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Could India's Review of MMRCA Selection Process Bring Back Eurofighter?

Nope it won't,trust me.

That plane is just a modified mig 29 k with aesa(non operational) currently.

It will be 100 pc rafale
well i dont think so its rafale any more enjoys the same respect as it did some 3 years back besides that rafale is way to expensive + french want the french made rafale order to be increased to almost thrice so it is realli becoming very hard for rafale
One more actor adding to the delays was the death of Arun Kumar Bal, Ministry of Defense chief negotiator for air acquisitions. That setback the negotiations and acquisitions by a good few months...
In a word- NO.

THis is pure unsubstantiated BS of the kind we've seen again and again regarding the MMRCA deal.

Rafale will be ordered this year by next GoI no doubt about it.

EFT have been trying to find a way back in since 2012 and have used every card in the book. They've clearly bought some media people but that doesn't make any of this true.
well eourofighter is a gone cause

yes but if french dont get on with terms with india Mig 35 sure can make a come back and just might the stealthy & advanced F18 E/F if USA playes it right

That's not correct! The Rafale was selected as the prefered choice for negotiations, but the EF is still in the game unlike the Mig or the other rejected fighters. IF anything goes wrong with the French offer, the first alternative choice remains to be the EF and no other fighter.
However, since the EF remains to be clearly more costly and less capable at the same time, it won't have much chances in the current finacial situation unless they come up with an offer of Indian specific needs (Kaveri/AESA engine co-development and integration, common systems and joint marketing of LCA MK2 as part of the consortium partnership for example), they can't equal the high costs.

EFT have been trying to find a way back in since 2012 and have used every card in the book. They've clearly bought some media people but that doesn't make any of this true.

They surely had during the MMRCA evaluation, but now they don't have to because it's a no brainer that they will use Dassaults failure to seal the deal earlier as an own chance. If they succeed is another issue, but trying to still win is a logical way to go and will put pressure on the French at the same time too. I only hope that even if the BJP will come to power, the decision won't be a political one, but based on the best package for India.
Your leaders know, they don't have the money, these delays are all face saving tactics, hoping that enough funds will be saved by the time (some more years) this so called "mother of all" deals finalizes.

Dammit-this will **** us completely
Just get the damn bird,whats there to think

Except the red, I totally agree with your statement.

or u can say that India is richest and shittest country in Defence World.
Not richest by any angle
of course we are richest country in defense world that's why we like to throw extra billions on every dead ex. mrca, Scorpane, Ins vik.(thank god Russia finally gave us that ship).
of course we are richest country in defense world that's why we like to throw extra billions on every dead ex. mrca, Scorpane, Ins vik.(thank god Russia finally gave us that ship).

It was not even russian fault.
We selected the lowest bidder,sevmash shipyard fully knowing it had 0 experience in surface ships.note when I say 0.

Its known for only submarines,just to save some bucks we delayed it for years.

U are free to confirm what I just wrote
It was not even russian fault.
We selected the lowest bidder,sevmash shipyard fully knowing it had 0 experience in surface ships.note when I say 0.

Its known for only submarines,just to save some bucks we delayed it for years.

U are free to confirm what I just wrote

You are wrong on both counts. For the Vikramaditya, there was no bidding process, and no bidders - lowest or otherwise. They made an offer that was too good to be true, and we fell for it. That's it. Thankfully though, in the end we got a good ship for a reasonable price, although much delayed and way over initially estimated costs.

For the scorpenes, it wasn't our desire to save money that cost us, but our insistence on building all of them at MDL. The IN had urged that the first two be bought directly from the OEM, but the GoI unwisely opted to make all of them here. So when MDL screwed up with delays, the navy was left with a dwindling fleet of submarines.
Euro fighter is also a good fighter. Why not going for it?

Actually Eurofighter has offered a partnership to India in Plane including work share. Actually Eurofighter is a batter platform as a plne. How ever the EW suit Spectra of Raffale is extra ordinary.

Rather we should buy more super sukhois and spent the rest of money to develop domestic aviation industries. We can easily develop top of the line 5th generation fighter out of money saved.
That's not correct! The Rafale was selected as the prefered choice for negotiations, but the EF is still in the game unlike the Mig or the other rejected fighters. IF anything goes wrong with the French offer, the first alternative choice remains to be the EF and no other fighter.
However, since the EF remains to be clearly more costly and less capable at the same time, it won't have much chances in the current finacial situation unless they come up with an offer of Indian specific needs (Kaveri/AESA engine co-development and integration, common systems and joint marketing of LCA MK2 as part of the consortium partnership for example), they can't equal the high costs.

They surely had during the MMRCA evaluation, but now they don't have to because it's a no brainer that they will use Dassaults failure to seal the deal earlier as an own chance. If they succeed is another issue, but trying to still win is a logical way to go and will put pressure on the French at the same time too. I only hope that even if the BJP will come to power, the decision won't be a political one, but based on the best package for India.
well just hypothetikalli asking if there are rumours that EFT can make a come back then why not Mig 35 or F18 E/F(we also might get growler version as well )
It was not even russian fault.
We selected the lowest bidder,sevmash shipyard fully knowing it had 0 experience in surface ships.note when I say 0.

Its known for only submarines,just to save some bucks we delayed it for years.

U are free to confirm what I just wrote
no need to confirm :)
well just hypothetikalli asking if there are rumours that EFT can make a come back then why not Mig 35 or F18 E/F(we also might get growler version as well )

EF was one of the 2 planes shortlisted after technical evaluation meeting IAF criterion. Rest of the planes failed on major selection parameters Such as T/W ratio, Weight lifting, AESA etc. (Infact there were more than 600 parameters). Rest of the planes failed to meet technical parameter and hence could not reach final price bead. Price bid of only these 2 planes were opened.
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