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Contextualizing Swift Retort: Surprise within, shock without

This guy has accused me of intellectual dishonesty, made insinuations of circular arguments, and presented specious reasoning to back these claims, and you are calling it good writing? Are you trying to go out of your way to show your bias?
maybe he felt strongly that he couldn't post a rebuttal when the thread was locked. but I didn't appreciate the word dishonesty and I did point out that his last paragraph was unnecessary. @PakShaheen79 and you spoil your posts by use of strong emotions which are unnecessary.

as far as the charge of circular arguments goes, its a matter of personal opinion and both of you have made it against each other.
I appropriate the contribution by both of you although I don't have to fully agree fully to both of you.
Let me stop you right here and call out your dishonesty/lack of comprehension. I have only paid glowing tribute to the CAS. And just this misrepresentation rubbishes the entirey of your writing. You are not worthy of a response, but I will still hammer in the nails, right down to the last one.

OK. Let's revisit and try to comprehend what you originally wrote in this respect....
" By mid 2018, the lack of any grandiose strategic posturing was accompanied by an almost pin drop silence from the office of the newly appointed Air Chief Marshal Mujahid Anwar Khan - a gentleman and professional of the highest caliber, who believes in action on the battlefield and gelid reserve during peace."

Yes you paid a glowing tribute to him AFTER saying that his office was part some grandiose strategic posturing failure ... and then you complain about my comprehension. You wrote what you wrote, now stand with it. Changing Goal-Post Strategy is not going to work with me. And as you are too concerned about the English Grammar, it is "entirety" not "entirey", genius!

Let's look at an analogy. A fighter starts working only on the muscles of his right arm. Should the people he defends be happy, or fearful? He's going to need both arms in a fight. Even a child can understand this.
Yes. Indeed, a child can understand that but somehow you failed and wrote this below copied text in OP;
"Indeed, the few months that elapsed between Bajwa's appointment and the Ababeel test do not provide any grounds for crediting Bajwa with a strategic vision. The entirety of Bajwa's legacy is filled with tests of naval cruise and surface to surface missiles of assorted types, along with tactical ballistic missile tests/exercises carried out by the Pakistan army."

Now tell me, who needs comprehension classes? Certainly not me!!

Instead of responding to people's posts, my sincere advise to you is to take courses in English language comprehension. Let me summarize what the article is saying to this point. Bajwa failed in his duty to project power externally. And this negligence was criminal in nature. ACM Mujahid Anwar Khan performed his duties par excellence, but the dumb Indian mind misinterpreted his professional circumspection. Now I ask you, are you also a dumb Indian? Because all the Pakistanis had no problems understanding what I wrote.

Power projection in this age and time is not done by Army alone but naval and air power has more prominent role in that especially in a contested geography and that's exactly what Bajwa was doing or helping PN doing. So why all this ranting about him being a failure?? Continue this nonsensical ranting and people here will soon see who needs more professional help in comprehension about strategic matters,narrative building or perhaps in both.

Yep, small Pakistani minds getting stoked by verbal firing. The whole world knows he's got a domestic audience to please. So people tune off. This is his accomplishment so far: acting as Modi's Personal Secretary, explaining in no uncertain words that Modi's hostility is only for electioneering, creating the environment for Modi to come into power for another term, asking Trump to mediate on Kashmir, promising to wage a diplomatic war to counter India's illegal moves on Kashmir, firing verbal shots at the UN, and then quietly letting the issue slide into the limelight.

But there is more. This traitor has diluted Pakistan's unwavering committment to its security. He has created ambiguity on the matter of our nuclear weapons and their use. In his Fox News interview, he said Pakistan will give up its nuclear weapons if India does so. Then in September 2019 he publicly announces a 'no first from Pakistan', giving Reuters the opportunity to say Pakistan will not make first use of its nuclear weapons. And then finally, when he stood in the UN and threatened nuclear war, no one took him seriously.

No patriotic Pakistani would ever try to defend such outright treason.
Labeling everyone who is in a disagreement with you as a small Pakistani mind speaks volumes about your intellectual depth. Are you even synch with what's going on in and outside IOK due to Pakistan's diplomacy.

How could you failed to mention more of IK's achievements for Modi like asking him to pass CAA/NSA laws which have now become his biggest problem on diplomatic front. And you again failed to mention a single Pakistani leader who on UNGA forum exposed RSS/BJP by taking names in front of world diplomats? try again and you will fail again. Only thing is apart from Strategy, you are completely clueless about the diplomacy!

His statement is Diplomatic Power Projection as he is (or appearing to be) confident that Pakistan will not have to use nuclear weapon first. Entire Indian/Western intelligentsia has made Pakistan look like totally depended upon strategic weapons as it cannot fight a conventional war with India. Did you ever try to find out how bad that has impacted us in diplomatic circles. Pakistan needed to distance herself from that stated position (actual may remain the same for obvious reasons). Now when a PM of smaller state tells a global broadcast that we are not going to use nuclear weapon first (even if opposite is true in reality) against a much bigger adversary, it simply means we are appearing confident about our conventional deterrence. This is where IK took page out of SunTzu's Art of War; "Appear Weak when you are Powerful and Appear Powerful when you are weak." No PM gives statements of such strategic topics without prior planning.It was exhibited in all three dimensions (air, land, sea) during Feb 2019. Many in Pakistan doubt it, but like IAF's shortcoming on 27/2/2019, IA has its own share of those and PA knows them well like too many internal conflicts going on in multiple Indian states apart from Kashmir. Problem is this is too much to comprehend for an arrogant mind who sees everyone in disagreement as small Pakistani minds and in same breath tries to appear as savior of same Pakistanis!

Lastly! Please use a dictionary and see the meaning of words before using them. (Bold text in quoted) Either you don't know the meaning of Limelight or you are admitting IK brought the issue to Limelight ;)


More comprehension issues. The article is calling to attention Imran Khan's naivete and utter ignorance of what was about to unfold. He didn't understand the full implication of his own words "We won't just think of retaliation, we WILL retaliate". Alhamdulillah we did, and Insha Allah we will, in the future as well.

So what part of IK's sentence is too hard for you to comprehend. He made intentions clear to the world in televised address to the nation and this is what our PM must act not like inviting his Indian counterpart on wedding of his grand-daughter and having meeting with business tycoons of India in closed room without presence of NSA.

In addition to taking courses in comprehension, you also need to take courses in logic, so you actually understand what a 'circular argument' really is. Our position to shoot down multiple Indian bandits is ascertained through their quite lit backsides facing the noses of our Shaheens. This is aerial combat 101. And the permission I am talking about is the permission during mission planning. Stop trying to act like you know anything.

Stop trying to act like you know everything! You were not there in planning room or in the situation room. BTW, what sort of planning was this which allowed shooting down max 2 numbers of enemy aircraft and spare remaining. NO! Certainly, other crucial variables were taken into account which you are not willing to factor in in your ranting and yes, I not only know what a circular argument is I have exposed many in your OP. Now let that sink in ...!!
I am not about to educate you exactly why PAF had attained air superiority, and why IAF was in no position to give us a response. But you are not the first (and unfortunately not the last) IK follower who has made a selective interpretation of my words. You can go look at all my posts, not just this one. Yes, I have lamented the fact that we didn't roast more Indian bandits, but I have only lambasted our handling of the situation post Balakot. This is a subtlety which is lost on quick to jump the gun kids. You need to put in a lot more intellectual effort to truly understand what I am actually writing.
Again failed to respond the question asked and desperate attempt to change the goal posts. PAF's air superiority and IAF's failure is not even the point of discussion here.

This how 'Lawfare' works. If you are being pressurized on one forum, you open up another front on a different forum. India had been pressurizing us in FATF. This was a golden opportunity to open up a front in UNSC. It doesn't matter if nations come to Indian aid. India loses political capital because this is now one more favor it needs from its allies. In the world of international relations, nothing, and I mean NOTHING, is for free. India would need to pay for the favor in one form or the other. And this is how you get back at the enemy. But your traitor leaders wouldn't want that to happen, would they?

India already has all Veto votes of UNSC (apart from China) in her pocket and Pakistani leadership and even public know this well. Don't try to be over smart for the sake of argument.

This is now becoming a 'Comprehension Deficit', not merely a 'Comprehension Problem'. Did you read the part where I said the case of USAF is ambiguous? Go back, and re-read OP so you can understand. And I hope you have taken better care to read this post at least. There is a large portion of PAF inventory that comes from the US, and a large part of training received from USAF. After conducting a major exercise with a lot of interpersonal communication and interaction, a force such as USAF can certainly gauge the level of proficiency and capability to some level of approximation. Even if this is limited to the Vipers and Mirages, it is still information that would be useful for IAF and should have served to deter the IAF.

Yeah yeah ... in international exercises buddies from different forces hang together in bars and reveal all they know about to each other! If that's your understanding about the participants in Intl. mil exercises, may Allah help you.

If you have nothing better to add, get lost. You have simply wasted my time. The only reason I gave a detailed response is to counter the entire troupe of traitors rallying around your post. Other than mindless support of IK, I don't see any value in any of the posts at all. The time I have to spend responding to brain dead posts could have been better served elsewhere.
Look at you! I simply Pity you now. First whoever disagrees with you was qualified as 'small Pakistani brain' and now a traitor. I think either you are not aware of its meanings or are obsessed with using it in everywhere you find it difficult to counter someone logically.
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Being an old and quiet reader on PDF, I never intended to reply on an opinion piece as i firmly believe that everyone must have right to express him/herself without any fear. But when i started reading it, my mind was changed because there lies some grave shortcomings in OP's write up and it was written on some very dangerous assumptions like Pakistani leadership (both civil and mil being treated as TRAITORS) ... So here is my counter-argument.

This para is labor of a utterly childish attempt to paint COAS and CAS as inactive, with lack of vision and devoid of any strategic posturing. Any writer can have his views and I totally respect that but an honest writer always make clear his/her known and unknown biases or at least shape the write up in a way that reader can get to know those biases. Every one of us have those biases. Only chair, table, laptop or our cellphones are one which don't have any biases. Any brain with cognitive ability posses these biases. The bold part is something really interesting. To writer's view, it is lack of vision on part of Bajwa to have legacy filled with tests of naval cruise and surface to surface missiles of assorted types, along with ballistic missile tests/exercises carried out by the Pakistan army", for any brain who knows S of strategic would have said, Shukar Al Hamdolillah that finally our army is realizing something it has failed to realized hitherto. And what is that realization? That realization is knowing the fact that in this age and time, naval warfare is of paramount importance perhaps more important than land warfare for nations who are located in such a contested geography as Indian Ocean/Arabian Sea. Pakistan Army is finally realizing that in order to achieve full-spectrum deterrence, it is essential for sister forces to have enhanced strike capability along with pure defense capability just like army has (in form of 2 strike corps) and this is why lately we are witnessing investment in both PAF and PN unlike anything in our history. I don't want to indulge into details of future planning of both forces as anyone interested can go on internet and read about it. That underline sentence is nothing less than a circular argument. So what does OP want from a gentleman professional of highest caliber? Empty Bravado like that his Indian counterpart? If that's not the case, I failed to understand the need of this sentence there.

Well, Have nothing to say here. ... Let's hear him on world's most prominent forum (UNGA)...

Now list me PMs/Presidents who exposed RSS like that. Subservience! My FOOT!!!
and BTW, who OP thinks was giving him phases to repeat, if there was any? Bajwa?? And if yes, he belongs to same mil establishment who know very well what PAF achieved in WoT without which army would have been still fighting on multiple fronts with much higher fatality rates like Sri Lanka had to .. and perhaps this was something enemies envisioned when they launched that 4GW against Pakistan.

Again pure conjecturing. No substance to follow. Why on earth, PAF (or any other airforce for that matter) would expose its "true" capabilities to any foreign air force? Again an assertion made by someone without any strategic insight.

Now this is what we call a writer being caught in a circular argument.
Previously, it was supposedly, Bajwa and Co. giving IK written phrases to utter and this time around, Bajwa was "to be forced" (by IK) ... to show his true leanings (to whom?) by restricting PAF Shaheens from truing the skies of Kashmir into a slaughterhouse.
How did we come to know if we were in position to shoot down entire IAF in Kashmir? Uh, that revelation by Gp. Captain Rana Illyas. 9 permissions jati, tu result 9 jahazon ka hota... I don't know if it was wise on his part to reveal even that much but that is for another debate. So, 7 permissions were denied. Question is by Who? OP's answer is clear; one and only Bajwa (and IK by extension). But any mind with correct cerebral cortex would ask, how Bajwa/IK were aware of fact that these many locks have been achieved by PAF? In fast changing aerial combat, I don't think there was enough time for pilots/PAF to brief both Bajwa and Khan about locks and seeking permissions. So, question remains who actually denied those permissions? It must be someone in PAF. Bigger question though here is should we had escalated the conflict?

So you think shooting 7 more planes would have given us Kashmir or at least have wiped off entire IAF? Because anything less than that cannot be categorized as "decisive victory". Sir, war is far more complex than that and Indian foreign policy towards Pakistan is even more complex. IAF lost 1 aircraft and a helicopter. Now do the math how many PAF planes were engaged in one theater to achieve that? IAF is able to open similar fronts concurrently across the LoC and IB stretching PAF to its maximum and then take it out once all your aircraft will exhaust fuel and ammo. This is how big numerical and technical difference is between two air forces. Gladly, the person who didn't allow shooting down of those 7 additional aircraft flying well within enemy territory was aware of PAF's predicament and his head was connected to ground realities.

So, here is the answer i asked in last para. According to OP, India abrogated Article 370 because we didn't shoot down their 7 more aircraft and at the same time he is of the view that Pakistan should have invoke UNSC to "protest" as if that might have avoided abrogation of Article 370! Seriously? Protests don't work in realpolitik, we did what we had to to send a message. BJP/RSS was going to change status of Kashmir sooner or later as it was mentioned in their party manifesto and what has happened after its abrogation btw? Is Delhi more comfortable now?? for the first time, Pakistani leadership has taken RSS/BJP fascism to world stage and one can only do that with clear moral supremacy which according to Op is of no value. Arabs have started to listen lately and so is Americans. When you have a massive asymmetric disadvantage, you have to adapt. Modi has been the biggest blessing for Pakistan. Just wait and watch ... things will become more clear in coming days. And yes, war is coming (2022~23) despite this abrogation of Article 370 and us "losing" Kashmir which was not with us in the first place.

Hmm... where did I read that on the morning of 26/2/2019 ... there were only three parties knowing the TRUE capabilities of PAF including USAF? ... Oh Yes... couple of paras back in OP's writeup. Now, genius please explain this to us. If it was for the first time during Anatolian Eagle after SR that Americans were allowed to get a first hand interaction with Thunders ... how on earth they were aware of TRUE capabilities of PAF before SR. Please make your mind about it and stick to it.Again, OP is going in circles here.

PAF has this mission since eons. What came so new? Even the most ambitious PAF program (AZM) was launched before this SR. Mitigating coming threats is a natural process for any air force in the world and why PAF would be an exception in this regard.

That is cost of business of war which OP so eagerly wanted in the first place. If so much concern is for billions being pushed further into poverty, why crying on actions which avoided a certain war?

FINAL THOUGHTS: Biggest Cowardice is intellectual one; writing something without any substance and then pleading to the mods for locking the threat.
I could not agree more with what you have said, fortunately we still have sane minded people who are not simplistic or childish in mind when approaching things like these. They always manage to pin one person as a scapegoat for a 'failiure'.
OK. Let's revisit and try to comprehend what you originally wrote in this respect....
" By mid 2018, the lack of any grandiose strategic posturing was accompanied by an almost pin drop silence from the office of the newly appointed Air Chief Marshal Mujahid Anwar Khan - a gentleman and professional of the highest caliber, who believes in action on the battlefield and gelid reserve during peace."

Yes you paid a glowing tribute to him AFTER saying that his office was part some grandiose strategic posturing failure ... and then you complain about my comprehension. You wrote what you wrote, now stand with it. Changing Goal-Post Strategy is not going to work with me. And as you are too concerned about the English Grammar, it is "entirety" not "entirey", genius!

Yes. Indeed, a child can understand that but somehow you failed and wrote this below copied text in OP;
"Indeed, the few months that elapsed between Bajwa's appointment and the Ababeel test do not provide any grounds for crediting Bajwa with a strategic vision. The entirety of Bajwa's legacy is filled with tests of naval cruise and surface to surface missiles of assorted types, along with tactical ballistic missile tests/exercises carried out by the Pakistan army."

Now tell me, who needs comprehension classes? Certainly not me!!

Power projection in this age and time is not done by Army alone but naval and air power has more prominent role in that especially in a contested geography and that's exactly what Bajwa was doing or helping PN doing. So why all this ranting about him being a failure?? Continue this nonsensical ranting and people here will soon see who needs more professional help in comprehension about strategic matters,narrative building or perhaps in both.

Labeling everyone who is in a disagreement with you as a small Pakistani mind speaks volumes about your intellectual depth. Are you even synch with what's going on in and outside IOK due to Pakistan's diplomacy.

How could you failed to mention more of IK's achievements for Modi like asking him to pass CAA/NSA laws which have now become his biggest problem on diplomatic front. And you again failed to mention a single Pakistani leader who on UNGA forum exposed RSS/BJP by taking names in front of world diplomats? try again and you will fail again. Only thing is apart from Strategy, you are completely clueless about the diplomacy!

His statement is Diplomatic Power Projection as he is (or appearing to be) confident that Pakistan will not have to use nuclear weapon first. Entire Indian/Western intelligentsia has made Pakistan look like totally depended upon strategic weapons as it cannot fight a conventional war with India. Did you ever try to find out how bad that has impacted us in diplomatic circles. Pakistan needed to distance herself from that stated position (actual may remain the same for obvious reasons). Now when a PM of smaller state tells a global broadcast that we are not going to use nuclear weapon first (even if opposite is true in reality) against a much bigger adversary, it simply means we are appearing confident about our conventional deterrence. This is where IK took page out of SunTzu's Art of War; "Appear Weak when you are Powerful and Appear Powerful when you are weak." No PM gives statements of such strategic topics without prior planning.It was exhibited in all three dimensions (air, land, sea) during Feb 2019. Many in Pakistan doubt it, but like IAF's shortcoming on 27/2/2019, IA has its own share of those and PA knows them well like too many internal conflicts going on in multiple Indian states apart from Kashmir. Problem is this is too much to comprehend for an arrogant mind who sees everyone in disagreement as small Pakistani minds and in same breath tries to appear as savior of same Pakistanis!

Lastly! Please use a dictionary and see the meaning of words before using them. (Bold text in quoted) Either you don't know the meaning of Limelight or you are admitting IK brought the issue to Limelight ;)

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So what part of IK's sentence is too hard for you to comprehend. He made intentions clear to the world in televised address to the nation and this is what our PM must act not like inviting his Indian counterpart on wedding of his grand-daughter and having meeting with business tycoons of India in closed room without presence of NSA.

Stop trying to act like you know everything! You were not there in planning room or in the situation room. BTW, what sort of planning was this which allowed shooting down max 2 numbers of enemy aircraft and spare remaining. NO! Certainly, other crucial variables were taken into account which you are not willing to factor in in your ranting and yes, I not only know what a circular argument is I have exposed many in your OP. Now let that sink in ...!!

Again failed to respond the question asked and desperate attempt to change the goal posts. PAF's air superiority and IAF's failure is not even the point of discussion here.

India already has all Veto votes of UNSC (apart from China) in her pocket and Pakistani leadership and even public know this well. Don't try to be over smart for the sake of argument.

Yeah yeah ... in international exercises buddies from different forces hang together in bars and reveal all they know about to each other! If that's your understanding about the participants in Intl. mil exercises, may Allah help you.

Look at you! I simply Pity you now. First whoever disagrees with you was qualified as 'small Pakistani brain' and now a traitor. I think either you are not aware of its meanings or are obsessed with using it in everywhere you find it difficult to counter someone logically.

First of all, thank you for pointing out the mistake of using 'limelight'. The mistake has been corrected.

Secondly, learn the difference between spelling mistake and grammatical mistake.

Now, as to the rest of your garbage, let me spray some rose scented air freshener.

1. Whose remit is it to project power externally through 'grandiose strategic posturing'? Do you even understand the meaning of the word strategic as used by Pak Armed Forces? How can I criticize the ACM for something that is not even the remit of his office? In your haste to look smart, you have discounted the context in which I wrote these words, and even the actual meaning of the words.

2. The achievements of the Navy are a credit to them, not Bajwa. Is he so far gone that he now needs to stand upon the laurels of others? You are making him seem like a waste of space. Stop discrediting your own heroes. But let's look at another little gem. Why did Lt. Gen Sarfaraz Sattar conduct a training launch of Shaheen-I at the very end of his tenure as DG SPD? He had been appointed CC Armored Corps by then, but the next DG SPD had not been appointed yet. Other than Ababeel, for which credit cannot be given to Bajwa, the only other long range, solid fuel missile test was Shaheen-II in May 2019. Why? If you can't see the writing on the wall, no one is going to help you out of your blindness.

3. Now, for this one, I need to ask your permission. I have this overarching urge to call you a Chutiya, and your Prime Minister a Maha Chutiya. I hope you will grant me this permission. Because on the one hand he is a follower of Sun Tzu, projecting Pakistan's conventional power, and on the other hand he tries to scare the world with nuclear war. This is not statecraft, this is childish squeaking. There is no plot to this story, because the writer doesn't know what he wants to write. This is exactly what has diluted Pakistan's previous unwavering position on nuclear first use. Are you telling me that your useless PM could not defend Pakistan's right to first use in the face of Indian aggression? Then he should resign and let someone competent take over.

The rest of your gibberish isn't worth replying to. But just in the hope you will learn something useful and stop wasting my time with even more gibberish, let me point you here:

You are welcome :)

Spellings Mistakes ... Happy now?

1. Whose remit is it to project power externally through 'grandiose strategic posturing'? Do you even understand the meaning of the word strategic as used by Pak Armed Forces? How can I criticize the ACM for something that is not even the remit of his office? In your haste to look smart, you have discounted the context in which I wrote these words, and even the actual meaning of the words.

Oh Scholar! Had you an iota of knowledge about the word strategic and power projection, you would have realized that it is not Bajwa's responsibility alone, power projection is state's responsibility and all the elements of military bear equal responsibility. How can you criticize? ... why asking me this now.... Please read your own OP first. I am tired of quoting you again and again the way you mentioned him (through naming his office.) And if it was not his remit as per your newly discovered logic, why to mention him there along with Bajwa in the first place? Stop contradicting your won words. It is getting comical now.

2. The achievements of the Navy are a credit to them, not Bajwa. Is he so far gone that he now needs to stand upon the laurels of others? You are making him seem like a waste of space. Stop discrediting your own heroes. But let's look at another little gem. Why did Lt. Gen Sarfaraz Sattar conduct a training launch of Shaheen-I at the very end of his tenure as DG SPD? He had been appointed CC Armored Corps by then, but the next DG SPD had not been appointed yet. Other than Ababeel, for which credit cannot be given to Bajwa, the only other long range, solid fuel missile test was Shaheen-II in May 2019. Why? If you can't see the writing on the wall, no one is going to help you out of your blindness.

Now don't try to be over smart and don't you even think about putting your words into my mouth. It was you who desperately tried to make him look like standing on other's laurels not me. (Go read what you uttered in OP in first para). And who taught you that testing previously inducted systems again and again contribute anything substantial to the overall state power? Every heard a word "Economy"? This is biggest weakness in our state power and its projection. Soviet Union had thousands of nuclear weapons when it got disintegrated. Why didn't that power save her? Because people there had similar mindset which you have been depicting here that launching few already tested/inducted systems will project some sort of great power to the world. World is actually worried about our strategic strength and economic weakness. Do you even have an idea what kind of work Bajwa and team has been doing on economic front? Educate yourself as you seems completely out of synch with reality on ground
It has now proven beyond doubt that your grey matter is devoid of any strategic thought else you would have realized that no army can crawl on empty stomachs. According to you, A missile test= Grand Strategic Power Projection ... Don't know if I must laugh or cry?

3. Now, for this one, I need to ask your permission. I have this overarching urge to call you a Chutiya, and your Prime Minister a Maha Chutiya. I hope you will grant me this permission. Because on the one hand he is a follower of Sun Tzu, projecting Pakistan's conventional power, and on the other hand he tries to scare the world with nuclear war. This is not statecraft, this is childish squeaking. There is no plot to this story, because the writer doesn't know what he wants to write. This is exactly what has diluted Pakistan's previous unwavering position on nuclear first use. Are you telling me that your useless PM could not defend Pakistan's right to first use in the face of Indian aggression? Then he should resign and let someone competent take over.

Don't be defensive, Call me what you want ... I know how to respond to a twit like you in the language you understand best. Let's take that "C" word out first. Believe me feelings are mutual in that respect. Now to the meet of your argument; Comprehension problem here as you concluded that delusional meaning of what I wrote because you choose to ignore the part where i clearly differentiate between stated and real positions in diplomacy. If we remove stated (No first use), what he said in UNGA by default becomes the real position of Pakistan on use of nuclear weapon deployment which, in turn, automatically dispel your assertion that IK changed unwavering position on nuclear first use. I would reiterate, that this maximalist position is not our strength but a weakness from a pure diplomatic POV especially coupled with our bleak economic outlook.

The rest of your gibberish isn't worth replying to. But just in the hope you will learn something useful and stop wasting my time with even more gibberish, let me point you here:


So far you have found yourself compelled to respond me, and believe me this is what is going to repeat time and again till your replies will become first smaller, then one liners and then vanished. Thanks for the link BTW i have other more resourceful and accurate avenues of learning. So no thanks!
Much ink has been split to retrace the events leading up to and following Swift Retort (SR). So far, all such efforts portray SR as a knee jerk response to Indian aggression following the Pulwama attack. In this article, I would like to contextualize SR in the larger sequence of events. This will enable us to derive the full significance of PAF's swift retort to both the Indian barb and Pakistani lethargy.
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The months, and not just days, leading up to SR saw an increasingly belligerent Indian military and air force. The bowing out of COAS General Raheel Sharif and ACM Sohail Aman brought a season change to Pakistan's outward projection of military might. The last test of any new Pakistani missile with strategic significance was of Ababeel in January 2017, shortly after Bajwa came into office. Indeed, the few months that elapsed between Bajwa's appointment and the Ababeel test do not provide any grounds for crediting Bajwa with a strategic vision. The entirety of Bajwa's legacy is filled with tests of naval cruise and surface to surface missiles of assorted types, along with tactical ballistic missile tests/exercises carried out by the Pakistan army. By mid 2018, the lack of any grandiose strategic posturing was accompanied by an almost pin drop silence from the office of the newly appointed Air Chief Marshal Mujahid Anwar Khan - a gentleman and professional of the highest caliber, who believes in action on the battlefield and gelid reserve during peace.

In this backdrop, India continued an astounding accretion of strategic weapons such as nuclear submarines and strategic missiles with 5000+ km range. This was expected and in line with Indian hegemonic designs which it has openly expressed for a long time. But a surprising development was the sudden, and rather churlish, assertiveness of the loud mouthed Indian Air Force Chief B. S. Dhanoa. In presentations and statements, the Indian chief expressed readiness of his air force to fight the combined aerial might of both China and Pakistan. As we shall see, this would later provide comic relief to the rugged heights of Swift Retort.

For purposes of contextualization, we choose three significant events involving the Indian air force. The first is Exercise Gagan Shakti, in which IAF exercised its entire machinery, from logistics to fighter jets. The culmination of Gagan Shakti saw a heightened confidence in the Indian air force, with claims of 11000 sorties involving the full gamut of aircrafts at its disposal, and validation of plans to fight a two front war with both China and Pakistan. Indian journalists and political leaders were treated to low grade military pornography in the form of marquee Indian fighters dropping air to ground loads under quite unremarkable conditions.

The second event is participation of Indian air force in Exercise Pitch Black held in Australia. This was the first time IAF was participating in this particular exercise. As such, it was a chance for the newly ascendant IAF to express its relevance in international geo-politics, and send a strong signal in the rising tensions around the South China Sea. It projected India's image as a coalition partner, and reinforced the capability of India's Russian aircraft to inter-operate with Western equipment.

The third and final event of significance is COPE India 2018 held in Dec, just two months from Swift Retort. The exercise is best summarized in the words of U.S. Air Force Gen. CQ Brown, Jr., PACAF commander

“These exercise scenarios challenged us to be agile in execution, innovative in our approach and integrated in our command and control…enhancing the readiness and lethality of our Airmen and our allies and partners.”

At this point, I invite the reader to pay special attention to COPE India 2018 held in Dec 2018, and Falcon Talon III, a joint exercise between USAF and Pakistan Air Force held in Jan 2019, a month before the events of Swift Retort. Both exercises involved large number of aircrafts from the host countries. Both exercises provided ultimate opportunity to American analysts to gauge the level of preparation of IAF and PAF. And yet, by Feb 2019, we see no change in IAF's bellicose posture. Did the Americans not share PAF capabilities with their IAF friends? Did they knowingly downplayed Pakistani capabilities? Or did IAF simply failed to on-board the information provided by the Americans? These are questions whose answers we may never know.

What we do know, is that as the early hours of Feb 26 2019 approached, the Indian media machinery was in full swing ratcheting up war hysteria in the Indian population. Television anchors were sharing military plans that seemed to have been provided to them by professional analysts. Politicians were baying for blood. And the hypocrite Modi was absorbed in nurturing his image as servant of the people, washing feet of sanitary workers. This outward display of nonchalance and unfazed composure accompanied an inner turmoil arising from pontificating upon the impact of clouds on Pakistani radars. Alas, for Modi, neither humility nor bravado would be the saving grace.

But let us look at the perceptions of PAF prior to Operation Swift Retort. The complete lack of any strategic posture by the military, the placating, soothing appeasement by the government, and an open admittance of economic disaster, combined to project a very bleak picture of the PAF. Much of the world considered PAF to be outdated and outnumbered by the IAF. The Indian propaganda machine had been successful in solidifying the image of Su-30 in the minds of everyday Pakistanis as a potent force that could rule the skies of South Asia without challenge. The PAF's absence from the Kargil conflict, and India's bold and confrontational act of shooting down an unarmed naval plane within Pakistani borders had shaped up Pakistani psyche. The American raid on Abbottabad had been the final nail in the coffin that had sealed PAF's image as being unable to protect the country's borders. The Prime Minister Imran Khan, well known for his subservience to foreign interests, and his complete illiteracy at all matters pertaining to armed conflict, would parrot whatever phrases were given to him. And much of the Pakistani military establishment viewed PAF with doubt due to the aforementioned events.

As the morning of Feb 26 approached, there were possibly only three entities in the world that had a full understanding of PAF's true capabilities. The PAF itself, the PLAAF with which PAF has conducted wide ranging exercises and which has supplied PAF with a large portion of its inventory through purchases and join ventures, and finally, the USAF which has trained PAF and given it the sharp edge of the fabled Katana. It should be noted that the case of USAF is ambiguous because PAF has (at least officially) kept its Chinese and Western capabilities compartmentalized during international exercises.

Thus, once the failed Indian airstrike had taken place, Imran Khan had absolutely no clue what he was about to unleash as he approved the proportional response by targeting but not destroying Indian targets. And Bajwa would be forced to shows his true leanings by restricting PAF Shaheens from turning the skies of Kashmir into a slaughterhouse. Indian air force was caught pants down and exposed to the world.

However the clear aerial victory was not capitalized upon. Pakistani leaders fanned Indian belligerence through appeasement and a quick and meek release of the captured Indian pilot Abhinandan. Thus, what should have been a decisive victory in the skies of Kashmir, expanded into naval staring match in which India blinked, and reports of military conflict along the Sialkot border that was blacked out from media reporting.

The aftermath of Swift Retort saw India chastised yet belligerent, and the Pakistani nation oblivious to the meek capitulation by its leaders. The uneducated nation was easily led by mere words and promises of Pakistan's 'moral supremacy'. All the while, Pakistan's vested interests were sabotaged through a comedy in the United Nations where superfluous claims of ecological terrorism were launched despite Pakistan's right to invoke the Security Council to protest the violation of its territorial sovereignty. Otherwise educated Pakistanis acted as the guardians and emissaries of the deceitful Khan, explaining away all actions as Khan's supreme leadership and magnanimous personality. The net outcome being India's abrogation of Article 370, and France, Britain, and America combining to pressurize Pakistan through FATF.

Finally, one interesting event post Swift Retort was the participation of JF-17 in the Turkish Anatolian Eagle exercise along with F-15s of the American air force. Once the Thunder had delivered the shock during Swift Retort, PAF allowed the Americans to get a first hand interaction. And for the Americans to send their air superiority fighter, with a track record of 104 to nil, is quite flattering for the Thunder.

Now that the enemy has been shocked, and traitors within Pakistan have been surprised, PAF has been given the glorious and monumental task of ensuring Pakistan's independence from foreign vendors and increasing self-reliance through innovative research. The ACM Mujahid Anwar Khan has expressed the resolve to acquire whatever technologies are needed to match India's procurements. Pakistani and Chinese air forces conducted Shaheen-VIII to on-board the lessons learnt from Swift Retort. The Chinese J-10 fighters have provided with a realistic simulation of the Rafale threat. The Rafale manufacturing factory in France has come under an espionage attack. And Pakistan's growing closeness to Qatar has opened another avenue for Pakistan to learn more about this upcoming threat.

Meanwhile, the enemy has also been active. Indian air force chief has visited Sweden, the country of origin of Pakistan's large fleet of Erieye AEWACS systems. He has also paid a visit to Egypt, another Muslim country that fields Rafales. Defence cooperation is increasing between America and India, especially in the aerospace sector. India is set to acquire American UCAVs, attack helis, and SAM system using AMRAAM missiles. India is doing everything possible to counter PAF's technical edge.

The future looks good for aerial warfare in South Asia. The purveyors of 'finest military aircraft technology' must indeed be rejoicing, even as billions of people are pushed further into poverty, and Muslims are oppressed and marginalized throughout the world.

This piece represents the personal views of the author and do not necessarily reflect those held by the PDF management.
Everything is well written except unfair and politically motivated comments re Imran Khan. Sad
. .
Much ink has been split to retrace the events leading up to and following Swift Retort (SR). So far, all such efforts portray SR as a knee jerk response to Indian aggression following the Pulwama attack. In this article, I would like to contextualize SR in the larger sequence of events. This will enable us to derive the full significance of PAF's swift retort to both the Indian barb and Pakistani lethargy.
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The months, and not just days, leading up to SR saw an increasingly belligerent Indian military and air force. The bowing out of COAS General Raheel Sharif and ACM Sohail Aman brought a season change to Pakistan's outward projection of military might. The last test of any new Pakistani missile with strategic significance was of Ababeel in January 2017, shortly after Bajwa came into office. Indeed, the few months that elapsed between Bajwa's appointment and the Ababeel test do not provide any grounds for crediting Bajwa with a strategic vision. The entirety of Bajwa's legacy is filled with tests of naval cruise and surface to surface missiles of assorted types, along with tactical ballistic missile tests/exercises carried out by the Pakistan army. By mid 2018, the lack of any grandiose strategic posturing was accompanied by an almost pin drop silence from the office of the newly appointed Air Chief Marshal Mujahid Anwar Khan - a gentleman and professional of the highest caliber, who believes in action on the battlefield and gelid reserve during peace.

In this backdrop, India continued an astounding accretion of strategic weapons such as nuclear submarines and strategic missiles with 5000+ km range. This was expected and in line with Indian hegemonic designs which it has openly expressed for a long time. But a surprising development was the sudden, and rather churlish, assertiveness of the loud mouthed Indian Air Force Chief B. S. Dhanoa. In presentations and statements, the Indian chief expressed readiness of his air force to fight the combined aerial might of both China and Pakistan. As we shall see, this would later provide comic relief to the rugged heights of Swift Retort.

For purposes of contextualization, we choose three significant events involving the Indian air force. The first is Exercise Gagan Shakti, in which IAF exercised its entire machinery, from logistics to fighter jets. The culmination of Gagan Shakti saw a heightened confidence in the Indian air force, with claims of 11000 sorties involving the full gamut of aircrafts at its disposal, and validation of plans to fight a two front war with both China and Pakistan. Indian journalists and political leaders were treated to low grade military pornography in the form of marquee Indian fighters dropping air to ground loads under quite unremarkable conditions.

The second event is participation of Indian air force in Exercise Pitch Black held in Australia. This was the first time IAF was participating in this particular exercise. As such, it was a chance for the newly ascendant IAF to express its relevance in international geo-politics, and send a strong signal in the rising tensions around the South China Sea. It projected India's image as a coalition partner, and reinforced the capability of India's Russian aircraft to inter-operate with Western equipment.

The third and final event of significance is COPE India 2018 held in Dec, just two months from Swift Retort. The exercise is best summarized in the words of U.S. Air Force Gen. CQ Brown, Jr., PACAF commander

“These exercise scenarios challenged us to be agile in execution, innovative in our approach and integrated in our command and control…enhancing the readiness and lethality of our Airmen and our allies and partners.”

At this point, I invite the reader to pay special attention to COPE India 2018 held in Dec 2018, and Falcon Talon III, a joint exercise between USAF and Pakistan Air Force held in Jan 2019, a month before the events of Swift Retort. Both exercises involved large number of aircrafts from the host countries. Both exercises provided ultimate opportunity to American analysts to gauge the level of preparation of IAF and PAF. And yet, by Feb 2019, we see no change in IAF's bellicose posture. Did the Americans not share PAF capabilities with their IAF friends? Did they knowingly downplayed Pakistani capabilities? Or did IAF simply failed to on-board the information provided by the Americans? These are questions whose answers we may never know.

What we do know, is that as the early hours of Feb 26 2019 approached, the Indian media machinery was in full swing ratcheting up war hysteria in the Indian population. Television anchors were sharing military plans that seemed to have been provided to them by professional analysts. Politicians were baying for blood. And the hypocrite Modi was absorbed in nurturing his image as servant of the people, washing feet of sanitary workers. This outward display of nonchalance and unfazed composure accompanied an inner turmoil arising from pontificating upon the impact of clouds on Pakistani radars. Alas, for Modi, neither humility nor bravado would be the saving grace.

But let us look at the perceptions of PAF prior to Operation Swift Retort. The complete lack of any strategic posture by the military, the placating, soothing appeasement by the government, and an open admittance of economic disaster, combined to project a very bleak picture of the PAF. Much of the world considered PAF to be outdated and outnumbered by the IAF. The Indian propaganda machine had been successful in solidifying the image of Su-30 in the minds of everyday Pakistanis as a potent force that could rule the skies of South Asia without challenge. The PAF's absence from the Kargil conflict, and India's bold and confrontational act of shooting down an unarmed naval plane within Pakistani borders had shaped up Pakistani psyche. The American raid on Abbottabad had been the final nail in the coffin that had sealed PAF's image as being unable to protect the country's borders. The Prime Minister Imran Khan, well known for his subservience to foreign interests, and his complete illiteracy at all matters pertaining to armed conflict, would parrot whatever phrases were given to him. And much of the Pakistani military establishment viewed PAF with doubt due to the aforementioned events.

As the morning of Feb 26 approached, there were possibly only three entities in the world that had a full understanding of PAF's true capabilities. The PAF itself, the PLAAF with which PAF has conducted wide ranging exercises and which has supplied PAF with a large portion of its inventory through purchases and join ventures, and finally, the USAF which has trained PAF and given it the sharp edge of the fabled Katana. It should be noted that the case of USAF is ambiguous because PAF has (at least officially) kept its Chinese and Western capabilities compartmentalized during international exercises.

Thus, once the failed Indian airstrike had taken place, Imran Khan had absolutely no clue what he was about to unleash as he approved the proportional response by targeting but not destroying Indian targets. And Bajwa would be forced to shows his true leanings by restricting PAF Shaheens from turning the skies of Kashmir into a slaughterhouse. Indian air force was caught pants down and exposed to the world.

However the clear aerial victory was not capitalized upon. Pakistani leaders fanned Indian belligerence through appeasement and a quick and meek release of the captured Indian pilot Abhinandan. Thus, what should have been a decisive victory in the skies of Kashmir, expanded into naval staring match in which India blinked, and reports of military conflict along the Sialkot border that was blacked out from media reporting.

The aftermath of Swift Retort saw India chastised yet belligerent, and the Pakistani nation oblivious to the meek capitulation by its leaders. The uneducated nation was easily led by mere words and promises of Pakistan's 'moral supremacy'. All the while, Pakistan's vested interests were sabotaged through a comedy in the United Nations where superfluous claims of ecological terrorism were launched despite Pakistan's right to invoke the Security Council to protest the violation of its territorial sovereignty. Otherwise educated Pakistanis acted as the guardians and emissaries of the deceitful Khan, explaining away all actions as Khan's supreme leadership and magnanimous personality. The net outcome being India's abrogation of Article 370, and France, Britain, and America combining to pressurize Pakistan through FATF.

Finally, one interesting event post Swift Retort was the participation of JF-17 in the Turkish Anatolian Eagle exercise along with F-15s of the American air force. Once the Thunder had delivered the shock during Swift Retort, PAF allowed the Americans to get a first hand interaction. And for the Americans to send their air superiority fighter, with a track record of 104 to nil, is quite flattering for the Thunder.

Now that the enemy has been shocked, and traitors within Pakistan have been surprised, PAF has been given the glorious and monumental task of ensuring Pakistan's independence from foreign vendors and increasing self-reliance through innovative research. The ACM Mujahid Anwar Khan has expressed the resolve to acquire whatever technologies are needed to match India's procurements. Pakistani and Chinese air forces conducted Shaheen-VIII to on-board the lessons learnt from Swift Retort. The Chinese J-10 fighters have provided with a realistic simulation of the Rafale threat. The Rafale manufacturing factory in France has come under an espionage attack. And Pakistan's growing closeness to Qatar has opened another avenue for Pakistan to learn more about this upcoming threat.

Meanwhile, the enemy has also been active. Indian air force chief has visited Sweden, the country of origin of Pakistan's large fleet of Erieye AEWACS systems. He has also paid a visit to Egypt, another Muslim country that fields Rafales. Defence cooperation is increasing between America and India, especially in the aerospace sector. India is set to acquire American UCAVs, attack helis, and SAM system using AMRAAM missiles. India is doing everything possible to counter PAF's technical edge.

The future looks good for aerial warfare in South Asia. The purveyors of 'finest military aircraft technology' must indeed be rejoicing, even as billions of people are pushed further into poverty, and Muslims are oppressed and marginalized throughout the world.

This piece represents the personal views of the author and do not necessarily reflect those held by the PDF management.


India presented the might of its air force on a platter to pakistan air force and the commanders of pakistan's military wilted like flowers under a hot sun---.

Cowardice of pakistani generals has been legendary at critical times of its history---.

India presented the might of its air force on a platter to pakistan air force and the commanders of pakistan's military wilted like flowers under a hot sun---.

Cowardice of pakistani generals has been legendary at critical times of its history---.
What is your reasoning as to how you see the commanders of Operation Swift Retort being inept?
Much ink has been split to retrace the events leading up to and following Swift Retort (SR). So far, all such efforts portray SR as a knee jerk response to Indian aggression following the Pulwama attack. In this article, I would like to contextualize SR in the larger sequence of events. This will enable us to derive the full significance of PAF's swift retort to both the Indian barb and Pakistani lethargy.
View attachment 621156
The months, and not just days, leading up to SR saw an increasingly belligerent Indian military and air force. The bowing out of COAS General Raheel Sharif and ACM Sohail Aman brought a season change to Pakistan's outward projection of military might. The last test of any new Pakistani missile with strategic significance was of Ababeel in January 2017, shortly after Bajwa came into office. Indeed, the few months that elapsed between Bajwa's appointment and the Ababeel test do not provide any grounds for crediting Bajwa with a strategic vision. The entirety of Bajwa's legacy is filled with tests of naval cruise and surface to surface missiles of assorted types, along with tactical ballistic missile tests/exercises carried out by the Pakistan army. By mid 2018, the lack of any grandiose strategic posturing was accompanied by an almost pin drop silence from the office of the newly appointed Air Chief Marshal Mujahid Anwar Khan - a gentleman and professional of the highest caliber, who believes in action on the battlefield and gelid reserve during peace.

In this backdrop, India continued an astounding accretion of strategic weapons such as nuclear submarines and strategic missiles with 5000+ km range. This was expected and in line with Indian hegemonic designs which it has openly expressed for a long time. But a surprising development was the sudden, and rather churlish, assertiveness of the loud mouthed Indian Air Force Chief B. S. Dhanoa. In presentations and statements, the Indian chief expressed readiness of his air force to fight the combined aerial might of both China and Pakistan. As we shall see, this would later provide comic relief to the rugged heights of Swift Retort.

For purposes of contextualization, we choose three significant events involving the Indian air force. The first is Exercise Gagan Shakti, in which IAF exercised its entire machinery, from logistics to fighter jets. The culmination of Gagan Shakti saw a heightened confidence in the Indian air force, with claims of 11000 sorties involving the full gamut of aircrafts at its disposal, and validation of plans to fight a two front war with both China and Pakistan. Indian journalists and political leaders were treated to low grade military pornography in the form of marquee Indian fighters dropping air to ground loads under quite unremarkable conditions.

The second event is participation of Indian air force in Exercise Pitch Black held in Australia. This was the first time IAF was participating in this particular exercise. As such, it was a chance for the newly ascendant IAF to express its relevance in international geo-politics, and send a strong signal in the rising tensions around the South China Sea. It projected India's image as a coalition partner, and reinforced the capability of India's Russian aircraft to inter-operate with Western equipment.

The third and final event of significance is COPE India 2018 held in Dec, just two months from Swift Retort. The exercise is best summarized in the words of U.S. Air Force Gen. CQ Brown, Jr., PACAF commander

“These exercise scenarios challenged us to be agile in execution, innovative in our approach and integrated in our command and control…enhancing the readiness and lethality of our Airmen and our allies and partners.”

At this point, I invite the reader to pay special attention to COPE India 2018 held in Dec 2018, and Falcon Talon III, a joint exercise between USAF and Pakistan Air Force held in Jan 2019, a month before the events of Swift Retort. Both exercises involved large number of aircrafts from the host countries. Both exercises provided ultimate opportunity to American analysts to gauge the level of preparation of IAF and PAF. And yet, by Feb 2019, we see no change in IAF's bellicose posture. Did the Americans not share PAF capabilities with their IAF friends? Did they knowingly downplayed Pakistani capabilities? Or did IAF simply failed to on-board the information provided by the Americans? These are questions whose answers we may never know.

What we do know, is that as the early hours of Feb 26 2019 approached, the Indian media machinery was in full swing ratcheting up war hysteria in the Indian population. Television anchors were sharing military plans that seemed to have been provided to them by professional analysts. Politicians were baying for blood. And the hypocrite Modi was absorbed in nurturing his image as servant of the people, washing feet of sanitary workers. This outward display of nonchalance and unfazed composure accompanied an inner turmoil arising from pontificating upon the impact of clouds on Pakistani radars. Alas, for Modi, neither humility nor bravado would be the saving grace.

But let us look at the perceptions of PAF prior to Operation Swift Retort. The complete lack of any strategic posture by the military, the placating, soothing appeasement by the government, and an open admittance of economic disaster, combined to project a very bleak picture of the PAF. Much of the world considered PAF to be outdated and outnumbered by the IAF. The Indian propaganda machine had been successful in solidifying the image of Su-30 in the minds of everyday Pakistanis as a potent force that could rule the skies of South Asia without challenge. The PAF's absence from the Kargil conflict, and India's bold and confrontational act of shooting down an unarmed naval plane within Pakistani borders had shaped up Pakistani psyche. The American raid on Abbottabad had been the final nail in the coffin that had sealed PAF's image as being unable to protect the country's borders. The Prime Minister Imran Khan, well known for his subservience to foreign interests, and his complete illiteracy at all matters pertaining to armed conflict, would parrot whatever phrases were given to him. And much of the Pakistani military establishment viewed PAF with doubt due to the aforementioned events.

As the morning of Feb 26 approached, there were possibly only three entities in the world that had a full understanding of PAF's true capabilities. The PAF itself, the PLAAF with which PAF has conducted wide ranging exercises and which has supplied PAF with a large portion of its inventory through purchases and join ventures, and finally, the USAF which has trained PAF and given it the sharp edge of the fabled Katana. It should be noted that the case of USAF is ambiguous because PAF has (at least officially) kept its Chinese and Western capabilities compartmentalized during international exercises.

Thus, once the failed Indian airstrike had taken place, Imran Khan had absolutely no clue what he was about to unleash as he approved the proportional response by targeting but not destroying Indian targets. And Bajwa would be forced to shows his true leanings by restricting PAF Shaheens from turning the skies of Kashmir into a slaughterhouse. Indian air force was caught pants down and exposed to the world.

However the clear aerial victory was not capitalized upon. Pakistani leaders fanned Indian belligerence through appeasement and a quick and meek release of the captured Indian pilot Abhinandan. Thus, what should have been a decisive victory in the skies of Kashmir, expanded into naval staring match in which India blinked, and reports of military conflict along the Sialkot border that was blacked out from media reporting.

The aftermath of Swift Retort saw India chastised yet belligerent, and the Pakistani nation oblivious to the meek capitulation by its leaders. The uneducated nation was easily led by mere words and promises of Pakistan's 'moral supremacy'. All the while, Pakistan's vested interests were sabotaged through a comedy in the United Nations where superfluous claims of ecological terrorism were launched despite Pakistan's right to invoke the Security Council to protest the violation of its territorial sovereignty. Otherwise educated Pakistanis acted as the guardians and emissaries of the deceitful Khan, explaining away all actions as Khan's supreme leadership and magnanimous personality. The net outcome being India's abrogation of Article 370, and France, Britain, and America combining to pressurize Pakistan through FATF.

Finally, one interesting event post Swift Retort was the participation of JF-17 in the Turkish Anatolian Eagle exercise along with F-15s of the American air force. Once the Thunder had delivered the shock during Swift Retort, PAF allowed the Americans to get a first hand interaction. And for the Americans to send their air superiority fighter, with a track record of 104 to nil, is quite flattering for the Thunder.

Now that the enemy has been shocked, and traitors within Pakistan have been surprised, PAF has been given the glorious and monumental task of ensuring Pakistan's independence from foreign vendors and increasing self-reliance through innovative research. The ACM Mujahid Anwar Khan has expressed the resolve to acquire whatever technologies are needed to match India's procurements. Pakistani and Chinese air forces conducted Shaheen-VIII to on-board the lessons learnt from Swift Retort. The Chinese J-10 fighters have provided with a realistic simulation of the Rafale threat. The Rafale manufacturing factory in France has come under an espionage attack. And Pakistan's growing closeness to Qatar has opened another avenue for Pakistan to learn more about this upcoming threat.

Meanwhile, the enemy has also been active. Indian air force chief has visited Sweden, the country of origin of Pakistan's large fleet of Erieye AEWACS systems. He has also paid a visit to Egypt, another Muslim country that fields Rafales. Defence cooperation is increasing between America and India, especially in the aerospace sector. India is set to acquire American UCAVs, attack helis, and SAM system using AMRAAM missiles. India is doing everything possible to counter PAF's technical edge.

The future looks good for aerial warfare in South Asia. The purveyors of 'finest military aircraft technology' must indeed be rejoicing, even as billions of people are pushed further into poverty, and Muslims are oppressed and marginalized throughout the world.

This piece represents the personal views of the author and do not necessarily reflect those held by the PDF management.
There is nothing of substance in this whole write up and nothing new had been said. Except for making moronic claims of IK being subservient to foreign interests, and lets not forget that how his statements about state of economy of this country. I fail to understand what exactly author is trying to say here other than Bajwa wasnt ready because we didnt test some weapons, IK wasnt ready because he was focusing on economy, this writeup is nothing but a word soup that only leaves a bad taste.

Weather we like it or not, our economy is in the gutter, our foreign relations were non existent and at the time when IK released Abhi-NONEDONE I was protesting against it. But looking back it, it was the right move. I am no blind follower of IK, I have a lot of criticism for his leadership and how he looks at things but this word soup is utter non-sense.

No body was under estimating PAF, except for Indians but those bunch of cow piss drinkers do like to think of themselves as "Wishve Guru", bunch of delusional morons.

We should have gone all in and knocked out every Indian jet in the Kashmir sector.

Yes, a great solution. Start an all out war. What a novel idea.
. .
Since you have given me the express permission to not be defensive, and call you what I want, let's be clear on one thing. I am saying this with your permission: you are some cockroach that has crawled out of a gutter to make noises for treasonous leaders. You are intellectually stunted, and the most you can do is vomit the effluence you ingested. If I am engaging you in conversation, it is because I have my reasons, and you happen to be a convenient nobody.

You are welcome :)

Spellings Mistakes ... Happy now?

Oh Scholar! Had you an iota of knowledge about the word strategic and power projection, you would have realized that it is not Bajwa's responsibility alone, power projection is state's responsibility and all the elements of military bear equal responsibility. How can you criticize? ... why asking me this now.... Please read your own OP first. I am tired of quoting you again and again the way you mentioned him (through naming his office.) And if it was not his remit as per your newly discovered logic, why to mention him there along with Bajwa in the first place? Stop contradicting your won words. It is getting comical now.

You have neither the intellect, nor the education to understand what I am writing. Juxtapositioning is a standard literary device used to bring two things into contrast. This sentence, which your untrained brain cannot process, is recapping historical facts and is portraying the picture that was forming in the minds of observers when these events were being played out. Learn more about juxtapositioning:


Now don't try to be over smart and don't you even think about putting your words into my mouth. It was you who desperately tried to make him look like standing on other's laurels not me. (Go read what you uttered in OP in first para). And who taught you that testing previously inducted systems again and again contribute anything substantial to the overall state power? Every heard a word "Economy"? This is biggest weakness in our state power and its projection. Soviet Union had thousands of nuclear weapons when it got disintegrated. Why didn't that power save her? Because people there had similar mindset which you have been depicting here that launching few already tested/inducted systems will project some sort of great power to the world. World is actually worried about our strategic strength and economic weakness. Do you even have an idea what kind of work Bajwa and team has been doing on economic front? Educate yourself as you seems completely out of synch with reality on ground
It has now proven beyond doubt that your grey matter is devoid of any strategic thought else you would have realized that no army can crawl on empty stomachs. According to you, A missile test= Grand Strategic Power Projection ... Don't know if I must laugh or cry?

Go back, then read and re-read what I wrote. Did I say that Gen Sarfaraz Sattar conducted the test for power projection? Or did I imply that he used whatever influence was available to him to challenge the status quo?

It is quite evident you do not regularly follow Pakistani authors who write on strategic issues, or American think tanks from Harvard and Carnegie Melon. Pakistani authors are justifying further expenditure into strategic assets on international fora. This article is from April 25, 2020:


published on a European website. In contrast, American think tanks are using Pakistani authors to call for a limit on MIRV development:


In this backdrop, Bajwa's moratorium on further testing of Ababeel is downright treasonous. And it seems these traitors have quite a following of insects who are cowards at heart. Your kind have no self-respect, no vision, other than becoming lapdogs of whomever is willing to give you money/aid.

Don't be defensive, Call me what you want ... I know how to respond to a twit like you in the language you understand best. Let's take that "C" word out first. Believe me feelings are mutual in that respect. Now to the meet of your argument; Comprehension problem here as you concluded that delusional meaning of what I wrote because you choose to ignore the part where i clearly differentiate between stated and real positions in diplomacy. If we remove stated (No first use), what he said in UNGA by default becomes the real position of Pakistan on use of nuclear weapon deployment which, in turn, automatically dispel your assertion that IK changed unwavering position on nuclear first use. I would reiterate, that this maximalist position is not our strength but a weakness from a pure diplomatic POV especially coupled with our bleak economic outlook.

So far you have found yourself compelled to respond me, and believe me this is what is going to repeat time and again till your replies will become first smaller, then one liners and then vanished. Thanks for the link BTW i have other more resourceful and accurate avenues of learning. So no thanks!

Like a coward you must use the excuse of diplomacy. Amongst equal enemies, diplomacy is the gentrification of mutual hate. Used by the more powerful enemy, diplomacy is the gentrification of imperialism. And used by the weaker enemy, diplomacy is the language of defeat. You and your treasonous leaders have accepted defeat. But you do not represent the wishes of the brave Pakistanis who have faith in Allah the Almighty, and the courage and knowledge to stand on their own two feet. If these traitor leaders could have their way, they would give up Pakistan's nuclear weapons, in the pre-Covid world they would open up the country for tourism, encourage transgender ladyboys, and then compete with Thailand. This is the extent of their vision, and this is the extent of the bravado of their coward followers.


India presented the might of its air force on a platter to pakistan air force and the commanders of pakistan's military wilted like flowers under a hot sun---.

Cowardice of pakistani generals has been legendary at critical times of its history---.

It is my personal opinion that the treason took place during Bajwa's visits to London:

October 2018

There is more circumstantial evidence. In a talk with journalists, Gen Asif Ghafoor is on record saying Bajwa is indispensable because he has relations with foreign actors. This in itself is a slap on the 700000 strong Pakistani army. Apparently, the entire army must come to a stand still to appease the whims of foreign actors by keeping their favorite stooge as the head. Are Pakistani army chiefs selected to appease foreign interests now?

Then there is the 'advisory' role Bajwa played in the Tehran-Washington fiasco. He apparently advised Tehran how it can rescue its self-image after the murder of Qasim Sulemani. He seems to be the regional expert on pre-meditated skirmishes.
Operation swift retort was a success. But people calling it a failure, Blaming Pakistani leaders to not give a full go ahead at India and painting it a curtailed treason like scenario are people who have Indian Mindset.
You people dont understand that even if a single F7 had crashed anywhere in Pakistan even due to technical reasons the whole PR victory would have been lost. You people still dont understand Indian Media machine and bloggers? Look how they cooked up and shoved the F16 story out of thin air?
God forbad if a single PAF jet was shootdown in the face of 5 Indian jets, the PR gurus of Bharat would have twisted it in their favour.
And still i will not underestimate Indian Airforce at all. Our execution was spot on along with Concentrated mobilization. Be content that we humiliated the much larger enemy instead of underestimating them.


Your post smells FEAR---.

What a piece of 'bullcrap'---.

Fortunes of nations are not built on 'would have'.

Just like 'if we had gone in and killed Osama Bin Laden' the US would still have attacked---.

This is has become the favorite term of the pakistanis over the years---.

This is a mindset of people with very low self esteem, people who are constant losers---people who never take responsibility of their actions---.

It is better to lose one against downing 5 enemy aircraft than letting 7 enemy aircraft escape---.
Much ink has been split to retrace the events leading up to and following Swift Retort (SR). So far, all such efforts portray SR as a knee jerk response to Indian aggression following the Pulwama attack. In this article, I would like to contextualize SR in the larger sequence of events. This will enable us to derive the full significance of PAF's swift retort to both the Indian barb and Pakistani lethargy.
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The months, and not just days, leading up to SR saw an increasingly belligerent Indian military and air force. The bowing out of COAS General Raheel Sharif and ACM Sohail Aman brought a season change to Pakistan's outward projection of military might. The last test of any new Pakistani missile with strategic significance was of Ababeel in January 2017, shortly after Bajwa came into office. Indeed, the few months that elapsed between Bajwa's appointment and the Ababeel test do not provide any grounds for crediting Bajwa with a strategic vision. The entirety of Bajwa's legacy is filled with tests of naval cruise and surface to surface missiles of assorted types, along with tactical ballistic missile tests/exercises carried out by the Pakistan army. By mid 2018, the lack of any grandiose strategic posturing was accompanied by an almost pin drop silence from the office of the newly appointed Air Chief Marshal Mujahid Anwar Khan - a gentleman and professional of the highest caliber, who believes in action on the battlefield and gelid reserve during peace.

In this backdrop, India continued an astounding accretion of strategic weapons such as nuclear submarines and strategic missiles with 5000+ km range. This was expected and in line with Indian hegemonic designs which it has openly expressed for a long time. But a surprising development was the sudden, and rather churlish, assertiveness of the loud mouthed Indian Air Force Chief B. S. Dhanoa. In presentations and statements, the Indian chief expressed readiness of his air force to fight the combined aerial might of both China and Pakistan. As we shall see, this would later provide comic relief to the rugged heights of Swift Retort.

For purposes of contextualization, we choose three significant events involving the Indian air force. The first is Exercise Gagan Shakti, in which IAF exercised its entire machinery, from logistics to fighter jets. The culmination of Gagan Shakti saw a heightened confidence in the Indian air force, with claims of 11000 sorties involving the full gamut of aircrafts at its disposal, and validation of plans to fight a two front war with both China and Pakistan. Indian journalists and political leaders were treated to low grade military pornography in the form of marquee Indian fighters dropping air to ground loads under quite unremarkable conditions.

The second event is participation of Indian air force in Exercise Pitch Black held in Australia. This was the first time IAF was participating in this particular exercise. As such, it was a chance for the newly ascendant IAF to express its relevance in international geo-politics, and send a strong signal in the rising tensions around the South China Sea. It projected India's image as a coalition partner, and reinforced the capability of India's Russian aircraft to inter-operate with Western equipment.

The third and final event of significance is COPE India 2018 held in Dec, just two months from Swift Retort. The exercise is best summarized in the words of U.S. Air Force Gen. CQ Brown, Jr., PACAF commander

“These exercise scenarios challenged us to be agile in execution, innovative in our approach and integrated in our command and control…enhancing the readiness and lethality of our Airmen and our allies and partners.”

At this point, I invite the reader to pay special attention to COPE India 2018 held in Dec 2018, and Falcon Talon III, a joint exercise between USAF and Pakistan Air Force held in Jan 2019, a month before the events of Swift Retort. Both exercises involved large number of aircrafts from the host countries. Both exercises provided ultimate opportunity to American analysts to gauge the level of preparation of IAF and PAF. And yet, by Feb 2019, we see no change in IAF's bellicose posture. Did the Americans not share PAF capabilities with their IAF friends? Did they knowingly downplayed Pakistani capabilities? Or did IAF simply failed to on-board the information provided by the Americans? These are questions whose answers we may never know.

What we do know, is that as the early hours of Feb 26 2019 approached, the Indian media machinery was in full swing ratcheting up war hysteria in the Indian population. Television anchors were sharing military plans that seemed to have been provided to them by professional analysts. Politicians were baying for blood. And the hypocrite Modi was absorbed in nurturing his image as servant of the people, washing feet of sanitary workers. This outward display of nonchalance and unfazed composure accompanied an inner turmoil arising from pontificating upon the impact of clouds on Pakistani radars. Alas, for Modi, neither humility nor bravado would be the saving grace.

But let us look at the perceptions of PAF prior to Operation Swift Retort. The complete lack of any strategic posture by the military, the placating, soothing appeasement by the government, and an open admittance of economic disaster, combined to project a very bleak picture of the PAF. Much of the world considered PAF to be outdated and outnumbered by the IAF. The Indian propaganda machine had been successful in solidifying the image of Su-30 in the minds of everyday Pakistanis as a potent force that could rule the skies of South Asia without challenge. The PAF's absence from the Kargil conflict, and India's bold and confrontational act of shooting down an unarmed naval plane within Pakistani borders had shaped up Pakistani psyche. The American raid on Abbottabad had been the final nail in the coffin that had sealed PAF's image as being unable to protect the country's borders. The Prime Minister Imran Khan, well known for his subservience to foreign interests, and his complete illiteracy at all matters pertaining to armed conflict, would parrot whatever phrases were given to him. And much of the Pakistani military establishment viewed PAF with doubt due to the aforementioned events.

As the morning of Feb 26 approached, there were possibly only three entities in the world that had a full understanding of PAF's true capabilities. The PAF itself, the PLAAF with which PAF has conducted wide ranging exercises and which has supplied PAF with a large portion of its inventory through purchases and join ventures, and finally, the USAF which has trained PAF and given it the sharp edge of the fabled Katana. It should be noted that the case of USAF is ambiguous because PAF has (at least officially) kept its Chinese and Western capabilities compartmentalized during international exercises.

Thus, once the failed Indian airstrike had taken place, Imran Khan had absolutely no clue what he was about to unleash as he approved the proportional response by targeting but not destroying Indian targets. And Bajwa would be forced to shows his true leanings by restricting PAF Shaheens from turning the skies of Kashmir into a slaughterhouse. Indian air force was caught pants down and exposed to the world.

However the clear aerial victory was not capitalized upon. Pakistani leaders fanned Indian belligerence through appeasement and a quick and meek release of the captured Indian pilot Abhinandan. Thus, what should have been a decisive victory in the skies of Kashmir, expanded into naval staring match in which India blinked, and reports of military conflict along the Sialkot border that was blacked out from media reporting.

The aftermath of Swift Retort saw India chastised yet belligerent, and the Pakistani nation oblivious to the meek capitulation by its leaders. The uneducated nation was easily led by mere words and promises of Pakistan's 'moral supremacy'. All the while, Pakistan's vested interests were sabotaged through a comedy in the United Nations where superfluous claims of ecological terrorism were launched despite Pakistan's right to invoke the Security Council to protest the violation of its territorial sovereignty. Otherwise educated Pakistanis acted as the guardians and emissaries of the deceitful Khan, explaining away all actions as Khan's supreme leadership and magnanimous personality. The net outcome being India's abrogation of Article 370, and France, Britain, and America combining to pressurize Pakistan through FATF.

Finally, one interesting event post Swift Retort was the participation of JF-17 in the Turkish Anatolian Eagle exercise along with F-15s of the American air force. Once the Thunder had delivered the shock during Swift Retort, PAF allowed the Americans to get a first hand interaction. And for the Americans to send their air superiority fighter, with a track record of 104 to nil, is quite flattering for the Thunder.

Now that the enemy has been shocked, and traitors within Pakistan have been surprised, PAF has been given the glorious and monumental task of ensuring Pakistan's independence from foreign vendors and increasing self-reliance through innovative research. The ACM Mujahid Anwar Khan has expressed the resolve to acquire whatever technologies are needed to match India's procurements. Pakistani and Chinese air forces conducted Shaheen-VIII to on-board the lessons learnt from Swift Retort. The Chinese J-10 fighters have provided with a realistic simulation of the Rafale threat. The Rafale manufacturing factory in France has come under an espionage attack. And Pakistan's growing closeness to Qatar has opened another avenue for Pakistan to learn more about this upcoming threat.

Meanwhile, the enemy has also been active. Indian air force chief has visited Sweden, the country of origin of Pakistan's large fleet of Erieye AEWACS systems. He has also paid a visit to Egypt, another Muslim country that fields Rafales. Defence cooperation is increasing between America and India, especially in the aerospace sector. India is set to acquire American UCAVs, attack helis, and SAM system using AMRAAM missiles. India is doing everything possible to counter PAF's technical edge.

The future looks good for aerial warfare in South Asia. The purveyors of 'finest military aircraft technology' must indeed be rejoicing, even as billions of people are pushed further into poverty, and Muslims are oppressed and marginalized throughout the world.

This piece represents the personal views of the author and do not necessarily reflect those held by the PDF management.

A biased opinion based article hardly backed by on ground facts.
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