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Construction of Pak Navy's first MILGEM-class ship begins

2 in Turkey, 2 in Pakistan. should be similar types
And the questions lingers on,, what exactly will be PAKISTAN'S Milgem Class boat!
Is it Ada Class Corvette OR the Istanbul Class Frigate?
As per the information available so far, it seems like Pakistan's Jinnah Class corvette will be something in between Turkish Milgem project Ada class corvettes and the Istanbul class frigates. The displacement closer to Ada class BUT with more weaponry!!
The authorities have unsurprisingly but frustratingly (for us people) been very tight lipped on this. Little will be reveleid and once the ship is delivered we will get to know better (even at that time more by looking at the images than official statements)

Another totally different information circulating around is that while the first two OR may be even three will be closer to Ada Class Corvettes (if not entirely similar) the fourth ship will be designed and built entirely in Pakistan (third one will be built in Pak too but this fourth one will be DESIGNED AND BUILT) and this fourth one will be a frigate (a modified Istanbul class frigate they say).

Now these are two different opinions, you can agree with either one of these of even disagree with both but that is about all that we know so far.

Another interesting and VERY IMPORTANT question will be, what ASW Helicopters is PN planning to used with these. Are we going to see more Z-9, will there be some interest in NH-60? Used Sea Kings or other similar platforms? Any considerations for Army and Air Force using AW-139 so something based on that? OR will we be stuck with the old existing fleet for time being.

@Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Bilal Khan 777 @aziqbal @fatman17 @Dazzler
NOTE: Another interesting and VERY IMPORTANT question will be, what ASW Helicopters is PN planning to used with these. Are we going to see more Z-9, will there be some interest in NH-60? Used Sea Kings or other similar platforms? Any considerations for Army and Air Force using AW-139 so something based on that? OR will we be stuck with the old existing fleet for time being.

@Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Bilal Khan 777 @aziqbal @fatman17 @Dazzler

I have asked this question so many times I have lost count

and PN is very ignorant like the Chinese with regards to naval rotary wing

a helicopter on a warship is submarines captains worst nightmare just short of a another submarine

US destroyers all have double hangers and the helicopter to warship ratio is the highest in the world

China has warships and very little naval helicopters in fact they don’t even have a naval helicopter brigade

what are our options? No Chinese since they either have Z18 or Z9C we need something in between, Z20 is not ready and China have 2 x LHD to fill

US also I am totally against

Only choice is European, which medium sized European helicopter has the best range and endurance?

also we should get a rotary UAV which can also be installed in the side hanger on the Type 054A, for when the main helicopter lands and we need around the clock coverage some Italian opitions are available

all these new ships coming to PN worth billions and a small investment in 12 or so helicopters will ensure huge leap in ASW capability and the survival of the warships

helicopters helicopters helicopters warships should be packed with them they are excellent ASW platforms
Nice start but Pakistan needs much bigger Navy. Eventually my opinion is that order of Type 54 A and MILGEM/Jinnah class will be doubled.
Size is as good as it can get....
PN only need agressive submarine force with descent surface fleet. A squadron or two of dedicated Navy multirole fighters to give aerial coverage and carryout attack sorties will be a cherry on top.

The construction activities of the first MILGEM to be delivered to the Pakistan Navy continues
And the questions lingers on,, what exactly will be PAKISTAN'S Milgem Class boat!
Is it Ada Class Corvette OR the Istanbul Class Frigate?
As per the information available so far, it seems like Pakistan's Jinnah Class corvette will be something in between Turkish Milgem project Ada class corvettes and the Istanbul class frigates. The displacement closer to Ada class BUT with more weaponry!!
The authorities have unsurprisingly but frustratingly (for us people) been very tight lipped on this. Little will be reveleid and once the ship is delivered we will get to know better (even at that time more by looking at the images than official statements)

Another totally different information circulating around is that while the first two OR may be even three will be closer to Ada Class Corvettes (if not entirely similar) the fourth ship will be designed and built entirely in Pakistan (third one will be built in Pak too but this fourth one will be DESIGNED AND BUILT) and this fourth one will be a frigate (a modified Istanbul class frigate they say).

Now these are two different opinions, you can agree with either one of these of even disagree with both but that is about all that we know so far.

Another interesting and VERY IMPORTANT question will be, what ASW Helicopters is PN planning to used with these. Are we going to see more Z-9, will there be some interest in NH-60? Used Sea Kings or other similar platforms? Any considerations for Army and Air Force using AW-139 so something based on that? OR will we be stuck with the old existing fleet for time being.

@Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Bilal Khan 777 @aziqbal @fatman17 @Dazzler
Bro it's no mystery, the PN said (when it signed the contract) that the 4th ship will be a jointly designed "frigate."

The 1st and 2nd ship will be built at Istanbul Naval Shipyard while two ships will be constructed at Karachi shipyard & Engineering Works (KS&EW). A note worthy feature of the contract is that the 4th warship will be designed jointly by Pakistan's Maritime Technologies Complex (MTC) and will be the first indigenously designed & constructed Frigate.

KSEW will build both #3 and #4, yet there's still explicit emphasis on #4 being different than #1-3. So, #4 will be different in some capacity, and it's called a "frigate." It also seems that they'll configure VLS to all ships, since #1 clearly shows us a VLS. @cabatli_53 and I theorized #4 could be the I-Class frigate.

Finally, DG ISPR isn't as strung-up as we are about the tiny details. The man was probably told by the MILGEM department, "04 corvettes," so he ran with it, he isn't going to delve into the details, look at past reports, etc. It's not relevant to his function at this point in time.

Notice 'Corvettes' and 'Most Technological Advance'
Aren't they Jinnah Class FRIGATES and Technologically Inferior to Type 054A/P?
@Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Arsalan
The 'most technological advance' part is correct, it's the PN's first ship to get a genuine EA/ECM capability with directional jamming, on top of the integrated AShW, ASW, AAW capability plus data-link, etc.

The 'corvette' part doesn't mean much in the end, except that it's below the displacement range the PN considers to be a frigate (my guess: 1,000 to 2,500 tons is corvette, and 2,500+ tons is frigate).
i have question, why pakistan needed another 40 sailor for their corvettes? there is not significant weapon or system change on their models.
no that was steel cutting
why so much drama ? just build fully and call me once i will open it .:lol:

i have question, why pakistan needed another 40 sailor for their corvettes? there is not significant weapon or system change on their models.
we have our own requirements that is why .
10 extra cook (as we eat more)
10 extra cleaners (as we mess more)
10 extra rope pullers (as we are a bit lazy)
10 extra medical staff (as we sick early )

only reasonable thing is educating more sailors , if you you have plan to expand your navy it is good otherwise risking more 40 souls is not good
only reasonable thing is educating more sailors , if you you have plan to expand your navy it is good otherwise risking more 40 souls is not good
there is no war we have waited last 50 years but nothing . so i will request you guys take 5mn$ and give us CZN burak with frigates so we can have better food on frigates .:enjoy: if you don't want to sale him then lease us with frigates until frigates are in service he will serve us on them . sure we will not transfer him on any other ship then Turkish made ships for not leaking your food technology .:P

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