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Counter terrorism: ‘Arabic to be a compulsory subject’ in Pakistan

Masha'Allah. I wish I could speak Arabic. All my life I have been able to read and write like everyone but not speak it.
We aren't going to loose our culture by learning just a new language and anyway our languages our connected very much with arabic so we shall not have much problems in learning it.
I don't see major pros. But there are good points made by some senior posters especially that mullahs will not be able to there version of Islam.

Anyways, Pakistani senior posters can shed more light on cons.
I don't see major pros. But there are good points made by some senior posters especially that mullahs will not be able to there version of Islam.

Anyways, Pakistani senior posters can shed more light on cons.

First of all there won't be any cons if it is implemented in the right way and as for pros there could be many. Arabic is the language of Quran we do read it but we don't understand so if people can understand Arabic then they won't be misguided by mullahs which is currently happening.
Majority of educated Pakistanis already read and write Arabic. Including Arabic i can read and write 5 languages...and i haven't lost my culture yet.
Its not about you alone buddy. But as I said, there are pros and cons to it.

May be you can tell it. I don't have possible outcome scenarios to be honest. Hope you can shed light in both direction.
This news is not going to fit well with Indians.

I'm pretty sure, Indian will use its undercover sources, to reverse this decision.
This news is not going to fit well with Indians.

I'm pretty sure, Indian will use its undercover sources, to reverse this decision.

Just a word of caution...you lost a country to your east because of language.

Has Urdu not served you well??
After all self proclaimed Arabs will learn Arabic :P

I think its good move anyways, now you can fight mulhas is they misquote any islamic verses .
Actually watch mullahs make a fuss because they won't be able to deceive people if they can actually look things up. :lol:
A good decision! This will help people a lot in many ways.

Learning a new language has no cons. As i mentioned before that a vast majority of educated Pakistanis can already read and write Arabic. If its made a compulsory subject its not going to introduce an 'unfamiliar' language to Pakistan. It would also mean that our Mullah's won't be able to spin their interpts upon us.

It would allow us to have a better understanding of the Arab world and it will help our business too.

Chinese is also being introduced in our schools as an 'elective' subject.
welcome to Al-Bakistan

Don't loose your culture. Aren't there enough languages in Pakistan ?

Emphasis should be on English so that more Pakistanis can connect with rest of the world.
Why can't Pakistanis learn more than 2 languages?

There is nothing to lose here in terms of culture. Our learning English does not mean that we lose our Pakistani culture and become English (some do have the tendency to forget where they come from, but not all) so why would that happen with Arabic?
Can someone tell us how learning Arabic is going to stop terrorism and sectarian violence? Is a terrorist going to ask you if you know Arabic before he blows himself up if you don't know it?

Is there no terrorism in Saudi Arabia and its funding for terror groups all over the world?
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