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Countdown to Iran retaliation against Israel strike?

be patient Zionist. There are rumours that Khamenei may have vetoed a IRGC ambush on an Israeli patrol and waiting on the may 12th nuclear deadline before re-calibrating policy.

but you are right. Israel stronk. you have absolutely nothing to worry about. your paranoid leaders watching in horror that iran is strategically encircling your tiny artificial "State".. They are all idiots. all those Israeli military officers putting their forces on high alert, with warnings from mossad of Iranian retaliation are all false too. You have nothing to worry about.

Also the history of iran always taking direct revenge for any direct isreali action. we can ignore that too, iran will probably change its behaviour this one time. Because BIBI and orange are too scary. you got nothing to worry about.

Iranian soldiers killed by Israeli strike.... Israeli patrol eats ATGM

Iranians scientists getting killed by mysterious terrorist explosions?...... random Israeli suddenly started combusting overseas. with both attacks stopping at about the same time....

Iranian diplomats kidnapped by probable Zionists?.......Zionist pilot ron arad spends the rest of his life rotting in a windowless dungeon in iran. with his family never knowing his fate, and still to this date advertising and offering 10 million dollar rewards for info.... etc..etc....

This time though it will be different!!!!!. Iran has accepted Zionist supremacy. WE will withdraw all our assets encircling your tiny state. We will take no retaliatory action against Zionist aggression this one time. And accept you as our overlords... You have absolutely nothing to worry my friend. You are correct. ;)

Are you saying Khamenei shitted his pants ? Why did he veto the attack?

Then what's the point of bragging that it's coming, as IRI officials have done. If it's deliberate, and strategic, then perhaps it's better to say nothing, instead of the bravado that IRI will annihilate Jerusalem. Also, IRI's assets are limited in Syria, thus the options. Israel has a clear view of IRI's activities, so it seems, based on the attacks on IRI's positions and installations in recent weeks. If IRI is that exposed in Syria, how will that retaliation materialize? An attack on Jews in another country? I hope not.
There was a time that Hizbullah card was effective, but it seems that has changed as well.
Ha. You think the mullahs will risk their money and financial security in Iran and overseas by picking a fight with Israel ?

They will follow any scenario that will allow them to milk the Iranian nation as much they can. There will be no response. Maybe blowing up some poor israeli backpacker at the other side of the world. Thats it, nothing much else.

Bunch of pathetic subhumans.
What makes you think Iran will use Syria as a launching ground for an attack?
I don't know whether it will be Syria or Lebanon. But both these countries have been the recipients of IRI's military aid and would be natural agents to deliver a response. IRI's options in other parts of the world are even more limited, mainly a terror act against Jews living in a country with limited counter-intel capability. I hope not.
Thats what you get for wasting money on mullah's families and not building a strong and stable airforce.

You can lob some missiles through your proxy like the terrorists you are. You are not even doing that.

Humiliated and pissed on by the Israelis.

The only people that should be pissed on are idiots who have no idea what they're talking about. I'm not a terrorist for knowing that however strong or weak our air force, we don't have the logistics to deploy it in Syria. Or that hitting Israel directly when they attack our forces in Syria is a serious escalation. Though if you think it's such a strategically sound decision, maybe you could go be a junior adviser to Bin Salman. You can be his "bottom bitch", as @Cthulhu so aptly puts it.
Maybe, or a better explanation would be IRI lacks any effective retaliatory assets in Syria, a place she has no business to spend so much blood and treasure. BTW, if Israel has learned anything about Hizbullah or IRI, is that they are both unpredictable, clipped wings, but still unpredictable. I don't think Israel is just waiting for a response. If anything Israel will continue and escalate. Will see.
Your assumption you've made that Syria is the only "retaliatory asset" Iran has is faulty. Hezbollah and Iran are "clipped wings"? LOL. Maybe temporarily. The way to really know is to ask Israeli govt officials which Middle east entities worry them the most. At the end of the day, if you really look at it, there is NO non Iran affiliated muslim govt or group or entities in the middle east that is WILLING to attack ISrael. The ones that got the best american military technology already agreed to not use it on ISrael,so they have clipped intentions.
Your assumption you've made that Syria is the only "retaliatory asset" Iran has is faulty. Hezbollah and Iran are "clipped wings"? LOL. Maybe temporarily. The way to really know is to ask Israeli govt officials which Middle east entities worry them the most. At the end of the day, if you really look at it, there is NO non Iran affiliated muslim govt or group or entities in the middle east that is WILLING to attack ISrael. The ones that got the best american military technology already agreed to not use it on ISrael,so they have clipped intentions.
But why would these ME governments want to attack Israel? Because Israel is abusive to Palestinians? Is that a reason for IRI to have such vitriol hatred of Israel? IRI is not a "humanist" state/entity, if it was it wouldn't abuse her own population. If you have a convincing explanation on IRI's animosity against Israel I would like to hear it.

As for Hizbollah and IRI being temporarily "clipped wings", I would argue that it's more than a temporary phase: the same way that the US fought "a bridge too far" in Iraq, IRI has extended herself thin. It shows in Iranians objection to IRI's involvement in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen. It's no longer OK for Iranians to see their treasure spent on these adventures. IRI has gotten involved in the Arab-Israeli conflict? Why? To undercut Israel? How is that working for IRI?
How is that working for Iran?.......lol.......everyone knows here who is winning, except you.

But why would these ME governments want to attack Israel? Because Israel is abusive to Palestinians? Is that a reason for IRI to have such vitriol hatred of Israel? IRI is not a "humanist" state/entity, if it was it wouldn't abuse her own population. If you have a convincing explanation on IRI's animosity against Israel I would like to hear it.

As for Hizbollah and IRI being temporarily "clipped wings", I would argue that it's more than a temporary phase: the same way that the US fought "a bridge too far" in Iraq, IRI has extended herself thin. It shows in Iranians objection to IRI's involvement in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen. It's no longer OK for Iranians to see their treasure spent on these adventures. IRI has gotten involved in the Arab-Israeli conflict? Why? To undercut Israel? How is that working for IRI?
But why would these ME governments want to attack Israel? Because Israel is abusive to Palestinians? Is that a reason for IRI to have such vitriol hatred of Israel? IRI is not a "humanist" state/entity, if it was it wouldn't abuse her own population. If you have a convincing explanation on IRI's animosity against Israel I would like to hear it.

As for Hizbollah and IRI being temporarily "clipped wings", I would argue that it's more than a temporary phase: the same way that the US fought "a bridge too far" in Iraq, IRI has extended herself thin. It shows in Iranians objection to IRI's involvement in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen. It's no longer OK for Iranians to see their treasure spent on these adventures. IRI has gotten involved in the Arab-Israeli conflict? Why? To undercut Israel? How is that working for IRI?
Its not about attacking ISrael. Its about holding Israel accountable for her illegal actions. THere is an active Arab-Israeli problem, so it has not been resolved yet.Iran is abusing her popuilation? wtf are yoi talking about? many countries abuse their population and life goes on. Even in US, where you live, arent people getting abused by police?? Why are you focused on why Iran has animosity to Israel? why dont you ask that question for ALL the other conflict going on in the world. US has no animosity to any country right? neither does China right? IRI has extended herself, but she hasnt collapsed, and the tide has turned. Skills and informatiion and power were increased overall. STop the shor term focus, think about long term. I am just playing devil's advocate btw.I have to counter your skewed arguments. LOL.How is it working for Iran? well how is it working for ISrael or Gulf arab states? YOui seem to be ignoring the existence of a general Muslim-Israel problem. But have you noticed IRan has already completed her own shiite bridge??IN reality the ground forces you possess in what area determines who had the real power. Iran just built up another 100-150K forces in Syria. YOu wanna bomb? well you bombed taliban, Iraqis, Yemenis, and the wars are still going on and you dont have a win yet.
He won't ask the critical questions because he is from a community of social rejects in Iran.

No other issue, but this!

Its not about attacking ISrael. Its about holding Israel accountable for her illegal actions. THere is an active Arab-Israeli problem, so it has not been resolved yet.Iran is abusing her popuilation? wtf are yoi talking about? many countries abuse their population and life goes on. Even in US, where you live, arent people getting abused by police?? Why are you focused on why Iran has animosity to Israel? why dont you ask that question for ALL the other conflict going on in the world. US has no animosity to any country right? neither does China right? IRI has extended herself, but she hasnt collapsed, and the tide has turned. Skills and informatiion and power were increased overall. STop the shor term focus, think about long term. I am just playing devil's advocate btw.I have to counter your skewed arguments. LOL.How is it working for Iran? well how is it working for ISrael or Gulf arab states? YOui seem to be ignoring the existence of a general Muslim-Israel problem. But have you noticed IRan has already completed her own shiite bridge??IN reality the ground forces you possess in what area determines who had the real power. Iran just built up another 100-150K forces in Syria. YOu wanna bomb? well you bombed taliban, Iraqis, Yemenis, and the wars are still going on and you dont have a win yet.
IDF on high alert in north, fears Iran reprisal may include infiltration attack
Security officials preparing for missiles strikes by Tehran's proxies, but also for possible attempts to breach army bases, communities
By TOI STAFFToday, 1:41 am 0

  • An Israeli soldier next to Merkava Mark IV tanks in the Golan Heights during a military drill on May 7, 2018. (AFP PHOTO / JALAA MAREY)

    The Israeli military was in a state of high alert in the country’s north Monday, in readiness for possible retaliation by Iran over alleged Israeli strikes on its sites in Syria. Security forces are preparing for the possibility of attempted infiltrations of military bases and communities in the north, Hadashot TV news reported.

    According to the report, security forces are taking steps to mitigate the damage from any such potential attack, fearing that a harsh Iranian strike could force Israel’s hand and lead to an unwanted escalation with Tehran.

    Israeli officials believe Iran’s Revolutionary Guards are leading efforts to retaliate against Israel, using its proxies in Syria — Hezbollah forces and Shiite militias — to attack the Jewish state, Hadashot reported.

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    Local authorities in the north of Israel sought to calm residents Monday after defense officials warned of the looming possibility of attack, including missile strikes on military targets.

    Tehran vowed revenge after the T-4 army base in Syria was struck in an air raid on April 9, killing at least seven members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps. The strike was widely attributed to Israel, though Jerusalem refused to comment on it. T-4 was the base from which Israel said Iran launched an attack drone into Israel in February. Late last month, a second strike, allegedly conducted by Israel, against an Iranian-controlled base in northern Syria was said to have killed more than two dozen Iranian soldiers.


    A photo released by Iranian media reportedly shows the T-4 air base in central Syria after a missile barrage attributed to Israel on April 9, 2018. (Iranian media)
    Iran’s army chief of staff warned Monday that the regime would respond to any Israeli aggression “at an appropriate time,” as the countries continued to trade threats amid spiraling tensions.

    “If the enemy casts a covetous eye on our interests or conducts [even] a slight act of aggression, the Islamic Republic will give an appropriate response at an appropriate time,” Maj. Gen. Mohammad Bagheri said according to regime-affiliated Press TV.

    Iran has access to a variety of surface-to-surface missiles, from short-range Fajr-5 rockets to medium-range Fateh 110 missiles, which have a range of approximately 300 kilometers (190 miles), to long-range Shahab ballistic missiles capable of hitting targets over 1,300 kilometers (800 miles) away.

    A Shahab-3 long range missile, left, and Zolfaghar missiles, right, are displayed during a rally marking al-Quds (Jerusalem) Day in Tehran on June 23, 2017. (AFP Photo/Stringer)
    “We have very advanced anti-missile systems: Iron Dome, David’s Sling, the Arrow,” Maj. Gen. (res.) Yaakov Amidror, a former head of Military Intelligence and one-time national security adviser to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, told reporters, referring to Israel’s air defense batteries, which are designed to shoot down short-, medium- and long-range missiles, respectively.

    “I hope that most of the missiles would be intercepted by our defense systems, and military targets are supposed to absorb such attacks from time to time,” he said.

    If these active air defense batteries fail, however, there are concerns that Israel’s passive protection against missiles — bomb shelters — will not provide an adequate solution.

    “The working assumption is that they are planning to strike military targets, but it can escalate at any moment, and we will find ourselves in an entirely different kind of situation,” Kiryat Bialik Mayor Eli Dukorsky told Walla news. “This requires Israel to urgently fill in gaps in defense, but also requires each of us to understand that preparation should be on a personal level, as well as on a community level.”

    No special safety instructions were given to residents of northern Israel, despite the threat, but the heads of local governments said they were always ready for any eventuality.

    Kiryat Shmona Municipal CEO Eshkol Shukrun urged residents to remain calm, Channel 10 reported.

    “The army has asked us to send a message of calm,” he said, saying that any steps they took would be closely coordinated with the army.

    “Our residents are curious, and they listen to media reports, and some of them also call and ask why we have not opened the bomb shelters or made plans to evacuate them,” he added. “We give responsible answers, mainly to calm them down. We tell them that municipal officials are in direct contact with the army.”

    Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman said there was no need for panic.

    “There are challenges and many threats, but we know how to deal with all the threats and to cope with all the challenges,” he said from the Knesset on Monday. “There is no room for euphoria or pride, but we are ready for any scenario.”

    He also stressed that Israel is not interested in escalating the situation.

    On Monday, Rambam Medical Center in Haifa inaugurated a reinforced command center to serve the hospital management in the event of a missile attack on the city. They were also prepared to transfer patients to a 2,000-bed fortified underground emergency hospital if necessary.

    Haifa mayor Yona Yahav, at the Supreme Court in Jerusalem, for a court hearing about the closure of the ammonia tank in Haifa, April 4, 2017. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
    Haifa mayor Yona Yahav said the northern coastal city was preparing for a wartime scenario.

    “We are prepared 365 days a year for a crazy person to do something irresponsible like launch missiles at Haifa,” said Haifa Mayor Yona Yahav, according to the Walla news site.

    He urged city residents to carry on with their normal routines, offering assurances that city officials were monitoring the situation and all municipal bomb shelters were well maintained.
IDF on high alert in north, fears Iran reprisal may include infiltration attack
Security officials preparing for missiles strikes by Tehran's proxies, but also for possible attempts to breach army bases, communities
By TOI STAFFToday, 1:41 am 0

  • An Israeli soldier next to Merkava Mark IV tanks in the Golan Heights during a military drill on May 7, 2018. (AFP PHOTO / JALAA MAREY)

    The Israeli military was in a state of high alert in the country’s north Monday, in readiness for possible retaliation by Iran over alleged Israeli strikes on its sites in Syria. Security forces are preparing for the possibility of attempted infiltrations of military bases and communities in the north, Hadashot TV news reported.

    According to the report, security forces are taking steps to mitigate the damage from any such potential attack, fearing that a harsh Iranian strike could force Israel’s hand and lead to an unwanted escalation with Tehran.

    Israeli officials believe Iran’s Revolutionary Guards are leading efforts to retaliate against Israel, using its proxies in Syria — Hezbollah forces and Shiite militias — to attack the Jewish state, Hadashot reported.

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    Local authorities in the north of Israel sought to calm residents Monday after defense officials warned of the looming possibility of attack, including missile strikes on military targets.

    Tehran vowed revenge after the T-4 army base in Syria was struck in an air raid on April 9, killing at least seven members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps. The strike was widely attributed to Israel, though Jerusalem refused to comment on it. T-4 was the base from which Israel said Iran launched an attack drone into Israel in February. Late last month, a second strike, allegedly conducted by Israel, against an Iranian-controlled base in northern Syria was said to have killed more than two dozen Iranian soldiers.


    A photo released by Iranian media reportedly shows the T-4 air base in central Syria after a missile barrage attributed to Israel on April 9, 2018. (Iranian media)
    Iran’s army chief of staff warned Monday that the regime would respond to any Israeli aggression “at an appropriate time,” as the countries continued to trade threats amid spiraling tensions.

    “If the enemy casts a covetous eye on our interests or conducts [even] a slight act of aggression, the Islamic Republic will give an appropriate response at an appropriate time,” Maj. Gen. Mohammad Bagheri said according to regime-affiliated Press TV.

    Iran has access to a variety of surface-to-surface missiles, from short-range Fajr-5 rockets to medium-range Fateh 110 missiles, which have a range of approximately 300 kilometers (190 miles), to long-range Shahab ballistic missiles capable of hitting targets over 1,300 kilometers (800 miles) away.

    A Shahab-3 long range missile, left, and Zolfaghar missiles, right, are displayed during a rally marking al-Quds (Jerusalem) Day in Tehran on June 23, 2017. (AFP Photo/Stringer)
    “We have very advanced anti-missile systems: Iron Dome, David’s Sling, the Arrow,” Maj. Gen. (res.) Yaakov Amidror, a former head of Military Intelligence and one-time national security adviser to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, told reporters, referring to Israel’s air defense batteries, which are designed to shoot down short-, medium- and long-range missiles, respectively.

    “I hope that most of the missiles would be intercepted by our defense systems, and military targets are supposed to absorb such attacks from time to time,” he said.

    If these active air defense batteries fail, however, there are concerns that Israel’s passive protection against missiles — bomb shelters — will not provide an adequate solution.

    “The working assumption is that they are planning to strike military targets, but it can escalate at any moment, and we will find ourselves in an entirely different kind of situation,” Kiryat Bialik Mayor Eli Dukorsky told Walla news. “This requires Israel to urgently fill in gaps in defense, but also requires each of us to understand that preparation should be on a personal level, as well as on a community level.”

    No special safety instructions were given to residents of northern Israel, despite the threat, but the heads of local governments said they were always ready for any eventuality.

    Kiryat Shmona Municipal CEO Eshkol Shukrun urged residents to remain calm, Channel 10 reported.

    “The army has asked us to send a message of calm,” he said, saying that any steps they took would be closely coordinated with the army.

    “Our residents are curious, and they listen to media reports, and some of them also call and ask why we have not opened the bomb shelters or made plans to evacuate them,” he added. “We give responsible answers, mainly to calm them down. We tell them that municipal officials are in direct contact with the army.”

    Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman said there was no need for panic.

    “There are challenges and many threats, but we know how to deal with all the threats and to cope with all the challenges,” he said from the Knesset on Monday. “There is no room for euphoria or pride, but we are ready for any scenario.”

    He also stressed that Israel is not interested in escalating the situation.

    On Monday, Rambam Medical Center in Haifa inaugurated a reinforced command center to serve the hospital management in the event of a missile attack on the city. They were also prepared to transfer patients to a 2,000-bed fortified underground emergency hospital if necessary.

    Haifa mayor Yona Yahav, at the Supreme Court in Jerusalem, for a court hearing about the closure of the ammonia tank in Haifa, April 4, 2017. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
    Haifa mayor Yona Yahav said the northern coastal city was preparing for a wartime scenario.

    “We are prepared 365 days a year for a crazy person to do something irresponsible like launch missiles at Haifa,” said Haifa Mayor Yona Yahav, according to the Walla news site.

    He urged city residents to carry on with their normal routines, offering assurances that city officials were monitoring the situation and all municipal bomb shelters were well maintained.
Get back golan heights and nobody can do any fuk b/c that is illegally occupied by Zionists.
Yes, exactly. IRGC is planning exactly this! as soon as Trump nixes the nuke deal, the resistance will make a move on Golan from Syrian border. It will be a devastating response!

Get back golan heights and nobody can do any fuk b/c that is illegally occupied by Zionists.
Yes, exactly. IRGC is planning exactly this! as soon as Trump nixes the nuke deal, the resistance will make a move on Golan from Syrian border. It will be a devastating response!

While I believe the resistance will eventually take over Golan Heights, I do not believe it will be a quick operation. I believe Iran will slowly but effectively will push their air defence and artillery assets closer to the Israeli border and build up an effective aerial denial defences. Over time, Israel will loose ground and the resistance will gain.
While I believe the resistance will eventually take over Golan Heights, I do not believe it will be a quick operation. I believe Iran will slowly but effectively will push their air defence and artillery assets closer to the Israeli border and build up an effective aerial denial defences. Over time, Israel will loose ground and the resistance will gain.
No, the attack must be big and total war b/w Syrian resistance and occupiers. we won't get second chance in future like today.
1- Syria is total damaged few more missiles won't change anything.
2- T4 attack need respond.
3- Americans must now that, they can not torn nuclear deal and run.
4- GH is part of Syrian soil and nobody can do any shit.

Just wait for US exit from deal. That is my suggestion and can be wrong, we do not know every details of what happening behind scene.
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