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Counter terrorism: ‘Arabic to be a compulsory subject’ in Pakistan

Isn't it Arabic, not Urdu or English, that is the preferred language of the majority of terrorists? I fail to understand, then, why general learning of Arabic somehow promotes "counter-terrorism". Is it to further indoctrinate people in religion and thus instill such stupor that they won't complain when terrorists exploit them but merely accept it, like bad weather?

Many, but not all, and the requirement usually isn't exclusively between French or Spanish. Depends on the State: link

The terrorists hardly know arabic unless they are literally Arab holdovers from the Soviet-Afghan war era. The rest speak regional languages. Like most of the Afghan talib speak Pashto while Pakistani would be Pashto or Punjabi depending on the branch of taliban.
Isn't it Arabic, not Urdu or English, that is the preferred language of the majority of terrorists? I fail to understand, then, why general learning of Arabic somehow promotes "counter-terrorism". Is it to further indoctrinate people in religion and thus instill such stupor that they won't complain when terrorists exploit them but merely accept it, like bad weather?

You pretty much nailed it , As long people are fighting in the name of religion or language Ruling Elite and Generals are safe from prosecution. Educated people will question the Ruling Elite and generals.JI for a long time trying to make Arabic as important as Urdu this is another wish of mullahs being applied in disguise.
If native Arabic speakers have problem of sectarianism than how can we solve the problem by just teaching little bit Arabic? The root cause of this problem is sectarian mullah brigade and their hate speeches, and fatwas & sermons of these bastards --- make brutal laws & enforcement of these laws to keep these sectarian thugs under control- it's the only way to restore inter-sect & inter-religion harmony.

The problem is these mullahs would have no power if jahils knew any better, the government must figure if the awam knew Arabic they would no longer need mullahs.
Shouldn't it be optional for non-Muslims? Hoping to get the opinions of Pakistani friends on this.
The problem is these mullahs would have no power if jahils knew any better, the government must figure if the awam knew Arabic they would no longer need mullahs.

I don't agree with this - as i mentioned earlier even native Arabic speakers couldn't get ride of it, in Iran they teach them Arabic but still same. Problem is not knowledge of Arabic as translation of Quran & Book of Hadits are available in almost all major language main problem is that you are not allowed to use your mind to understand, just like Christianity & Hinduism - Mullahs have monopolized Islam and you are dependent on them like Christans & Hindus are dependent on pops & pundits. Nobody else is allowed to do research & cross examine the literature - you ask question about work of "credible scholars", you will be labelled as enemy of Islam, Shia, Wahabi, Takfiri, Kharaji and what not and someone will issue fatwa of wajib-ul-qatal for you.
This thread is hilarious a lot of butt hurt trolls..

On topic.. Yeah sure not gonna happen anytime soon.. Bc pehlay awam ratay maar maar k pass hoti hai..

Best way is to shove rods up rabid mullahs n madrasahs..
Considering that Arab countries are beset by terrorism as well, thinking that somehow learning Arabic will make people immune to extremism is quite naive to say the least. The core of the problem is the monopolization of religion that has been done by the Mullahs and unless the government starts controlling them and keeping check on whats being taught at madrassas, the problem simply wont fade away no matter how many fancy foreign language programs are introduced.
Considering that Arab countries are beset by terrorism as well, thinking that somehow learning Arabic will make people immune to extremism is quite naive to say the least. The core of the problem is the monopolization of religion that has been done by the Mullahs and unless the government starts controlling them and keeping check on whats being taught at madrassas, the problem simply wont fade away no matter how many fancy foreign language programs are introduced.

Many would say that the Arabic the Arabs speak is different from the Arabic in which Quran is written, therefore the Arabs need to learn that Arabic in which Quran is written so they can understand true Islam.

It becomes more detrimental when the state (read Pakfaujzindabad) hires Mullahs to radicalize the young minds. In the 80s Zia ur rajeem was donating every Mullah PKR 50,000 to open a madrasa. The prerequisite for the donation was that the madrasa will only be used to spread Wahabhi ideology.
Why can't Quran be translated into Urdu/Punjabi. All you want is to understand and interpret holy texts. India we have Bible printed in many languages
Translation doesnt give you the essence...Who says Quran is not translated it has been but we can also see how people twist these translations for their own meaning...
Considering that Arab countries are beset by terrorism as well, thinking that somehow learning Arabic will make people immune to extremism is quite naive to say the least. The core of the problem is the monopolization of religion that has been done by the Mullahs and unless the government starts controlling them and keeping check on whats being taught at madrassas, the problem simply wont fade away no matter how many fancy foreign language programs are introduced.
Why all the negativity...Do you know why the Arab have problems because everyone is grossed into Hadith and proving the other's Madhab wrong rather than adhering to the Quran....

Changing a language may not "wipe out" all the evil but it may "that is if people have neurons" help people understand the "real" meaning in the Quran and decrease the number new recruits who blindly follow thinking they are doing good...
Translation doesnt give you the essence...Who says Quran is not translated it has been but we can also see how people twist these translations for their own meaning...
I disagree,
Interpretations can be twisted in Arabic version of Holy book also {look at Saudi Fatwas}
I disagree,
Interpretations can be twisted in Arabic version of Holy book also {look at Saudi Fatwas}
We are not teaching them Quran as a language but Arabic as a language...when you have command of a language you eventually understand it better....

If they are going to teach using the already presented translation then I would worry....

Israel teaches their students Hebrew and Arabic (in some cases)
Many European countries used to teach Latin as a language and ancient Greek (ancient Greek no longer but many still take Latin)..
We are not teaching them Quran as a language but Arabic as a language...when you have command of a language you eventually understand it better....

If they are going to teach using the already presented translation then I would worry....

Israel teaches their students Hebrew and Arabic (in some cases)
Many European countries used to teach Latin as a language and ancient Greek (ancient Greek no longer but many still take Latin)..
Because those languages are not foreign to the nations (Israel-Arabic/Hebrew; Europe-Latin)
But here you are imposing foreign culture/language which is not native to Pakistan. Government can set up a committee(with representation from different sects) which can translate Quran into Punjabi/Urdu/Sindhi/English for the whole nation.
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