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Counter culture? Few Pak youths giving up Islam

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Let me say frankly I am one of those people who analyze and decide whether to be on religion side or to be believe science (Atheist) theories. Neither all religious practices as it is nor I totally discard them.

I have seen most of the Muslims who lie in this grey area. They booze, smoke, oggle at gals, dont go for Namaz and still gets worried about USA attacking on Iraq and Afghanistan due to "Ummah". When they question their faith some elder told them not to do the same as it is against Islam hence they follow blindly. Hence I feel those guys (even thoguh less) who anounced they are Atheist they are much more clear headed and sane person rather than religious hypocrites.
When I turned 17-18, I realized that the only reason I was a Muslim was because my parents were Muslims".

That would be the only reason most people would have for following any particular religion.

Some of the people I've interacted in recent years were no where near Islam... flthy rich fellows, consumed alcohol regularly, use to inhale more cigerates and drugs then oxygen, no idea of what the religion is and doing other nasty stuff - in a nutshell they were above atheists even though they belonged to Islam practicing families - but when I see them today - they have become role models for other practicing Muslims in our area.

And suddenly after their brains are scrambled with all that drug & booze, they discover religion? Could not have put it better or explained it clearer myself.
LOL.. so actually Indian media has enough time to look over facebook to make news!!!

A group of 100 becoming atheist !! wow, what a revolution. I then ask same media outlets to calculate the number of converts to Islam, which might be 100,000+ a day(the fastest growing religion on planet).

I made a community back in my college days named [My College SUX!]. It had 574+ members. I hope Indian media outlets catches that soon and publishes a report.

Growing illiteracy rate in Pakistan!!
Pakistan moving backwards!!!
Pakistani youth in the grip of Taliban!!
Pakistani youth hate to study!!! :rofl:

If i was an Indian i would have really started some sort of campaign against such crappy media reports!!!:hitwall:

Today Im really disappointed, never expected Indian media to get so low!!!!!:disagree:

But its not their fault too i guess, since anything against Pakistan sells like hot cakes!!

Yup that could be a TOI propaganda. That facebook group could be fake but the real question is that are there only hundred people? Is this a growing trend or was it always like this? This should be our concern. Guess we will know it in some years.

Some interesting blogs about Pakistani atheists.

Where are all the Pakistani atheists? Love the Nimbu
Pakistani Atheist
Those were dogmatic beliefs which prvailed before Islam , and Theres no such thing found like that in Quran .. I mean many of scintific research has proven what has been said in Quran way back 1400 years ago ...

really? I have to say one thing, Muslims found the particular scientific fact in Quran once the theory is all proved & well done coz after all one Arabic word has many meanings & any one saying opposite gets declared a kafir in no time

There were many scientific discoveries made by Greek which are true still now ;)

The fact is due to these azzholes and fake Mullah who preach wrong interpretation of Religion some hardcore athiest groups with vested interests do not hesitate to conspire even against the righteous Mullahs who dont really go down that Path of Preaching Extreemism and all that Jihad and 72 virgins HoHa ...!!!

:rofl: :rofl:

Funny conspiracy again huh, The actions & deeds of religious people as a whole are enough to de-grade them
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Nw if sm1 gets a whole FB data of most Pakistani users , Cultural anthropolists can easily exploit a few bads and could enhance there attacks through phsycological warefare.. where the f-cuk is privacy..if only i could run a querry on fb to chk how many Pakistani users bashed there own country and are feeling down in just last 30 days .. Nw jst imagin if sm1 other than Pakistani has this data .. !!!

:P Privacy and that too on FB??????/ lolzzz hmmm lets see FB is one of the most dangerous social networking site its like an eye focused on all your links.

Havent you noticed that the moment you open an account and fb show you all your contacts you knew in the past too even if you forgot them over the years.

Secondly the new features are more like knowing your all details including your house and relatives.

There is ONE more feature if you want to comment on a pictures of someone else's album, fb asks you to post your number or credit card number to verify if you are real damn it was strange i experienced it yesterday.

To check i entered a number and it replied please give the code number in the box which had been sent to you on this number only after entering the code you will be able to post the comment
Let me say frankly I am one of those people who analyze and decide whether to be on religion side or to be believe science (Atheist) theories. Neither all religious practices as it is nor I totally discard them.

I have seen most of the Muslims who lie in this grey area. They booze, smoke, oggle at gals, dont go for Namaz and still gets worried about USA attacking on Iraq and Afghanistan due to "Ummah". When they question their faith some elder told them not to do the same as it is against Islam hence they follow blindly. Hence I feel those guys (even thoguh less) who anounced they are Atheist they are much more clear headed and sane person rather than religious hypocrites.

Same here. I give importance to both i.e religion and Science.:cheers:
Yup that could be a TOI propaganda. That facebook group could be fake but the real question is that are there only hundred people? Is this a growing trend or was it always like this? This should be our concern. Guess we will know it in some years.

Some interesting blogs about Pakistani atheists.

I believe it has been always the same. We know many people who say they dont believe in hereafter, God and so on.

So whats the big deal. I know many people in my field who are stanch communists whereas their wives are stanch Muslims.
Counter culture? Pak youths giving up Islam
....... and Rushdie a genius. .......
Lets see how the Nighthood holder, genius Rush-to-Die talks in his famous novel...

I Quote:-



They smell their "PIECE OF P1G EXCREMENT"... ROTTEN COCKROACH D.U.N.G" ... Not smelly enough? Rushdie excretes his $hit quite late in his book; in his own words - "THE $HIT STARTS"

"THIS $HIT, YOU ¢UNT$," "IT'S $HIT," "IT'S FUÇK1NG $HIT," "$HIT DINNER," Four "$hits" on one page alone ...
:P Privacy and that too on FB??????/ lolzzz hmmm lets see FB is one of the most dangerous social networking site its like an eye focused on all your links.

Havent you noticed that the moment you open an account and fb show you all your contacts you knew in the past too even if you forgot them over the years.

Secondly the new features are more like knowing your all details including your house and relatives.

There is ONE more feature if you want to comment on a pictures of someone else's album, fb asks you to post your number or credit card number to verify if you are real damn it was strange i experienced it yesterday.

To check i entered a number and it replied please give the code number in the box which had been sent to you on this number only after entering the code you will be able to post the comment

Lol, let me explain point by point.

1. When you're creating a facebook account you need to connect it with a mail-id which will be the point of contact between you and facebook. Now whoever you have contacted through that mail-id so far will be stored in your contacts and will be accessible to facebook, that's how the show all your contacts. If you don't want your contacts to be shared, crate a duplicate mail-id and create a facebook account on top of that.

2. You just escaped a possible attempt of stealing your credit card number! :woot: No social network site asks credit card number, they will attract lawsuit if you can prove they did! :D Sometimes they use Captcha code to get rid of spams. Next time look at the url of the page before even thinking to give away your credit card number! :P
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On Topic:

I find atheists are just same as believers, they believe in non-existent of God. I came across some atheists who are as aggressively anti-god, as some bigots are anti-everything-except-their-religion.
Counter culture? Pak youths giving up Islam

ISLAMABAD: A handful of Pakistani Muslim youths are beginning to question the existence of God and in the process giving up Islam to become atheists.

Still a small number, the trend seems to be telling of pressures that the image of militant Islam has had on them. A Facebook group has been floated for Pakistan's agnostics and atheists by Hazrat NaKhuda, a former Pakistani Muslim.

At last count, the group had over a 100 members. In a thread started on the discussion board on "How did you become an atheist", Hazrat writes, "I used to be a practicing Muslim. I used to live in Saudi Arabia. I have done two Hajs and countless Umrahs. Used to pray five times a day. When I turned 17-18, I realized that the only reason I was a Muslim was because my parents were Muslims".

Hazrat is a young computer programmer from Lahore. Ahmed Zaidi (name changed), another member, posted on the discussion board: "I'm an agnostic simply because I see little or no evidence for the existence of God. Some time ago I decided that I'd never believe anything unless it has a firm basis in reason and as far as I know (and I admit I know very little and there's much to be learnt), there's little or no evidence for the existence of God."

The group, open strictly to members, has young Pakistani students studying in New York University to Oxford University to the prestigious Lahore University of Management Sciences as members.

Nawab Zia (name changed) wrote that the moot question is not "how did you become an atheist" but "how did you become a believer". Every child is born free and pure" Ali Rana (name changed), who loved Islamic preacher Zakir Naik and hated author Salman Rushdie, has had a change of heart too. He now thinks Nair is an "idiot" and Rushdie a genius. There are other threads on how the members "wasted" their years as theists.

More serious issues, like whether there should a column marked "no religion" while applying for passports, have also been discussed. "Last time I went to get my passport renewed, I found there is no option called "no religion". Next time I go to make my passport I don't want to put in Islam as my religion," said one member.

What connects members, who range from students to computer professionals to architects, is their urgent need to question religion.

Counter culture? Few Pak youths giving up Islam - Pakistan - World - The Times of India

I think we have "Agnostic Muslim" as Admin of PDF also?????

Forgive me if I'm wrong.
1. Why the fuss?

2. For the one who stated that these guys are "corrupting our pool", please tell me how they do it? Or do you want to be a monolith? Are they a threat?

3. Why the "only 100 in 170 million" claims? I'm sure you realize that the number is large. There exists a "rationalist society" in all major cities.

And now as a Mod : warning to everybody debating scripture and specific religions. Bans will follow if the debate continues in this heated fashion.
I think we have "Agnostic Muslim" as Admin of PDF also?????

Forgive me if I'm wrong.

There is a subtle difference between agnosticism and atheism, I guess agnosticism sees both the existence or non-existence of super natural being in a sceptical approach, here sceptical being the key word.
Yup that could be a TOI propaganda. That facebook group could be fake but the real question is that are there only hundred people? Is this a growing trend or was it always like this? This should be our concern. Guess we will know it in some years.

I don't know if there is a trend of growth, but I personally know several people in real life who have either openly professed atheism, in a circle of close friends or espouse views that are similar in nature. These people are also on facebook but haven't joined any group that would indicate their views, likely for fear of reprisals.
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