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Cops beat Brit to death in Dubai cell

The dudes also deported a Pakistani guy for showing a middle finger to some arab.

And this:

I think you got your facts all wrong. From what I understand the man being tortured is from Afghanistan. He is an Afghan business man who trades in 'salt' or 'grains'. Rationale behind it has nothing to do with middle finger.

ABC News Exclusive: Torture Tape Implicates UAE Royal Sheikh - ABC News

Apparently a business deal went wrong and the Afghan businessman was later tortured.

A member of the United Arab Emirates ruling family has been caught on video torturing an Afghan grains trader.

The footage shows the Afghan being abused with an electric cattle prod, beaten with whips and a plank of wood with a nail in it, and driven over by a car at a desert location in 2004.

Read more: UAE prince caught on camera torturing Afghan trader | Mail Online

Obama's memorandum to the secretaries of state and energy which says that the deal was in US interests, did not mention US disquiet over a video of an Afghan merchant being tortured by a member of the UAE royal family.

Source: Obama OKs UAE N-deal despite torture video

I ask you to edit your post and correct yourself, make sure in the future you verify your information before posting. Or at least mention "AFAIK" or "I think" or "with the information I have"...Something along those lines to suggest your unsure, you presented the information in your post as a 'fact' which isn't true...

Regards, A1
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The article doesn't mention why he was arrested. So exactly why was he arrested?

because he sweared! what a stupid rule, get arrested for swearing. they dont do that in Iran.
well, U.A.E makes all this fancy hotels and beaches. doesn't girls go with bikini there?

Yes, and they even serve alcohol there. UAE is quite liberal and tolerant enough by Government policy so it will attract tourists this way. They have hypocritical laws.

For example, No PDA because it's against Islam or their Arab culture, but they serve alcohol and allow women to wear bikinis on beaches...Probably because UAE can't tax PDA like they can alcohol...Any ways, UAE needs to be taken over as a Pakistani colony same with Bahrain.
because he sweared! what a stupid rule, get arrested for swearing. they dont do that in Iran.

I'm not sure if I believe that, I think there must be more to the story. Can someone please post legitimate sources confirming that "swearing" is the rationale behind this British citizens arrest in UAE.
That would have changed his religion and he would be Jewish by religion and Arab by race. Mizrahi Jews and Arabs look alike since they both come from the Middle East and African countries, that is how he tricked her.
Point is it was Rape by deception since this woman clearly would never have slept with him if she knew he was Arab. There is simply too much hate between our two people.

Some men lie about being rich some lie about being soldiers about to be shipped off, others say they work as humanitarian, lying to get a woman is first invention made by man its always been there. By your logic women who put on make up should tell their suitors that they don't look as good and they have make up on even if it isn't apparent, and if they don't they should be sent to prison as they presented themselves as something they aren't.

Secondly,She gave him permission and they did it, what proof do people have besides the word of the girl that said she lied. Maybe he's telling the truth like in the Duke lacrosse case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Take this case to any modern court room, and it will be thrown out with laughter.

Like I said hypothetically if a women had a rule about not doing it with men under a certain height and one guy lied to get to her, she can't sue him, it's up to her to make sure. Once again remember we don't even know if shes lying or not because besides her word there really is no evidence.
Dubai is different from others arab countries. It is more permissive, and welcomes tourists. It is one of the biggest tourist destination for brits. It is not as if one nutter went there for fun.

I can bet a million dollars you haven't been to Dubai.
Some men lie about being rich some lie about being soldiers about to be shipped off, others say they work as humanitarian, lying to get a woman is first invention made by man its always been there. By your logic women who put on make up should tell their suitors that they don't look as good and they have make up on even if it isn't apparent, and if they don't they should be sent to prison as they presented themselves as something they aren't.

Secondly,She gave him permission and they did it, what proof do people have besides the word of the girl that said she lied. Maybe he's telling the truth like in the Duke lacrosse case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Take this case to any modern court room, and it will be thrown out with laughter.

Like I said hypothetically if a women had a rule about not doing it with men under a certain height and one guy lied to get to her, she can't sue him, it's up to her to make sure. Once again remember we don't even know if shes lying or not because besides her word there really is no evidence.
You fail to understand one simple thing. Jews and Arabs hate each other because they keep trying to kill us and fail miserably.
This isn`t height or money or anything material like that it is about principle. It is exactly like sleeping with your worst enemy, is this concept hard for you to understand?
You fail to understand one simple thing. Jews and Arabs hate each other because they keep trying to kill us and fail miserably.
This isn`t height or money or anything material like that it is about principle. It is exactly like sleeping with your worst enemy, is this concept hard for you to understand?

Your post doesn't make any sense.
Yes, and they even serve alcohol there. UAE is quite liberal and tolerant enough by Government policy so it will attract tourists this way. They have hypocritical laws.

For example, No PDA because it's against Islam or their Arab culture, but they serve alcohol and allow women to wear bikinis on beaches...Probably because UAE can't tax PDA like they can alcohol...Any ways, UAE needs to be taken over as a Pakistani colony same with Bahrain.

what is PDA?
I don`t even understand why people go there. Why would any sane person go to a place where you can be jailed just for kissing in public?!...

Same economic reasons for which peoples go in western countries , I know many Indians and English peoples who cursing Saudia Arabia day and night but still living and working there for more than 5 years because they are earning more :)

Those who are defending French ban law should also respect law of this Country..Either accept this law or leave the country lol as my friend ephone suggested only these two options :D
Same economic reasons for which peoples go in western countries , I know many Indians and English peoples who cursing Saudia Arabia day and night but still living and working there for more than 5 years because they are earning more :)

Those who are defending French ban law should also respect law of this Country..Either accept this law or leave the country lol as my friend ephone suggested only these two options :D

Indians working there doesn't mean that we should support the Arab's abusive behavior. And it is not the Indians alone who are complaining here. Your own country men are not fans of them either. Given the same about of money, would you rather stay in England or go to Arabia?
Indians working there doesn't mean that we should support the Arab's abusive behavior. And it is not the Indians alone who are complaining here. Your own country men are not a big fan of them too. Given the same about of money, would you go to Arabia or stay in England?

My comment was for those who were defending French law on basis that its their law whether accept it or leave the country . Why they have different approach when they discuss the law of kissing in public places in Saudia Arabia?

I was talking about his comment of getting into prison because of kissing in public. Again you should know this law before entering the country

Dont take it personally dude. He asked why peoples go in saudia arabia when they dont like the sharai law. I told him peoples don't go there for their love of sharia law but for economic reasons

I never did kissing in public places so for me it don't matter if i live in saudia arbai or UK :D
Dubai police are ranked 4th in reliability of police service according to the Global Enabling Trade 2010, released by the World Economic Forum.
UAE ranks 4th in reliability of police services - Emirates 24/7

People living in Dubai will know that these sort of incidences are very rare specialy in case of Brits or Americans. Don't paint the whole arab world with the same brush, Dubai is different from all other arab states infect you cannot even compare it to other emirates in the UAE. During the property boom period almost 2 yers ago there were many Brits and Americans here and Dubai city was full of european prostitutes, they used to earn big and spent it all on booze, prostitutes and hotels. Even now you can easily see escorts/prostitutes outside all 4-5 star hotels. A hand full of incidences of being caught kissing in public give the wrong signal. Dubai is a very open city which attracts tourists and has relaxed laws to accomodate all.
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