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Counter culture? Few Pak youths giving up Islam

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Pete Enns, Ph.D.: Atheists Are Believers, Too

Here is a nice article about it, I want to see some devil's advocate to come up and put a counter argument, after all, some of the greatest debaters in history have been atheists! :p

Thanks for the post. I personally think that militant atheists like dawkins are just as "religious" as some of the religious fanatics of major established religions. It is best to promote a pluralistic society and give respect on merit and shared values instead of attacking each others beliefs. :cheers:
Counter culture? Pak youths giving up Islam

ISLAMABAD: A handful of Pakistani Muslim youths are beginning to question the existence of God and in the process giving up Islam to become atheists.

Still a small number, the trend seems to be telling of pressures that the image of militant Islam has had on them. A Facebook group has been floated for Pakistan's agnostics and atheists by Hazrat NaKhuda, a former Pakistani Muslim.

At last count, the group had over a 100 members. In a thread started on the discussion board on "How did you become an atheist", Hazrat writes, "I used to be a practicing Muslim. I used to live in Saudi Arabia. I have done two Hajs and countless Umrahs. Used to pray five times a day. When I turned 17-18, I realized that the only reason I was a Muslim was because my parents were Muslims".

Hazrat is a young computer programmer from Lahore. Ahmed Zaidi (name changed), another member, posted on the discussion board: "I'm an agnostic simply because I see little or no evidence for the existence of God. Some time ago I decided that I'd never believe anything unless it has a firm basis in reason and as far as I know (and I admit I know very little and there's much to be learnt), there's little or no evidence for the existence of God."

The group, open strictly to members, has young Pakistani students studying in New York University to Oxford University to the prestigious Lahore University of Management Sciences as members.

Nawab Zia (name changed) wrote that the moot question is not "how did you become an atheist" but "how did you become a believer". Every child is born free and pure" Ali Rana (name changed), who loved Islamic preacher Zakir Naik and hated author Salman Rushdie, has had a change of heart too. He now thinks Nair is an "idiot" and Rushdie a genius. There are other threads on how the members "wasted" their years as theists.

More serious issues, like whether there should a column marked "no religion" while applying for passports, have also been discussed. "Last time I went to get my passport renewed, I found there is no option called "no religion". Next time I go to make my passport I don't want to put in Islam as my religion," said one member.

What connects members, who range from students to computer professionals to architects, is their urgent need to question religion.

Counter culture? Few Pak youths giving up Islam - Pakistan - World - The Times of India

Hey Hey look who is getting the Award congratulation U have been chosen for .

Using Desperate Times of India as a source will get you even bigger awards and i suggest stop using my Avatar as i see you could also be be in for retard of the year award.

I guess it must suck to be working at Desperate Times of India no future and also obsessed with Pakistan
why do you want to force things down the people's throat & I thought every one has right to preach what he/she believes in :)

oh yes everyone dose has a right but you see iam just shareing my point of view .. and it is not me who is pushing u to belive in religon but is u guys who always try to explain your biggotry and theories
really? I have to say one thing, Muslims found the particular scientific fact in Quran once the theory is all proved & well done coz after all one Arabic word has many meanings & any one saying opposite gets declared a kafir in no time

There were many scientific discoveries made by Greek which are true still now ;)

Frankly Dark, every body has its own beliefs .. And they should be respected .. It was wrong of me to point Quranic Scientific accomplishments to you as the world recognises them , needs no examples or justification. Meanwhile you have the right to respectfully disagree with my beliefs . I take your mock as an offence towards my beliefs so plz refrain from being a mocking bird and try to be smwhat ethical .

Actually there are few retards whom everybody loves to bash, and they should be for the BS they have done. but extending the criticism to even those who discourage all all the extreemism and avoid preaching hate is smwhat naive and i believe that due to such mallicious ppl sm guys easily find License to Bash even those who are not wrong .. Now if you you label everyone as a retard Mullah just on the basis of his looks or the BS he has committed multiplies the problem big time ,It dosent stops the retards , makes no difference towards them but rather pushes them to follow there path with more zeal and vigor.

:rofl: :rofl:

Funny conspiracy again huh, The actions & deeds of religious people as a whole are enough to de-grade them

" AS A WHOLE " ... What made you take that position that the whole UMMAH is following a retard Mullah idealogy .. There are plenty good Schollars i came across.. Its just the loudspeaker only highlights the bad ones instead of good ones who are not really into all the BS you mentioned..!!!
And now as a Mod : warning to everybody debating scripture and specific religions. Bans will follow if the debate continues in this heated fashion.

I blv being MOD brings grt responsibilities ... Try also warn those who cant ethically differentiate with established beliefs rather than contour ppl with there pathetic mockery ... !!!
oh yes everyone dose has a right but you see iam just shareing my point of view .. and it is not me who is pushing u to belive in religon but is u guys who always try to explain your biggotry and theories

there is a difference b/w pushing & explaining, There is nothing wrong with explaining your PoV but labeling the people with other PoVs are 'dumb arses' is certainly uncalled for & is bigotry
dark wave

go to mount arafat and ask for foregiveness and help lots of it and ask creator how he made the world beacuse your scientist can not still figure out was it a big bang or was it nothing:disagree:
Frankly Dark, every body has its own beliefs .. And they should be respected .. It was wrong of me to point Quranic Scientific accomplishments to you as the world recognises them , needs no examples or justification. Meanwhile you have the right to respectfully disagree with my beliefs . I take your mock as an offence towards my beliefs so plz refrain from being a mocking bird and try to be smwhat ethical .

I never insulted anything, just stated a straight fact, nothing wrong with that i suppose

Actually there are few retards whom everybody loves to bash, and they should be for the BS they have done. but extending the criticism to even those who discourage all all the extreemism and avoid preaching hate is smwhat naive and i believe that due to such mallicious ppl sm guys easily find License to Bash even those who are not wrong .. Now if you you label everyone as a retard Mullah just on the basis of his looks or the BS he has committed multiplies the problem big time ,It dosent stops the retards , makes no difference towards them but rather pushes them to follow there path with more zeal and vigor.

so in a way you are saying that i must not bash them?
There are of course many good parts in every religion but the fact is that religion is more mis-used rather than used, The number of people killed for 'my God better than yours' is a enough proof of that.I won't have any problem with any religion as long as they don't try to preach their dominance & superiority over others & then try to implement that superiority

" AS A WHOLE " ... What made you take that position that the whole UMMAH is following a retard Mullah idealogy .. There are plenty good Schollars i came across.. Its just the loudspeaker only highlights the bad ones instead of good ones who are not really into all the BS you mentioned..!!!

I am not talking about Muslims only, The acts of theists as well, Are you going to deny the atrocities committed in the name of religion?
Of course you can't deny them, Bad over shadows the good & every religion thinks other one is bad :)

ark wave

go to mount arafat and ask for foregiveness and help lots of it and ask creator how he made the world beacuse your scientist can not still figure out was it a big bang or was it nothing

you're a bit late actually :)
There is a time for a religious person to turn back and think about God's existence. It is perfectly normal and I really appreciate people who turn atheist because this way they can logic their beliefs; hence, making them a strong believer IF they find the answers. The ones who do not turn atheist or question their religion lack consciousness. Thus, are fools in my list.
lol so tell me how i r late?

there are question for which no body has an answer but answers can be found if you keep looking for them

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loooooooooool its all theories hahahahahahahah ... you belive in mumbojumbo
Well I have a question for all believer or non-believer (Any religion, hard liner, agnostic, atheist ). Did you guys ever questioned your faith on logical aspects or just believe what your parents, holy books, your perception say?
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