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Congratulations Pakistaniyo....Modi and alliance winning again....

That's rich coming from the most coward scumbags known to mankind. One Pakistani is equal to 10 gangadeshis in courage, intelligence, and love for the country. The ONLY thing that separates us from you is that we don't fear death, and you shit bricks. For pukhtuns you can multiply that by 10. And i am a pukhtun. Congrates anyways to all on modi's victory. I think there should be one decisive war to end all wars. I think everyone is anticipating it and i think everyone is ready for it. May the eyes of cowards never sleep.
This is the reason why I don’t reply to newbies, they can’t control their emotions or tongue.

Enjoy your anger and frustration on Modi’s re-election.
This is the reason why I don’t reply to newbies, they can’t control their emotions or tongue.

Enjoy your anger and frustration on Modi’s re-election.
For the record i have been visiting this forum since 2007, only made an account recently after 27feb. Frustration? Are you high on meth or something? If the Pakistani deep state wanted modi to lose they'd have further embarrassed your good for nothing af by disclosing all that happened on the 27feb. A person with a functioning brain would know what is in Pak's best interest and modi's win IS in Pak's best interest. Whether you admit it or not, nobody gives a shit about it. Contrary to what the pacifist thinktanks think, war with india is right up our alley cuz admittedly that is the ONLY thing we're good at thanks to the war on terror. Your raw has given us enough target practice. I know what war looks like cuz i have grown up in one and THAT is the reason for my cockiness/confidence (dont give a shit what you call it). What i also know is the indian male is genetically weak, indecisive and coward to the core. Main reason being the fear of death and destruction. When you don't fear death, it liberates you. It really does. As for you, you should be the one worried about the future more than us. Cuz you can't imagine what war looks like. Its unknown territory for you. And dont bullshit me on 65/71 cuz that generation is either dead or too old to care. When it comes to current times, our generation has the edge and more importantly the experience.
P.S you cared enough to reply fool, this is pdf not some pg13 disney channel.
For the record i have been visiting this forum since 2007, only made an account recently after 27feb. Frustration? Are you high on meth or something? If the Pakistani deep state wanted modi to lose they'd have further embarrassed your good for nothing af by disclosing all that happened on the 27feb. A person with a functioning brain would know what is in Pak's best interest and modi's win IS in Pak's best interest. Whether you admit it or not, nobody gives a shit about it. Contrary to what the pacifist thinktanks think, war with india is right up our alley cuz admittedly that is the ONLY thing we're good at thanks to the war on terror. Your raw has given us enough target practice. I know what war looks like cuz i have grown up in one and THAT is the reason for my cockiness/confidence (dont give a shit what you call it). What i also know is the indian male is genetically weak, indecisive and coward to the core. Main reason being the fear of death and destruction. When you don't fear death, it liberates you. It really does. As for you, you should be the one worried about the future more than us. Cuz you can't imagine what war looks like. Its unknown territory for you. And dont bullshit me on 65/71 cuz that generation is either dead or too old to care. When it comes to current times, our generation has the edge and more importantly the experience.
P.S you cared enough to reply fool, this is pdf not some pg13 disney channel.
Cool down man...modi is here to stay for another 15 years and then you will have another 30 years of yogi
Cool down man...modi is here to stay for another 15 years and then you will have another 30 years of yogi
You know, i like the way you guys coat your cowardice with a spray paint of arrogance. Deception, is an art form which we can and should learn.
And dont bullshit me on 65/71 cuz that generation is either dead or too old to care.
Maybe someday, future Pakistanis will also be speaking the same about you.
Your entire post is just a rant, and nothing more.
May the eyes of the surrenderers never sleep.
Maybe someday, future Pakistanis will also be speaking the same about you.
Your entire post is just a rant, and nothing more.
May the eyes of the surrenderers never sleep.
Rant or not, i want war when im still young. I am at my peak physically and i am not married yet. My testosterone is over the roof and i have enough blood running through my veins to flood your motherland. Whatever the future generations will say about me, doesn't bother me one bit. When im dead, im dead who cares? Honestly speaking modi the coward-in-chief is our best bet, i dont want war when im 50 or something and not able to hold my breath. We need to get this adversity get over with, its getting boring now. Let me make a prayer, let war break out, let the cowards lose whichever country they represent. Fair enough?
The first term of Modi coincided with the military victory over India’s proxy terrorist scums with arms and the Indian forces itself!!! InshaAllah his second term will coincide with Pak’s victory over internal traitors in politics, media, business, finance etc.....
tera bhi number ayega turkey , jaldi :-) . till then keep yourself busy cheer leading .

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