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Cops beat Brit to death in Dubai cell


Jan 11, 2010
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Dubai Cops beat Brit to death | hotklix
A BRITISH tourist was savagely beaten for two days by brutal Dubai cops who then left him to die in his cell, sickened inmates said last night.

Lee Brown, 39 - arrested after a hotel row - was stripped and handcuffed before being pulverised by up to six officers with their feet, fists and batons.

He was then dragged unconscious into solitary confinement where he was left battered and bloodied for three days before dying of his injuries.

One prisoner at the Bur Dubai police station - who The Sun contacted by mobile phone - said last night: "It was inhuman. He was cuffed by his hands and his legs. Officers were punching and kicking him everywhere.

"He was bleeding from the head and hands and crying, pleading for them to stop."

Another witness said: "He was assaulted so badly his head split open. Then he was left to rot."

Lee's horrific punishment was revealed after two inmates at the police station phoned his family on Tuesday and begged them to help him. They had got his contact details from his passport.

In the harrowing call, they said cops had clubbed him unconscious and they feared he would die.

Early yesterday morning, the family received another call to say Lee's body had been taken away from his cell in a body bag.

And last night the Foreign Office confirmed maintenance man Lee, of Ilford, Essex, had died in police custody and they were liaising with Dubai cops.

Appealing for a probe into her son's death, devastated mum Doris, 67, of Dagenham, Essex, said: "I can't believe this has happened. It is every mother's nightmare. The first thing I knew Lee was on holiday in Dubai, the next thing I know he's dead."

Lee had gone away alone last Wednesday on a last-minute holiday to the plush Burj Al Arab hotel - a favourite with celebs including Wayne Rooney.
But within hours of arriving in the strict Arab emirate, he was arrested over a row with a hotel chambermaid and taken to the detention centre at Bur Dubai.

The Sun has spoken to witnesses there with access to smuggled mobile phones. One, whose identity we are protecting, told how Lee was stripped with just a T-shirt tied around his waist and held down in a chair as police kicked and punched him.

Hotel ... Lee Brown was at Burj Al Arab
Hotel ... Lee Brown was at Burj Al Arab

He said: "They beat him for a long time because he refused to go into solitary. He was conscious and aware of everything."

A second inmate - a Brit - said the beatings continued the next day. He added: "He was screaming in pain, yelling, 'Let go of me', and 'Don't do this'."

Another prisoner said: "He was unconscious for three days before he died. We begged the guards to get him medical treatment but they just shrugged and laughed."

Foreign prisoners - thought to include six Brits - are now on hunger strike fearing they could suffer the same fate as Lee. The scandal is the latest to engulf Dubai, where many British tourists and expats have suffered inhumane treatment by cops.

Lee's sister-in-law Su, 40, and brother Steve, 37, said: "How can this happen in this day and age?

"We fear the Dubai government will cover this up. We need justice for Lee. We need to know what happened."

It is understood the Foreign Office has specifically asked Dubai police to investigate whether Lee was beaten to death and warned they will be watching to ensure there is no cover-up.

Dubai police confirmed a British man had died in the detention centre at Bur Dubai police station. A spokesman added: "We are now waiting for the forensic report to see the cause of death."

Arabs act hard when they're in power against defenseless tourists and especially against migrant workers, but when it comes time to fight for their country, they all run away because theres nothing to gain from dying for some tinpot dictator. They deserve to continue being enslaved. Its the typical example of the best slaves being the cruelest masters.
Arabs act hard when they're in power against defenseless tourists and especially against migrant workers, but when it comes time to fight for their country, they all run away because theres nothing to gain from dying for some tinpot dictator. They deserve to continue being enslaved. Its the typical example of the best slaves being the cruelest masters.

The elites of the Arabic countries really give their nations a bad name.

Just look at the Royal family of Saudi Arabia for example, bunch of sellouts.
The elites of the Arabic countries really give their nations a bad name.

Just look at the Royal family of Saudi Arabia for example, bunch of sellouts.

Even look at Palestinians. They say they want independence, but what kind of representatives do they have? They'd be better off under Israel, if the Palestinian issue was not cooked up by other Arab countries in order to distract their local populace from their own failures. None of the Arab countries give a sh*t about their own kind, otherwise Jordan/Egypt/Saudi would have accepted Palestinian immigrants. Their kings and dictators just want to keep their throne.
Well, Saddam had the ambition to unite all the Arabic nations, then what happened to him?
I don`t even understand why people go there. Why would any sane person go to a place where you can be jailed just for kissing in public?!...
I don`t even understand why people go there. Why would any sane person go to a place where you can be jailed just for kissing in public?!...
Dubai is different from others arab countries. It is more permissive, and welcomes tourists. It is one of the biggest tourist destination for brits. It is not as if one nutter went there for fun.
Who better to show your bravery than some unarmed tourist. ?

I bet they would have bootlicked if the tourist was an American.

Let alone Americans,these guys (Dubai police) were caught with their pants down when Mossad came in, took out an Hamas operative and made them look like a bunch of fools.

....which is no different to this one.

In Israel, an Arab man has been sentenced to 18 months for 'rape by deception' . He plans to appeal the decision. And as RT's Paula Slier reports, even couples who choose to have interfaith relationships face hostility.

Even look at Palestinians. They say they want independence, but what kind of representatives do they have? They'd be better off under Israel, if the Palestinian issue was not cooked up by other Arab countries in order to distract their local populace from their own failures. None of the Arab countries give a sh*t about their own kind, otherwise Jordan/Egypt/Saudi would have accepted Palestinian immigrants. Their kings and dictators just want to keep their throne.

Palestinians are better off dead either way whethers its the ARab league or Israel they will always be treated worse than a dead dog. YOu just have to look at some of the comments here on the PDF from certain Israelis, pro-israelis Zionists and wannabe Israeli the likes of Ipakman.
But rest assured with revolution and civil war happening in the Middleast good people will rise-up depose their leaders and help the Palestinain even the ISraeli have realised what realling going on in Irsael.

Well, Saddam had the ambition to unite all the Arabic nations, then what happened to him?

SO did Bhotto and King Fasil back in the 60s

You should seriously read up on King Fasil -he was not like the Saudi kings of today a true Muslim, A muslim who lived by the Quran and the US govt, hated him.

Never forget who they were.
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Dubai Cops beat Brit to death | hotklix
A BRITISH tourist was savagely beaten for two days by brutal Dubai cops who then left him to die in his cell, sickened inmates said last night.

Lee Brown, 39 - arrested after a hotel row - was stripped and handcuffed before being pulverised by up to six officers with their feet, fists and batons.

He was then dragged unconscious into solitary confinement where he was left battered and bloodied for three days before dying of his injuries.

One prisoner at the Bur Dubai police station - who The Sun contacted by mobile phone - said last night: "It was inhuman. He was cuffed by his hands and his legs. Officers were punching and kicking him everywhere.

"He was bleeding from the head and hands and crying, pleading for them to stop."

Another witness said: "He was assaulted so badly his head split open. Then he was left to rot."

Lee's horrific punishment was revealed after two inmates at the police station phoned his family on Tuesday and begged them to help him. They had got his contact details from his passport.

In the harrowing call, they said cops had clubbed him unconscious and they feared he would die.

Early yesterday morning, the family received another call to say Lee's body had been taken away from his cell in a body bag.

And last night the Foreign Office confirmed maintenance man Lee, of Ilford, Essex, had died in police custody and they were liaising with Dubai cops.

Appealing for a probe into her son's death, devastated mum Doris, 67, of Dagenham, Essex, said: "I can't believe this has happened. It is every mother's nightmare. The first thing I knew Lee was on holiday in Dubai, the next thing I know he's dead."

Lee had gone away alone last Wednesday on a last-minute holiday to the plush Burj Al Arab hotel - a favourite with celebs including Wayne Rooney.
But within hours of arriving in the strict Arab emirate, he was arrested over a row with a hotel chambermaid and taken to the detention centre at Bur Dubai.

The Sun has spoken to witnesses there with access to smuggled mobile phones. One, whose identity we are protecting, told how Lee was stripped with just a T-shirt tied around his waist and held down in a chair as police kicked and punched him.

Hotel ... Lee Brown was at Burj Al Arab
Hotel ... Lee Brown was at Burj Al Arab

He said: "They beat him for a long time because he refused to go into solitary. He was conscious and aware of everything."

A second inmate - a Brit - said the beatings continued the next day. He added: "He was screaming in pain, yelling, 'Let go of me', and 'Don't do this'."

Another prisoner said: "He was unconscious for three days before he died. We begged the guards to get him medical treatment but they just shrugged and laughed."

Foreign prisoners - thought to include six Brits - are now on hunger strike fearing they could suffer the same fate as Lee. The scandal is the latest to engulf Dubai, where many British tourists and expats have suffered inhumane treatment by cops.

Lee's sister-in-law Su, 40, and brother Steve, 37, said: "How can this happen in this day and age?

"We fear the Dubai government will cover this up. We need justice for Lee. We need to know what happened."

It is understood the Foreign Office has specifically asked Dubai police to investigate whether Lee was beaten to death and warned they will be watching to ensure there is no cover-up.

Dubai police confirmed a British man had died in the detention centre at Bur Dubai police station. A spokesman added: "We are now waiting for the forensic report to see the cause of death."


Did anybody check it out that he was not the Mosaad agent with fake british passport to kill somebody in Dubai. like they did to Hamas leader..????:woot:
anywayz sad to hear any human die like that...feel very sorry..:cry:
....which is no different to this one.

In Israel, an Arab man has been sentenced to 18 months for 'rape by deception' . He plans to appeal the decision. And as RT's Paula Slier reports, even couples who choose to have interfaith relationships face hostility.

haha lol at the man in 1:43!

and is it illegal to mary or have relation with mix? jewish girl and arab man?

and this girl in 2:00, what the hell is she talking about? this conflict is ruining our life? my uncle was married with a christian, they divorced later. but they got a son who is a computer engineer now! so i dont understand what she talks about!
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haha lol at the man in 1:43!

and is it illegal to mary or have relation with mix? jewish girl and arab man?

and this girl in 2:00, what the hell is she talking about? this conflict is ruining our life? my uncle was married with a christian, they divorced later. but they got a son who is a computer engineer now! so i dont understand what she talks about!

The conflict between Israelis and Arabs, that is what she meant.
I`ve read about that guy who lied about being Jewish and slept with Jewish girls, the girl obviously had the right to go to the police since she was lied to by the man she slept with about his race.
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