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Counter culture? Few Pak youths giving up Islam

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Like someone else suggested you could say 100/ 170 million Pakistani's renounce their faith. Majority of those on the facebook page dont even live in Pakistan and some havent even stepped anywhere close to this country. And yes socially it is not acceptable to renounce your faith because it does include severe ostracizing from family members, especially in Pakistan. It could mean social and professional suicide.

This is an environment of cultural intimidation, isn't it? Where is free will?

Sorry for intrusion, but ALLAH and every Prophet he sent generalized atheists with evil. When was the last time u read Quran with meaning my dear.

Except that an Atheist does not believe in allah or any of his prophets! OTOH one of allahs prophets is supposed to have said ''To you be your Way and to me mine''!
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I think this is a good trend for the sake of Pakistan . Religions only create troubles . I don't like Communism , but Carl Marx had it right when he said '' Religion is the Opium of the Masses''
lol but there are sooooo many self hateing muslims on this fourm they lead a double life ---- i mean there has to be a reality to this more and more people are turning to agnostic belief beacuse they see there western counterpart doing that all. if they cant fit into society beacuse of their religon just give it up and you will fit in ..... loooool.... i feel sorry for these poor kids parents probly forced religon onto them that why they left it .... BUT when pakistani do it its just down right funny why? beacuse we know your a wannabee or just want to fit in soo people can except you
This is an environment of cultural intimidation, isn't it? Where is free will?

Except that an Atheist does not believe in allah or any of his prophets! OTOH one of allahs prophets is supposed to have said ''To you be your Way and to me mine''!

you see all these prophets dident haved an idea (HEY LETS MAKE RELIGON AND MAKE PEOPLE FOLLOW IT )what i mean is that aint no ones lies when maracles are preformed infront of crowds and after hundreds of years later we have dum arses say ( UH HEY THAT NEVERED HAPPEND IT ALL A LIE) and ye the only time we will stop bashing you is that you mind your buisness and lead your self god hateing life in your own direction and stop preaching your theoryritical baseless life if you accecpet god end of disscussion
Have you tried checking that facebook link to check if its true before coming into a conclusion , friend.

How did ToI checked it was real ;)

BTW my neighbour's cat is also on fb.

Seems Orange Media had hired some people to keep checking fb, twitter and hey what after that orkut? seems ToI did not get anything spicy on match fixing today.

And above all ok SO if people are turning atheists whats the big deal i mean aint there many already.

Thousands are converting to faiths and some become atheists too so ?
you see all these prophets dident haved an idea (HEY LETS MAKE RELIGON AND MAKE PEOPLE FOLLOW IT )what i mean is that aint no ones lies when maracles are preformed infront of crowds and after hundreds of years later we have dum arses say ( UH HEY THAT NEVERED HAPPEND IT ALL A LIE) and ye the only time we will stop bashing you is that you mind your buisness and lead your self god hateing life in your own direction and stop preaching your theoryritical baseless life if you accecpet god end of disscussion

why do you want to force things down the people's throat & I thought every one has right to preach what he/she believes in :)
You can believe in the eternal God without being a Muslim. Other theist faiths are older than Islam. As a Christian the key of our faith centers on hope offered from the mortal as well as immortale life of Jesus as the son of God, as a part of the hard for many to understand Trinity. Evolution in and of itself is a miracle. Life is a miracle. The fact that we exist on a molton core earth is a miracle. The fact that life as we know it in it's most intelligent sense, as man, is unique based on all proof to date in our known Universe is a miracle.

Life without hope, without belief in a higher Creator God who made us all in His image will be a dull affair, inspiring little or nothing in the way of positive, constructive achievements.

Living life to the greater glory of God is a good theme, at least to me and billions more of our fellow creations of our in common Eternal God.
Islam started with few followers. It might be a small start for atheists in Pakistan but it has the potential to become big.
Where is that bull sh1t facebook page nway, probably some group of people from times of India have made some fake IDs of Pakistanis and made a page in facebook, to make the news more spicy for sm Indians to read and make profit, as you know Indians are so obsessed by Pakistanis, they believe in every utter nonsense there media says about us, I know it cuz I have some very close relatives who are suffering from the same disease :lol:
How did ToI checked it was real ;)

BTW my neighbour's cat is also on fb.

Seems Orange Media had hired some people to keep checking fb, twitter and hey what after that orkut? seems ToI did not get anything spicy on match fixing today.

And above all ok SO if people are turning atheists whats the big deal i mean aint there many already.

Thousands are converting to faiths and some become atheists too so ?

ToI checks everything... Thats their job.. They post news international and local. They are into sensational media thing. They wont hesitate in reporting anything which can get some attention of its readers.

Congrats ill show ur neighbors cat to my cat, maybe they can chat or play farm-ville.

Also point to be noted that it doesnt necessarily mean that all the followers of that FB link are actually atheists , anybody can join any group in an internation social networking site..

Bad part of reporting from Indian side i should admit.
More of a reason for Pakistani society to become more conservative.(if the news and numbers are true)


Could this person had been an influence?
Well it shouldn't be a big deal if Islam has atheists. Every mainstream world religion would have its share of Agnostics and Atheists. We all take our time in discovering a higher power. Some do it early, some late and some never.
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