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Countries Ranked by Military Strength (2016)

6. France

7. South Korea

8. Germany

9. Japan

10. Turkey

The GFP list makes use of over 50 factors in our in-house formula to determine a given nation's Power Index ("PwrIndx") score. This provides the final ranking while also allowing smaller, more technologically-advanced, nations to compete with larger, lesser-developed ones. Some bonuses and penalties are added for refinement that, in the end, we hope presents an unbiased look into the potential conventional military strength of a world power.

Just some things to keep in mind about the finalized ranking:

• Nuclear capability is NOT taken into account
• Geographical factors influence the final ranking
• Ranking does not solely rely on total number of weapons available to any one country
• Natural resource reliance (use/production) is taken into account
• Land-locked nations are NOT penalized for lack of a standing navy
• Naval powers ARE penalized for limited naval capabilities
• Current economic health for each country is taken into account
• Current political / military leadership is NOT taken into account
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In terms of combat readiness, Germany, well, let's not go there, #8 is optimistic.....on the other hand, Spain 38th, below Mexico with one or two generations less advanced equipment?
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