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Coronavirus can be treated by cow urine, dung: Hindu Mahasabha president

Lastly, I will just .... Leave it here :

Fair warning, this is Tweeter grade stuff, so take it with a metric tonne of salt. Do notice the research institute. What they found was the region from where the some of the inserts came from were responsible for infectivity.

That being said, HIV virus is one of the major research topics in virology community, so any virology institute will have some research teams on HIV and they can likely produce research work on what makes HIV infective.

Is there anything that cow dung and cow urine cannot cure ??

Even nuclear radiation can be stopped by cow dung, as per some of our scientists.
This is science,, it's no joke.
Cow dung n urine has tremendous medical value, nuclear potential n wht not.
It's already published in Bhayya journal of gobar researchresearch, Nagpur.
Year 5000 BC, volume 999,page-100-250.
Check it out,, before nay saying.
This is science,, it's no joke.
Cow dung n urine has tremendous medical value, nuclear potential n wht not.
It's already published in Bhayya journal of gobar researchresearch, Nagpur.
Year 5000 BC, volume 999,page-100-250.
Check it out,, before nay saying.


If this is indeed a recombination between different virus types, then it will be unusual to say the least.
What would actually be very useful to know is what do the fragments of HIV genome actually confer upon the corona virus. Only then can speculation proceed about whether the new fragments produce a hybrid that has weaponistic value. At present, apart from the Twitter conspiracy sphere, nobody is buying the weapon theory.

On the contrary, the "HIV inserts" are more likely to be random natural events.

In fact, given the apparent SHORTNESS of the inserts, one commentator has now concluded that it is a random recombination and that such recombinations can and do occur naturally.


"Among the differences, the Indian team identifies four insertions, where the 2019-nCoV genome contains a small extra sequence corresponding to a few additional amino acids in an otherwise similar protein. These insertions are as short as 6 residues.

All four insertions were located in the “spike protein” of 2019-nCoV, the projecting protein on the virus’s round envelope which recognizes the ACE2 receptor and enables the virus to penetrate mucous membrane cells, and also gives the coronavirus its name. The variable sequences of these recognition regions enable viruses to penetrate different types of cells in the human body.


They found that all four of these spike protein inserts appear as matches to at least one sequence in at least one variant of the HIV virus. The sequences come from the gp120 and Gag proteins in HIV, the former of which is also a viral envelope recognition protein. This has led many to credulously assume that this is evidence, or even a strong indication, that 2019-nCoV was engineered from its bat ancestor by humans inserting HIV sequences.

But they’re wrong; it’s still not engineered. An analysis of the paper clearly reveals that:

  • There is nothing remarkable about the fact that 2019-nCoV’s sequence diverges from its nearest known relative, or that its unique sequences are conserved among cases of 2019-nCoV.
  • The sequence matches with HIV are very short and appear in hypervariable regions of both virus, and similar overlaps are seen between 2019-nCoV sequences and many other organisms.
  • The unique biological properties that HIV sequences could theoretically impart to another virus are completely missing from 2019-nCoV, and 2019-nCoV has no unique clinical properties that are outside what is known to be possible for a coronavirus."
There you have it.

The author here is saying the unique sequences are (a) so short, it could just be statistically explained as random natural recombination, especially as they arise in known hypervariable genome regions (b) similar overlaps are already known between corona virus and other organisms (though he doesn't provide example I can tell you that SARS is closely related in terms of genome), and (c) the bits that have supposedly come from the HIV genome are not of significant use (I.e. they don't seem to confer any of HIV's lethal strengths or ability to infect T cells or masking abilities against host defences).

I would accept that it is not impossible that this new virus could in theory be an escaped weapon or a "work-in-progress", either accidentally or deliberately released. It's plausible but I have seen nothing to convince me of that, nor any evidence to suggest it is not simply a natural evolution of corona virus to produce a new strain, which happens to contain HIV-like residues. As this latest author said, it isn't an "uncanny" or dramatic thing to see in such viruses. Occam's razor - whatever is most probable should be defaulted to.
lol what this forum a defense forum has turned out to be...
All these kind of posting doesn’t insult India but showcases the individual’s own inferiority complex.
And with whom you are comparing India?
Please take a honest look at your country and tell me a Single parameter where you are above India...

Medical Facilities—- NO
Medical Research —- NO

Pakistan is not even evacuating its citizens can you please explain us why??

Don't get angry. PDF didn't fabricate this story. We are simply reporting it. I understand the story is humiliating for Indians.
lol what this forum a defense forum has turned out to be...
All these kind of posting doesn’t insult India but showcases the individual’s own inferiority complex.
And with whom you are comparing India?
Please take a honest look at your country and tell me a Single parameter where you are above India...

Medical Facilities—- NO
Medical Research —- NO

Pakistan is not even evacuating its citizens can you please explain us why??
Acha na bhai, you can evacuate each of your citizens from China and when SHTF lets handwave each other. We don't pretend to be better because China is handling the pandemic and we don't forget in moments of nationalistic fervor that we're a third world country (India) as well. So quit harping about why Pakistan isn't evacuating its citizens; you guys just need a chance to jump on our **** on every news matter.
Acha na bhai, you can evacuate each of your citizens from China and when SHTF lets handwave each other. We don't pretend to be better because China is handling the pandemic and we don't forget in moments of nationalistic fervor that we're a third world country (India) as well. So quit harping about why Pakistan isn't evacuating its citizens; you guys just need a chance to jump on our **** on every news matter.

It is a funny joke that the RSS scourge are concerned about the well-being of Pakistanis in China LOL
What's ur problem if few people believe whatever u want to believe. I guess u want to mock them as they are Hindu.

See, coming to urine of cow or any other animal, some Muslim also agree to this Hindu chap.

Some Muslims LOL Sounds very credible.
Very dear YoungPak,

Coming in form, you!

Whether it is a GreyRhino or not is too early to tell... it will depend on whether it is contained and whether there is a 'quick' vaccine on the slab...

Just an educational question: What is necessary for Full GeneExpression for such viruses? @Dubious

GeneticBlueprint and disease has corrolation...also the curve as well.

For example: St. John's Wort has different effect on different people...while having the same active substances in it...

Perhaps Indians are correct in saying that Cow related products have strong healing powers for Indians... it becomes debatable when they say it is universal.

Besides most Indians believe and use these, for them sacred, products...for mellenia... there might be even Indian posters here who use these things for spiritual and medicinal purposes...

I, for one, like to give Indians credit for Cow related products that these work for them truly...

Cow is their Mother and Deity...hence, we are to accept these Indian Facts and show consideration towards their Deity.

However, outside of India...due to Genetic incompatibility of the rest of humanity... these Cow products might not be successful as medicinal or spiritual means... Therefore, this industry can only thrive in India.

I would like to request PakPosters to respect the Indian feelings... as perhaps most Indian posters will be using these products or will be offended by our comments!

Out of respect for Indians I have used capital C for their revered deity.


@SIPRA @newb3e @Rafi @Areesh @DESERT FIGHTER @PakSword @StormBreaker @Indus Pakistan @Indus Valley @Reddington @Verve

Sorry, off topic but funny
"Like has HIV virus known to show such phenomenon with some totally different virus?"


"The process of recombination that takes place in RNA viruses corresponds to the formation of chimeric molecules from parental genomes of mixed origin. This process can occur either within a single genomic segment (in which case, it is often referred to as RNA recombination) or, for those viruses that possess segmented genomes, as exchange of entire genomic segments between viruses (FIG. 1). This exchange is usually termed reassortment. Although RNA recombination and reassortment are mechanistically very different, both require that two or more viruses infect the same host cell. "

You're right that it seems very rare but it does occur naturally (non-homologous recombination):

"findings suggest that the gene was most probably obtained fortuitously by coronavirus and was not an original part ofthe viral genome. The most likely
explanation is that this gene resulted from recombination between coronavirus and influenza C virus (67). Since there is no apparent sequence homology, aside from the HE sequence, between coronavirus and influenza C virus, the acquisition of this gene by coronavirus from influenza C virus, or vice versa, could represent nonhomologous recom- bination. The homology of the HE gene between coronavi- rus and influenza C virus was obvious only at the amino acid level, but not at the nucleotide level (67); therefore, recom- bination probably occurred between their ancestral viruses. So why do some coronaviruses lack this gene? Deletion by virtue of intramolecular recombination is a plausible expla- nation, since coronavirus genes are flanked by homologous intergenic sequences (58). An alternative possibility is that the putative recombination between coronaviruses and in- fluenza C virus occurred after speciation of coronaviruses; the divergence of the HE gene then may have occurred rapidly since this is a nonessential gene. "

Also, in theory at least, the HIV or coronavirus don't necessarily need to splice directly into each other.

One of them may have infected a host animal cell and then inserted its genome, and that infected cell itself could have been exposed to the other virus, integrating parts of its genome at that exact point in disease evolution, causing the hybrid form to be replicated. This is just my speculation though.

Overall, it's unusual but seems more plausible as a natural evolutionary event than artificial.

Actually, I found one more issue with the research submitted by these authors. The E-Values. BLAST algorithm generates E-Values of alignment. The authors did not report it. I ran the blast myself for these four inserts.

one insert had E-value closer to zero, which is fine. Rest were > 10. Some were in 100s. Usually for a protein database like PDB, E-value of > 10 is not considered worthy of reporting.

This makes their claims rather dubious. Why? Because E-Values tell you the expected number of alignments in random database of a certain size. This means it is less significant as far as biological function or evolutionary path is concerned.
Very dear YoungPak,

Coming in form, you!

Whether it is a GreyRhino or not is too early to tell... it will depend on whether it is contained and whether there is a 'quick' vaccine on the slab...

Just an educational question: What is necessary for Full GeneExpression for such viruses? @Dubious

GeneticBlueprint and disease has corrolation...also the curve as well.

For example: St. John's Wort has different effect on different people...while having the same active substances in it...

Perhaps Indians are correct in saying that Cow related products have strong healing powers for Indians... it becomes debatable when they say it is universal.

Besides most Indians believe and use these, for them sacred, products...for mellenia... there might be even Indian posters here who use these things for spiritual and medicinal purposes...

I, for one, like to give Indians credit for Cow related products that these work for them truly...

Cow is their Mother and Deity...hence, we are to accept these Indian Facts and show consideration towards their Deity.

However, outside of India...due to Genetic incompatibility of the rest of humanity... these Cow products might not be successful as medicinal or spiritual means... Therefore, this industry can only thrive in India.

I would like to request PakPosters to respect the Indian feelings... as perhaps most Indian posters will be using these products or will be offended by our comments!

Out of respect for Indians I have used capital C for their revered deity.


@SIPRA @newb3e @Rafi @Areesh @DESERT FIGHTER @PakSword @StormBreaker @Indus Pakistan @Indus Valley @Reddington @Verve

Paa Jee: I am fearful of that day, when they will start throwing Cow Dung and Urine, as standoff weapons, on us. What is our preparation for this possible eventuality?:lol:
Paa Jee: I am fearful of that day, when they will start throwing Cow Dung and Urine, as standoff weapons, on us. What is our preparation for this possible eventuality?:lol:

Beware of our cow dung cruise missile !!

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