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Covid 19 and Ivermectin

My problem with this article . If it was my thesis ,I'd have got a big zero . It's more than 90 percent is based on assumption.
you do enuf research on Covid you wud realize that watever comes out of Fauci and the CDC-FDA is also assumption if not worse
Or are you one of those idiots that are backing the WHO and CDC recommendations of Vaccinating Children?
Which vaccine as I'm aware who already stated that they are against vaccinating children against covid 19 at least for another year.
If you are against vaccines for other disease then I can only pray for you.
There are plenty of Individual accounts of renowned doctors all around the world as well as statistical studies released by hundreds of sources of many countries showcasing the efficacy of Ivermectin.
Why not look at the other half of the glass for every single of them there are more than 100s who have opposing view.
you do enuf research on Covid you wud realize that watever comes out of Fauci and the CDC-FDA is also assumption if not worse
Assumption based on the knowledge of the disease as best as we understand it at the time. The article is filled with assumptions based on personal feeling.
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What the hell do you think the FDA is ? Sum kind of standard of fair measures and honest statistical judgements? Only an Idiot takes "motive" out of individuals or organizations' account of actions. The motive of FDA and CDC and WHO is pretty obvious. To take advantage of a crisis to implement its long established multi faceted agenda. Or are you one of those idiots that are backing the WHO and CDC recommendations of Vaccinating Children? The objectives of these globalist organizations is pretty clearly anti human or anti masses. There are plenty of Individual accounts of renowned doctors all around the world as well as statistical studies released by hundreds of sources of many countries showcasing the efficacy of Ivermectin.

Heck even Joe Rogan got well in 3 days. BD is a poor country with bad healthcare systems. But what we have here is open minded medical professionals who have been using Ivermectin on literally every hospital with great results. You may not find anything to reflect it on the data but its a known fact in 3rd world countries like bd the actual number of patients can be 5 to 6 times higher if not more. BD ate the delta wave like pan cake cuz of these drugs. Its next to India dont forget.

You do realize every country, including Iran has their version of FDA? It’s merely the entity that regulates drug companies from reaching the consumer in every country. So when I said FDA I was not specifically saying American FDA. Without FDA you would be placing your trust in drug companies to do proper research and due diligence. The same drug companies that work out of profit and greed. And given Iranian FDA has begun approving Iranian coronavirus (with some 6+ vaccines in research and production), that must mean that Iran’s government is also in on this so called massive conspiracy to control the masses.

Your Joe Rogan example told me all I needed to know about your thought process.

Btw I already caught COVID twice, first time (Nov 2020) I took nothing got better in 3-4 days. Second time I likely caught Delta variant (April 2021) and that took longer about 10 days or so to recover again nothing but some OTC medication was taken.

I don’t have the vaccine nor plan to get it. If I was much older or predisposed to weakened immune system I would get it.

As for this massive conspiracy to kill or control world Population, that is something I won’t even bother entertaining.
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I don’t see why you get so defensive. You made an claim and I merely asked you to supply the studies used to support your claim of “great efficacy” because to date I am hearing many doctors saying there hasn’t been enough studies (or very few) studies that study the effects of ivermectin on the corona family of viruses.

Instead of getting defensive you could supplied me with a few, you get defensive and tell me to go find it. Skeptical conduct to say the least. Do you have a medical background?

Send me a few. If there are “1000s” of independent studies studying the long term effects of ivermectin on the body as an anti viral that would work against coronavirus related strains then a few should be no problem.

BTW Recommending something = / = actually being efficient at treating something. There are loads of drugs or herbal supplements people take to treat various illness or conditions that have not been backed by major research including many medicinal herbs from ancient China and Japan. Walk into any drug or supplement store and there is loads of OTC medicines that say “these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA”.

Has the FDA of any major western country approved ivermectin for use in COVID? Has any major AI based medical system shown that ivermectin is a drug of interest like it showed for drugs that have been actually approved to treat COVID?
Which vaccine as I'm aware who already stated that they are against vaccinating children against covid 19 at least for another year.
If you are against vaccines for other disease then I can only pray for you.

Why not look at the other half of the glass for every single of them there are more than 100s who have opposing view.

Assumption based on the knowledge of the disease as best as we understand it at the time. The article is filled with assumptions based on personal feeling.

No point in arguing with him, he has his own warped viewpoints and you have your own (more logic based one).

The hospitals (and cementaries) are filled with anti vaccine believers and plenty of articles available for people asking for the vaccine when it’s too late and they are in the ICU. Heck you can find prominent anti vaccine radio hosts or media people who have died recently.

Again vaccine should be a personal choice, if people want it then get it. If someone wants to take anti worm agent for horses then so be it. But it’s hilarious someone says they won’t put the vaccine in their body, but then puts another drug in their body with limited (at best) research.

People forget that the workforce is the life blood of any country as GDP in a consumer based economy accounts comes 70% from its own citizens buying good and services. For a country to try to mass eliminate its own citizens would be shooting itself in both feet (on the production curve for one foot) and the consumption curve (on the other).

But we should allow people to have their own viewpoints. Not my job to try to change it.
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My problem with this article . If it was my thesis ,I'd have got a big zero . It's more than 90 percent is based on assumption.
Screen Shot 2021-09-12 at 9.32.58 PM.png

This is not linked to a reputable medical journal showing the actual study parameters. The problem with these videos is anyone can cherry pick information and present ways to make you think a certain way.

In fact, one just needs to look at 9/11 videos and the so called “controlled demolition” theory or “inside job” theory. And based on those videos alone you would think something (a big massive conspiracy) likely exists. It’s the way information is presented in abscene of fact checking and presentation of the other side that causes this.

Again the COVID virus is costing the global economy trillions of dollars in lost economic output. This thinking that the best virus a global order would be able to produce is a virus that kills at 1-2% fatality rate is quite laughable. Quite easily any major power could produce a virus that can kill at 20-30% fatality rate. By comparison the most severe strains of Ebola kill at 90% fatality rate. So if we are thinking population extermination is the goal, then whoever “created” virus did a terrible terrible job at producing a “highly lethal” virus.

It’s interesting the countries that are doing a poor job at containing the virus (Iran, Brazil, India, USA) are the ones adopting this approach. Also countries who either don’t have sufficient access to the vaccine (yet) or a significant portion of the population who is adverse to getting it are the ones taking these (possibly desperate) measures.

This shows me the countries are reaching point of desperation to try anything that could work (throwing spaghetti on the wall and seeing what sticks) in order to reduce their heavily overburden hospitals/ICUs and healthcare system.
I give Ivermectin to my horse.

If I want to give it to humans, I'll contact my local snake oil salesman
You do realize every country, including Iran has their version of FDA? It’s merely the entity that regulates drug companies from reaching the consumer in every country. Without FDA you would be placing your trust in drug companies to do proper research and due diligence. The same drug companies that work out of profit and greed.

Your Joe Rogan example told me all I needed to know about your thought process.

Btw I already caught COVID twice, first time (Nov 2020) I took nothing got better in 3-4 days. Second time I likely caught Delta variant (April 2021) and that took longer about 10 days or so to recover again nothing but some OTC medication was taken.

I don’t have the vaccine nor plan to get it. If I was much older or predisposed to weakened immune system I would get it.

As for this massive conspiracy to kill or control world Population, that is something I won’t even bother entertaining.
What did u learn of my thought process from the Joe Rogan example? You can only derive to one conclusion from that, that is I take things into account. I dont Gobble what CNN or globalist agencies shove down my throat like you.

You know wat i Found about ur thought process from observing you? You are afflicted with Dunning-Kruger effect. Which is basically wen u pretend so well of being an intellectual that you start believing it. I mean when u eat dog shit and believe ur putting down a Popeye's chicken sandwich. THATS YOU.

Your reasoning is the worst of anyone on PDF? YOU KNOW WHY? cuz unlike real intellectuals you argue on subjective basis just to make urself look good. You have zero knowledge of the subject ur rambling abt most of the time.

AND BTW NO COUNTRY HAS THEIR VERSION OF THE FDA. NO ORGANIZATION IN ANY COUNTRY HAS SUCH VAST SCOPE AS THE FDA. The world doesnt import and use vaccines verified by Iranian FDA or Columbian FDA, but the ACTUAL FDA. Thats wat the world does. Do u understand this objective reasoning? Comparing FDA to sum medical regulator in Iran or Brazil is like comparing a nutwit like urself to a real intellectual.

And the identity of an organization is defined by the results of its action. In this sense, no other organization can share an identity with the FDA OR CDC. Cuz their Role in the pandemic has been to lie , cheat and deceive common ppl and thats only been done by them. Who gave green light to pfizer ,moderna and J&J ? The Moroccan version of FDA? Stop talking rubbish. FDA are the one's who regulates the drug companies too IN america so god knows wat ur talking abt. Ofcourse ur subjecting as always. Trying to portray urself as sum brilliant intellectual, which ur obviously not.

You must be a pretty absent fellow if ur telling me that u know nothing about the depopulation agenda that the corporate shills have been spouting for the last 10 years. It all seems too big for u huh? Ofcouse after all u just pretend to know. I forgot.


National Regulatory Authority
National Regulatory Authority present: Yes
Name: Food and Drug Administration of Iran - http://www.fda.gov.ir/

check the WHO or own countries government websites for information on every country’s version of their own respective regulatory authority, just because US FDA approves ( a drug) does not exclude the bearing on EU FDA approving it to be used within its borders on its citizens.

Of course US FDA is one of the most prominent in the world compared to a 3rd world countries FDA, because in the past most drugs in the world were initially researched and produced by American based big pharmaceutical companies before being exported (or licensed) to other countries. And that still holds true to an extent to this day. So US FDA does carry weight around the world though it doesn’t exclude a country like Iran’s FDA from approving or regulating import drugs for use. This thinking that everyone else just blindly follows USA FDA is not rooted in reality.

No point in debating this with you anymore. Your blood pressure is rising by the minute. Enjoy your tin Foil hat theories.
No point in arguing with him, he has his own warped viewpoints and you have your own (more logic based one).

The hospitals (and cementaries) are filled with anti vaccine believers and plenty of articles available for people asking for the vaccine when it’s too late and they are in the ICU. Heck you can find prominent anti vaccine radio hosts or media people who have died recently.
Yes right, thats right. Thats why Israel's death rate look like mount everest compared to sweden(no vax) and even palestinians. Israel is the most vaccinated country in the world now. Israelis are on their 4th shot and dying like flies. Wonder F*cking why.

National Regulatory Authority
National Regulatory Authority present: Yes
Name: Food and Drug Administration of Iran - http://www.fda.gov.ir/

check the WHO or own countries government websites for information on every country’s version of their own regulatory authority, just because US FDA approves ( a drug) does not exclude the bearing on EU FDA approving it to be used within its borders on its citizens.

No point in debating this with you anymore. Your blood pressure is rising by the minute. Enjoy your tin Foil hat theories.
Oh commader of the 14th mechanized donkey division, you have gone mad. Everyone knows each country has its own regulator but u cant compare them with the FDA cuz of FDA's scope and power and role. Specially in this Pandemic. The vaccines that the whole entire world are taking are green lighted by the FDA, WHO and other globalist agencies, not the iranian version of FDA nor the men you put in charge of affairs of health and medicine of the 14th mechanized donkey division or the 4th donkey cavalry corp under ur command.
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Yes right, thats right. Thats why Israel's death rate look like mount everest compared to sweden(no vax) and even palestinians. Israel is the most vaccinated country in the world now. Israelis are on their 4th shot and dying like flies. Wonder F*cking why.

Oh commader of the 14th mechanized donkey division, you have gone mad. Everyone knows each country has its own regulator but u cant compare them with the FDA cuz of FDA's scope and power and role. Specially in this Pandemic. The vaccines that the whole entire world are taking are green lighted by the FDA, WHO and other globalist agencies, not the iranian version of FDA nor the men you put in charge of affairs of health and medicine of the 14th mechanized donkey division or the 4th donkey cavalry corp under ur command.

The J&J was a disaster, one of my known medical experts who have been researching and conducting testing on this vaccine in primal days before some of the getting approval, said something "I don't understand the vaccine politics, but why our govt push us to check on something that is a disaster".

And for moderna, even in my country, some people got nuts after taking the second dose. even some of them stuck with a bed for 3~7 days.

To them a pandemic is nothing but politics.
Heck even Joe Rogan got well in 3 days. BD is a poor country with bad healthcare systems. But what we have here is open minded medical professionals who have been using Ivermectin on literally every hospital with great results. You may not find anything to reflect it on the data but its a known fact in 3rd world countries like bd the actual number of patients can be 5 to 6 times higher if not more. BD ate the delta wave like pan cake cuz of these drugs. Its next to India dont forget.
What great result they even use it on mild cases even out patients . In short those 95% that in these articles say don't need any medication
Isolated use AKA those research I said .
Yes right, thats right. Thats why Israel's death rate look like mount everest compared to sweden(no vax) and even palestinians. Israel is the most vaccinated country in the world now. Israelis are on their 4th shot and dying like flies. Wonder F*cking why.

More than 5.69 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide, equal to 74 doses for every 100 people. There is already a stark gap between vaccination programs in different countries, as this map shows.

Please let me know when these billions of people will start dieing from this evil corporate vaccine Mr. Conspiracy Theory.

Iran is about to vaccine most of its population, I guess Iranians will all disappear soon as well.
Iran is about to vaccine most of its population, I guess Iranians will all disappear soon as well.
Now it's the harsh way to show people how Darwin award work
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