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Counter culture? Few Pak youths giving up Islam

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so in a way you are saying that i must not bash them?
There are of course many good parts in every religion but the fact is that religion is more mis-used rather than used, The number of people killed for 'my God better than yours' is a enough proof of that.I won't have any problem with any religion as long as they don't try to preach their dominance & superiority over others & then try to implement that superiority

Yup.. zillions have lost there lives in the name of religion . See GOOD and BAD is almost every where even in Athiesm too .. But can that logic be used to Mock Atheism .. Its just they havent yet got a chance to do there Bad Part on such a massive scale ... If it been for an Athiests up till now .. You could have made a fine Hardcor Mullah out of yourself .. no offense intended ..:)
i can say same about you but that will be considered offensive & unethical,kinda ironic isn't it & i assume you saw none of those videos

you see your belief is all math and science my one is lailahailala muhammed dur rasulala. there one god who created everything he dose not need to explain to us how he created everything but he dose tell us ... we are human we are ignorant we uasually see what right or the truth but we stil insists that we know everything if so why is evetything theory based ? why is there always debates about science and math why? ?????? beacuse god gave us limited knowledge we only know very little the rest is theory (IAM I RIGHT!)
What a nonsensical article and what a nonsensical thread.

Apparently there is supposed to be a big deal made about the fact that some people in Pakistan might explore alternate avenues of spirituality from those taught them by their parents? Yousuf Youhanna converted to Islam and became Mohammed Yousuf - I paid no attention, and it really shouldn't have been given attention, because conversions by small sections of society are pretty routine everywhere in the world.

Now, I do see a degree of intolerance and disrespect for those Pakistanis who become atheists. Atheism is in a way a belief system just as is Islam, Christianity or Hinduism, and some people are forgetting that Islam commands us to respect the faith of others, not ridicule them or insult them over it. Pakistani atheists are just as much Pakistani as Pakistani Muslims, Sikhs, Christians or Hindus.

And all that said, I understand that the idea behind the article (which was rather erroneously, but unsurprisingly given that we are talking about the Indian media reporting on Pakistan, titled "Many Pakistani Youth giving up Islam" last night) is to make the implicit argument that somehow Pakistan's 'identity' is being questioned and all the other nonsense and subsequent conclusions Indian commentators often come up with, but the reality from polling data over the last few years has indicated the opposite - the Pakistani middle class and Pakistani youth are becoming more religiously conservative.

As for the role of Islam in Pakistan being diluted, perhaps after 2 or 3 hundred years. Remember that even the US, with a constitution that argues 'separation of Church and State' still has a very strong religious minority that is able to retain significant influence over policy, despite having over two hundred years of representative government and constitutional rule to evolve over. Pakistan does not have the starting point of such a constitution, so Islam is likely going to play a role in the State for a very, very long time.
i can say same about you but that will be considered offensive & unethical,kinda ironic isn't it & i assume you saw none of those videos

the very first video in the begining says about theory and debate so clicked X:yahoo:
so baiscally atheisum is a religon? loooooooooooollll!!!!!!!!!!! the founder of it is darwin so atheist god is darwin
so baiscally atheisum is a religon? loooooooooooollll!!!!!!!!!!! the founder of it is darwin so atheist god is darwin

It is a belief system, and it really is very rude and un-Islamic to laugh at someones beliefs. Please restrain yourself and act with civility before the mgmt have to act.
DarkWave, jeeeezzzz..... oh man not again!!




Darwinism yeah!

EDIT: LOL, Darkwave......you are so cute! Better to respect your own mind and choice. Gotta out of here... sick!
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What a nonsensical article and what a nonsensical thread.

Apparently there is supposed to be a big deal made about the fact that some people in Pakistan might explore alternate avenues of spirituality from those taught them by their parents? Yousuf Youhanna converted to Islam and became Mohammed Yousuf - I paid no attention, and it really shouldn't have been given attention, because conversions by small sections of society are pretty routine everywhere in the world.

Now, I do see a degree of intolerance and disrespect for those Pakistanis who become atheists. Atheism is in a way a belief system just as is Islam, Christianity or Hinduism, and some people are forgetting that Islam commands us to respect the faith of others, not ridicule them or insult them over it. Pakistani atheists are just as much Pakistani as Pakistani Muslims, Sikhs, Christians or Hindus.

And all that said, I understand that the idea behind the article (which was rather erroneously, but unsurprisingly given that we are talking about the Indian media reporting on Pakistan, titled "Many Pakistani Youth giving up Islam" last night) is to make the implicit argument that somehow Pakistan's 'identity' is being questioned and all the other nonsense and subsequent conclusions Indian commentators often come up with, but the reality from polling data over the last few years has indicated the opposite - the Pakistani middle class and Pakistani youth are becoming more religiously conservative.

As for the role of Islam in Pakistan being diluted, perhaps after 2 or 3 hundred years. Remember that even the US, with a constitution that argues 'separation of Church and State' still has a very strong religious minority that is able to retain significant influence over policy, despite having over two hundred years of representative government and constitutional rule to evolve over. Pakistan does not have the starting point of such a constitution, so Islam is likely going to play a role in the State for a very, very long time.

Agno i understand your concern for the hatred many atheist face in our society .. but being a minority and having different beliefs plus having the real extreem religious mindset in the socity which only has a majority over such tiny minorities ,act in Parallel , specially in a third world country like ours ,and when either group mocks any body else Chaos is bound to occur , i hate it too , but we cant force a religious extreem peacefully rather we can convince an athiest minority to point "Allrit we dont discourage you, You guys can do whatever you want but when you mock the established beliefs then only you should bear the onslought from the religious fanatics which BTW our forces are trying to tame and are paying havily". If you got differ with the beliefs there should be a proper forum where such beilfs could be challaged in the light of advancement in science and technology dually resiprocated by the state recognised scollars and ullemaas.

Now if sm1 goes out in street and says hey i dont believe in your religion and your Prohet's(PBUH) dogmatism .. imagine the chitroll he'l or she'l get, same is the case here .. This forum is not the best place place to talk about such things and i strongly request you to discourage such things or else already ppl having orgasmic conspiracy theory dreams will blossom ...!!!
Atheism is religiously extremist? I am sure you are mistaking it for some other religion. The belief system of people has evolved through the years just like humans. It will keep evolving and one day you will see your grandkids with a whole new concept of religion. There is scientific facts and then there is faith. Some people try to mix them together to come up with their own conclusions to calm their religious devotion. Then there are the others that either debunk science or religion.
Yup.. zillions have lost there lives in the name of religion . See GOOD and BAD is almost every where even in Athiesm too .. But can that logic be used to Mock Atheism .. Its just they havent yet got a chance to do there Bad Part on such a massive scale ... If it been for an Athiests up till now .. You could have made a fine Hardcor Mullah out of yourself .. no offense intended ..:)

really? How many atheistic wars were fought?

you see your belief is all math and science my one is lailahailala muhammed dur rasulala. there one god who created everything he dose not need to explain to us how he created everything but he dose tell us ... we are human we are ignorant we uasually see what right or the truth but we stil insists that we know everything if so why is evetything theory based ? why is there always debates about science and math why? ?????? beacuse god gave us limited knowledge we only know very little the rest is theory (IAM I RIGHT!)

it explains things for you but not me, simple as that
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