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Congratulations Pakistaniyo....Modi and alliance winning again....

The last one's celebrating an election result in India will be Pakistanis. What are you guys celebrating anyway?

You think a right wing leader coming to power will somehow damage the image of India? Think again folks. Irrespective of who is in power, Pakistan policy is more or less the same. Like an on and off switch. You keep being in trouble one way or other. We continue our development.
Only reason I voted for Modi is because the only chance of a war will be under his rule.
Congress is far more scared of war.
The first term of Modi coincided with the military victory over India’s proxy terrorist scums with arms and the Indian forces itself!!! InshaAllah his second term will coincide with Pak’s victory over internal traitors in politics, media, business, finance etc.....

LOL Abhinondon faisco wasn't enough humiliation for Modi. He wants more. He will get more. Time for election rally speeches is up.

The last one's celebrating an election result in India will be Pakistanis. What are you guys celebrating anyway?

You think a right wing leader coming to power will somehow damage the image of India? Think again folks. Irrespective of who is in power, Pakistan policy is more or less the same. Like an on and off switch. You keep being in trouble one way or other. We continue our development.

LOL We are celebrating your humiliation and demise. You should never forget the 27th.

As if you got anything to be happy about. You got another term of chief divider. India is going to suffer slowly and painfully under Modi just like his last term.

Why wouldn't we be happy? LOL we have already seen what Modi can do. He is not the man you proclaim him to be. Far from it. The world knows the true rapist face of India due to Modi sarkaar. Modi winning the elections is a clear win for Pakistan. India is set to continue on path of self destruction.
I think Modi will continue with his policies for the next few years than probably towards the end of his term he shall become a messiah of peace
LOL We are celebrating your humiliation and demise. You should never forget the 27th.

As if you got anything to be happy about. You got another term of chief divider.
Demise? We're not the one's sitting on an ever decreasing reserves, worthless Rupee and begging bowl infront of IMF. Our reserves are rising, it was $420 Billion the last time I check even during election. I don't know what lala land you're in to believe you have some sort of upper hand anywhere.

He did a fair job in the last 5 years. Brought country out of financial trouble, steady growth rate, increasing trade growth and increased investment. Divider in chief or not, if he wins another term, he will consolidate and increase the influence in the South Asia and beyond.
You have failed in that regard. IMF wasn’t supposed to give Pakistan any loans. Friendly countries were supposed to bypass us. Blah blah blah.

Just get ready for India to be rebranded as a failed and hateful nation under Modi. Remember that Modi is a chief divider LOL
So.. you are happy that IMF is giving you loan by their own Terms?. Such an idiot you are.
Why even you needed IMF at first place??
You didn't realise yet?
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More beef lynchings, more rape, more war, more Hindu fanaticism, more hate against Muslims, Dalits, Christians and minorities, more suffering for women etc. I see India progressing under Modi.

If Modi brings war to Pakistan we are going to decapitate him this time around. No doubt. Abhinandan was just a glimpse of what we can and will do.
The more of the Hindutuva/RSS/BJP the better for Pak!!! By the by, the Indian leaders from Gujrat usually are good for Pak - Gandhi, Patel, Desai etc....
Pakistanis are scared, let them be scared. It is a known fact that everything went down hill after feb 26th for Pakistan. When the street corner milk man demands dollars instead of pkr, is when the reality sinks in.


Are u living at Mars? Who are refusing Pakistani currency?

We want Modi back since he an idiot and gave us good laugh and chance to humiliate you.
Modi will indeed start a war and sit by as India descends into chaos. Pakistan will simply retaliate with full force against whatever Modi attempts. Bhakts will be begging for it to stop. What did they think? Pak has no jets?? No missiles?? No means of retaliation??

I am fully looking forward to humiliating Modi.


Are u living at Mars? Who are refusing Pakistani currency?

We want Modi back since he an idiot and gave us good laugh and chance to humiliate you.

This is called patting yourself on the back. Indians ars good at it. Just pretend that everything is fine even when the house is set on fire and burning right in front of you.

Just watch how frustration under Modi is going to mount. We have already seen how Modi can screw up the Indian economy with his stubborn currency decision LOL

Modi has nothing to bring to the table. He is the same old senile man he was just a couple of months ago when we kicked his teeth infront of the world.
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