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Counter culture? Few Pak youths giving up Islam

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What is the government going to do with them? These are not poor people or the downtrodden that the government will be able to squash them. Just because they are atheists does not mean they are involved in any social evil. They are making up their mind and they have the freedom to do just that as human beings. Enough of this forceful religious stabbing. And 100 people don't represent Pakistan at all so the title seems to be out of context as usual.
100 member on some forum do not qualify to make it to use the word Pakistan, as it implies it is representing the whole country or some big change in it.

The heading of the article says, few, so are 100 people become few out of 170Million ?? I don't think so.

Its not easy for a Muslim to denounce his faith publicly. This is because of the Apostacy clause in the Sharia Law which states that he/she will be punished by death. Considering that Fact, it is quite a large number who has chosen to denounce the Islamic religion. - (Quote from ToI respose)
What is the government going to do with them? These are not poor people or the downtrodden that the government will be able to squash them. Just because they are atheists does not mean they are involved in any social evil. They are making up their mind and they have the freedom to do just that as human beings. Enough of this forceful religious stabbing. And 100 people don't represent Pakistan at all so the title seems to be out of context as usual.

Can you suggest alternate title?
Its not easy for a Muslim to denounce his faith publicly. This is because of the Apostacy clause in the Sharia Law which states that he/she will be punished by death. Considering that Fact, it is quite a large number who has chosen to denounce the Islamic religion. - (Quote from ToI respose)

Well Pakistan has no Sharia Law, plus don't see any reason to have any harm given to them for their actions, as its their own choice.

And as for quiet a large number, well may be 100 people are a large number to you, but 100 doesn't seems a large number considering population is 170+Million.
Like someone else suggested you could say 100/ 170 million Pakistani's renounce their faith. Majority of those on the facebook page dont even live in Pakistan and some havent even stepped anywhere close to this country. And yes socially it is not acceptable to renounce your faith because it does include severe ostracizing from family members, especially in Pakistan. It could mean social and professional suicide.
I guess that we have digressed to discussing what is definition of few and majority and what not....... completely missing the point of article

Nawab Zia (name changed) wrote that the moot question is not "how did you become an atheist" but "how did you become a believer". Every child is born free and pure"

absolutely agree!!

More serious issues, like whether there should a column marked "no religion" while applying for passports, have also been discussed. "Last time I went to get my passport renewed, I found there is no option called "no religion". Next time I go to make my passport I don't want to put in Islam as my religion," said one member.

I guess my Pakistani friends can verify if that is a factually correct?

Any particular reason why Pakistani citizens are required to disclose their religion on passports?
Hello everyone. I am Hazrat NaKhuda.

@ somebozo
What makes you say that Atheist are "mentally disturbed"
Here in the U.S. I've seen Pakistani youths are becoming more religious than their parent's or grandparent's generation were.

The vast majority of Pakistanis will always be Muslim, no matter how much indians would love if Pakistanis turned away from Islam.
Counter culture? Pak youths giving up Islam

ISLAMABAD: A handful of Pakistani Muslim youths are beginning to question the existence of God and in the process giving up Islam to become atheists.

The hypocrisy of the media is evident from the fact that it has neglected the other side of the image i.e. scores and scores of people has turned to Islam in recent years.

Some of the people I've interacted in recent years were no where near Islam... flthy rich fellows, consumed alcohol regularly, use to inhale more cigerates and drugs then oxygen, no idea of what the religion is and doing other nasty stuff - in a nutshell they were above atheists even though they belonged to Islam practicing families - but when I see them today - they have become role models for other practicing Muslims in our area.
lthy rich fellows, consumed alcohol regularly, use to inhale more cigerates and drugs then oxygen, no idea of what the religion is and doing other nasty stuff - in a nutshell they were above atheists even though they belonged to Islam practicing families

Did you just generalized atheists with evil ? :)
Here in the U.S. I've seen Pakistani youths are becoming more religious than their parent's or grandparent's generation were.

The vast majority of Pakistanis will always be Muslim, no matter how much indians would love if Pakistanis turned away from Islam.

Why would Indians love it if Pakistanis turned away from Islam? I am assuming by Indians you mean Hindus since for you the two terms can be used interchangeably.
Like someone else suggested you could say 100/ 170 million Pakistani's renounce their faith. Majority of those on the facebook page dont even live in Pakistan and some havent even stepped anywhere close to this country. And yes socially it is not acceptable to renounce your faith because it does include severe ostracizing from family members, especially in Pakistan. It could mean social and professional suicide.

Exactly that's the reason many will not admit it which is sad. I personally know such atheists in Pakistan who were born and raised here and yeah they will never admit it.
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100 member on some forum do not qualify to make it to use the word Pakistan, as it implies it is representing the whole country or some big change in it.

The heading of the article says, few, so are 100 people become few out of 170Million ?? I don't think so.

Out of a 100 members, I'm sure 70 are only there to troll and bash each other! :lol:
This is not good leagcy... after all our new ministers have sent their siblings to UK.... what will become of them? after all they will be appointed as Pakistani leaders some day!!!
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