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Congressi Propaganda: Hindu Majority provinces and Muslim Majority provinces can't live together

So, you will prove that the Khilafat movement was the reason why India got partitioned?

This movement was breeding ground,not just for the partition but the kind of intolerance and anti liberal approach of Islam in the subcontinent. So,yes.It was one of the reasons.
I ALWAYS like to read Nair Saabji's posts :lol:

So, you will prove that the Khilafat movement was the reason why India got partitioned?
lolzz you can laugh at him but very well know what he is saying has been prooved correct many times but its this so called "opolgetick & secular thinking hindus" like you who have been owr greatest weakness .....we dont want to merge pakistan or bangladesh but that does not means they can attck us and get away with it times have changed and so have hindus and there owtlook of what we were 100 years back ..Ma Bharti ji ki jai ...Har Hr Mahadev
Gandi was a Rascal... He deserved a Bullet long before... Veer Naturam Godseji is a Martyr in real sense ...

The impotence of those screaming against Gandhi is driven by the fact that their own chosen leaders had no mass support. Their grouse against Gandhi was that he didn't agree with them & the "stupid people" of India chose to follow him instead of them. Hence the attempted glorification of the act of a scumbag who never amounted to much himself & only gets a mention because he took a life of a man infinitely greater than him. Every bit of whining about Gandhi & his actions betrays a contempt for both the people of India and their choice of leader as well as the absolute impotence of those screaming that their chosen ones were greater leaders. No one stopped any other leader from challenging Gandhi for the affection of his countrymen & women, the fact that they couldn't mount a challenge rankles them deeply. They could have attempted & won independence for India with their supporters & bravery and in their own path, their failure is too often laid down at Gandhi's opposition to their path. Why would Gandhi's support or opposition have mattered if not for the fact that even they have to acknowledge that great man's hold on his people's hearts? Everyone who argues that Gandhi should have supported "X" instead of "Y" underlines the greatness of the man, his support actually counted unlike that of the 'leaders ' they admire who were but a footnote(at most) in history never managing much themselves. Their greatest claim to fame is the killing of that great man.......
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If we analyse the events,characters,their stand points and change of stance later, we can easily dig out the connection. Sir Sayed,the inspiration of the flag holders of Muslim League had said in TNT that Hindus and Muslims are two eyes of this country. During Khilafat, these two eyes started drifting apart and gave birth to a deformed face of divided India.There are several other factors,critical years like 1916,1928,1933,1939 and 1946 which need to be thoroughly studied. Then you will clearly understand the connection you are asking for.

Secondly,Nehru's idea of secularism was bound to face difficult challenges. What ever happened in Bombay with Khurshed Nariman and in Bihar with Dr.Sayed Mahmud during 1935 was a prelude to what was coming in the following years.But ideas flourish only after facing gruesome challenges and fortunately a large part of the Indian and Pakistani society still hopes to reverberate the ideologies dreamed by the respective founding fathers,no matter the appalling degree of criticism they face even after seventy years.

Your theory is pure fantasy. The precursor to the TNT was the Partition of Bengal in 1905 by Lord Curzon. This was due to the expressed interest of the Muslim Majority east Bengal (current day Bangladesh)

Muslim majority East Bengal supported this move while Congress and west Bengal protested this move. It was this move by the british that kick started the demand for Swaraj.

Before 1905 all of Bengal spoke in one voice against the British, but after the 1905 partition on religious lines the muslims started demanding separate electorate. All India Muslim League was then started in 1906 to take advantage of this British action. In 1909 they won elections in divided Bengal.

However the congress protests resulted in reunification of Bengal in 1911 only to be redivided on Linguist lines.

As to Khurshed Nariman, even Ghandi constituted a probe against this allegation and found no proof and Dr. Sayed Mahmud is on record writing a letter to the Vicroy apologizing for his participation in the Quit India movement. Hardly leadership material, wont you say ?
Your theory is pure fantasy. The precursor to the TNT was the Partition of Bengal in 1905 by Lord Curzon. This was due to the expressed interest of the Muslim Majority east Bengal (current day Bangladesh)

Muslim majority East Bengal supported this move while Congress and west Bengal protested this move. It was this move by the british that kick started the demand for Swaraj.

The Muslim demand to be treated as a seperate nation is much older than that. The pre-eminent Sunni theologian Shah Waliullah clearly articulated that in the 18th century itself. The 2NT is a direct derivative of that line of thinking.
The Muslim demand to be treated as a seperate nation is much older than that. The pre-eminent Sunni theologian Shah Waliullah clearly articulated that in the 18th century itself. The 2NT is a direct derivative of that line of thinking.

Well yes. I wanted to point out the absurdity of blaming congress for the sins of Muslim League.
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We yes. I wanted to point out the absurdity of blaming congress for the sins of Muslim League.

Fashionable to blame the Congress, I guess. Sure, they as participants in that historical period deserve some of the blame but to argue that they were ones completely at fault here is to be more than a bit cussed. The Khilafat movement was stupid & pointless(from the Congress's & the country's point of view) but to blame that as the reason for Jinnah esposing a communal agenda is to be more than a bit disingenious. Jinnah & the ML were not interested in democracy, they wanted more than they could get - a share disproprtionate to the numbers. The rest simply follows from that.
The impotence of those screaming against Gandhi is driven by the fact that their own chosen leaders had no mass support. Their grouse against Gandhi was that he didn't agree with them & the "stupid people" of India chose to follow him instead of them. Hence the attempted glorification of the act of a scumbag who never amounted to much himself & only gets a mention because he took a life of a man infinitely greater than him. Every bit of whining about Gandhi & his actions betrays a contempt for both the people of India and their choice of leader as well as the absolute impotence of those screaming that their chosen ones were greater leaders. No one stopped any other leader from challenging Gandhi for the affection of his countrymen & women, the fact that they couldn't mount a challenge rankles them deeply. They could have attempted & won independence for India with their supporters & bravery and in their own path, their failure is too often laid down at Gandhi's opposition to their path. Why would Gandhi's support or opposition have mattered if not for the fact that even they have to acknowledge that great man's hold on his people's hearts? Everyone who argues that Gandhi should have supported "X" instead of "Y" underlines the greatness of the man, his support actually counted unlike that of the 'leaders ' they admire who were but a footnote in history never managing much themselves. Their greatest claim to fame is the killing of that great man.......
The Fact that 80% of Indians where illiterate then... so he got Great support ... which continues till date ... Even today the Illiterate Indians support the Kangress ...

while the more Educated rally for BJP...

and offcorse the leftist zombies who are the educated illiterates go for Kangress as well ...

many here dont know that Gandi almost lost the Support of the people after the partition ... as by then he was known as Mohammed Gandi among the Hindus...
The impotence of those screaming against Gandhi is driven by the fact that their own chosen leaders had no mass support. Their grouse against Gandhi was that he didn't agree with them & the "stupid people" of India chose to follow him instead of them. Hence the attempted glorification of the act of a scumbag who never amounted to much himself & only gets a mention because he took a life of a man infinitely greater than him. Every bit of whining about Gandhi & his actions betrays a contempt for both the people of India and their choice of leader as well as the absolute impotence of those screaming that their chosen ones were greater leaders. No one stopped any other leader from challenging Gandhi for the affection of his countrymen & women, the fact that they couldn't mount a challenge rankles them deeply. They could have attempted & won independence for India with their supporters & bravery and in their own path, their failure is too often laid down at Gandhi's opposition to their path. Why would Gandhi's support or opposition have mattered if not for the fact that even they have to acknowledge that great man's hold on his people's hearts? Everyone who argues that Gandhi should have supported "X" instead of "Y" underlines the greatness of the man, his support actually counted unlike that of the 'leaders ' they admire who were but a footnote(at most) in history never managing much themselves. Their greatest claim to fame is the killing of that great man.......

It's supposed to be 'cool' attack him and point out 'new truths' about him that no one really knew etc.

The Fact that 80% of Indians where illiterate then... so he got Great support ... which continues till date ... Even today the Illiterate Indians support the Kangress ...

while the more Educated rally for BJP...

and offcorse the leftist zombies who are the educated illiterates go for Kangress as well ...

many here dont know that Gandi almost lost the Support of the people after the partition ... as by then he was known as Mohammed Gandi among the Hindus...

Kya Baat hai Nai Saabji- Mallu land has been 100% literate till date and congress only along with left keeps winning. Fact is more the literacy, lesser for the right wing, that's how it has been till now.

This movement was breeding ground,not just for the partition but the kind of intolerance and anti liberal approach of Islam in the subcontinent. So,yes.It was one of the reasons.

Sure bud, whatever you say man :drag:
The Fact that 80% of Indians where illiterate then... so he got Great support ... which continues till date ... Even today the Illiterate Indians support the Kangress ...

Aaah...that's a valid reason I suppose. I suppose Nathuran Godse was more educated than Gandhi perhaps.....or the leaders of the Congress......

many here dont know that Gandi almost lost the Support of the people after the partition ... as by then he was known as Mohammed Gandi among the Hindus...

Yup.....that's why there was so much grief at his death. Maybe you should also remember that most of the post-partition violence ended shortly therafter in a sort of collective shame & sorrow at his death.

History is not what you want it to be, no matter how much you want it to be.
Aaah...that's a valid reason I suppose. I suppose Nathuran Godse was more educated than Gandhi perhaps.....or the leaders of the Congress......

Yup.....that's why there was so much grief at his death. Maybe you should also remember that most of the post-partition violence ended shortly therafter in a sort of collective shame & sorrow at his death.

History is not what you want it to be, no matter how much you want it to be.
look U leftist can give hundreds of Excuses ... But your bed sharing with Congressi is no more a Secret ...

Pathetic Creature like Gandi should have killed long before ...

Even veerappan had his share of sympathizers , Followers ... Osama Bin laden has had the Largest Mourner's then anyone had in the history same goes for Che Guevara, Stalin and Mao...

They have their share of Dump followers even today ... gandi and his followers like u are no different from them...

For me Nathuram Godse is a martyr ... But am not against the decision of being hanged according to Indian law...I accept the punishment handed out to him at the same time i see his act Justified of Gandi's murder...
look U leftist can give hundreds of Excuses ... But your bed sharing with Congressi is no more a Secret ...

Pathetic Creature like Gandi should have killed long before ...

Even veerappan had his share of sympathizers , Followers ... Osama Bin laden has had the Largest Mourner's then anyone had in the history same goes for Che Guevara, Stalin and Mao...

They have their share of Dump followers even today ... gandi and his followers like u are no different from them...

For me Nathuram Godse is a martyr ... But am not against the decision of being hanged according to Indian law...I accept the punishment handed out to him at the same time i see his act Justified of Gandi's murder...

At no point of Indian hostory did the Hindu right come close to delivering India independence. They were just pattering like schoolboys on the roadside when the real work of leadership was managed by the Congress.
At no point of Indian hostory did the Hindu right come close to delivering India independence. They were just pattering like schoolboys on the roadside when the real work of leadership was managed by the Congress.
Tujh se kon baat kar raha haii nonsense.... ur not worth a debate ...

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