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Cops beat Brit to death in Dubai cell

I'd rather go to Shanghai or Beijing instead of Dubai then.
These civilized Arabs are still some of the best buddies of the U.S though; freedom, democracy, human rights after all are just facade to hide behind national interests; why bother talking about them all the time?:argh:
Mind you, that is just one part of the story.

Just like CNN was saying Raymond Davis HAS diplomatic passport etc etc etc.

Lets wait for Dubai police to give their statements and then we will see what comes out.

Please remember we are talking about same Dubai, where Western spies killed a Palestinian leader.
The conflict between Israelis and Arabs, that is what she meant.
I`ve read about that guy who lied about being Jewish and slept with Jewish girls, the girl obviously had the right to go to the police since she was lied to by the man she slept with about his race.
That's totally messed up. Look at it from a modern point of view, it makes no sense. First of all what if he converted to Jeudaism on that day would that change his race, and DNA? He would just be an Palestinian Jew, like most of your ancestors. I know Jewish people like to interbreed but facts are facts. What do you mean she had a right to tell the Police, everyone has the right to speak to the police even if they want to talk about something like having a nightmare, but that doesn't mean you can convict someone. Saying he lied about his race is like saying he lied about his height, it really shouldn't matter, in modern times.

Plus I think the girls knew he wans't Jewish he doesn't look too much like a Jew. She later regretted it and wanted to punish him kinda like, it wouldn't be the first time. Duke lacrosse case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Black man declared innocent after serving 30 years for rape - Topix

People lie about being rich to get girls but you never see them getting convicted for lying.
Most of the Arabs are brutal. When they lose their mind, they wont care even if it is Imam of masjid-e-Haram !! Sad incident. I was in Dubai last month and it was peaceful. Romance, snogging and hugging in public. This is too much by the cops. Strict action must be taken, and lets not forget what the governer of Dubai has done with the Afghan partner, the torture, does anyone remember or should I re-post it?

Tch tch. Too much.
That's totally messed up. Look at it from a modern point of view, it makes no sense. First of all what if he converted to Jeudaism on that day would that change his race, and DNA? He would just be an Palestinian Jew, like most of your ancestors. I know Jewish people like to interbreed but facts are facts. What do you mean she had a right to tell the Police, everyone has the right to speak to the police even if they want to talk about something like having a nightmare, but that doesn't mean you can convict someone. Saying he lied about his race is like saying he lied about his height, it really shouldn't matter, in modern times.

Plus I think the girls knew he wans't Jewish he doesn't look too much like a Jew. She later regretted it and wanted to punish him kinda like, it wouldn't be the first time. Duke lacrosse case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Black man declared innocent after serving 30 years for rape - Topix

People lie about being rich to get girls but you never see them getting convicted for lying.

That would have changed his religion and he would be Jewish by religion and Arab by race. Mizrahi Jews and Arabs look alike since they both come from the Middle East and African countries, that is how he tricked her.
Point is it was Rape by deception since this woman clearly would never have slept with him if she knew he was Arab. There is simply too much hate between our two people.
well, U.A.E makes all this fancy hotels and beaches. doesn't girls go with bikini there?
That is sickening man. Even in India the cops think they are the law rather than there to serve the law. Such brazen abuse of power must not be tolerated - I certainly hope that police reforms take place in India sooner rather than later.
Sad incident, RIP.

Are they going to release a human rights report about it?
He was arrested for swearing, yes swearing, in a 1000€ a night hotel and then brutally murdered. Don't give me the "it is their culture" bullsh*t. It is backwards and uncivilized.
This kind of behavior is clearly only one example of a deeply disturbed and morally sick culture that has barely evolved over the last 1000 years..

Many Westerners are way to good-hearted and naive when it comes to Arabs and similar cultures. I can't believe I myself and many others still sometimes feel the need to help these slave-trading bloodsuckers after they murder this poor man or the Italian (and many many others) in such an unbelievably cruel way..

Dubai is different from others arab countries. It is more permissive, and welcomes tourists. It is one of the biggest tourist destination for brits. It is not as if one nutter went there for fun.

Well hopefully British media picks up on this big time and this ends now. There are much friendlier and more civilised places to spend your money than the snake-pits of Arabia.
The dudes also deported a Pakistani guy for showing a middle finger to some arab.

And this:
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The article doesn't mention why he was arrested. So exactly why was he arrested?
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