaccinating Children? The objectives of these globalist organizations is pretty clearly anti human or anti masses. There are plenty of Individual accounts of renowned doctors all around the world as well as statistical studies released by hundreds of sources of many countries showcasing the efficacy of Ivermectin.

Heck even Joe Rogan got well in 3 days. BD is a poor country with bad healthcare systems. But what we have here is open minded medical professionals who have been using Ivermectin on literally every hospital with great results. You may not find anything to reflect it on the data but its a known fact in 3rd world countries like bd the actual number of patients can be 5 to 6 times higher if not more. BD ate the delta wave like pan cake cuz of these drugs. Its next to India dont forget.

Also, I dont see the intellectual reasoning of you bringing stupid herbal medications in comparison when we are talking abt Ivermectin, a drug that won the Nobel Prize. My point is here, im not ur goddamn research provider, but if u have half a brain cell you will find enuf material showcasing effectiveness of Ivermectin. You are all so wise acting in all subjects so go and find it and then study it.
And your source is??
That drug is an anti-parasite (interferes with chloride channels in multicellular worms). No way does it nor will it ever work against a virus!!
Anyone saying it is a wonder drug against COVID-19 is an idiot! Period.

You sound really smart. You should contact the Japanese and Indian governments and enlightenment them with your scientific genius .

Uttar Pradesh government says early use of Ivermectin helped to keep positivity, deaths low
“Uttar Pradesh was the first state in the country to introduce large-scale prophylactic and therapeutic use of Ivermectin. In May-June 2020, a team at Agra, led by Dr. Anshul Pareek, administered Ivermectin to all RRT team members in the district on an experimental basis. It was observed that none of them developed Covid-19 despite being in daily contact with patients who had tested positive for the virus,” Uttar Pradesh State Surveillance Officer Vikssendu Agrawal said.

And your source is??
Listen, if you are involved or know anything about pandemic management, you'll learn to read between the lines, not to mention understanding the mechanism of action of a drug. Also it helps to understand the difference between a virus and other parasites. The buzz words in that article are contact tracing and extreme precautions!
A "prophylactic drug" never works against a viral infection. Only vaccines work to prevent infection. And to understand that, one needs to understand how the complex immune system machinery works in our bodies. If one is unable to understand, then listen to experts, who have spent years and decades studying diseases and come up with effective remedies.
That govt body, which peddled cow dung as a cure for covid-19 is the least reliable source of medical information.
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